Pyromania anyone?
You could help me in my new found addiction to IOing.
I've spent more Influence in the last 3 days on sets than I've earned in entire years of playing, since I don't play at 50.
You could always just have the market eat the cash with fees...
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
As an acknowledged base-building newb myself, I would be delighted and deeply honored to assist you in your honorable quest to destroy as much Inf as humanly possible...look me up, we'll do lunch
@Mistress Rue
Yes, I RP and play Redside on Virtue - No, Rumors of its demise have been greatly exaggerated

Do you suck at COH/COV? not yet...
As an acknowledged base-building newb myself, I would be delighted and deeply honored to assist you in your honorable quest to destroy as much Inf as humanly possible...look me up, we'll do lunch ![]() |

I'm in a holding pattern until my next market experiment takes off. After that, mebbe. ^_^b
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
Rue, Ernham: how much do you have to throw in the pot yourselves? I can match 2:1 for up to, say, the first 250 million (that's 2 of mine to one of yours.)
Maestro: Welcome to the treadmill!
All you guys: you know the standard ways to make a quick 50 or 100 million or 200 million inf, right? (for instance, running 10 tips plus an alignment tip, then "Who Will Die 1" twice back to back, gets you two Alignment Merits. Turn those in for one or two shinies, craft the shiny, sell it on the market. I don't know what the current shinies are. Then buy another AM with the fifty RMs you got for running the tips.)
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
@Mistress Rue
Yes, I RP and play Redside on Virtue - No, Rumors of its demise have been greatly exaggerated

Do you suck at COH/COV? not yet...
Also: Erhnam, what's your global in name?
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
All you guys: you know the standard ways to make a quick 50 or 100 million or 200 million inf, right? (for instance, running 10 tips plus an alignment tip, then "Who Will Die 1" twice back to back, gets you two Alignment Merits. Turn those in for one or two shinies, craft the shiny, sell it on the market. I don't know what the current shinies are. Then buy another AM with the fifty RMs you got for running the tips.)

@Mistress Rue
Yes, I RP and play Redside on Virtue - No, Rumors of its demise have been greatly exaggerated

Do you suck at COH/COV? not yet...
I'll mail you the inf, Mistress Rue. Enjoy!
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
Inf mailed.
The "classics" for me, for one alignment merit each, are Kin Combat Dam/Rech and Dam/End, currently around 60 million inf each (near their normal low water marks), and the L21 Performance Shifter Chance for Acc- less supply/less demand/less consistency. If you want to branch out there are things like Basilisks and Eradications, but I don't follow those as much.
I do more "Buy recipe, craft, sell IO" than anything else and I do that looking for smallish profits (say 8-10 million on a 1-20 million investment) over the short term. There are a LOT of ways to make a lot of inf. I'm going to give you five ideas "for example" that I'd use if I had very little starting inf and wanted to make a couple hundred million. Try to juggle maybe five of a single IO, so if it goes from 10 million each to 500,000 you don't lose TOO much. All are at max level.
1. Devastation Dam/Rech. Basically costs "crafting plus orange", not too high a supply, kind of obscure. Spend around 3M , sell for 10M, give a million to Mr. W, make 6M .
2. Red Fortune End/Rech. I would not STAY in this niche for more than, like, two days but right now there are 7 for sale crafted, the recipe costs basically zero, you can list for 10 million and probably get 12 or 15 million and your other costs are actually less than the Wentfee. Get in, get profit, get out.
3. Gaussian's, To Hit Buff/Rech . I got out of this because it would cost me 8 or 9 million and I'd only sell it for maybe 15, but on the other hand? it's a solid niche you can stay in for weeks. Risky because you're investing a lot for your return.
4. A slightly higher end bet- you could lose real money here- Numina's Heal. Currently about 20 million to buy and craft, sell for 40-ish, give 4 million to Mr. Wentworth and keep the other 16.
5. Steadfast Protection: KB protection at level 30. Costs you half a million to 2 million, craft, sell for 15 million. Kind of a risk, because it usually sells for under 5 million so your market niche may collapse.
So there are five ideas to try, see what works, hopefully make a lot of money and only lose a little.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
And spent! thank you so much
@Mistress Rue
Yes, I RP and play Redside on Virtue - No, Rumors of its demise have been greatly exaggerated

Do you suck at COH/COV? not yet...
You could help me in my new found addiction to IOing.
![]() I've spent more Influence in the last 3 days on sets than I've earned in entire years of playing, since I don't play at 50. |

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
I interpreted "entire years" as meaning "any given entire year".
Ooh. Can I get in on that action? I have 250 mil to burn and a base that I really need to get arond to building, maybe this'll provide an impetus!
Global @Meagen.

Character index
Inf will be mailed to you, Silver Gale.
Is there a period at the end of the global, or are you just ending a sentence?
Edit: saw your CIT listing without a period. Mailed it to that global... if yours DOES have a period, email me ingame, and I'll send to that one, also.

Thank you, Champion.
If you are still giving away funds, I could use more prestige in my Champions base. I'll put up 250 million toward conversion to prestige.
Lets see, 2:1 gives me 750 million inf, at 2000:1 give me 375,000 prestige. I can buy 3 more enhancement storage tables with that.
Global is @honcho
On Champion
Living Coal LV 50 Fire/Fire Tank
Nature Boy LV 41 Earth/Kin Cont
Great Wacko LV 34 Robot/FF MM
plus many alts
May take me a few days to get to this. Bramphousian, were you cutting in? Or adding EXTRA to the pile? Either way: Well burnt.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
Since I have a lot of disposable inf at present, I figure I'd add fuel to the fire.

Thank you, Champion.
Inf will be mailed to you, Silver Gale.
Is there a period at the end of the global, or are you just ending a sentence? Edit: saw your CIT listing without a period. Mailed it to that global... if yours DOES have a period, email me ingame, and I'll send to that one, also. |

Character index

Argh, I forgot I had "Mail from global friends only" set on most of my characters. I'm ot sure what that did to the email, did it get returned, or did it just vanish into oblivion?
I will double check shortly.
The mail did not return. I'm 99% certain that the inf was not re-deposited onto him, given how much he had on hand logging into him just now.
It would seem that the influence is just gone. Lesson learned. I guess the "burn influence" part of the goal was achieved, at any rate.
I just sent a test email, and will re-send the influence once I get a reply from you.

Thank you, Champion.
Maybe it'll show back up in 60 days? Just a thought.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
I'm long on inf and short on creativity.
Where should I burn inf and who will burn it with me? Three-four billion in contributions and we can temporarily regain the #2 slot on Virtue.
Or I could try and find some base building newbs.
Or... something.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.