Nevada licenses Google autonomous vehicles




Originally Posted by Nericus View Post

I am now hearing the Knight Rider theme in my head......

This is a nice technological jump.
While I can definitely see the benefits of this type of technology, it also scares the pancakes out of me.

If we get to the point where everything we do is automated, we will forget how to do anything the "old fashioned way."

I mean, how many people still memorize phone numbers? Cell phones have pretty much made that unnecessary with the built in phone book and internet access. Don't know a number? Just look it up. And then when you lose your cell phone, or breaks, you're suddenly posting on Facebook asking people to text you their numbers because you lost it.

But I digress

I love technology just as much as the next person but it still scares me the direction things are going in.

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While there are times I would like a car that drives itself, I would also miss the joy of taking a car with good handling on a windy mountain road.

I rather fear that once this tech is perfected people will not be permitted to actually drive a car for safety reasons.

Oddly enough the most likely thing to prevent the adoption of automated cars will be liability issues.

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Originally Posted by docbuzzard View Post
While there are times I would like a car that drives itself, I would also miss the joy of taking a car with good handling on a windy mountain road.

I rather fear that once this tech is perfected people will not be permitted to actually drive a car for safety reasons.

Oddly enough the most likely thing to prevent the adoption of automated cars will be liability issues.
I suspect that for safety reasons a human must still be in the drivers seat ready to take control in case of malfunction or unforeseen complications.

Could these automated cars compensate for sudden stops due to an accident occurring up the road, or would they just keep on driving INTO the accident if the human inside doesn't take control?

If a deer is in the road while the automatic pilot compensate by slowing or stopping the car to avoid hitting the deer? Or just keep on going?



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
I suspect that for safety reasons a human must still be in the drivers seat ready to take control in case of malfunction or unforeseen complications.

Could these automated cars compensate for sudden stops due to an accident occurring up the road, or would they just keep on driving INTO the accident if the human inside doesn't take control?

If a deer is in the road while the automatic pilot compensate by slowing or stopping the car to avoid hitting the deer? Or just keep on going?
The cars do have sensors of various types and pattern recognition coupled with object avoidance. You're not going to slam into something in front of you as long as the system is working. Google is not staffed by idiots.

Actually I can remember some of the preliminary work on self driving cars back when I was an undergrad. It was a defense contract so it was a humvee which was set up to drive itself. Back in those days it had a bunch of Sun workstations in it, and drove itself around the local park at a walking pace. Things have come a long way.

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Originally Posted by docbuzzard View Post
The cars do have sensors of various types and pattern recognition coupled with object avoidance. You're not going to slam into something in front of you as long as the system is working. Google is not staffed by idiots.

Actually I can remember some of the preliminary work on self driving cars back when I was an undergrad. It was a defense contract so it was a humvee which was set up to drive itself. Back in those days it had a bunch of Sun workstations in it, and drove itself around the local park at a walking pace. Things have come a long way.
I never said Google was staffed by idiots, I'm simply posting hypothetical questions.



It's designed to avoid obstacles (like people or other cars in the road) so it should stop or avoid a deer in the road or an accident, as well.

Admittedly, it's taken some time to get to that point, and you can find some funny videos of it doing some really weird things at times in test scenarios. I recall watching one video of it accelerating around a sudden obstacle instead of slowing down. However, it did avoid the obstacle.

And honestly, once we get to a point where the technology is integrated into all vehicles, we'll have exactly what the airline industry has right now - much safer travel. Vehicles that drive themselves will be far safer than vehicles driven by humans.

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Originally Posted by Zybron1 View Post
It's designed to avoid obstacles (like people or other cars in the road) so it should stop or avoid a deer in the road or an accident, as well.

Admittedly, it's taken some time to get to that point, and you can find some funny videos of it doing some really weird things at times in test scenarios. I recall watching one video of it accelerating around a sudden obstacle instead of slowing down. However, it did avoid the obstacle.

And honestly, once we get to a point where the technology is integrated into all vehicles, we'll have exactly what the airline industry has right now - much safer travel. Vehicles that drive themselves will be far safer than vehicles driven by humans.
Let's just hope that the cars aren't accessed by your Google Account.

I can Google having an App for remote ignition and driving for that matter.

"Don't want to take that pie to Mrs. Smith's house down the block? Load the pie into your GoogleCar and from the convenience of your Smart Phone have your car take it there!"

Annnnd before you know it, your account gets hacked and your car is missing.

I also hope that the cars have a "manual override" built in that disconnects it from whatever AI is controlling it.

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Actually, due to liability issues, it's much more likely that in the future when there are fleets of automated vehicles, you're not likely to actually 'own' one. Instead, you'll pay some sort of subscription fee or something similar to a lease. But, if you don't own the vehicle, then you won't have to maintain insurance on the vehicle for liability claims. And as part of the service contract, you'll not hold the company liable in the event of a malfunction, I'm quite certain.

Still, just comparing the frequency of accidents in the airline industry to the frequency of accidents for human drivers (even after accounting for the discrepancy between the number of commercial airliners and automobiles) its far, far safer to have a computer driving your vehicle than you.

And, I, for one, welcome our new automated vehicle overlords. :P

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Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Autonomous cars.....

