The lone marketeer
You'll make Fulmens proud.
I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.
So I was goaded to increase the SG ranking of my solo SG, over a month or so I spent ~125 billion to get the #2 spot on Infinity, and the best part in doing so it encouraged the #1 sg to spend a little north of 150 billion to secure their #1 status. with nearly 400 million between #2 and #1 there spot is safe from the likes of me anyway, for long while.
Your prediction is precisely correct!
I was going to try and scrounge some inf for the 88s on virtue so I can keep my senseless race going... but you've put any of my possible efforts in the shade.
Well done, good sir/madam/tentacled creature .
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
Anyone have good estimates of the total amount of liquid inf in the game at the moment? I'd like to think that 250B at least removes a measurable portion of the excess (0.3%?). Or are we at the point now where we're in the low quadrillions of inf?
I don't have any good estimates.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
Anyone have good estimates of the total amount of liquid inf in the game at the moment? I'd like to think that 250B at least removes a measurable portion of the excess (0.3%?). Or are we at the point now where we're in the low quadrillions of inf?
Considering that Topdoc stated he has approximately 500billion, I doubt that 250billion burnt put any appreciable dent in the ocean of inf still floating around.
I'm certainly not a top marketeer nor inf farmer and I have about 80 billion liquid on my characters.
I'm going to try for the kind of calculation that could be off by a factor of 10, easily. And I'm going to do it several different ways and see if they're anywhere near each other.
TL;DR I think there's about 100 trillion inf in game.
1. Let's assume that Topdoc is the average of the "top 0.1%" and that the inf distribution in this game roughly follows this distribution: the bottom 90% have as much total inf as the next 9% has as much total inf as the next 0.9% have as much inf as the top 0.1%. Also we will assume 50,000 players of note [non-VIPs are not "of note" for our purposes because they're inf limited. ]
So the top 0.1% is 50 players, each with 500B cash for 25 trillion inf.
The next 0.9% is 25 trillion inf (averaging 55B cash)
The next 9% is 25 trillion inf (averaging 5.5B cash)
The next 90% is 25 trillion inf (averaging 550M cash)
TOTAL: 100 trillion inf.
2. The "most expensive IO in the game": TopDoc caused, temporarily, a crash in the price of Glad Armor uniques to the point that some recipes are selling for less than 2 billion inf. Now there may have been some others who followed his lead in selling off before the Great Revaluing but that means something. I'm not sure WHAT but something. He put a 20 billion inf dent in demand and that moved the market. There are, say, three "really big" PVP IO's and he moved two of 'em. Unsupported assumption #1: There is 10 times as much inf "out there" as people are willing to actually spend on big builds. Unsupported assumption #2: there is a market for 100 Glad Armors at about 2 billion each (1.8 to 2.2, say.) Unsupported assumption #3: There is therefore a market for 100 "top end builds" at (#4) about 7 billion each. Unsupported assumption #5: The people who can afford top end builds have half the inf in the game.
So we get 7 billion (#4) * 100 (#3) * 10 (#1) * 2 ( #5) = 14 trillion inf.
That's really low, considering that there was 3 trillion inf when issue 9 hit and PEOPLE HAD NO USE FOR IT. Therefore some of my guesses are wrong and this is no good.
3. The high-end build was 300 million when I9 went live- that's 0.01% of the total inf in the game. So if a high-end build is now 7 billion and the same ratio holds: there's 70 trillion inf in game. There may be more inf now, because there were VERY sharp peaks in income at the time; people had no reason to accumulate more than a few million inf in I8, except for badges. It could be 100 trillion.
4. This one's almost circular logic and I don't like it. It's fairly easy to get a group of marketeers [or even one!] together to burn 100 billion inf for no reason. These forums have maybe 10% of the players, so the market forum has 10% of the money. People burn inf because they don't need it, and so it's a plausible guess that 1% of the inf "marketeers" make, they burn in big public shows*. So a 100 billion-inf show is 0.1% of the total inf by definition: 100 trillion inf total.
* this is "As a group"- I may burn 95%, but I'm saying there are 18 people as rich as me who burn nothing.
