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Quote:I'm currently playing GW2. I'm not going to tell people that are dead set on not giving NCSoft another dime what to do. That's their prerogative, and certainly their right to speak with their wallet. I would, however, like to address some of these bad points in your post.Well, you only purchase the box. No monthly fees.
Since I had already pre-purchased the game months ago, I'm playing.
Good points:
1. Beautiful environmental graphics.
2. Very nice, detailed character/costume graphics. However, like most MMOs, you are what you wear. No customization of costumes like you have in CoH.
3. The main quest line is engaging and fairly well written.
4. Voice queues from npcs are fairly well done. No walls of text to read.
5. Character "idle animations" are pretty cool, not the same thing over and over again, like CoH.
Bad points:
1. Everquest mentality in regards to zone design. You will fight tooth and nail to cross zones and expect ambushes galore.
Spawn rate is insane. You will have mobs spawn on top of you while fighting. Soloing is .... difficult.
2. Minimal "quests". You have tasks to perform in each area. Also, zone events are repetitive, expect to do them over and over again to reach the max level for that zone.
3. No grouping from what I've seen, except for dungeons. Not very social.
4. Dungeons are ridiculously hard.
5. The scenic view objectives in zones can be a royal pain in the behind. Think Super Mario bros....
6. The auction house has been up and down, and with limited inventory I've had to scrap a lot of items.
7. Dont care for the crafting system that much, I dont like multi stage crafting.
8. A lot of mobs are reused over and over. Giant spiders anyone?
9. A lot of promised features are not present - "once you save a town, it stays saved" for example.
The zone events are not that "new", you can see many of the same things in current games.
10. No /stick or /follow for melee toons. That makes playing melee a no-go as far as I'm concerned.
I dont like FPS style melee combat.
It's an ok game, but not something I can see myself playing long term.
Going to reserve final judgement until I've played a while though.
As for the OP, dont bomb a game unless you've played it and are commenting on THAT game. It will not help the cause.
1. I've never played EQ, so I can't comment on their zone design, but I will say that crossing a zone is only a pain the first time, and only if you're not following the flow of the zone from one task area to the next. There are quick-travel waypoints all over the place, in every zone, making it easier to go back to places you've already been. Spawn rates are a little high in some areas, but it's not really "fighting tooth and nail". Soloing is entirely possible. I've solo'd 68 levels so far on my main. As long as you're going with the flow of the area, watch where you're going, and not trying to skip things, you'll be fine.
2. There are "quests" in the traditional sense, but those are limited to your personal story. The majority of your leveling comes from open-world Tasks/Hearts (pretty much auto-quests that you come across in zones, they're static, and your progress on them is personal, can vary in what you're doing and can only be done once), dynamic events (events that are triggered a variety of ways, can be done multiple times, but don't have to be), and area completion (you get a pretty hefty xp bonus for seeing everything there is to see in a given area). You'll also get xp from gathering, crafting, and completing daily achievements. You can grind the events, I suppose, but I haven't had to. In general, there are 2-3 areas for each level range, so I haven't had to do an event more than once unless I wanted to in 130+ hours of gameplay.
3. Traditional groups do usually only occur for dungeons, but the game is built on cooperation and being social. There's plenty of communication in zones for people looking for events, which tend to be a group activity, people asking questions and helping others. The thing that a lot of people miss is that there's no kill stealing, and everyone that hits a given mob gets credit...right down to full xp (including bonuses for various things), and their own loot. People are free to help each other without fear of someone chewing them out for it, and do all the time. See someone getting slaughtered by a mob? Jump in and help them! Dynamic events tend to be great gathering points to help your fellow player. There's also xp for rezing other players, which is yet more encouragement to help the guy next to you. So, while there isn't grouping in the traditional sense (though, you're free to do that anyways!), there is a sense of cooperation throughout the game.
4. Yes, dungeons are hard. But they're no more mandatory than our Task Forces. You like the challenge? Go for it. If not, there's plenty of other things to do, including some neat jumping puzzles.
5. Yes, the jumping puzzles for Vistas can be a pain, if you don't like that sort of thing. The area completion bonus, however, makes it worth it to do, and most areas only have 5 or so of them. Not all of them in a given zone are hard to get to, and there are plenty of guides and videos if you just can't figure it out.
6. The auction house was having problems initially, but those have since been fixed. It's been up and running solidly without a crash for a few days now.
7. Crafting is not for everyone, but I would like to note that their recipe discovery system can be a lot of fun for some, and the xp from crafting makes it worth it to invest some time into.
