What system would you use for a Pen and Paper CoH?




Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
I'd go with dead lands, because not enough pen and paper RPGs use a deck of cards.
And poker chips... that's one of my favourite oddball systems that I never got to actually play. Loved the setting and idea, though.

We could do it in Call of Cthulhu and lose SAN every time Arcanaville explains the math behind something in excruciating detail using the missing number.

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Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
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-- The Fox and the Hound



Shoot. Let me check the rule book. I suppose I should also activate Unyielding. Which section are defensive toggles covered in? And how do I apply Resist Energy?



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
We could do it in Call of Cthulhu and lose SAN every time Arcanaville explains the math behind something in excruciating detail using the missing number.
I have the strong impression that Arcanaville would be a delightful person to play Call of Cthulhu with, now that you mention it.

@Draeth Darkstar
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Originally Posted by Khellendrosiic View Post
I would be interested in hearing your methodology for statting out CoH enemies, especially in how you got their 'target PL'. I always tended to give them whatever powers they showed in-game with a max rank vaguely around the type of campaign they'd be in at their CoH level.

If you've got more character sheets for things I'd enjoy seeing them as well either here or in a PM.
To implement into a semi-level-less system, it accounts for the minimum and maximum levels at which enemy types spawn in CoH, adjusted for enemy rank (so a Lieut is 1PL higher than a minion, for example). I have an almighty spreadsheet somewhere around here with everything on it. It does a pretty fair job of putting weaker enemies in the low PL range, with the bigger threats at the high end. It breaks down a bit for enemies that span the entire CoH level range, since the generic calculation puts almost all of those around PL 10. I'll PM you a link to the sheet when I find it, but I have a big PnP weekend coming up, starting today, playing Hero System, so I might not have the time until next week.

Thought of another system that could be used, too: Fudge.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



Can I do a rewrite of the Interlok system (using Cybergeneration as a template)? I have a huge [REDACTED] for R. Talsorian.


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Originally Posted by Draeth Darkstar View Post
I have the strong impression that Arcanaville would be a delightful person to play Call of Cthulhu with, now that you mention it.
Sometimes, when I'm on PUGs, I pretend I'm playing Call of Cthulhu and see how long it takes for the team to cause me to fail a sanity check. The last Underground trial I was on managed to zero out my sanity in one instantaneous jump.

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About 3 years ago i started doing a comprehensive version of CoX using the Feng Shui RPG system, archetypes, origins, Unique Schticks for the inherent powers and adapting its Fu-chain system of r use with the power sets.

This was after having thought about Mutants and Masterminds and Hero/Champions as well as about half a dozen other options (Oh and lets not forget the Buffy System City of Heroes game, that actually had a starter put out). But the more I worked on it the more I wanted to play a different sort of game, the more I researched the more I wanted things not available in this game.

Out of hundred of individual "super" powers I came up with a list of 79 specific types, I have about 20 specific attributes and a similar number of disadvantages, I have archetypes (which are very familiar) and distinctions between Heroes and fodder as well as several ideas about what is a staple of super-hero action (knockback anyone?).

The end result? About a year after starting I had so much info on making a CoH game that wasn't actually from the MMO I decided to scrap my plans and go for the big time.

I am now 2 years into writing out my own Super-hero game with the first plans on several subsequent books, I've talked to artists and designers, discussed things with publishers about getting it out an about and hopefully in the not to distant future I will be able to get it all together.

I also have ideas for several "Child" systems using what I have come up with.

Maybe sometime I might get back to the original CoH premise...

- Raith



Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
Okay, it's been five hours. Am I in close enough range to use Brawl yet?

I'd go with dead lands, because not enough pen and paper RPGs use a deck of cards.
Well, converting CoX to Castle Falkenstein would be a hell of a thing, now wouldn't it?

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Originally Posted by 4_Thirty_5 View Post
Can I do a rewrite of the Interlok system (using Cybergeneration as a template)? I have a huge [REDACTED] for R. Talsorian.

Okay, but only if I can help you play-test it! I really wanted to do do the same sort thing - take Cybergeneration = mostly the character "Classes/Templates" and convert them for use in a regular Cyberpunk game IMHO - Cybergeneration dumbed down the game too much. I sure they had the best of intentions - but the 'killing off the old game' by killing off the 'old characters & setting' via a plot device "Plague", left a bad taste in my mouth - so to speak...