I'm going to stop because I think I'm starting to aim for a number instead of just starting with a blank sheet of paper and seeing what I get.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
Just to note, when Topdoc estimated his total worth I think he was including more than just cash. That doesn't necessarily mean your assumptions are way off, though a person would have to be really dedicated to the task of squirreling away inf to amass 500B of it.
4. This one's almost circular logic and I don't like it. It's fairly easy to get a group of marketeers [or even one!] together to burn 100 billion inf for no reason. These forums have maybe 10% of the players, so the market forum has 10% of the money. People burn inf because they don't need it, and so it's a plausible guess that 1% of the inf "marketeers" make, they burn in big public shows*. So a 100 billion-inf show is 0.1% of the total inf by definition: 100 trillion inf total.
* this is "As a group"- I may burn 95%, but I'm saying there are 18 people as rich as me who burn nothing. I'm going to stop because I think I'm starting to aim for a number instead of just starting with a blank sheet of paper and seeing what I get. |
The only thing I'm not even close to being able to guess is how much of the games total inf is tied up in 3 to 7 year old mains, who hit fifty and just kept getting played, thus addding inf to them that they never need to spend, versus the marketeer characters made since the auctionhouse was added.
Global is @honcho
On Champion
Living Coal LV 50 Fire/Fire Tank
Nature Boy LV 41 Earth/Kin Cont
Great Wacko LV 34 Robot/FF MM
plus many alts
Liquid Inf and valuable items are different things. Between all my built toons, stored IOs (across all servers), stored recipes, and stock on market at any time I estimate that I have about 700 B in valuable items. However, I only have about 125B in liquid inf at this moment.
I'd gather that as long as the game has been out that 100 Trillion is a reasonable guess especially since the market is a semi-inf-sink.
I don't think we actually have any way of knowing though.
As Intrinsic said, my 500B was total net worth. I've got I think 100B Inf stored in bids that are not meant to ever fill, 50B in active bids, 10-20B in sold items, and the rest in slotted or stored IOs. If you still use me as the basis for #1, the total Inf in the game comes out to around 33 trillion.
Glad Armors are still up there, but Shield Walls are between 1.5B and 2B now, and Panacea procs dropped to under 1.5B. I haven't kept track of them to see if Panacea's have recovered. But I don't think the Inf is necessarily tied so tightly to people who want high end builds. Generally those people SPEND THEIR INF! I certainly do, which is why my net worth is significantly higher than my available Inf. I got a bit bored with CoH for a while, which is why I wasn't slotting up chars. My liquid Inf is due to selling lots of those PvP IOs and expensive purples, in preparation for Enhancement Converters. Previously my total Inf was closer to 50B. But in general your item #2 has just way too many assumptions.
For #3 I don't think the same ratio holds. Some builds go out of style and get looted. The ability to level up chars has increased, but probably not as fast as the ability to earn Inf. But mainly there's no reason for a top end build to be the same 0.01% of the Inf in the game. Inf concentration means maybe the ratio has gone up to 0.02% or higher, because people can pay more. But maybe people have more characters now and can't afford even 0.01%.
Here's another thing to consider. People leave the game, and sometimes they don't give away their Inf. So Inf is building up on unplayed accounts. It could be building up on unplayed characters as well. I could have a couple lowbies sitting around with 1B on them that I've forgotten about. There could be market sales where the Inf hasn't been collected. There's probably a lot of lost Inf in the game.
Also I disagree with the statement by Honcho that "By far the fastest way to make inf in this game is to use the market." One day I made over 6B in AFK PvP IO farming. Granted that was a very lucky day. I've heard that during the AE exploit involving Mastermind pets staying at high level when entering low level missions, people could inf cap in a single mission. That said, I will agree that Marketing is a great way to earn Inf when you're doing something else.
Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.
I've moved on to Diablo 3, TopDoc-1304
At one time I had an idea for calculating the total amount of inf in the game by comparing an estimated rate at which inf is being created to an estimated rate at which it is being destroyed. My model quickly ran into two problems:
1) I don't farm, so I have no idea how much inf an average farmer generates.
2) Even if I could estimate inf creation under normal circumstances, I don't have a handle on how much has been created due to AE bugs. I wasn't playing CoH when most of these were discovered, but from other people's recounting it seems to have been considerable.
