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  1. This very likely to be my last post in this forum, and may very well be that last post I make anywhere on the CoH forums, for the rest of time.

    Every so often, I'd lurk my way back into the SoA forum and have a look at where this (little?) thread of mine stood, as far a replies and page views was concerned. Right now, this thread (as of this posting) stands at 105 replies ... which is the 6th most highly replied thread in this entire forum (5th place is at 108, but I'm not exactly vying for a move up in the ranking here). Even more impressive though is that this thread has (as of this posting) ... 13,059 views ... which makes it the third most viewed thread in the entire SoA forum overall ... the second most viewed thread in the SoA forum that never got pinned ... and THE most viewed thread (by a long way!) that could in any way be considered a "guide" for building a SoA (in this case, as a Hunts(wo)man).

    For me, the most amazing thing about those now useless statistics is that what I did in this thread wasn't all that terrifically "original" since I was just building off the work of Who Came Before Me on this topic, and extrapolating it into theories I could test (and attest to) with my own personal experiences. In a lot of ways, despite being an avid Mids' Jockey, this thread both is (and was) my only attempt at ever writing a "guide" for any archetype ... despite having multiple players in-game who would turn to me for advice on the path of NO GET HITSU!! I blazed with my MA/SR Scrapper ... Redlynne ... starting in Issue 2. But the simple fact of the matter was that Arcanaville "wrote" the definitive text on Defense Protection Schemes and softcapping defense and all of that, so my contributions in that arena were hardly needed, and would have been plowing already well tilled ground.

    But the Huntsman ... that was a build strategy that, it seemed to me, offered tremendous potential, and had been tragically underserved as far as advice and experience went. Plus, the available resources on the build were outdated and could use updating. Little did I suspect what my efforts would come to ...

    I did it "all wrong" on my way from 1-23 of course. I replicated my early Issue 2-3 experience of focusing on Defense first and foremost, rather than concentrating on Offense (which, of course, turned out to be a mistake I corrected in hindsight). But from that inauspicious beginning, a realization began to take hold, that playing a Huntsman build was something that started off weak, but gradually built in strength ... and never really STOPPED growing more powerful (unless if you gimped yourself). When I finally reached Level 50, got every Set IO invented and slotted, I gazed upon the marvel that I had created ...

    Because nothing beats a great set of ...

    ... and was simply in awe of what she could do! It was simply unreal the amount of *POWER* that she brought to ANY team! And it was hilarious watching my teammates on Strike Forces "learn" (sometimes the hard way) to not leave the coverage area of my auras. Anyone around me ... especially and including the squishies ... *LIVED*. Anyone who went off on their own ... suddenly found everything a few orders of magnitude harder than they had been when I was around and nearby.

    I *have* a Scrapper.
    My first character I ever played (and still have as my "main") in CoH *is* a Scrapper ... Redlynne.
    I KNOW what Scrapperlock is ... and the sheer joy it brings to plunge into it headfirst, and drown in it!

    But to be able to GIVE Scrapperlock to DEFENDERS and watch them get so royally stoked on it that even the Empaths turned into wild and rabid Offenders ...?

    *THAT* ... my fellow soldiers ... was the greatest gift, and joy, of them all.

    Leggs was MY GIRL ... and there was no better place for her to be than standing ankle deep in spent brass, mowing down the incoming hordes, burning through bullets and grenades as if she had never ever been a ladies lingerie supermodel before being kidnapped and reprogrammed as a Soldier of Arachnos ... WITH A GUN.

    I'm going to miss my girl ... come December 1st ... ... and all the people who were inspired by her journey of discovery.

    Thank you all.
    May your ammo clips be bottomless, and your grenades never be duds. And remember ... the best place for a Hero to be is on their knees ... just before you fill them full of sweet Hot Lead as a "reward" for their ... impudence.
  2. My first memory of the "there is no aggro cap" phenomenon was in Perez Park. Someone was offering to get us our Skulls and Hellions defeat badges.

    I'd be hovering up in the sky, so I could see farther downrange. The "Herder" would rush off and aggro pretty much EVERYTHING outside the park along the streets on two sides of the map and train them back to the Kill Zone we had set up. I remember looking north along the eastern side of Perez along the road ... and just seeing this OCEAN of Skulls and Hellions POURING over every available surface like a tidal wave, chasing after the herder. It was as if the entire city was sinking beneath the waterline of all these Skulls and Hellions! There must have been half a thousand of them, easy, all chasing after our Herder, and they weren't breaking off to return to spawn point either (because our Herder kept re-aggroing them periodically). The whole thing, from my location in the sky, looked like a huge swarm of rats racing out of a sinking ship, or trying to outrun high tide or something.

