
Forum Cartel
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  1. Thanks all of you who could make it! Anyone want to volunteer to collect demorecords of people's characters?
  2. I am sick like a bear rug. I'll be on but I would appreciate someone else doing the hard stuff. Sorry for short notice.
  3. Sorry, just got power back from Hurricane Me last night. How's 9 PM Eastern/ 6 Pacific for people?

    And does anyone here know how they stitch characters together, as they did for this? Just because we can't all be there at once, doesn't mean we can't all be there.

    EDIT: found http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNIlF...hannel&list=UL , now I just need to take a few minutes and actually learn it.
  4. Pleasure to see you again, Protea. I was trying and failing to place the name... too many old old friends.
  5. Enyalios is talking about Pandaemonium on Freedom (their own SG); the main 88 strongholds are Virtue and Guardian.

    There is no guarantee that the servers will stay open till Nov. 30th so we should burn stuff early.

    Is Oct. 31 TOO early? It's a classic night for bonfires, after all.
  6. I have a mental list of what characters I'd restart already. I'd just have to pick my secondary for the Fire/* blaster.
  7. Not much. I may have been responsible for the naughty halo (I asked for a Hellboy-style crown of fire). I found an infinite-influence bug. I found (by accident) something where Behemoths weren't using Invincibility most of the time. I made sure Electric Melee stalkers could build an attack chain without pool powers.

    I wasn't the only person to invent Frankenslotting, but I wrote one of the first guides on it; I like to think I generally eased a lot of people into the invention system.

    It is to my deep regret that I didn't get Spine Stalkers' signature power renamed to Assassin's Hug. But I tried.
  8. Fulmens

    Final Gesture?

    I'm pondering spending a certain amount of the last few weeks ensuring a supply of generic IO's for those who want them.
  9. Can you take it with you?

    The answer... may surprise you.
  10. I'll burn my last few billion with the rest of you.

    Viking funeral.
  11. Boltcutter's going to be in the Shadow Shard, sword in cybernetic hand, fighting to the last.
  12. Thanks for letting me be larger than life.
  13. I'm expecting a backlash this weekend.
  14. The thing I like about frankenslotting (while levelling, or period) is that, if you do it right, you're using cheap sets. And then if you have to throw out your current IOs because you're slotting the good stuff, you only lose cheap sets.

    ... what's wrong with 22 seconds away from perma-hasten?
  15. While Father Xmas isn't wrong, we are talking about a pretty small difference here, maybe 5% total. So you're not RUINED RUINED RUINED if you don't do it his way.
  16. First thing: getting a basic set of level 50 SO's is going to cost something like four-five million inf. If you don't have that lying around there are a lot of sssssslightly laborious ways of getting a spare million or two from the market. It's just sitting there waiting for you to pick it up, literally. (buy L50 yellow recipes for a couple hundred inf, sell them to a vendor for 5000 . Repeat with all you can carry, twenty times.) Boring work, but it will get you to the level of basic functionality.

    Or send me a tell at @Boltcutter and I'll throw 10 million starting inf your way.
  17. Fulmens


    Idiots telling other people how to play their "healers" for maximum heal? Is that back again? There is no experience requirement or IQ test to get into a public channel.

    Time for the old, old song that I can't find the original of:

    We need a healer!
    We need a healer for the rest of the night!
    And she's gotta have rez
    And she's gotta TP
    And she's gotta hang back from the fight...
  18. Quote:
    I decided to gamble a little and rolled 30-34 with my Hero Merit
    ... I tend to roll my HMs at level 30 and 35. They seem to do a lot better than even 32 or 33 .
  19. If I wanted to make 15 billion over one week ... well not this week, it's 2XP, but in a month or so:
    * Each hero merit I use on rares gets me around 200 million inf. So ten HM's (about three hours of work getting them) is around 2 billion inf.
    * Every purple recipe I craft, convert and sell is something like 100 million profit as per Nethergoat, and it's on the order of 2 converters per recipe. So if I can get [say] 10 purple recipes that's two HMs and 1 billion inf.
    * I normally make about two billion a week doing my usual buy/craft/sell routine on rares and commons on two characters. If I did that on five characters, I'd lose a little bit of effiiciency, call it four billion.

    So yeah, the first seven billion a week is easy. After that you might have to start doing, like, task forces and stuff.

    EDITED: Scooped by the primary source. I'm impressed that there were that many purps to acquire.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by snowball54321 View Post
    Isnt there a cooldown how often you can run a SSA and get a hero alignment merit?
    Once per week per character. You could, technically, run it once for the hero merit and once for the 20 reward merits, or even once for the HM and twice more for 25 RMs - three times the work for 1.5 times the hero merits. Depends on how much you like beating Lost bosses, I guess?
  21. I'll restrict myself to one piece of advice per day, plus one to start with.
    The "low end" things that I buy/sell are usually level 50 popular-but-high-supply sets, like Doctored Wounds, Scirocco's, Aegis, Positron's, etc. You can usually find something where your total cost is 1-5 million (depending on the rare salvage needs) and you can sell it for 12-20 million crafted. I list low and accept that I probably will get less, because there's a lot of supply, but even if you only spend 5 and sell for 10 (minus 10% for wents) that's still 4 million inf, which is a LOT of generic IOs.

    The traditional things to buy with Hero Merits, if you're not going the converter or random-roll route, are Kin Combat (Dam/End or Dam/Rech) at level 35 (cost one HM, traditionally sell for 60-80 million inf) or ... it's a level 21 endurance mod that gives +End, don't remember the set name, also one hero merit and sells for similar, or greater, prices. But the market for that one is a lot smaller and easier to flood.
  22. I've got one character flipping crafted purples, one character flipping crafted PVPs, and those make me respectable inf-per-transaction. I've got two chars crafting-and-selling and I do about three, four AMs a week. I know three different reasonable* converter niches other than purples. The marketeering is maybe half an hour a day in one or two sessions.

    * Around 200M profit per 10 converters.

    The interesting question is, "what's a fair price for valuable PVPs?" If you can make 30M profit per converter, and it takes you 15 converters, it's 450M in converters, plus [using Plasma's numbers] 90M for the crap IO, for a total of 550M.

    I knew they were undervalued, but I didn't realize it was "by a factor of 2".
  23. This is fascinating. I keep having advice for your two-week-ago self, far too late to do any good.

    (I think I had a full set of SO's at 28, but that was from doing things like combining three 25 damages to make a 25++ . And I had a lot of resistance IOs which, I clearly remember, were gratifyingly cheap. In my late teens I was hunting L20 family by the IP entrance because they dropped a lot of DO's compared to level 19 guys... don't miss it.)
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    wait, what's happening?
    We're going after Freedom?

    I have some billions for the INFcincerator, in that case....although I don't think I have any Freedom 88's, so I'll need an invite or something.

    oh wait, still on virtue- whew!

    okay, no invite needed- I'll stoke the INFcincerator after work.
    umm. Yeah, still on virtch.
  25. OK. 32 billion dropped off. We are still behind, 1.310 billion prestige to 1.288 billion. So we're 22 million prestige -> 11 billion inf behind.

    Go team!