Respec Interface Additions
Good ideas. I also would LOVE a mini-respec option..where you could keep say..90% of your build, slotted as is..and JUST move a few slots about. To tweak a build, without reslot it all from lvl 1.
You're supposed to buy unslotters now.
For #1, you can (mostly) address the problem by using Enhancement Unslotters to unslot them before you even respec 'til you have, like, ten or so that you know you can unslot in the respec process.
As for #2, YES. /signed. There needs to be some sort of chat window or something in the respec window. It's a fairly long and in-depth process and sometimes I like to ask my friends about the respec mid-process, so... either adding a chat function or making it a non-fullscreen window would be boss!
<[V]>IRTUE Player
Active 50s: Malevolency: (50+3 SS/WP Brute) / Sky-Scar (50+1 Robots/Dark MM) / Venomvein: (50+1 Crab) / Warlocked (50+1 BS/Shield Scrapper) / Some 50s Inactive
Unslotters only let you remove an enhancement..the actual SLOT is still in your build..a slot-respec would allow you to move a slot..without starting from 1.
Change 1)
I just did a respec for one of my scrappers yesterday. There were enough changes that I ended up losing a significant number of IOs, and to be frank, the "value" creditied for these items is well below market value. I also dont think i should have to burn several respecs to keep these IOs. My proposal is to add an email icon at the bottom where you can drop IOs. An email would be automatically created - sent to your global id with the IO as an attachment. Change 2) I cant tell you how many times I'm in the middle of a respec, and someone sends me a tell. You have 2 options, ignore it or cancel out of the respec to respond - then start all over. It would be nice to have a very small, unobtrusive chat section somewhere on the screen - maybe limit it to just responding to tells. |
2. Buy enhancement unslotters and the two extra enhancement storage trays to remove the extra enhancements that won't fit into the 30 slots in your enhancements trays once you start the respec, and put them into base storage, emails, whatever to clear your trays.
3. Use /hide so you won't be bothered by annoying tells.
4. Do the respec in 1 shot.
Oh and the respec pays you what the enhancements are actually worth, not what you can sucker out of impatient players on the market who suffers from "gotta have it now!" impulse issues.
Enhancement Unslotters
Extra Enhancement Trays (can currently purchase trays 2 and 3, trays 4 and 5 are on Beta)
Those were added as part of a response to the issues raised in your Change 1 listing. There were other reasons for adding them besides Respecs, but Respecs were part of the reason.
As for chat ...
You want UI work and programming time for this.
There is a long line ahead of you already, join the queue and wait. Keep your fingers crossed that something deemed more important doesn't get fast tracked into the queue ahead of everything else.
EDIT: Forbin posted while I was typing this on my iPad.
If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.
Black Pebble is my new hero.
Enhancement Unslotters
Extra Enhancement Trays (can currently purchase trays 2 and 3, trays 4 and 5 are on Beta) Those were added as part of a response to the issues raised in your Change 1 listing. There were other reasons for adding them besides Respecs, but Respecs were part of the reason. |

Yeah, ive seen the extra enhancement slots available for sale - for 1600 points. Way too rich for my blood - 400 pts would be more reasonable.
I wasnt aware the unslotters could be sold on WWs, I'll definitely look into this next time.
131430 Starfare: First Contact
178774 Tales of Croatoa: A Rose By Any Other Name ( 2009 MA Best In-Canon Arc ) ( 2009 Player Awards - Best Serious Arc )
400 points would be a fair price if they were sold individually per character. However these are account wide unlocks, and the devs are basing the price on the fact that each account can have up to 768 characters on it.
Even if you only play on one server, that's either 36 or 48 characters possibly getting the extra trays.
If you only have a max of 36 slots per server, that comes out to 44.44444444444 points per character.
If you have the max of 48 slots per server that comes out to 33.333333333 points per character.
That's for one additional tray.
You may not have all of the slots in use or even purchased, but if you buy the enhancement increase now and use or purchase slots later those character get the extra trays then.
Still quite reasonable when you look at it that way.
If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.
Black Pebble is my new hero.
I bought one tray during the 4th of July sale for 1200pp. I would have bought two if they'd dropped 'em to 800pp each, but $15 is still pretty rich for a "micro" transaction. Hard to justify that much on top of what I'm already spending on the game. lol
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Even if you only play on one server, that's either 36 or 48 characters possibly getting the extra trays.
