Hey hey its the friendly noob
Answers to your questions, in no particular order:
1) I24 information would be sketchy at best right now, since it's still in early beta, and things could get dropped or added as the Devs see fit. However, their most recent article on it (should be on the CoH frontpage) would be a good palce to start.
2) If you've built level 25 IOs for everything you have, you DO NOT need to replace everything at level 30. That is the great part about IOs, they don't expire, and you can keep them until you're level 50.
Atlas Park 1-6 City
Kings Row 5-10 City
The Hollows 5-15 City/Hazard
Perez Park 7-14 Hazard
Steel Canyon 10-19 City
Skyway City 10-19 City
Boomtown 11-19 Hazard
Faultline 15-25 City/Hazard
Talos Island 20-27 City
Striga Isle 20-29 Hazard
Terra Volta 20-29 Hazard
Independence Port 22-29 City
Croatoa 25-34 City
Brickstown 30-38 City
Crey's Folly 31-39 Hazard
Eden 33-39 Hazard
Founders Falls 30-40 City
Peregrine Island 40-50 City
Shadow Shard 40-50 Hazard
Cimerora: 35-50 City/Hazard
Rikti War Zone 35-50 CoOp
Dark Astoria 50+ Hazard
Pocket D 1-50 CoOp
That should be more up-to-date
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
Awesome, tyvm
oops my bad I am level 27 not 25 but I do have another question
at lvl 22 i made my lvl 25 IO's all of them except for debuf, which is 19.2% is showing 32.0% when i run mouse over one of m slotted IO, now that im lvl 27 it is still showing 32.0% on all my slottted IO's, why doesnt the $ rise up higher, i check WW on lvl 30 IO's and they are little bit higher % of my lvl 25 IO's
you said i dont need to worry about changing my IO's again till lvl 50, if the IO's % isnt rising when i level then im stuck with 32.0% of my lvl 25 IO's , wouldnt i be better off upgrading to higher IO"s like every 5 levels, get new ones at 30 then 35 ect... so the % goes up for my slots?
IOs are a different case, in terms of enhancements: their value is static. A level 25 IO is going to give you the exact same bonus at level 22 as when you are level 50. It doesn't change. That is one of the benefits of them. They allow you to change them out only when you want to, not every few levels.
Now, whether or not you SHOULD change them out is a matter of preference. Once you get level 30 IOs in everything the way you want, increasing them to level 35 IOs might not get you much benefit, especially in cases where you're running into the Enhancement Diversification caps already. So, on an attack power, where you'd likely have three damage enhancements, increasing the IO level won't give you much more bang for your buck. But upgrading the single Acc enhancement in that power would.
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
Dark Astoria was recently revamped into a Level 50 only area. However like Galaxy City there is a way to visit the original zone (echo) by way of Ouroboros time travel.
As for what's in Issue 24, the VIP beta started yesterday and you just need to install the beta client.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
For the zones, Dark Astoria is now 50, but the old version of it, called an "echo", is able to be accessed via ouroboros.
Kings Row and Brickstown are both getting complete mob spawn overhauls in Issue 24 - the Brickstown revamp doesn't change the range of the zone, but the Kings Row revamp has currently changed it to a 7-20 zone - although this could still be changed based on the beta feedback, especially regarding the starting level for the zone.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Dark Astoria was recently revamped into a Level 50 only area. However like Galaxy City there is a way to visit the original zone (echo) by way of Ouroboros time travel.
As for what's in Issue 24, the VIP beta started yesterday and you just need to install the beta client. |
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
Great, tyvm all for the info
Note, that many of those zones are accessible way earlier, but some aren't. For example, the RWZ is lvl 35-50, but you can enter it at level 1.
The Hive, last I checked, was 45-50, and you must be lvl 45 to enter.
Pretty sure all the PVP zones still have minimum levels, but most places don't any longer.
But, even if you can swing by The Storm Palace at lvl 17, in theory, don't expect it to be a lot of fun..
With IOs (and I'm assuming you're using the Common/Generic IOs right now), you don't need to replace the level 25s. What I do is: all powers that have level 25s IOs I leave as is, but as I get new powers, I slot the level appropriate IO into the new powers. Accuracy is the only one that I'll consider replacing every 10-15 levels because of the old adage "if the attack doesn't land, none of the other enhancements in it mattered" (well, except for endurance reduction ). If and when I get to level 47, then I'll consider upgrading any Common/Generic IOs I'm still using to the level 50s just for aesthetic reasons.
Teams are the number one killer of soloists.
I consider Level 25 Generic IOs a tad weak, I personally slot SOs at 25 and Generic IOs at 30.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
While Father Xmas isn't wrong, we are talking about a pretty small difference here, maybe 5% total. So you're not RUINED RUINED RUINED if you don't do it his way.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
True but why slot with IOs less powerful than a +0 SO? But true it's only 2.8% difference with a single slot.
However cost wise it can be a huge difference as well as a different grouping of invention salvage needed (low for Lvl 25, mid for Lvl 30).
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
hey everyone, its me your friendly noob Emjack ( global @Marsha Smile ) I am still on server Freedom if anyone feels like teaming up ect... you have my Global name to contact me.

I just wanted to say hi and im finally understanding IO's, somewhat better, my toon is now lvl 25 and made all his IO's for all his slots Whew and OUCH on some of the prices i had to pay for some of the recipes and salvage, never realizied the costs on some of these things.
I am hoping lvl 30 i can get the stuff cheaper so i dont run out of cash ( Crossing fingers ) lol
I am having very much fun in this game and you all was right, making the IO;s was easy to do than stick to SO's, the IO's makes alot of diff and not havng to change out ever 3 levels, like i would have to on my SO's is easier, so thank you again for all the advice and help on understanding the IO's
I have two questions:
First is i found this list of zones by level
Atlas Park 1-6 City
Galaxy City 1-6 City
Kings Row 5-10 City
The Hollows 5-15 Hazard
Perez Park 7-14 Hazard
Steel Canyon 10-19 City
Skyway City 10-19 City
Boomtown 11-19 Hazard
Faultline 15-25 Hazard
Talos Island 20-27 City
Striga Isle 20-29 Hazard
Terra Volta 20-29 Hazard
Dark Astoria 21-29 City
Independence Port 22-29 City
Croatoa 25-34 City
Brickstown 30-38 City
Crey's Folly 31-39 Hazard
Eden 33-39 Hazard
Founders Falls 31-40 City
Peregrine Island 41-50 City
Rikti War Zone 35-50 CoOp
Pocket D 1-50 CoOp
I think this list is old and not up to date, reason i ask is i ask in chat what level s Dark Astoria an was tld level 50 and this list says 21-29
Can someone give me the correct level range of all zones please?
Second question is where can i find all the info of l24 that will be coming out soon, i like to see what we will be getting?
tyvm all again for the help and advice, your friend Emjack