And on a related note, If (as some mentioned above) you're looking for a Seriously Non-Crunchy System = then T.F.O.S. (Teenagers From Outer Space) is another 'R. Talsorian' game that would be perfect!

Particularly the older printing/version of the game that was less 'Japan-anime' than the reprint. It was a bit less Project_A-ko, and bit more "Galaxy High" ...

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
City of Heroes didn't fail, City of Heroes was killed. If a 747 dropped on your house, you'd say you were killed, not you failed to find a safer dwelling.
"The U.S. is in no more danger of coming under Sharia law than it is the rules of Fight Club." - Will McAvoy.



Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
GURPS Supers or Old School Marvel Superheroes RPG. FASERIP FTW!
Somewhere, I still have a binder with all of those character descriptions. I'd spend hours pouring through the stats of all of the different heroes...drooling especially over the Beyonder's character sheet.

Andy Belford
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Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
We could do it in Call of Cthulhu and lose SAN every time Arcanaville explains the math behind something in excruciating detail using the missing number.
Oddly, I feel this way every time I read one of her posts....

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Originally Posted by Arnabas View Post

I will admit, the Botch rules did kind of... suck.
This is why AEG had such a better d10 system. There were no botches, in 7th sea. Really I could go on for days about how the 7th sea system was better than WoD and AEG's own L5R system. Things like exploding dice (roll a 10 and roll it again, and sometimes again, till you stop rolling 10's), for every D10 you had in your dice pool over 10 was not rolled, but became an automatic success (a 10 that is).

AEG really had/has some great table top systems. We ended up converting the 7th sea system to several different themes. The last being a Weird West setting.

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Mutants and Masterminds is the way to go for PnP of CoX.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



I'm running a Mutants and Masterminds 3rd / DC Adventures game at the moment (Well, next session is in 4-5 hours), and I'm weaving elements from CoH into it - I'm employing some of my own thought on it, however (I just statted Neuron and Bobcat at PL 15 and 12 respectively, although Neuron's combat stats are PL 13 - the extra Science and Technology skill ranks push him over. My players reached PL 11 last session - I think helping to drive Trigon away from Earth would justify the power level creep)

As far as Power Level for characters, I'd be inclined to start them off at PL 10 (as is standard) with 150 points. Each power tier would then be a power level (so L16 would be roughly PL 11, and so on)



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
This is why AEG had such a better d10 system. There were no botches, in 7th sea. Really I could go on for days about how the 7th sea system was better than WoD and AEG's own L5R system. Things like exploding dice (roll a 10 and roll it again, and sometimes again, till you stop rolling 10's), for every D10 you had in your dice pool over 10 was not rolled, but became an automatic success (a 10 that is).

AEG really had/has some great table top systems. We ended up converting the 7th sea system to several different themes. The last being a Weird West setting.
I adore the 7th Sea and L5R systems (and have run both myself). Have also played Champions/Hero System. (Which was really funny because our entire Champions group ended up playing COH en masse, so we formed our own SG.)

But one system I would almost be tempted to convert COH to?

Mutant Chronicles.

For some reason, I just REALLY liked the mechanics behind that game (the setting itself rocks, too - I've got a Brotherhood Revisor that is flatout FRIGHTENING), and wanted to see them implemented elsewhere. Between the initial advancement system and the general mechanics of the game, I think there's a lot of potential there.


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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Somewhere, I still have a binder with all of those character descriptions. I'd spend hours pouring through the stats of all of the different heroes...drooling especially over the Beyonder's character sheet.

The number of times I had people try and BS a column shift to Beyond...

Such a great system and so evocative, for mine. I hear the new one (which I own but haven't sat down and properly read) is similarly pick up and play.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
My favourite "super hero" system has to be Aberrant. But the system is very setting specific, so I wouldn't try to run that for anything non-Aberrant. Especially not City of Heroes.

For that, I think I'd go for Mutants and Masterminds 2e. It's not too mechanically heavy, and it can cover just about anything.
Actually, I think that Aberrant would be the way to go, personally. You might have some difficulty exactly simulating Powersets, but I think it's a really good system.

And as a side benefit, Aberrant comes in two forms for two crowds: the old Storyteller System is very nearly the same thing for World of Darkness fans, and it also has a d20 Modern version for D&D 3.5 fans. (And then you've got folks like me who love both systems and can't decide.)



Originally Posted by Mallerick View Post
I played Champions RPG when it was still mail order, way back when it was first introduced in 1981! Sad, really. It's still a great game today.

