So I came to say goodbye...and that made me want to cry
I've spent a lot of time with you and for that I will be eternally grateful. Maybe too much time but that is for another day.
But there will be no other day it seems. At least not for you and me. At least not here anyways.
I'll miss the City a lot even though I'm not here very much anymore.
I'll miss the early days when I was paying millions for wings in croatoa because they looked so neat. That was on my blaster Sparrow1. Always loved the idea of the blasters but I died way too much. (ALways loved the thought of Masterminds too but that was too much actual work.) I loved my pumkins. Loved them so much early on that for years I couldn't go back to them

Loved my Pumpkins
I'll miss the warm feeling I get when I ran an ITF and realize that I am actually running it. But even more....people are actually listening to me. Always thought that was dumb of them. I wouldn't listen to me. And seldom did..
I'll miss 2XS,my claws/fire brute who somehow I turned into a little wrecking machine that never really died. She had so many beautiful costumes. So did Miss Kin Ception, my Fire/Emp Controller. I always thought it would be funny to be on a TF and have someone say to me Í thought you were a Kin'. And then I would respond 'Thats a common misconception.' Which I thought was hilarious. But no one ever asked

{It will make sense if you say it outloud. Well, maybe not, but I still think it is funny. )
I'll miss my friends at the Pr0n channel and special thanks to A L I E N (see I even spelled it out for you

) who invited me twice after I was scared away within the first two minutes the first time around. I would thank you all individually but would be so terrified of leaving someone out I won't.
I'll miss the endless chatter on JU and JFA. All of the fights and the family channel
I'll miss the thrill of flipping LoTGs at WW and then throwing lavish costume contests with the proceeds. Pretty costumes everywhere and me the sole judge

I'm sorry I'll never win one myself but I'm ok with that now. (It still amazes me how much people overpaid for things)
I won't miss Hami though (too much not fighting things for me, followed by a flurry of activity I never really did understand. I did understand Hami much better then I did Eden though. For me Eden was some holes to fall through for no appearant reason folllowed by fighting a big Crystal thing that probably had a name and a reason for being annoyed at me. (Did I leave anything out? Nope. Sums up Eden nicely.)
I'll miss running the Katie. I was a Katie **** I'll admit it. I can do that now. That was the beginning of my whatever it was that I needed. I think my record was seven Katies in a row. This was after the days of the Quick Katie (which I never actually saw) when 12-15 minutes was a great team. (And sometimes under seven )
And I was addicted.
But I got better it seems.
And now my game is going away.
And that makes me sad.
Cause I'll miss you.
You were my lover and you were my friend at a time when I needed you.
Thats it I think. Probably not but I can always come back and say something else.
*wipes away tear (cause there were some) *
Oh yeah, sorry about the unintentional ryming in the first line.