Best repeatable Paragon Reward token idea:
I think this'd be plenty fair. Once you're up to your T9/VIP and have all the costume sets you want and have no need for further Superpacks for whatever reason, there's not really anything to buy. I think this would be a nice repeatable token to have.
<[V]>IRTUE Player
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The standard monthly VIP 400 points would be fair. I like this idea a lot!
I disagree. The problem I see is not with VIPs spending their PRT from their subscription on it but with them buying Paragon Points and spending the reward tokens form that on it.
Using the middle rate suggested (400 points) that means you could spend $15 dollars on Paragon Points and get a total of 1720 points in return (1320 from the cash + 400 from the token). That works out to about 0.87 cents per point which is a pretty hefty discount over the base price of 1.25 cents per point or even the current best deal of 1.04 cents per point (not to mention that spending $100 dollars on points and then tossing all 8 PRTs into points would give a price of 0.78 cnets per point).
The current t9 repeatables are in the 4-500 point range (roughly). If points were to be an option, it should presumably be less than that, unless the intent is render the other repeatables pointless. 200-300 for a token?
I'm not convinced it's a good idea in the first place, though.
Eh, I dunno. It doesn't seem terribly unreasonable.
The current repeatable purchases have an approximate "value" as follows:
5x Super Packs - 400Paragon Points (80each)
25x Enhancement Boosters - 750PP (30each, based on 30 for 900points)
8x Enhancement Unslotters - 720PP (90each, based on 5 for 450points)
8x XP Boosters - 720PP (90each, based on 5 for 450points)
8x Windfall - 720PP (90each, based on 5 for 450points)
5x Signature Summon - 250PP
That said, I certainly wouldn't expect to get a very high conversion rate.
250 (Lowest point value among current options)? Maybe.
400? Unlikely.
The ~750 points the Enhancement Boosters are valued at? Not a chance.

Paragon Points!
I don't doubt this has been suggested before...but why not? One token for 300-500 points to spend in the marketplace when there's nothing we want on the ol' pyramid. |
Yeah I think that's a good idea as some point there will be nothing left to buy with them tokens unless they add another tier.
-Female Player-
Yeah I think that's a good idea as some point there will be nothing left to buy with them tokens unless they add another tier.

I disagree. The problem I see is not with VIPs spending their PRT from their subscription on it but with them buying Paragon Points and spending the reward tokens form that on it.
Using the middle rate suggested (400 points) that means you could spend $15 dollars on Paragon Points and get a total of 1720 points in return (1320 from the cash + 400 from the token). That works out to about 0.87 cents per point which is a pretty hefty discount over the base price of 1.25 cents per point or even the current best deal of 1.04 cents per point (not to mention that spending $100 dollars on points and then tossing all 8 PRTs into points would give a price of 0.78 cnets per point). |

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint
I fail to see why this is a problem.... I'd say by the time you reach the repeatable purchases, you've earned a discount.
Don't let that stop you from asking tho.
If the devs did decide to do this it would be great, but I don't see it happening when they are already giving people a bonus for buying points in bulk.
Don't let that stop you from asking tho. |
I don't expect anything to ever come from it, but I certainly don't have any complaints about the suggestion.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093
I fail to see why this is a problem.... I'd say by the time you reach the repeatable purchases, you've earned a discount.

Now Paragon can only sell you each upgrade once but can continue to sell you consumables again and again. So offering "free" consumables in the Tier 9 slot effectively costs them nothing since people who spend money on consumables will probably just buy even more and people who don't won't care. However if they offered account upgrades there (which is what offering Paragon Points would essentially be) then it does cost them cash flow since it means that people who spend money on upgrades but not consumables now spend less money.
The Tier 9 VIP costumes are a semi-exception. They do technically cost Paragon money (since they could probably make more selling them in the store) but they provide an extra incentive to stay subscribed which probably makes them more money in the long run.
I don't expect to ever see this, but I love the idea.
FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.
Hmm I think colored titles are close but the repeatable token things still beat it. I kind of like being able to change the color of my title to match things.
-Female Player-
There's an EB ally (5 Charges) in the repeatables. For anyone who has ever complained "X is too hard", well, there you go, throw out an EB and get it done. (Or two if you get a Shivan, too.)
So.... claims of the repeatables being poor is pretty poor.
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There's an EB ally (5 Charges) in the repeatables. For anyone who has ever complained "X is too hard", well, there you go, throw out an EB and get it done. (Or two if you get a Shivan, too.)
So.... claims of the repeatables being poor is pretty poor. |
Me on the other hand I dont see so much usefulness and out of all the rewards for tokens I think it's bunk. That's my opinion just as it's your opinion that they are good. Neither one of those opinions make it a fact for their particular side.
Hell, I bet if I came across a group of starving homeless man and gave them a maggot ridden rib bone with three slivers of rotten meat hanging on it, one of them will swear it's the greatest thing in the world and will say everyone else is being too picky to be starving. While some will say that it's not worth the trouble even if they was starving as eating it may cause more problems. Then there will be some that are indifferent to either side.
-Female Player-
maybe for you. You seem to like them very much. That is good. you see purpose in them.
Me on the other hand I dont see so much usefulness and out of all the rewards for tokens I think it's bunk. That's my opinion just as it's your opinion that they are good. Neither one of those opinions make it a fact for their particular side. Hell, I bet if I came across a group of starving homeless man and gave them a maggot ridden rib bone with three slivers of rotten meat hanging on it, one of them will swear it's the greatest thing in the world and will say everyone else is being too picky to be starving. While some will say that it's not worth the trouble even if they was starving as eating it may cause more problems. Then there will be some that are indifferent to either side. |
But if that is your opinion, well, then, your opinion over what is a good reward will be taken into account accordingly and acted upon accordingly.
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An EB fighting at your side being a good thing is a matter of comparative math. Depending on your AT, it at least doubles your DPS and in some cases octuples your DPS. Comparing that to maggot-ridden meat is absurd. The better metaphor is that the starving homeless man refuses a steak because, in his opinion, chicken tastes better. But I guess all opinions are equal.
But if that is your opinion, well, then, your opinion over what is a good reward will be taken into account accordingly and acted upon accordingly. |
-Female Player-
Yep, an opinion is an opinion. Nothing more, nothing less. Expect nothing of my opinion but to be treated as any other opinion. Just like I may find some things super awesome that you find gimp. Does that make your opinion any less valuable? No, you just so happen not to think exctly like me what is awesome. Plus I think the world would really suck if everyone liked the same thing, and had same opinion about everything, acted the same, thought the same, and said the same thing. Not the type of world I want to be in. But some others might disagree and might disagree assuming that the widely accepted opinion is theirs.
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Be what you would seem to be -- or, if you'd like it put more simply -- Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise.
-Female Player-
-Female Player-
Paragon Points!
I don't doubt this has been suggested before...but why not? One token for 300-500 points to spend in the marketplace when there's nothing we want on the ol' pyramid.
Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint