More Character SLots Please!
i am there with you have all filled but 2 on my server i play and do not want to go to another server like just the one
Some of my suggestions from posts i have done
Here is all My toons
48 to a server isn't enough?
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
another page should be a veteran reward. As people asking for one are most of teh time long term vets.
- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!

Free players get 2 character slots total and that's it. You can use them on any server. But, through purchases we premiums can have a total of 36 slots per server because the other 12 are reserved for VIP membership.
Currently I have 30 slots all on 1 server which includes the 2 free slots. I have 27 characters created. I plan to buy the last 6 slots eventually and I do think it would be nice to add more than that on a single server. I don't want to have to run out of slots eventually and have to add characters for new power sets on a different server. I like the server I am on and I will probably lose track of my toons and forget I have some on another server.
Edited for typos.
Edit 2: And please don't tell me "You should go VIP to get those extra 12 slots". I have no interest in being VIP, but I do gladly support the game by buying lots of paragon points. I've been playing since the game went free-to-play and as of today after buying points, I have currently 105 reward tokens earned. (Would be cool to get an account wide badge for having 100 reward tokens

That is 12 free slots per server for VIP with the possibility of 48 slots total per server.
Free players get 2 character slots total and that's it. You can use them on any server. But, through purchases we premiums can have a total of 36 slots per server because the other 12 are reserved for VIP membership. Currently I have 30 slots all on 1 server which includes the 2 free slots. I have 27 characters created. I plan to buy the last 6 slots eventually and I do think it would be nice to add more than that on a single server. I don't want to have to run out of slots eventually and have to add characters for new power sets on a different server. I like the server I am on and I will probably lose track of my toons and forget I have some on another server. Edited for typos. Edit 2: And please don't tell me "You should go VIP to get those extra 12 slots". I have no interest in being VIP, but I do gladly support the game by buying lots of paragon points. I've been playing since the game went free-to-play and as of today after buying points, I have currently 105 reward tokens earned. (Would be cool to get an account wide badge for having 100 reward tokens ![]() |
my goodness. you just paid your way right up that reward tree didnt you. bravo.
my goodness. you just paid your way right up that reward tree didnt you. bravo.
And the money is going into further development of the game (always a plus).
Moreover, none of it really affects you (save that it makes teaming with him slightly more pleasant, as a bunch of the stuff that unlocks is directly beneficial to teammates).
Technically you're doing the same thing (albeit at a slower pace). So don't be TOO judgemental.
And the money is going into further development of the game (always a plus). Moreover, none of it really affects you (save that it makes teaming with him slightly more pleasant, as a bunch of the stuff that unlocks is directly beneficial to teammates). |
I think you took what I said as being this.

But really it was this.

I'm impressed.
Wouldnt mind having 105 tokens myself. Bills wont allow it tho. In time I suppose.
Maybe I should have included a GG face in the last post.

