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  1. Its Saturday, the 10th, 5:41pm (cent) and I am on a mastermind, wearing sunglasses at night. Where is everybody?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
    Ernham, honcho and Silver Gale: check your inboxes. That's it for me this round, I think.
    Thanks Fulmens, got mine, and it converted (+ my 250 mil) to a nice 1,500,000 prestige. So I was remembering wrong, and the conversion rate is 500:1.

    Of course now, after buying all the enhancement storage bins that I can have in a base, I ended up with 800 k extra prestige. I should have split it among several bases. Oh well, live an learn. Now that I know the rate is not as bad as I thought, I think I'll use it more often.

    On anouther note, I got my first toon ever to over 1 billion inf. When I have more time to market with him, I'm going to go for 2 billion on him, so I can post his monocle picture.
  3. If you are still giving away funds, I could use more prestige in my Champions base. I'll put up 250 million toward conversion to prestige.

    Lets see, 2:1 gives me 750 million inf, at 2000:1 give me 375,000 prestige. I can buy 3 more enhancement storage tables with that.
  4. I bought a 24 pack. Got all of the costume, 12 ATOs, 12 personal rezes of which I have used 3 already (I am so bad at this game), 8 rez others which I will use when my horrible game play gets my teammates killed, and 975 merits. I also got a bunch of team and dual inspirations which will sit in my email box until they add a separate holder so they are where I can get to them on a toon.

    I consider all that well worth the 12 dollars I paid for them.
  5. Ok, I sent you the monies.
    Now to figure out which toon I'm going to use to market them. About time I made a dedicated marketing toon instead of just playing around with a bunch of them..
  6. I'll put in a bid for 600 million for the second set if you decied to roll and sell them.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Torment And Agony View Post
    I too am looking for anything mastermind!

    I am currently in a all mastermind VG on victory (contact @pimpstress bambi) and am interested in contacting an all mastermind SG i heard about on Exalted.

    If there are all mastermind groups on any active server I am interested in joining! Please contact me if you have such a group - my global is the same as my forum name.

    There is a "Masterminds" global channel I joined (700+ members) unfortunatly I have yet to see more than 10 people online at any given time or a mod. Perhaps this channel or a new one could be used for masterminds to form teams on the various servers?
    The Exalted group is http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=280678 here. They run Wednesday and Friday evenings. I'm sure they would be happy to have more.
  8. Since I have today (Wed. 25th) off, what time does the MMing start?
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
    I play with a dude who was recently holding 160 billion in liquid inf, stored on 80 toons. This is a guy who holds a trivia contest in our chat channel, with 20 questions, and the prize is a billion per correct answer.

    God only knows how much more he had stashed away in other ways.

    He doesn't read the forums at all, as far as I know, and I suspect there are a lot of folks like him out there.
    What chat channel was this? Daddy needs four new lv 20 Miracle +rec Ios for his MMs, and knows how to look up trivia really fast. (The proceding is a joke brought to you by lack of sleep.)

    I need to ask Ultraamann how much inf he has stocked away next time I see him on. He is the player I think of when I say playing the same toon forever, just building up huge piles of inf on his toon.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TopDoc View Post
    Also I disagree with the statement by Honcho that "By far the fastest way to make inf in this game is to use the market." One day I made over 6B in AFK PvP IO farming. Granted that was a very lucky day. I've heard that during the AE exploit involving Mastermind pets staying at high level when entering low level missions, people could inf cap in a single mission. That said, I will agree that Marketing is a great way to earn Inf when you're doing something else.
    The 6B in inf that you made that day, did it include any sales on the market, or was that 6B just inf and drops sold to the shops?

    From what I can remember about your post of long ago on farming inf generation, the biggest amount you made was what you got from selling purple and high end recipes on the market. I count that as market activity, which is why I said what I said.
  11. Anyone have a favorite slotting for thier henchmen?
  12. I would suggest trying getting grant invisibility from the stealth pool. I took it on my necro/dark and it made a noticable difference in thier survivablity at low levels. Now that I have all 6 henchmen I almost never bother, but if might help with your problems.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
    4. This one's almost circular logic and I don't like it. It's fairly easy to get a group of marketeers [or even one!] together to burn 100 billion inf for no reason. These forums have maybe 10% of the players, so the market forum has 10% of the money. People burn inf because they don't need it, and so it's a plausible guess that 1% of the inf "marketeers" make, they burn in big public shows*. So a 100 billion-inf show is 0.1% of the total inf by definition: 100 trillion inf total.

    * this is "As a group"- I may burn 95%, but I'm saying there are 18 people as rich as me who burn nothing.

    I'm going to stop because I think I'm starting to aim for a number instead of just starting with a blank sheet of paper and seeing what I get.
    I disagree with the part in bold. My guess is that over half the inf in the game is held by those who read the forums. By far the fastest way to make inf in this game is to use the market. Anyone serious about making lots of inf will check out the forums.