    It's one of those memories I'll never forget, because of this game.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
    would cause really puppies to weep and hamsters to explode if such a thing happened.
    That's never stopped you before Black Pebble. Are you losing your ... touch?
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fire Man View Post
    Azuria was holding onto those three wishes.
    Please tell me she didn't put them in the M.A.G.I. Vault. I'm pretty sure that one of the Beacons for Villan Bases goes directly into the Vault, and there's an SG Entrance Portal inside it too, just to make things even more convenient for thieves.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Turjan View Post
    On a side note...those Planetside patch notes remind of the public address announcements you used to hear at Foreas Base in Tabula Rasa -

    - which were, of course, in turn inspired by the base announcements in the film M.A.S.H.
    Oh man, the Foreas Base joke announcements were so LOLWTFBBQ awesomesauce!

    I miss that game ...
  6. Speaking just for myself, I'd prefer to see the headline:
    Valve buying City of Heroes from NCSoft, rescuing Developers and Community from fiendish plot to destroy the world!

    Yeah, I'd settle for seeing that in the news.
  7. I think the thing I resent the most about NCSoft's move in all of this is the fact that they're taking away Developers of a game that are, to me anyway, the people I have unconditional love and respect for. Having attended the last two Player Summits, these are PEOPLE that I *want* to think of as being my friends ... and the stunt that NCSoft pulled put *MY FRIENDS* in jeopardy (ie. unemployment in a not so wonderful economy) ... and I feel powerless to help them personally.

    The Rednames we all know and love, they're *my* Team ... they're *my* League ... they're MY Heroes ... and I don't want them to be taken from me. These people have become family in a way ... and they're people I admire. So when someone undercuts their livelihood, and threatens to take away the relationships and bonds I've made with these people, and invested myself into what they've made because it's unique and beautiful ... yeah ... it's really easy to get angry.

    But we're not Vigilantes ... we're Heroes. HOW we do things matters just as much as WHY we do them, because we're going to have to live with the consequences of our actions.

    Go Red Team.
    Go Blue Team.

    We're all pulling for you back here.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Heat Guard View Post
    This community recognizing any Indiana Jones references? Don't think you have any worries there.
    Yeah! Who do you think we are? TUNNEL RAT!?
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Frostbiter View Post
    If he follows me home I'm not feeding him.
    Who? GM_Lloyd or Black Pebble?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
    Look for the 6'2 Asian guy wearing a COH shirt.
    You people do realize this means that you'll be buying Black Pebble LUNCH ... which around the studio only happens when you owe him something.

    Although, considering what he's been doing for the last few years, I guess we kinda sorta do owe him ... a little ...

    /em shuffles feet
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    I don't see Valve selling OUT to anyone.
    Fixed it for you.
  12. Redlynne

    My SaveCOH Video

    What sort of soulless monster would do this to people ...?

    Great Battalion arrival video!

    What'dya mean that's not a preview of coming attractions?
  13. Redlynne

    Where to now?

    Looks like Tera has a small but slowly growing population getting into the game, which would put its overall population somewhere near par with that of CoH these days (now living on only 3 servers). A big difference is that for Battleground PvP and Instanced Dungeons, it looks like there's no barriers against cross-server play, meaning that in some limited senses Tera's server populations have better community interactions cross-server than we do in CoH (short of a server transfer token over here).

    Mind you, the chart in the link is basically recording game unit sales, not concurrent player logins or anything like that, so the relationship is going to be a bit ... indirect ... to actual gameplay experience of the player population (just like it would be for CoH extrapolating from the same kind of dataset).
  14. Mad props to Hit Streak for stepping up to the plate and broadcasting today!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SinisterDirge View Post
    Why wern't you on the writing team again?
    Because Doc Aeon doesn't need any help in killing signature heroes?

    Oops. Did I just say that out loud?
  16. Redlynne

    Where to now?

    Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
    I hated Diablo 3
    Diablo III = Waste Of Money

    Yeah ... that about sums it up.
  17. Redlynne

    Where to now?