Why is it a weird twist? Because Cryptic purchased the entirety of the Hero System. They own it. Cryptic also owns a (not as successful as CoH) competitor MMO based on that Role Playing Game. Hence the weird twist.
Wait, when did this happen? When Champion Online first came out Cryptic had only purchased the rights to the Champions setting, not Hero Games, the Hero System or even the other settings.

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Originally Posted by Ulysses Dare View Post
In the last few years, I've become enamored of the FATE system and its narrative focus. So I would advocate using Strange FATE, the FATE variant created for The Kerberos Club (FATE Edition).
I've been running a Strands of Fate game for my SG using their characters from CoH. It's been a lot of fun.

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Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
My understanding was that Champions *was* the Hero system. My first brush with it, IIRC, was Champions 3rd Edition. At that point, the only other system I'd seen that was so horribly bogged down by its own mechanics was Loremaster.
Champions came first, the Hero system evolved out of it.
I was at Pacific Origins with some pals the year it was released (1981) and picked up what must have been some of the first copies available from their booth- it was a staple-bound paperback, much less comprehensive than the 1st hardcover edition a few years later.

Originally Posted by Cardiff_Giant View Post
*In the (1989? version with the 1st printing's hardcover binding that fell apart the 2nd-3rd time you dropped it) = 4th Edition & they were the same system*

"Champions" was effectively just a setting for the Hero System, Fantasy Hero, Ninja Hero, Space-something, 3D (=Time Travel), Dark Champs =Vigilantes, Western Hero (/e shudder = I still have it, its was a waste of paper), I know there were a few more. I've got the more obscure ones =aka mostly useless (and some older 3rd Ed stuff) in a box.... somewhere??

Later on, you could get the 'plain vanilla' = "Hero System" with out the Champions or any particular "setting".
In the chicken/egg question, Champions definitely came before Hero.

My pnp gaming group fell apart at some point so I haven't got any hands-on experience with more recent stuff like Mutants & Masterminds, but any older superhero pen and paper stuff I've played at least a couple of times- Superhero 2044, anyone? Champions was always my favorite- reminded me a bit of CoH, in that character creation often seemed at least as big a part of my enjoyment as actually playing or running a game.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Champions came first, the Hero system evolved out of it.
I was at Pacific Origins with some pals the year it was released (1981) and picked up what must have been some of the first copies available from their booth- it was a staple-bound paperback, much less comprehensive than the 1st hardcover edition a few years later.
Oh yeah, i've still got the Champions box set that came out a couple years later that also included Champions II and III, as well as the adventure/campaign starter book along with a hex map and some character sheets for photocopying.

The Hero System is still one of my favorite systems. Mostly because you can get as granular as you want with it, but you can also play it more streamlined. While actually designing characters can be a bit slow and math intensive if you're not using predesigned frameworks gameplay can be pretty quick once you're past character generation if you stick with the more basic combat rules. In fact you can play with just some character sheets and a list of standard modifiers once you have the basic rules down. Of course the flexibility of the system means the GM has to set some ground rules and limits and approve character builds or someone familiar with the system can break it pretty badly.

Dr. Todt's theme.
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Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
This is why AEG had such a better d10 system. There were no botches, in 7th sea. Really I could go on for days about how the 7th sea system was better than WoD and AEG's own L5R system. Things like exploding dice (roll a 10 and roll it again, and sometimes again, till you stop rolling 10's), for every D10 you had in your dice pool over 10 was not rolled, but became an automatic success (a 10 that is).

AEG really had/has some great table top systems. We ended up converting the 7th sea system to several different themes. The last being a Weird West setting.
7th Sea is one of my favorite systems of all time. It really does cinematic rules quite well.

Global @Diellan - 5M2M
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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
My pnp gaming group fell apart at some point so I haven't got any hands-on experience with more recent stuff like Mutants & Masterminds, but any older superhero pen and paper stuff I've played at least a couple of times- Superhero 2044, anyone?
Wow - bonus points as the first person I've met that played Superhero 2044. Which is also the only first gen superhero RPG I never owned. Supergame, V&V, Champs 1st ed, Golden Heroes, DC Heroes 1st ed, Heroes Unlimited. I had more superhero RPG books than D&D books at one point.




I think if you are a confident GM who is familiar with the system then GURPs is a very good option.

I played in several WW2 themed superhero games based around 500 point characters. It's a good number of points to make a reasonably competent hero without being stupidly over-powered. The GM should check the characters over before play to make sure they are fairly balanced.