Decorative base items we want... and exist!




I feel so sorry for the OP. Reading comprehension plus I guess just excitement at getting to post ideas equals, yeah.

But, I always look at items in game and wonder why they aren't available in the base editor. They're there already!

Wall sconces from office mission map and bank maps Screenshot1

Mirrored floors from Pocket D Screenshot

Computer banks from Council mission maps Screenshot

Dumpsters Screenshot

Fountains, benches, tree planters with autumn leaves

Magic book shelves from Oranbenga maps and I believe near Azuria in Atlas

Yellow couch from Faultline

A lot more I can't find screen shots of now.

Screenshots borrowed from GameAmp user galleries as I don't have CoX at this location.

@Poison Idea

Guilty of being tight.



Wait, Ghost Widow had two heads in real life?



dont u hate it when ur alone in your huge base cuz ur vg mates dont appretiate it? well how about putting in ur own scientists/police/regular people! they dont even have to b able to fight in raids, it would b kewl just to have em there.



I'd like to see the floating stone lights from the Tree room in the villain respec trial/Statesman TF....those lights are just so cool, with the magic design under them that makes them float and everything.



I just saw this thread for the first time, and read all of the way thru it. My villain base is pseudo-arcane theme, and while building it (and still) the things I wanted the most I don't see in this thread, so here goes:


In the orenbega missions, there is a huge variety of different arcane circles, like the one available, except with a lot more effects, and some are wall mounted, would like to see them available


double height stairs to make the transition up 2 levels instead of one (so we don't have to float them with desks, really hard to get the height just right on the top set of stairs)


the colored versions of the book podiums from orenbega lairs

did I mention CANDLES?



I think it would be so awesome if you could choose an "outside" texture...
Like a remote island, or a underground lair with tunnels, or maybe a base in the sky.

Then place windows on the walls (and maybe the floor when your in the sky) around your base so you can see outside!

Kinda like in Pocket D!



Yellow couch from Faultline

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The pinball machine in there too



a waterfall would be awsome or running water through the base that would be the best ever



Has anyone noticed/mentioned that the floors in Atlas City Hall are so shiny they are reflective? A very cool detail.... dunno if it could be done on one of the decorative tiles......

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The reflective floors in city hall also reveal a secret about player-created characters. We're all vampires!

More seriously, I'd like to see the floor-mounted "banner lights" from the Freedom Corps building in Galaxy added. It's really tough to get SG banners lit properly without resorting to ambient light.



Well! Apparently so are the NPC's, 'cause their reflections don't show either. So, what you're saying is we should really be calling it "City of Vampires" or some such....

Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



Okay show of hands, who has done that 40+ish carnie mish where the warehouse is all decked out? Like the skulls dance club one in the low lvls but with carnie stuffs. Thats what I want. Our SG is called The Professionals, so it may not be appropriate for very many rooms (partying professionals?) but I would love to get my hands on some of that stuff. And I agree that anything thrown by propel should be up for grabs, POOL TABLE!



Has anyone noticed/mentioned that the floors in Atlas City Hall are so shiny they are reflective? A very cool detail.... dunno if it could be done on one of the decorative tiles......

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To be fair, that's actually an old rendering trick. The floors are actually not shiny at all, rather they are semi transparent and a mirror image of the Atlas lobby is underneath them. Actual reflection is too difficult for PC graphics cards to do in realtime.

That's also why the players don't reflect, because there isn't a mirror copy of you to put under the floor.




To be fair, that's actually an old rendering trick. The floors are actually not shiny at all, rather they are semi transparent and a mirror image of the Atlas lobby is underneath them.

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Depends how it's implemented. There may be actual geometry under there, inaccessible through normal means. Another way to do it with any planar surface is to just re-render the scene with a transformation matrix calculated from the position of the surface and a stencil buffer applied to limit the shape to the visible area. That would get movable objects like players and NPCs as well (as long as they were rendered in the second pass).

Actual reflection is too difficult for PC graphics cards to do in realtime.

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Depends what you consider "actual reflection". The stencil method gives a realistic reflection for any flat plane. Spherical reflections can be done in realtime by rendering cube maps, but that might be too intensive for a game that's played an all sorts of graphics cards. If you mean raytracing reflections, well pretty much all polygon rasterization is just an approximation anyway . There's no "actual" specular lighting or bump mapping for that matter




My characters in Lord of the Rings Online are reflected in areas where the floor is reflective, so it /is/ possible in an MMO environment. Not sure what kind of load it would put on things during a raid

I'm just happy the request fit the OP's criteria



Well, Cryptic went for the double up the geometry method. It used to be that people with teleport could occasionally find their way down there.