If you only have a max of 36 slots per server, that comes out to 44.44444444444 points per character. If you have the max of 48 slots per server that comes out to 33.333333333 points per character. That's for one additional tray. You may not have all of the slots in use or even purchased, but if you buy the enhancement increase now and use or purchase slots later those character get the extra trays then. Still quite reasonable when you look at it that way. |
I like to look at it through a "time saved" viewpoint.
I respec/reroll a lot, I strip a lot of toons, having 2 extra trays has probably saved me hours of boring work. That time saved is time spent having fun, which to me is well worth the investment in the long run.
Reminds me of those pricey power-saving Washer-Dryers that cost more than your regular ones but save you a couple bucks in the long run.
I have used unslotters and they do work. But I love #2, it never fails, I am in Respec, or at the Tailor and a tell chimes. . . Yes yes yes a million times to a chat line or even a popup chat window!
Oh and the respec pays you what the enhancements are actually worth, not what you can sucker out of impatient players on the market who suffers from "gotta have it now!" impulse issues.
Regarding the OP:
I feel your pain. The respec system has long been a burdensome chore for players (less-so before the IO system came along), but I'm afraid that improvements to this archaic process are unlikely to come at this point in the game's life.
Some relief came the form of the extra enhancement trays and unslotter salvage, but that relief also came with a price tag, surprise surprise. So if, for whatever reason, you find yourself unable or unwilling to fork over cash for a more convenient respec, then you are out of luck.
I do wish the developers had a little more compassion for players dealing with the tedious and tiresome work of a respecification. Both of your suggestions would be warmly welcomed.

"There's villainy ... and then there's supervillainy. The difference is performance."
400 points would be a fair price if they were sold individually per character. However these are account wide unlocks, and the devs are basing the price on the fact that each account can have up to 768 characters on it.
The average user isn't going to see use out of this on even a fraction (maybe 10% if you're a hardcore player across several servers-- give or take) of these 768 available character slots; which you should consider are already quite costly to unlock, and take a substantial amount of time to earn.
If you like being gouged, that's fair enough, but arguing that a digital service isn't 'a fair price' because it costs too little is comedic. I don't know about you, but when I walk into a hobby shop and see something at a lower price than I expected, I don't go "Oh, I can't buy this frivolous item, this is going to save me way too much money."
<[V]>IRTUE Player
Active 50s: Malevolency: (50+3 SS/WP Brute) / Sky-Scar (50+1 Robots/Dark MM) / Venomvein: (50+1 Crab) / Warlocked (50+1 BS/Shield Scrapper) / Some 50s Inactive
The idea of transactions needing to be based around the premise of 'having up to 768 characters' is laughable at best.
The average user isn't going to see use out of this on even a fraction (maybe 10% if you're a hardcore player across several servers-- give or take) of these 768 available character slots; which you should consider are already quite costly to unlock, and take a substantial amount of time to earn. If you like being gouged, that's fair enough, but arguing that a digital service isn't 'a fair price' because it costs too little is comedic. I don't know about you, but when I walk into a hobby shop and see something at a lower price than I expected, I don't go "Oh, I can't buy this frivolous item, this is going to save me way too much money." |
No it isn't. One of the major selling points of this game has always been the vast number of alts players can make, and the average user has dozens of characters.
So cry all the crocodile tears you like about the big bad prices, the fact still remains that the price is more than fair for what we get. You always have the option of doing without and using the other methods to pull enhancements off of builds.
No it isn't. One of the major selling points of this game has always been the vast number of alts players can make, and the average user has dozens of characters.
So cry all the crocodile tears you like about the big bad prices, the fact still remains that the price is more than fair for what we get. You always have the option of doing without and using the other methods to pull enhancements off of builds. |
<[V]>IRTUE Player
Active 50s: Malevolency: (50+3 SS/WP Brute) / Sky-Scar (50+1 Robots/Dark MM) / Venomvein: (50+1 Crab) / Warlocked (50+1 BS/Shield Scrapper) / Some 50s Inactive
If you like being gouged, that's fair enough, but arguing that a digital service isn't 'a fair price' because it costs too little is comedic. I don't know about you, but when I walk into a hobby shop and see something at a lower price than I expected, I don't go "Oh, I can't buy this frivolous item, this is going to save me way too much money."