    Talked to the friend of mine who picked up a trial account to test drive Tera again this morning, and they've apparently gotten to Level 15-16 with an Elin Archer. I asked about the "community feel" and the response I got back was that the RP server, Celestial Hills, feels a *LOT* like Cassiopeia in Tabula Rasa. With a trial account, you can't participate in chats and channels, but you can observe them.

    Apparently someone said something to the effect of "friend says CH is gay" on what amounts to broadcast, and the general consensus of response was basically along the lines of "that's not a friend you have there" along with the somewhat to be expected "we're not a bunch of elitist min-max jerks over here, you know" and the like. There were people talking about how they were hanging around in the lower level towns and zone, just helping out newbies and the like getting started and so on. Everything's just very laid back and casual on the Celestial Hills (RP) server it seems, which means probably the closest corollary to CoH servers would be (surprise, surprise) the Virtue community. You might not have the equivalent of costume contests under Atlas Statue like you've got happening nearly all the time on Virtue ... but the *spirit* of that kind of community feeling and camraderie seems to be present on the Celestial Hills server at least.

    Which means I've basically run out of reasons *NOT* to start playing Tera and seeing how it goes, myself.
  18. Great googly moogly ... that was ... what's the word that comes after "Awesome" ...? Where's War Witch when I need her?
  19. Redlynne

    Where to now?

    Originally Posted by Eldorado View Post
    Thanks, Redlynne -- those explanations all make sense, and helped to temper my initial "OMG dooooooom!" reaction to the somewhat scary points I brought up, but your comments do put things in a better (and more positive) perspective!
    You're welcome. Nice to know I learned something that day at the War College from CuppaJo ... other than the fact that I could make her *melt* just by telling an in-game joke about the Tabula Rasa tutorial that left my fellow gamers howling.

    Originally Posted by Eldorado View Post
    I'm kind of curious about the "feel" of the community myself
    Friend of mine who plays CoH and was wondering what to do after The End Of Days decided to leapfrog me on Tera and signed up for a 7 day trial account. Apparently the chats in public channels reminded my friend of the kind of stuff you'd see in Tabula Rasa, minus the Chuck Norris jokes (which were all the rage 4 years ago), since a lot of it was about computer parts and failure prone computer hardware from a particular vendor.

    Originally Posted by Eldorado View Post
    I'm betting that the feel of each server will be vastly different
    Honestly, this should come a no surprise. Even here in CoH, the community cultures on Freedumb and Virtue were remarkably different and diverse, not to mention Pinacle and Justice and all the others. Maybe not VASTLY different ... but I can tell you right now that the Roleplay PvE server, Celestial Hills, has a lower population than the not-RP PvE server. And at the time I was looking this weekend, the PvP server seemed to have a pretty healthy population too. So yeah, I'd expect the communities on the different servers to "behave" differently.

    As a side note, when Tabula Rasa launched, they had only 3 servers ... with Cassiopeia designated as the unoffical RP server. Being a longtime Virtue player, I of course gravitated to Cassiopeia in TR ... and if I do commit to playing Tera, will almost certainly play on the Celestial Hills server over there.
  20. Redlynne

    Where to now?

    Originally Posted by Primal_Dark View Post
    I've had a lot of fun with Tera. It doesn't have the depth and storyline of a couple select MMOs out there, but the gameplay is top notch. I soloed a BAM the other day (Big *** Monster) with my warrior and I was on the edge of my seat, knowing that any major attack that I didn't dodge was going to kill me. I've since switched primarily to the slayer, since they can do many of the same things, just faster. I'm not really worried about Tera shutting down, it hasn't even gone F2P yet and they're still actively adding content. On top of all that it's beautiful.
    Game's only been out for a year in Korea, and a mere ~4 months in the US and EU. You'd don't get several years worth of content in the first year no matter which game you're playing. CoH has had 8 years to accrete content onto itself, as has WoW. But that first year, playing CoH? There were plenty of stretches where you had to street hunt to get to the next 5 levels range. So in that respect, knowing that "there's stuff to do" and that there's "more coming" down the pipe is an On Balance positive recommendation in this case for Tera, as far as I'm concerned.

    Incidentally, what's the server population and community like when you're playing Tera, after the mergers? For a lot of people, the "feel" of a CoH server is rooted in its community, so would you say any of the Tera servers come close to the Redside/Blueside casual camraderie we have in CoH?