Autonomous automobiles......

Autonomous automobile robots.......

That means that the airlines are actually Decepticons!?

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Originally Posted by Zybron1 View Post
Actually, due to liability issues, it's much more likely that in the future when there are fleets of automated vehicles, you're not likely to actually 'own' one. Instead, you'll pay some sort of subscription fee or something similar to a lease. But, if you don't own the vehicle, then you won't have to maintain insurance on the vehicle for liability claims. And as part of the service contract, you'll not hold the company liable in the event of a malfunction, I'm quite certain.
Hmm, that's a good idea. Never thought of it. I could see that as more likely to work. Hope they have plenty good lawyers though. The notion that the company holds no liability is hard to come by it the U.S. legal system.

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Originally Posted by docbuzzard View Post
Hmm, that's a good idea. Never thought of it. I could see that as more likely to work. Hope they have plenty good lawyers though. The notion that the company holds no liability is hard to come by it the U.S. legal system.
Well, it would likely be similar to bungee jumping or an amusement park ride. You may be able to sue the company if there is some sort of equipment failure that results in injury, but most likely you'd settle out of court for some small amount. And you know you are potentially risking injury just by using the product. Not to mention, the service contract is likely to have wording that would resolve any dispute of the contract or liability claim in arbitration, anyway. But it would have to be something that happens so rarely that it wouldn't be a major issue.

The point being that it's not likely to come to market unless it's reliable enough that a company could reasonably rely on the technology being safe enough that any incidents with it would be rare. Rare enough that any potential lawsuit wouldn't bankrupt the company.

Of course, if that company is Google...well, there's certainly a decent level of acceptable risk that still wouldn't bankrupt the company.

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Ever stepping closer to the singularity...

I, for one, welcome our new autonomous automobile overlords!

Hopefully these things know how to pull over for police/ambulance/fire truck situations.


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



I wonder how the sensors of these cars will respond to those daredevil animals that seem to take pleasure in diving in front of your car or only moving out of the way at the last second.

- CaptainFoamerang

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I have no problem with automomus vechiles.

It's people I'm more worried about..

"And for us this is the end of all stories, and we can mostly say they lived happily ever after. But for them it was the beginning of the real story. All there life in this world and all there adventures in Narnia had only be the cover and the title page: now at last they were beginning Chapter One of The Great Story which no one on earth has ever read: which goes on forever: in which every chapter is better than the one before" - C.S Lewis, The Last Battle.



Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
I wonder how the sensors of these cars will respond to those daredevil animals that seem to take pleasure in diving in front of your car or only moving out of the way at the last second.
It will attempt to avoid them. Since computers can react to a situation such as this 1000's of times faster than a human can, it will likely succeed in many cases where a human would not. Additionally, it will near-instantly consider all the other traffic around it and probably 100's of other factors a human in the same situation would likely miss.

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Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
If a deer is in the road while the automatic pilot compensate by slowing or stopping the car to avoid hitting the deer? Or just keep on going?
The car would accelerate as it deploys the front mounted circular saws.

The real question is whether an autonomous car running on ethanol can be ticketed for DWI.

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Originally Posted by SolarSentai View Post
I look forward to the first MMO made for those. Maybe a Pokemon style game?

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Really don't know that I'd trust an automated car.

Not that I think anyone behind making them are idiots.

But as mentioned, one would probably have to behind the wheel. While it may become a rare occurance, if a glitch did happened, what happens when the waking up early going to work "driver" falls asleep at the wheel due to boredom.

Admittedly people fall asleep at the wheel now, but the point still stands imo. *shrug* Also just seems more likely for someone to fall asleep at the wheel when they have no reason to stay awake.

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Originally Posted by SolarSentai View Post
If we get to the point where everything we do is automated, we will forget how to do anything the "old fashioned way."


I love technology just as much as the next person but it still scares me the direction things are going in.
That cat has already long since left the bag, gone off to raise a family, has seen its great grandchildren and is now buried in the ground surrounded by a massively complex cat civilization that has grown up around the long forgotten and abandoned bag.

Seriously. To really think about it, there is almost nothing most of us really know about how the world runs anymore. If civilization collapses, most of us are unavoidably dead. How many of us here now how to farm? How to bridle, train and care for a horse? When the zombies take over and after our ammo has run out, who's going to remember how to make more of it? There was a time when most of our ancestors knew most of these things.

One of the central themes of technology is delegation and automation--of removing humans from a process when they turned out to be too expensive, too unreliable or too valuable to waste there any more. This has been repeated over and over and over again for the last 50,000 years at least.

So if cars become entirely automated, I ain't really that worried.

Personally I'd rather robots drive our cars than we do. One day they will be more reliable than us. Because they optimized for the process, they won't get bored, sleepy, angry, drunk or just careless. Our roads will be much safer. People won't have to just accept 30 to 40 thousand deaths on the road every year anymore.

Can't get here soon enough I say.

"Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking of them."



Originally Posted by Zybron1 View Post
And, I, for one, welcome our new automated vehicle overlords. :P

Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a man's mind. - Orange Catholic Bible



Sweet, and not a momment to soon since it seems like alot of people can't be bothered to actually drive a car anymore.

Also cant wait to see how many of these things clog up the left hand lane.

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