As for the rest, I don't recall them ever promising that a town would "stay saved", but I didn't follow early development. Personally, given the story of the game, that wouldn't make sense to me...we're in the middle of a war, there's no reason for an enemy to give up after attacking a town once. And no, the zone events aren't revolutionary, but they can be fun. And no auto-follow....really, that's a personal preference for melee. I haven't been bothered by it. -
I consider every minute spent on this game, and every dollar, well spent. All games close eventually, it's the nature of online games, and while I'm devastated and heartbroken by the loss of the game I've called home for 7 years...I wouldn't even considering demanding the probably close to $2000 I've spent on it back. For me, I got everything I wanted in exchange for that money....thousands of hours of joy with great friends that I'd never have met anywhere else (literally thousands...my main character alone has 1366 hours on her, as of this post, and will have many more before the final day). My money was used for development, and paying the salaries of the people that made that joy possible. Now, as for recently spent money on future sub time and points...they'll compensate us. Standard operating procedure in the closure of an NCSoft game includes at least a refund of that, and usually a final closing event and a compensation package. In the end, you paid for a service and you got that service. And, if you're like most of us, the service you got was irreplaceable, but the money well spent.
Well, looks like the problem for me was NoScript. Specifically, I had to allow iesnare.com to even be able to log in. However, it still doesn't like the migration page. Everything on that page has been allowed, but it still doesn't like the javascript redirect function. When I turn off NoScript entirely, it works. It's probably something to do with the cross-site scripting options. Unfortunately, I don't have time tonight to try to get it working, though.
I found I was having the same problem with Firefox...it kept telling me that my username and/or password was incorrect. I gave it a try in IE, and it works. Anyone else that's using a different browser tried IE yet? I know it's not convenient, but as a short-term solution, it worked for me.
I had this error once. It usually happens when some files for the Windows boot manager are corrupted or misconfigured, causing the computer not to recognize it properly. Here are some possible solutions for fixing it...the startup repair worked for me, but it offers some other solutions as well.
The halos unlocked with candy canes in previous winter events seem to have gone missing on all the characters I had them unlocked on.
I've been using /playernote @myglobal to keep track of date and time for all my characters >.> It's available across all characters, and easy to remember where I wrote it down.
I've also gotten this from all trials...including, to a lesser extent, Death From Below. For the BAF and Lambda I can get in 2-3 trials before i need to restart the client or I'll crash. For UG trial it seems to be once, -maybe- twice, depending on how far we get. For Death from Below, I can get in 5-6 before it'll crash. It also eats up memory to a lesser extent when I'm doing a lot of zoning. In all cases, the memory that CoH is using will continue to grow until it hits about 2.6 gigs and crashes. The /unloadgfx or /reloadgfx commands no longer help...there seems to have been a change in their behavior this issue that makes the problem worse for some people.
*coughs* tomorrow is Tuesday, not Saturday.
Try both the tech forum and a support ticket...as long as you keep calm the support forum should be the faster route, we have plenty of technically inclined players that can help with the right information about your system. NCSoft support seems to be a little swamped in the past few days, so might take a bit to get back to you.
First, I don't see DarkGob's post as trolling, he did ask a valid question about defragging your harddrive. I don't know that it would help, but there's no harm in trying that.
Second, take a deep breath. I know you're frustrated, but raging never helps, and frequently only makes things worse as the people that -could- help you would be less inclined to do so.
Third, have you opened a support ticket with NCSoft support to get help troubleshooting your problem? This is the first I've seen of anyone having a problem like you're having, so that would indicate that it's probably something on your system that needs to be changed. If you're looking for compensation, they would also be the people to ask, not anyone on the forums (devs and community reps do not handle billing).
Also, a polite post in the Technical help forums, following the posting guidelines with the information needed about your system may get you some faster troubleshooting and help from technically inclined players. -
Quote:This is incorrect. I purchased the whole barbarian set, and it all unlocked right then and there. No need to claim it through email, I didn't need to relog as some people have reported needing to, I was able to use it all immediately. The pieces are applied directly to your account, like the old boosters were. Him not having those pieces unlock yet has got to be a bug of some sort, which support should be able to fix up for him.Check your e-mail for the costume unlocks. Like Incarnate costume pieces, they should be in there.
Ultimus, are the items showing up in your purchase history? Have the points for them been deducted from your total? Support might be a little swamped right now, I wouldn't be surprised if it takes them a day or so to get back to you, but you should at least get the automated reply to say your ticket has been received. -
In the Paragon Market, the pictures for the two steampunk bustiers are swapped, which may lead to people purchasing something other than the one they were looking for if they don't purchase from the tailor screen.
Quote:My post was badly worded, but this is it exactly. You receive Reward tokens for subbing each month, or when you buy points (1 token per 1200 points), but not for when you spend points. Reward tokens can't be used to buy points, they're separate systems.So the Reward Tokens I get each month can be used to purchase points so I don't have to spend actual money on buying points? Because - to me - that's what you're saying.
Quote:The Reward tokens are for purchasing points, not for spending them, so you won't receive any more tokens than you already have, because the points we received were free, not purchased.I received 1600 points to start with. I've bought the Beam Rifle Power Set and the Barbarian Costume Set, but have yet to receive Reward Tokens even though I have spent over 400 points. Is this because they are "free" points or because of the bug you have specified?
