Two questions, one easy, one...not so much.




Hi community,

i just returned after a five year (or so) layoff for personal reasons and I remebered that I left my main, a 46 ice/ice/cold blaster, with ZERO enhancements slotted. I know, pretty dumb, but here's the problem. I am one bub from 47 and lvl 50 enhancements so I don't want to buy anything now. Running lvl 46 missions, however, totally un-enhanced is...well, tough. Can anyone think of a easy way to get a bub of exp?

Question two: if someone wanted to point me to a nice build that is up-to-date with all the new rules, it would be greatly appreciated. For instance, the last time I played you had to take Fitness to get stamina...and there were no set bonuses or unique IO's.


Cryosteel 46 ice/ice Blaster
Bonfire Blaze 25 Fire/Fire Blaster
Dream of Shadows 25 Staff/Willpower Scrapper
+ 17 alts



1) DFB. It's the new version of sewer farming, but it works at any level, since you're exemplared waaaaay down to get in. The returns are not very good at high levels, but it should get you at least one bubble. Go to atlas park and you should find people broadcasting for runs quickly enough (depending on server, may have to do around prime-time).

2) Search for Mids' Hero Builder and play around with it. Once you have something rudimentary post it to the build forum or the blaster forum and you'll get some feedback.



Originally Posted by Cryosteel View Post
i just returned after a five year (or so) layoff for personal reasons and I remebered that I left my main, a 46 ice/ice/cold blaster, with ZERO enhancements slotted. I know, pretty dumb, but here's the problem. I am one bub from 47 and lvl 50 enhancements so I don't want to buy anything now. Running lvl 46 missions, however, totally un-enhanced is...well, tough. Can anyone think of a easy way to get a bub of exp?
Death From Below, the new low-level trial. Just go to Atlas Park or watch the LFG channel and join a group doing "DFB." It's specifically designed to be done by groups levels 1-6, so no enhancements are par for the course, and the XP is decent (not great, but decent -- easily enough for a single bubble) even at high levels. At your level you'll probably make close to a half-million inf on a single run, too.

It takes about 20-30 minutes.

Originally Posted by Cryosteel View Post
Question two: if someone wanted to point me to a nice build that is up-to-date with all the new rules, it would be greatly appreciated. For instance, the last time I played you had to take Fitness to get stamina...and there were no set bonuses or unique IO's.
The appropriate AT forum here would be a good place to start... or the Builds forum, but I tend to find the AT-specific ones more helpful.

FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.



What server are you on? I have a soft spot for ice/ice blasters. I can probably help.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
What server are you on? I have a soft spot for ice/ice blasters. I can probably help.
Please note the "soft spot" is inside a thermal bag with smouldering coals.

Ice/Ice blasters go in, steam comes out.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Please note the "soft spot" is inside a thermal bag with smouldering coals.

Ice/Ice blasters go in, steam comes out.
Dang it Bill! that is a gasp-choke-try-to-keep-mouth-shut-without- heee-hawing-snorting-and-annoying-co-workers remark! <wipes tea off monitor>

Call me,,, Mal



This weekend is a double XP weekend. You should be able find a team and tag along to get that last bubble or so in no time. (Double XP weekends bring a lot of folks out of the woodwork, teaming tends to be much easier.)



All zones (except pocket d) have 8 exploration badges now. Get the Vidiotmaps Map pack so you can find them all in-game. It'll take a while, but you'll be pretty safe running around low level zones getting the things.

Heck, i run around as a level 2 through higher-level zones to get the things... it's fun!


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



First thing: getting a basic set of level 50 SO's is going to cost something like four-five million inf. If you don't have that lying around there are a lot of sssssslightly laborious ways of getting a spare million or two from the market. It's just sitting there waiting for you to pick it up, literally. (buy L50 yellow recipes for a couple hundred inf, sell them to a vendor for 5000 . Repeat with all you can carry, twenty times.) Boring work, but it will get you to the level of basic functionality.

Or send me a tell at @Boltcutter and I'll throw 10 million starting inf your way.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.