Devs might say "We're busy on other things... try these:"
Solution 1: Move lesser used characters to another server, having used the character creator to clear the name's availability first. This will free up slots for more used characters. But this costs in some way, so I can understand not wanting to do that. Also, I can see you acutally using all these characters... two or three per day... o.0
Solution 2: Make another account. You can have virtually unlimited characters on a single server this way, 2 at a time if you just go free. The way you're payin' for it anyway with all the ala carte stuff, heck, have 100 accounts. As long as it brings in the moolah, they won't complain at all. The naming scheme for the accounts might be fun though...
I highly doubt that the devs are interested in making more pages for anyone anytime soon, until and unless some lucky person manages to use *every slot* on all the servers... and uses them... and even then? Solution 2 is there, and makes more sense to them (and me, honestly) than making another page. Plus, hey, multibox! (Secretly something I wanna do with my current characters on the one account, but alas... )
If I recall, they don't delete characters. An account can be deactivated to free and be reactivated, all characters still there. You could do that if you wanted.
Not sayin' I don't like the idea, mind. I'd *love* to move all my characters to Pinnacle... and maybe could, actually, I don't think I have more than a full set of slots of decent ones I'd bother with... But they are on to other things, and this isn't high priority, is my thoughts.
What would be niftier is maybe sacrificing the current 12 slots on the other servers to wake up the ones on the server of your preference. I don't play on other servers much. So... I can use those slots on Pinnacle, say. Since I'm payin for stuff I don't use, why not move it to where I can? Even to just open the slots on Pinnacle, not add.
Doubt that'll happen either.
/re: same account multibox: I wanna play the hero Dawn sister against the evil Dawn sister and see which one wins. Or at least, get a screenie with them trying to Mind Control each other into submission. Always wanted a screenie.
August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012
I have 45 slots filled on Virtue alone.
All of those characters get played pretty regularly -- a lot more regularly than I get server transfers, anyway. And often they're played with friends on Virtue, not some other server.
Most of them also use powersets, costume items or other features that I kinda had to earn or purchase on my current account and wouldn't have access to on a second. I'm perfectly happy to pay for more server slots, as long as those slots retain access to my Elemental Order costume and my Beam Rifle powerset and my remote /ah command and my DVD-edition-exclusive Cape of the Four Winds and my no-longer-available Celestial pieces and my you-have-to-be-an-incarnate-and-therefore-a-VIP-to-earn-these path auras. I'm less enthusiastic about paying for all that stuff a second time in order to catch certain character slots up to others.
FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.
I think you took what I said as being this.
![]() But really it was this. ![]() I'm impressed. Wouldnt mind having 105 tokens myself. Bills wont allow it tho. In time I suppose. Maybe I should have included a GG face in the last post. ![]() |
Shuttin' up!
I have tried moving some older and less used characters to another server.
But I do seem to run into the issue with their name already in use.
I'm down to 4 slots left on Champion and was just hoping something was in the works.
I really don't want to play on any other server, but I do have some good concept characters in mind for the new power sets coming out.
edit: I suppose making a new account is do-able but losing all my account perks seems sorta silly and that I wasted a lot of cash to get them.
I don't have the link, but I know we've covered this before and this was what I said before:
Allow us to reallocate server slots from unused servers over to our desired home servers. |
I don't want to play on another server, I have moved a few to Exaulted, but I really have no interest in playing there. I need another page of character slots! Well OK, I want it more than I need it, but as a QoL addition it is overdue.
I say, give them more slots. It's more money for NCSoft, and probably is not much work to implement. =)
I am not at that point yet, and probably won't spend that much money, but I am very much an altoholic.
Now, if I could take all those slots on servers I don't play on and move them to the server I *do* play on... well, that would at least be far more useful to me than my growing pile of server transfers.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
No, it ain't enough.
Now, if I could take all those slots on servers I don't play on and move them to the server I *do* play on... well, that would at least be far more useful to me than my growing pile of server transfers. |
Now how to get them to impliment it...

On the one hand, eventually running out of slots could be seen as encouragement to try other servers. Which is not a bad thing. (I say this as, again, altaholic with 300+ characters.)
On the other... MORE SLOTS!
Always amazes me when people have so many toons (not judging).
I have a whopping 8 toons; including my newest water/dark corr.
I just can't play that many toons as some people... I don't have the time LOL. Between getting to 50..incarnating..accolading etc.
Then again I have probably deleted close to 80-90 toons in the past 7+ years...most of whom were 50.
If I don't consider it a main toon...I delete it. Sure I can come up with 50 new concepts, but... I am a min/maxer and if I can't get my toon to perform as well as I want - delete.
Looking at my mids files I have approx 125 builds...some never seen the light of day...most were made into toons..and deleted.
So.. sure more slots.... doesn't affect me :P
Always amazes me when people have so many toons (not judging).
I have a whopping 8 toons; including my newest water/dark corr. I just can't play that many toons as some people... I don't have the time LOL. Between getting to 50..incarnating..accolading etc. Then again I have probably deleted close to 80-90 toons in the past 7+ years...most of whom were 50. If I don't consider it a main toon...I delete it. Sure I can come up with 50 new concepts, but... I am a min/maxer and if I can't get my toon to perform as well as I want - delete. Looking at my mids files I have approx 125 builds...some never seen the light of day...most were made into toons..and deleted. So.. sure more slots.... doesn't affect me :P |
Once I concieve a concept and make an alt it's very hard for me to delete it if I've leveled it up into the teens.
The idea of taking my characters and slots from the other servers and posting them to Champion has very strong appeal!
With all the new power sets out there and more on the way, I would really like to ask the devs to add some more character slots to each server.
If they can only add them 1 page at a time that would be fine.
Ideally, I would like to see a system implimented where at the time you unlock the last locked character slot on a page, a new page is automatically generated with 12 locked slots. This would also stop the devs from having to revisit single page expansions every few years.