Since we're getting Nature Affinity...
Don't forget the lil grass skirts and hula bead necklace thingies. Oh, how about the old half pineapple bra too?
But really..this wouldnt be a bad costume pack. Not that I buy costume packs..
Oh oh..while I think of it..water blast..we NEED a super soaker type rifle model, pronto!
*hangs head* Sorry. Sometimes my hula girl daydreams get a lil out of control.
Think you might find they used half coconuts for the bra as pineapple would be a bit messy all that juice *slurp*
Prof Radburn controller,Celtic Ice Maiden,blaster,Miss Knockout scrapper,Mistress Davina controller,Stone Hart,tank Split Personality PB.Queen Lostris controller,Fridgid Mary blaster,Shocking Fire blaster Future Elfling defender, Little Weed controller,Capo Angelo MM, Commander Buzzsaw MM, Justice Tank tank all 50,s
That's it! I had a mental blank and could only think of pineapples.
... Can I have my 'Flower In Hair' Head Detail?
Maybe some flower bracelets? Armlets? Choker? Belt? Anklets? My inner tree-hugger demands it! The current "Plant" options scream "RRRAGH MUTANT!" more than "Nature loving~!" ... Also I like flowers. And am jealous of that ugly Plant hairstyle that has a flower >_>! This could totally be a costume pack! Head Detail 1: Flower Accessory Head Detail 2: Flower Choker Shoulder Detail 1: Flower Armlets Hand Detail 1: Flower Bracelets Waist Detail 1: Flower Belt Feet Detail 1: Flower Anklets Robe/Jacket/Shirt Detail 1: Flora Top Skirt Detail 1: Flora Skirt Weapon Detail 1: Rose Rapiers, because classy. And since I'm sure some people would prefer more thorny-barbed accessories, so that could be an alternative! ... Sue me I'm silly and like flowers. |

And boutonnieres for us menfolk:

Large bloom flower bra/tops, caveman and comicbook jungle hero animal skin outfits, capes and cloaks, breech clothes and American Indian or other tribal costume pieces. . . Please!
I'm all behind this, so long as I can use it on male and huge models. Maybe not the skirt.
Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
... Can I have my 'Flower In Hair' Head Detail?
Maybe some flower bracelets? Armlets? Choker? Belt? Anklets?
My inner tree-hugger demands it! The current "Plant" options scream "RRRAGH MUTANT!" more than "Nature loving~!"
... Also I like flowers. And am jealous of that ugly Plant hairstyle that has a flower >_>!
This could totally be a costume pack!
Head Detail 1: Flower Accessory
Head Detail 2: Flower Choker
Shoulder Detail 1: Flower Armlets
Hand Detail 1: Flower Bracelets
Waist Detail 1: Flower Belt
Feet Detail 1: Flower Anklets
Robe/Jacket/Shirt Detail 1: Flora Top
Skirt Detail 1: Flora Skirt
Weapon Detail 1: Rose Rapiers, because classy.
And since I'm sure some people would prefer more thorny-barbed accessories, so that could be an alternative!
... Sue me I'm silly and like flowers.