I think it would be so awesome if you could choose an "outside" texture...
Like a remote island, or a underground lair with tunnels, or maybe a base in the sky.

Then place windows on the walls (and maybe the floor when your in the sky) around your base so you can see outside!

Kinda like in Pocket D!

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Well, to be fair, the Pocket D "windows looking outside" actually are windows looking out into a "real" outside. It's not a texture / picture at all. During the Wintersday Event, you can fly around outside.

I'm actually looking forward to some kind of implementation on this. Especially now that CoX is under new management.

It shouldn't be that hard to take the Pocket D approach -- the supergroup base being a single-floor construct floating in the middle of a background. And the background can be a copy of your choice of various zones: Atlas Park, Galaxy City, the "purple space" of Pocket D, etc.

With a little bit of work, they can take that to indoor missions, and have windows from inside the building looking out over the city.



I think it would be so awesome if you could choose an "outside" texture...
Like a remote island, or a underground lair with tunnels, or maybe a base in the sky.

Then place windows on the walls (and maybe the floor when your in the sky) around your base so you can see outside!

Kinda like in Pocket D!

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Well, to be fair, the Pocket D "windows looking outside" actually are windows looking out into a "real" outside. It's not a texture / picture at all. During the Wintersday Event, you can fly around outside.

I'm actually looking forward to some kind of implementation on this. Especially now that CoX is under new management.

It shouldn't be that hard to take the Pocket D approach -- the supergroup base being a single-floor construct floating in the middle of a background. And the background can be a copy of your choice of various zones: Atlas Park, Galaxy City, the "purple space" of Pocket D, etc.

With a little bit of work, they can take that to indoor missions, and have windows from inside the building looking out over the city.

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Or just space

or the Purple space of the Shadow Shards 4th zone =)

"Big Bada Boom(tm)!"
1295 Badges - Virtue
Niska: Are you Familiar with the works of Shan Yu?



Doors that are just decor - so the base looks bigger and more real. Even curtained windows would help.

Railings in various styles - there are some on the streets and on the upper platforms in offices or the universities. These'd be great around sunken areas in the base.

Corridors - areas that are cheap and can just take decor. If you're making a base for roleplaying, you don't necessarily need anything fancy - but cheapness might be a consideration. There's no reason not to have cheap rooms and corridors that are purely decorative.

More "normal" building textures. Any of the wall/floor/ceiling textures from office maps (particularly the very nice CoV office textures). Sometimes I don't want spartan brickwork, futuristic tech, rundown factory or faux-Oriental.



Many of the arcane decorative options avail are just way too big to use, when they are just about some smaller stuff, found in warburg and in CoT missions: the small screaming head that is on the wall..some of the gargoyle statues, 1 of them is also an item used in the 'propel' animation. CoT has small crystals hanging from cieling in a lighting affect.

The Harpers

It puts the lotion on it's skin or it gets the hose again!

Don't forget to help control the Furry population; have your Furry spayed or neutered!

Kellen Wolf/Claw/SR(Scrapper)/ protector
Si'Nifay/Electric/Fire(Blaster)/ protector



Well, Cryptic went for the double up the geometry method. It used to be that people with teleport could occasionally find their way down there.

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I'd like to see screenshots of that!



I would most like to see more than just the Tech and Arcane Themes. As tabs that is to help sort items. (Overlap of some items that fit multiple themes would be desirable).

As for specific items:

Weapons Racks (as seen in some Council missions, or in some Hollows missions, among others).

Computer upon a small "desk" as in the University (Steel Canyon)

Carpet Floors (as in CoV)

Vault Door (as in the Bank Missions) (not the functional one for IO salvage); but just for appearence sake.

Duty, it is the most sublime word in the English language, you can never do more, you should never wish to do less.



what if we could change the colors on items too, not just decorative items, but I mean all items, blue super computers, red teleporters, green basic genorators, etc...

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I give up. People just aren't paying attention to the idea behind the thread.


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LOL good Luck

Enjoy your day please.



One thing i REALLLLY want, is at the end of that extremely laggy arachnos map that was used for the last valentines day event, is some kinda, i dont know. Its bot a huge screen, and a big round platform under it witih some robotic arms going to the center. Its HUGE though so a person can stand there in the middle and look up at the screen. Its dang cool.

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