    The only thing I'm not even close to being able to guess is how much of the games total inf is tied up in 3 to 7 year old mains, who hit fifty and just kept getting played, thus addding inf to them that they never need to spend, versus the marketeer characters made since the auctionhouse was added.
  14. As far as power and usability goes, from my experence, traps is very powerful solo, and good in groups.

    Time is very powerful in groups, and good solo.

    I've never had a pain MM so I'm not sure how it plays.

    My suggestion is to role up all three and see which one you like more. Which, I guess, may explain my altism problem.
  15. First, all I really want is a MM who has a damage aura.

    For new primaries, I was thinking of elemental MMs. Fire, ice, lightning, sonic, heck throw in toxic. 3 little elementals, two mid sized elements, and a big elemental, something like a permanent bonfire for fire for example. A couple of blasts of the same element, and all you need is to come up with lv 18 special powers for them. All I ask is you give one of them a damage aura in place of either one of the attacks, or as the lv 18 power.

    Devs, make is so.
  16. And the Friday-Saturday team went well. I got my bots/time toon from almost 13 to almost 28. We ran a Synapse followed by a Sister Psyche.

    Because of work, I will not be able to make in to either of the next 2 Wednesdays(11th)(18th), or the next Friday(13th). The Friday(20th) after than I get off at 8pm(cent) so I might be able to get a bit of play time in. The next week and a half(21st-31st) I'm on vacation, so I'll try to make both runs.

    Is there any interest in a Monday evening/night game. I know Comicsluvr can't make it then, but Monday is my only guaranteed free night. If you are interested, sign up below.

    Name - Toon - Best time to play
    1. Honcho - bots/traps - after 4, prefer 6/8 - 10/11
  17. I have 3 MM in the SG. A 38 bots/traps, a 22 demons/sonic, and a lv 8 bots/time. My lv 28 necro/dark just finished her 10 tips, so she can come blueside and run with the team, but I'll need to do 10 more before I can have her join the SG.

    What time is the gathering for the gamering on Wednesday (4th)?

    What is the plan for what to do?
  18. I moved all my unaffiliated MMs over to Exalted. I'll have to run tips missions on them to get them over to hero side, but after that, I'll have 6 different MMs to choose from when we team.
  19. Well the first night seemed to go well. The 5 of us who were on got to lv 19 in around 4.5 hours.
  20. So has the SG been made yet?

    If not what will its name be? I vote for Masterminds All Ways

    Anyone got a working base with teleports to all or most of the zone that is willing to Coalition with it unti we generate enough prestige to get our own.

    What do we want to do the first run? I vote for 3 DfBs, a Posi 1 and a Synapse, which should leave us at around 20 at the end of 4 - 6 hours. Others may want to run the hollows to do a Frostfire with all MMs. Others may want to do the police band and first Bank protect missions to get the temp travel power. Anything else low level that people want to do or that is missable?

    Any other questions that I forgot to ask? The more of this we get decieded now, or at least down to a simple list to choose from, the more time running missions and less time standing around trying to figure out what to do.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Psylenz View Post
    I had another thought. Let's try to get coordinators for different times and go from there.

    I would start a group at 5PM EST (GMT +7?) on Wednesday. I will have a Necro/Sonic ready. Jump in if you can, we can be more spontaneous for weekend start times.

    1. My Necro/Sonic
    2. Zybron1: Demon/thermal
    3. Thoran_EU: [melee]/time?

    Reserve a spot if you want. If not enough other takers for this, I can re-start another day, another time.

    Planned organization day (meet and greet, optional thing) Dec 28th 5PM ish EDT. First Death from Below: 1/4
    4. Honcho: Beelze Babe, demon/sonic

    I can make it that early Wednesday (28th) since I'm scheduled to get off at 4pm (cent). After that when I can play depends on my work schedule, which they just love to change around. I'll be on when I can. Same with the weekends.

    We may want to set up a global for this, so I can check to see if any MM teams are running when I get on.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Comicsluvr View Post
    My plan is to start fresh in AP at level 1-2 and run the DFB once.
    I would suggest running the DFB 3 times, that gets you the acc, end, and either def or dam buffs, but more importantly, it gets you to lv 12, so you can slot lv 15 IOs.
  23. I'm in.

    Unless I change my mind, I'll be going with a demon/sonic, to see how it compairs to my demon/thermal.

    I also plan to take group teleport, so I can drop my whole group right in the middle of the mobs.

    Ok, Beelze Babe is waiting by Miss Liberty for when we start.

    I'll check back here to see when the start date is.
  24. I have an electric/time that I just got to lv 32. If you like to be in the middle of mobs, this is the toon for you. And it is a nice and early blooming set, I was going in and draining all the bad guys by lv 12. The only thing it does not have is damage, so unless you like to solo very slowly but very safely, you will need to team till you get to lv 33ish.
  25. Honcho

    Comic Relief

    A big ranged weapon set. You are running around dragging a small catapult, balista, or trenchabolt. And that is where your attacks come from, I see slow firing, but big damage, lots of it AOE.

    You can expand it with the high tech version, the well made hand crafted version, and the old shopping cart crudely welded out of junk parts version.