Quote:It's hard to imagine, yes, but I'm not going to make assumptions about their code. It may be that CoH uses the launcher differently than NCSoft's other games, because the legacy launcher functioned differently. It may be that they've decided that the pre-release patch isn't necessary because the launcher is faster for so many of us. There may be other perfectly valid reasons that CoH doesn't use the Launcher's pre-release patch download functionality. Whether or not the Launcher is faster for the bulk of us, there are still people on limited speeds or bandwidth that would greatly appreciate having at least a few days to download the patch before it goes Live. I'm not one of those that needs the pre-download, but I can sympathize for those who do.It's hard to imagine why CoH wouldn't be "compatible" with such a feature. We're just talking about a specific set of game files that would have to be patched in a similar way for -any- game. Regardless I've noticed that the current NCSoft Launcher is so many times quicker than the original one for any download that I'm not sure how important the whole pre-downloading concept would be with it.
I suppose after next week we'll know for sure one way or the other. -
The NCSoft Launcher -is- capable of pre-release downloads, I play another NCSoft game that uses that capability of the Launcher, but I'm not sure that it's compatible with CoH. It would be nice if they started using that ability of the Launcher.
I also cannot log in (though, I can see the beta server. Yay patch notes to occupy me!)
Quote:Zwillinger, do you know if there's a cut off on this grant? I resubbed in the early afternoon (around 1pm EDT) so that I can try the beta with a friend, and I know my access to the server might take a day or two to sync, but seeing this I'm kinda hoping I didn't resub too late for the point grant. I get the feeling that I might not be the only one resubbing today for this ^.^ if not, no worries.I come bearing tidings of good news:
For the purposes of the VIP Beta (and the VIP Beta only, so no, you can't keep them when we go live), we will be seeding all currently active accounts with 10,000 Paragon Points, so you can spend to your hearts desire in the Paragon Market.
This will be live when Beta comes up tonight (fingers crossed, knock on wood, spin around in a circle and spit over your left shoulder).
Quote:As of the next patch (the current patch on Test), you'll be able to use travel-only temp powers in the Trials ^.^Hi Guys,
thanks for all the really useful advice
As I said I have always used my jetpack to deal with vertical travel and my Ninja for the run speed boost.
I had not realised just how good it was for climbing. I will now go off to a quiet corner and practise that skill and will stick to BAF's till I got a handle on it.
Thanks again, muchly appreciated.
Quote:The probably need the time to process the account data, confirm which accounts are eligible, and then create and test the scripts to make the changes to the account database to tag us as having gotten the rewards. I don't mind the wait.Either we should have been awarded these loyalty rewards on April 18th or they just should have had the period that we had to be subbed last up until April 28th. The idea of "completing" the requirements for the rewards but then still having to wait for them is a tad silly all things considered.
Quote:Actually, the CIBC Visa debit card can be used for online purchases. Not necessarily ideal, if you're with another bank, though. The card itself isn't any extra to get, if you do have an account with them, and if you're a student you can get a free, unlimited transaction account. If you have neither, but still want to consider it, they do have accounts with low transaction numbers and smaller fees. I got one, and use it a lot more than I thought I would.aaahh, okay, I got a re loadable MasterCard from Money Mart where I did my taxes 2 years ago,(it was free - only reason I agreed because regular you pay 20$ just for the card) - same idea, I guess, except that when you have money on the card, it debits $7.50 off it on the fifteenth of every month for "admin" fees, and it costs $2 every time you load it. That's why I never use it, or use it up right away.
A debit card in Canada is not accepted as a payment method, or I'd be never messing around with game time cards and throw away visas every month. -
How terrifically closed-minded of you. There are many reasons for wanting to run with people that you know, including SG-events, and simply wanting that comfort factor of running with friends...even if you all fail together. Sometimes, we just want to relax and have fun with people whose company we enjoy.
Quote:There are several problems with that...groups build by the queue are almost always the minimum size, or close to it. People looking to do leagues entirely with friends (and there are SGs and coalitions big enough to fill leagues to the max for the event) will pre-form. If they allow the queue to build their league, there's no guarantee that all of said friends will get it, or that the queue won't put a stranger in their place. And leagues that are built by the queue don't always have a clear leader. You'll sometimes get people used to doing things a different way than the person that ends up with the star, and the conflicting orders can and does confuse people, ending up in a very rough run. Some people wish to avoid that by joining groups with leaders they know are experienced.Has anyone successfully used the LFG queue to form teams? Isn't that what it's supposed to be for, kinda? Just announce "Lambda forming, enter LFG queue to join." Does it not work that way? Then you wouldn't have to be in the same zone at all, is there a time limit for the first part of the trial, or can you wait until you're full to start?