    Originally Posted by Primal_Dark View Post
    I also played Diablo 3 when it came out and was very disappointed. I really wanted to like it since I spent about half my college years playing Diablo 2, but, in the end, I just couldn't force myself to. Other companies have made better action RPGs (warhammer 40k, Titan Quest, Torchlight) since the release of Diablo 2 and the bar was raised to a much higher level than Diablo 3 released at, even without all the problems with gear and inferno.
    I'm thinking that Diablo 3 is probably the biggest FLOP of a game I ever wasted money on. It's okay through Normal difficulty, gets progressively more boring in Nightmare ... Hell is just frustrating and boring ... and Inferno is just infuriating and obnoxious. I got to Inferno with ONE character and decided I never wanted to play the game again ... the replayability is that BAD.
  21. Redlynne

    Where to now?

    After having attended the Tabula Rasa War College in 2008 ... where I got to meet CuppaJo and Critters (former community managers of CoH), as well as Richard Garriott and Starr Long and many of the Tabula Rasa developers, there's one thing they said about launching a game that sticks with me after all these years, and it's this.

    It is standard operating procedure for games to shed staff/developers after launching.

    Although it seems counter-intuitive to us, as players, this is apparently "normal business practice" in the gaming industry ... that once a game launches, layoffs will occur ... pretty much regardless of how well the game does in the marketplace. Those of us who weren't gamers wondered openly why that should be so, and the answer came back that a lot of the people needed to get a game READY for launch aren't necessarily "needed" once the game HAS LAUNCHED. How much of a layoff/cutback occurs after launching kinda sorta depends on the mix of developers who were on payroll before the game reached launch day (which makes sense), but chopping a Dev team in half is not unheard of ... or particularly uncommon.

    Heck, within A YEAR ... Cryptic Studios was down to the Fighting 15 Devs (including Positron, Manticore, Back Alley Brawler, Castle and lots of other Rednames we oldtimers would recognize) who kept CoH on life support long enough for NCSoft to scoop it up (only to turn around and knife it in the back in the middle of the night 5 years later, but that's another story).

    So if you're looking at news items saying that Tera has cut a substantial portion of its developer staff after launch, and that's giving you the jitters about a new (or at least, new in the NA/EU market) game, realize that layoffs in a studio after launch are pretty much standard practice as a studio realigns from doing "Pure" Creation and QA prior to launch over to doing Maintenance and Expansion post-launch ... the latter pretty much "requiring" a different mix of skills and personnel from what was needed pre-launch.

    Server consolidation ... is never a "great thing" to have to do, but it's a "if you gotta do it, might as well get it over with" kind of thing. And yeah, the article you cite is spinning it as best can ... but the simple fact of the matter is that if you're going to do a server consolidation, doing it within the first 6 months after launch is probably the best time to do it (if you're going to do it).

    And consider the CoH experience as a backdrop here. Freedumb and Virtue were highly populated servers ... and everything else was pretty much Crickets-ville (by comparison). Some people liked playing on low population servers (fewer hassles from other players), but it also make team and league content that much harder to gather people up for. Heck, even on Virtue it's a challenge to get enough people together for a Cathedral of Pain run ... and you only need 21 people outside your SG and 3 people in your SG to lead the teams to do that ... and recruiting for the event could STILL take 3-5x as long as the event itself. I can hardly imagine what recruiting for League Content must be like on lower population CoH servers.

    Basically Tera launched with an overcapacity of servers, because in many ways it's far better to have "too much" server capacity than "not enough" as far as these things go. That overcapacity "balkanized" the playerbase below a critical threshold needed to get communities going "properly" and an in-game economy kickstarted. So the only thing you can really do is realign the populations ... and if you're going to do that at all you might as well defrag your playerbase to the maximum extent possible, which is what it looks like they did.

    The "nice" thing about the server move Tera did is that if you're new to the game AFTER the merge, you're going to be starting out in some pretty populated servers with plenty of players on them. Adding new servers after this point, to grow with an expanding player base (should it expand), would be a relatively simple operation, and the number of established players "overflowing" into the new server to create alts would ensure that there's a healthy enough population to get a new server populated and operational from a player perspective.

    Yeah, it sucks they had to merge servers ... but that's already over and done, so anyone new to the game after the merge doesn't have to "go through that" and can simply start fresh among well populated servers (as opposed to mostly empty servers because there's too many of them). It's a "bite the bullet NOW so you can heal better for later" kind of thing, as far as I'm concerned.
  22. Redlynne

    Where to now?

