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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
    Hmmmm? What did they do to ease congestion? Kill the right half of Anne Arundel county?

    And either day on that weekend should be solid for me. I can shift a day if it means more people can come.
    They finished and opened the casino, and took away all the construction crap from the parking lot. TONS easier to get around (at least back in June it was).
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CannonballJack View Post
    I want to see the rest of that BAF intro with Siege, Nightstar, and Mother Mayhem. That's all I want.

    NIGHTSTAR: We have devised a plan.
    SIEGE: We think you will be...pleased.
    I'm glad I wasn't the only one wondering what the rest of that cutscene looked like LOL.

    Foreshadow, Maelstrom, and Lord Recluse, only because I wanna see what he could do with his crab pack -waggles eyebrows- :-D

    And, after Sister Psyche bit the dust and Manticore took on the role of a Vigilante, I kinda got the hots for him too. Dem angsty bad boy types gets a good girl in trouble, you know :-D.
  3. GM Lloyd, oh the many times you helped me with tickets, and laughed with me (and at me) during my many blond moments.

    Thanks for being there, and pretending to be awake in the middle of the night.

    Did the managers ever get your cot and blanket set up next to your workstation, because I'm pretty sure you never leave that place. ;-)

    Take Care and Happy Hunting GM Lloyd Maybe I'll get lucky and get to bug you again on another game (-fingers,toes,legs crossed on the hopes that CoH stays open-).

    Stay awesome
  4. Mmmmmm cake......

    I'm really glad you guys had a good time at dinner You all deserve it, and so much more, after what you've done for us and this game.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    My time has finally come.

    This will be my final official communication as a member of Paragon Studios and a representative of NCsoft. I've made the decision to spend some time focusing on family and the job hunt, mostly family . While I love what I do, it often times results in long hours (especially in the weeks leading up to the announcement) and I feel like it's important that I spend some additional time with the wife and kiddos before I jump into my next great adventure.

    I've got all of the squishy, touchy, feely stuff out of the way on the other thread, but I just want to reiterate how much being a part of this Community has meant to me. You guys and gals are amazing, inside and out. Much like the team here at Paragon, I have, and hope to someday again, walk through fire with all of you.

    This isn't goodbye. I'm staying in gaming. I love building amazing online Communities around games and don't see myself doing anything aside from this. The social experience is why I play online games, and this is where my passion lies.

    So until next time...

    (insert gif here)
    Never a goodbye, but always a 'see you around'. No matter where we all end up, I hope to run into you again. Thanks for always being there, and the best of luck and well wishes to you, your family, and your future.

  6. This is beautiful. Absolutely amazing. I can't even form words to describe how awesome this is.
  7. Ending? Please? C'mon, it'll be awesome! :-D

    I truly enjoyed that story. Thank you
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    It's still technically 9/6 here in CA at least .

    As a heads up; We still do not have final details surrounding VIP status or the state of player services moving forward. As soon as NCsoft provides an update myself or another of the remaining team will update and hopefully answer any questions you may have.


    As they say, No Noose is Good Noose....wait....wrong quote...No News is Good News :-D
  9. Honestly, the mods are ENCOURAGING this.


    And, yes, this is confirmed in more than one place.


    So, to OP, good job.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Super_Ready View Post
    I went through denial and anger in about... ooh, a day... then I read TonyV's post on Titan. That put me straight through to stage 6 - righteous inferno of purpose.
    Amen to this! ^
  11. I really hope I don't repeat too much. I tried to read through all the pages, but would get lost in thought, wondering the same thing as everyone else.

    What special and regular buffs are on the Rikti, Heavys, and U'Kon Gr'ai in the bowl of the Rikti Mothership before and after U'Kon Gr'ai spawns?
    ^I noticed some time ago they had some Pink Regeneration Aura-ish effect that gave them a TON of protection.

    How, exactly, is the Mothership Raid timer calculated? How much time for each Pylon, GM, Bomb, Rikti on the ship, etc. is given?
    ^I had this completely wacky theory run through my head that would take A LOT of people, and I would've like to have done it with all 50's. But to know if it was possible to actually blow up the entire mothership, and gain max time, would be awesome.

    Why don't Rikti Drop Ships give a reward for taking them down?

    I want to know everything you were holding back from us about Supergroup Bases. I don't care how small or tiny the detail.

    Why did you stop giving the Bug Hunter badge?

    Why is there a floating truck in the Ski Chalet area of Pocket D?

    Were there plans to invade the Rikti homeworld?

    Were there plans to ever give us individual player housing?

    Why isn't there a 'Tights Sleek' option for skirts in the costume editor?

    Did you know the Gunslinger underbust corset severely clips with jackets, and has since the day the costume pack launched?

    Did you guys forget about Mirror Spirit and Foreshadow?

    Were we ever going to get 'waist capes' (butt capes)?

    What is DJ Zero's full story?
  12. Very well written, and a bit on the 'pulling my heartstrings' side Great job
  13. I just got home from work, I may have been scooped. Thanks Necrotech_Master for the link.

  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Maressa View Post
    Hi everyone, so, there was a thread starting this already and I took the liberty of compiling everything from there onto a google document. Please add your own and pass it on!
    Well played :-D
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
    Yes. CNN is, if I am not mistaken, the largest and most powerful news network in the world. Publicity can only help us.
    It could also be our downfall if we're not objective about what we're wanting. You don't bad-mouth people publicly, especially to reporters, because THEN it becomes set in stone, and our cause could get ugly quickly.

    I guess this is where I take on a maternal role and reiterate everything our parents EVER told us with the one phrase we all got tired of hearing...

    Think Before You Speak.

    or my personal favorite (thanks to my father)

    Don't write a check with your alligator mouth that your chicken ***(butt) can't cash.
  16. http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-8373...feeds%2Flatest

    It's not reported on by a CNN reporter, but if we get enough likes/recommends, etc. It could POTENTIALLY get looked at by producers.

    Edit because my brain is all over the place with all this sharing and information hunting: This puts the Community's activism into the light, in a positive manner. This is exactly what we want.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
    So let me ask this, and I really want serious answers because I'm in the midst of writing releases and communications: What if NCsoft agrees to let us or someone else purchase the IP and software?

    Given that NCsoft wants to focus on other efforts, how would you, the City of Heroes community, feel if they came out and said something to the effect of, "Unfortunately, City of Heroes isn't part of our future, but we understand that you still want it to be part of yours," and opened the door for the game assets to be given or sold to someone else?
    I would be a lot more forgiving, than I am now. A lot more relieved that our raising our voices might've actually had an impact.
  18. Obsidian_Light

    False Hope

    Originally Posted by NightshadeLegree View Post
    Win or lose, I think it's a good thing if the community goes out on a high, being as good as they - we - have often claimed to be. That alone is justification enough for the sincere efforts that are being made, and I wish all those who are actively working toward it the very best of luck.
    Heroes (and Villains) Never go down without a fight.

    We're getting non-gaming media coverage, Tony and the Titans are working harder than ever to bust out some contingency plans, and everyone seems to be rallying to the cause.

    Win or Lose, I'm in for the long haul.
  19. Ah! Thank you! At least something makes sense around here! LOL