Also on Steam
<[V]>IRTUE Player
Active 50s: Malevolency: (50+3 SS/WP Brute) / Sky-Scar (50+1 Robots/Dark MM) / Venomvein: (50+1 Crab) / Warlocked (50+1 BS/Shield Scrapper) / Some 50s Inactive
Point out one player that has 100+ characters and I'll direct you to the thousands upon thousands more that don't.
People with multiple characters - and adding, deleting, rerolling others - are more common than me, sure - but they're also more common than the people who will only, ever, play 1-2 characters. Given... well, let's tear apart your next argument:
I also like the other option I have, which is using my voice to counteract someone's argument, especially when that argument is silly. "You can have up to 768 characters" =/= "I should be charged individually on the off-chance I have a lot of characters, otherwise I won't be gouged. And that's terrible!" To me that doesn't say 'fair' at all. That says I'm being gouged. Do you often walk into a store and tell the clerk "I bought four Snickers bars, but I think you should charge me for the price of eight to be fair." No one else is going to support that claim. The clerk might, but that's because in their eyes, you probably just turned into a talking, walking wallet with money spewing out of your mouth instead of words. |
I buy Tray 2 now, for instance. It doesn't just go to every single character I have now, but every character I create in the future. Ever. Until the game finally shuts down.
For your snickers bars, you'd be asking to pay for eight - for all the snickers bars you may want until the last store in the chain closes its doors for the last time.
Not to mention that, yes, that IS the argument Forbin was making.
Plus, if you want, you don't have to lay out ANY extra cash as a VIP (which the OP is.) You just need to be patient and pay for them with your monthly stipend.
I'll also say this - with those 300+ characters? They're on two accounts. One has one extra tray. One does not. Even in *normal* gameplay, that extra tray makes a HUGE difference - not just with respeccing, but with updating enhancements and crafting, especially during the times I drop to Premium. Also, I tend to make level 15ish enhancements for lowbies for most of my SGs and stock it up, especially if there's a new "theme" team being started. Being able to make 20 instead of 10 is a HUGE help.
That tray has *more* than paid for itself - to the point where I'm looking at a third, and making sure to add them to the other account as well.
400 points would be a fair price if they were sold individually per character. However these are account wide unlocks, and the devs are basing the price on the fact that each account can have up to 768 characters on it.
People with multiple characters - and adding, deleting, rerolling others - are more common than me, sure - but they're also more common than the people who will only, ever, play 1-2 characters. Given... well, let's tear apart your next argument: "Runo said something here, yada yada." Except your analogy is horribly, horribly flawed. I buy Tray 2 now, for instance. It doesn't just go to every single character I have now, but every character I create in the future. Ever. Until the game finally shuts down. |
For your snickers bars, you'd be asking to pay for eight - for all the snickers bars you may want until the last store in the chain closes its doors for the last time. |
It's almost like someone was trying to play the devil's advocate, but was failing miserably at it.
Not to mention that, yes, that IS the argument Forbin was making.. |
That said, this is becoming a bit too close to a verbal slog for my tastes since it was a pretty pointless debate to begin with. Did Forbin make that point? Sure, but it wasn't his entire argument. And therein lies the fallacy.
However, the important thing here is that I'm sure the OP didn't expect the thread to get derailed like this, and for that, I'll leave my thoughts, my apologies and proceed to duck out. Bai!
<[V]>IRTUE Player
Active 50s: Malevolency: (50+3 SS/WP Brute) / Sky-Scar (50+1 Robots/Dark MM) / Venomvein: (50+1 Crab) / Warlocked (50+1 BS/Shield Scrapper) / Some 50s Inactive
Change 1)
I just did a respec for one of my scrappers yesterday. There were enough changes that I ended up losing a significant number of IOs, and to be frank, the "value" creditied for these items is well below market value.
I also dont think i should have to burn several respecs to keep these IOs.
My proposal is to add an email icon at the bottom where you can drop IOs.
An email would be automatically created - sent to your global id with the IO as an attachment.
Change 2)
I cant tell you how many times I'm in the middle of a respec, and someone sends me a tell. You have 2 options, ignore it or cancel out of the respec to respond - then start all over.
It would be nice to have a very small, unobtrusive chat section somewhere on the screen - maybe limit it to just responding to tells.
131430 Starfare: First Contact
178774 Tales of Croatoa: A Rose By Any Other Name ( 2009 MA Best In-Canon Arc ) ( 2009 Player Awards - Best Serious Arc )