And nowadays we're given less data about sales volume in WW, which makes estimation of inf destruction much more difficult. I just abandoned the idea. I've reached the conclusion that the total amount of inf in the game is 'a whole lot,' and we probably won't get a more accurate figure unless the devs give it to us.
As Intrinsic said, my 500B was total net worth. I've got I think 100B Inf stored in bids that are not meant to ever fill, 50B in active bids, 10-20B in sold items, and the rest in slotted or stored IOs. If you still use me as the basis for #1, the total Inf in the game comes out to around 33 trillion.
Ah, I thought you had that liquid. Which honestly made me think of a whole mess of bank characters on multiple servers holding max bids to store inf.
If we are calculating inf we really shouldn't look at stored IOs then, the reason I say this I've been in some people's bases who have max storage filled with IOs created the way that uniquedragon was speaking of.
I think if we look at fulmens, topdoc, and smurfy (wasn't he on not too long ago again) we can assume they are perhaps in the top 5 inf holders in the game and try to calculate from there using only liquid assets.
But in any case....

I play with a dude who was recently holding 160 billion in liquid inf, stored on 80 toons. This is a guy who holds a trivia contest in our chat channel, with 20 questions, and the prize is a billion per correct answer.
God only knows how much more he had stashed away in other ways.
He doesn't read the forums at all, as far as I know, and I suspect there are a lot of folks like him out there.
Also I disagree with the statement by Honcho that "By far the fastest way to make inf in this game is to use the market." One day I made over 6B in AFK PvP IO farming. Granted that was a very lucky day. I've heard that during the AE exploit involving Mastermind pets staying at high level when entering low level missions, people could inf cap in a single mission. That said, I will agree that Marketing is a great way to earn Inf when you're doing something else.
From what I can remember about your post of long ago on farming inf generation, the biggest amount you made was what you got from selling purple and high end recipes on the market. I count that as market activity, which is why I said what I said.
Global is @honcho
On Champion
Living Coal LV 50 Fire/Fire Tank
Nature Boy LV 41 Earth/Kin Cont
Great Wacko LV 34 Robot/FF MM
plus many alts
I play with a dude who was recently holding 160 billion in liquid inf, stored on 80 toons. This is a guy who holds a trivia contest in our chat channel, with 20 questions, and the prize is a billion per correct answer.
God only knows how much more he had stashed away in other ways. He doesn't read the forums at all, as far as I know, and I suspect there are a lot of folks like him out there. |

I need to ask Ultraamann how much inf he has stocked away next time I see him on. He is the player I think of when I say playing the same toon forever, just building up huge piles of inf on his toon.
Global is @honcho
On Champion
Living Coal LV 50 Fire/Fire Tank
Nature Boy LV 41 Earth/Kin Cont
Great Wacko LV 34 Robot/FF MM
plus many alts
Incidentally, my liquid inf is very low because I just vaporise it whenever I'm bored. It's like coffee filters: you go to the store to pick up a new set when you run out, but who seriously bothers collecting them?
I'm just saying because I threw billions into the 88s pool and have given away ludicrous amounts of wealth for random whims because the knowledge of how to make money is more enduring and more valuable than any amount of actual money.
Plus, I like stuff.
The 6B in inf that you made that day, did it include any sales on the market, or was that 6B just inf and drops sold to the shops?
From what I can remember about your post of long ago on farming inf generation, the biggest amount you made was what you got from selling purple and high end recipes on the market. I count that as market activity, which is why I said what I said. |
Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.
I've moved on to Diablo 3, TopDoc-1304
We may be getting into a discussion where we have to distinguish between "increase in personal net worth", "increase in personal actual cash" and "increase in inf added to the game." Honestly, between high-efficiency farming, SuperTeams, and CEBR on one side, and mass generating of PVP IO's on the other, I couldn't actually guess whether TopDoc has added inf to the game or subtracted it. I like to think it's come out on the negative side but I have no idea.
Oh, and
I think if we look at fulmens, topdoc, and smurfy (wasn't he on not too long ago again) we can assume they are perhaps in the top 5 inf holders in the game and try to calculate from there using only liquid assets. |
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
Originally Posted by The_Masque
I think if we look at fulmens, topdoc, and smurfy (wasn't he on not too long ago again) we can assume they are perhaps in the top 5 inf holders in the game and try to calculate from there using only liquid assets.
that they're not in the top 5. I'd put them in the top category of wealth certainly,
but I'd think there are dozens (at least), and possibly a few hundred in it.
