Belts w/ Emblems: Use Retro Sci Belt!




The Retro Sci Fi set is beautiful, especially the belt. It's simple, sleek, has prominent emblems that can be recolored and comes with an option for them to glow.

I'd love to see this expanded upon. Belts with emblems are a mainstay of superhero costumes, (Superman most notably).

Pretty much any of the simpler chest emblems we currently have would work. I'd personally love to see a Sun option as its my main's logo.

So my idea, use the exact same belt model as Retro Sci Fi and give us some more options! Put it in a new pack called "Belt Emblems" and sell it, I'd pay as long as it had enough options.



Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
Excellent idea. /signed.

You could also repurpose the models the models for the Cape Brooches.
Excellent idea!



That would be a fantastic addition. I'd love to see it implemented.

"You doubt the glory of my CAPE SLEEVES?!" - Doba Ajiba



Certainly seems like it might be possible without taking up another 'node' on the model, if it works the same way brooches for capes do. Would require adjustment to the creator of course, but there's already some precedent for having two selections under belts since there are a few differing options for the 'Standard' belt.

Not sure I'd actually use this, but I wouldn't object either.



I want this!