    Originally Posted by Primal_Dark View Post
    Tera: No one else has thrown this out there yet so I thought I would. This game also uses an xbox controller and relies on an blocking, dodging mechanics. Missions aren't so fleshed out, but it's new and they're adding things. I really like the look of the game and the attacks, defenses are a lot of fun.
    I basically spent this past weekend researching Tera. It's a Korean sourced game (NOT by NCSoft!) of a hack 'n' slash variety. You don't get the degree of customization options CoH can give you ... but then again, after 8 years, nothing else really even comes CLOSE to CoH's customization options, so this is no real surprise. The gamePLAY however looks to be very ACTIVE and player engaging, meaning that you're rewarded for controlling your character in both a tactical and strategic sense, and that attack avoidance is a Player Skill rather than an Equipment Stat. I haven't played any of the demo options yet, but so far everything I've seen about this game is reminding me a lot about the "better" parts of Tabula Rasa's gameplay and UI, which required Player Attention to execute properly such that you're not just simply doing the Tab+Button Mash routine. In that respect, Tera looks to be very Scrapperlock prone, for pretty much any and every character class you play (although more than others for some classes).

    Originally Posted by Primal_Dark View Post
    I too was terribly disappointed to hear that the Marvel MMO was a diablo styled game. I simply have no desire to play something like that.
    At this point, I basically consider Diablo 3 both a failure as a game, and a writeoff, simply because the developers behind it are complete Amateur Hour poseurs. Diablo 3's developers basically have one ... and ONLY ONE ... response to anything that's a balance issue. NERF IT IN HALF!!

    If people are using something because it's "successful" ... and then because of that "successful" strategy, other options are being abandoned ... NERF IT IN HALF!!

    That's basically all they do. Needless to say, after "I've seen this movie already..." happen multiple times to my ONE character I was playing within the span of the first month, I just gave up on Diablo 3. I can "fight" mobs, but I can't "fight" Devs in Diablo 3 (easter egg secret dungeon notwithstanding) that ruin my enjoyment of *their* game. Every time I tried to play *MY* game, the developers came along and made that impossible to do. It was like having a really *dumb* Jack Emmert (with even worse communication skills) running the project. Needless to say, this totally soured me on anything Blizzard produced, which is kind of ironic.

    I'm never giving any of my money to NCSoft ever again in my lifetime because they killed two of my favorite game franchises ... Tabula Rasa and City of Heroes ... where I loved the development teams.

    My subscription to WoW will expire and I'm not playing Diablo 3 ... because of what the developers did, not because I hate the company.
  23. Redlynne


    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Even Athens was not an entirely stable democracy historically. Its more precise to call it an experimental democracy, and one that was not considered an especially good role model for other countries to follow precisely because of its experimental and shifting nature (among other reasons).

    I would say there has only been one actual stable really successful long-term democratic system, and that's the British Parliamentary system. Its been long-lived, it has served as the model for a large number of other democratic systems, and its most radical inspirational departure is probably the United States itself which is also a successful long term democracy. You'd be hard-pressed to name another system that is reasonably democratic, stable, long-lived, and successful in terms of both maintaining its integrity outside of isolation and replicating any significant part of itself outside its own origin.
    Of all places ... SPARTA.

    Sparta wasn't a direct democracy in the sense that Athens was, and it definitely had strains of monarchy and oligarchy running through it ... so Sparta might not be the sort of "ideal" democracy/republic you'd want to replicate today. But Sparta maintained stability as a city-state for something on the order of over 600 years(!) ... until they had their economic support cut out from under them (by their rivals "freeing" and empowering their slave populations of Helots to rise up and overthrow their Spartan overlords). Indeed, many of the conventions of how government should be structured that went into The Constitution were not based on Athenian democracy, but rather upon the longstanding stability of Sparta.

    Personally, I rather like this historical tidbit about the Spartans, which you can find in the wikipedia article for Laconic Phrase:
    One famous example comes from the time of the invasion of Philip II of Macedon. With key Greek city-states in submission, he turned his attention to Sparta and sent a message: "If I win this war, you will be slaves forever." In another version, Philip proclaims: "You are advised to submit without further delay, for if I bring my army into your land, I will destroy your farms, slay your people, and raze your city." According to both accounts, the Spartan ephors sent back a one word reply: "If" (αἴκα). Subsequently both Philip and Alexander avoided Sparta entirely.