As I look at this idea, I'd agree with looking at liquid inf, and I defined some
categories of player account-wide wealth (liquid inf), with a few very rich folks, and
a few totally destitute folks and everyone else in the middle.
Playing with that idea some more, I whipped up a quick spreadsheet with those
categories to dabble with. If anything, I think that Fulmens' 100 Trillion is
reasonable, and possibly (probably?) significantly low...
Here's the categories I picked, based upon the (much maligned) 100K playerbase.
The categories are contiguous, and for purposes of estimating account-wide inf
per player, I used the avg of the category they're in, and the boundary of the category
above them (ie, 55B for ppl in category B, 6B for those in C, etc.). except for
category A, where I used the minimum 100B.
If you wanted finer granularity (and narrower inf amounts) you could add further
arbitrary categories to suit:
CAT ACCT INF Pop% PCount(100K) Total Wealth (T$) A: 100B+ 0.1 100 10.0 B: 10B+ 0.5 500 27.5 C: 2B+ 10.0 10,000 60.0 D: 100M+ 63.4 63,400 66.6 E: 10M+ 25.0 25,000 1.4 F: 1M+ 1.0 1,000 0.006 -------------------------------------------------------- 100% 100,000 ~165.5 Trillion
results are interesting. Personally, I'd think that a mere 600 people in the entire
game having more than 10B is probably a bit low, and of course, the 100K population
count itself is always an open topic for debate (a population base of 60K, for instance,
drops the total down to 99.9T).

I think the idea of ~90% of the population (whatever count that turns out to be)
having somewhere between 10M and 2B across their entire account seems pretty
reasonable to me.
Still, if I flip-flop categories D & E, I still come up with ~127.2 Trillion as a result.
I'm less sure that 10,000 are between 2B-10B but I also don't find it ridiculous
either for an entire account.
Categories B & C will have a large effect on the total - going from .5% to 2% in
category B for example (taken from D), boosts the total to almost 250 Trillion (246.4).
Of course, it's all pure speculation, but I wouldn't be surprised if there isn't closer
to 300 Trillion inf in-game presently - I'd see 100T as a near minimum.
I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.
I know someone who doesn't even post and very rarely reads the forums who has over 100B in Inf, obviously not counting items either stored or slotted. His net worth is a lot higher than that if you include theoretical sale value of stuff, because he's got hundreds of valuable items stored.
There's a lot of money out there.
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
I remember doing an inf exchange for someone with like 100B in inf, before the merged red and bluesides, who I'd never heard of, who didn't post, who was an SG-mate of someone who'd used my services. And he had a few very wealthy friends.
And I seriously doubt those people have gotten poorer.
My example of someone who's really, really rich is PumBumbler, who is a forumgoer but only peripherally visits the Market forum. The guy just likes to play and keeps running up against the 9999 merit limit
FourSpeed's calculation is a good mental tool; we can play with the dials all we like and get highly variable answers, but it's a good tool to get within, say, an order of magnitude. I think there are half as many total players as FourSpeed does, but more of them have broken the 2-billion-inf mark.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
League of Debt, on Infinity. One of a couple of very good channels I know of.
Heh. I never really thought about it, but I guess we're pretty well set up in LoD.... Bob, the guy who runs the League of Extraordinarily Indebted Heroes, routinely gives away purples in-channel.
Bob's a super guy.

League of Debt, on Infinity. One of a couple of very good channels I know of. Heh. I never really thought about it, but I guess we're pretty well set up in LoD.... Bob, the guy who runs the League of Extraordinarily Indebted Heroes, routinely gives away purples in-channel. Bob's a super guy. ![]() |
So I was goaded to increase the SG ranking of my solo SG, over a month or so I spent ~125 billion to get the #2 spot on Infinity, and the best part in doing so it encouraged the #1 sg to spend a little north of 150 billion to secure their #1 status. with nearly 400 million between #2 and #1 there spot is safe from the likes of me anyway, for long while.
Card Carrying DeFulmenstrator--Member Crazy 88s
We burn more Influence before 8am than you make all day.