1437 -
Quote:By the time we were pvp io farming they had already fixed the issue of targeting people off global or server friends lists.Also possible; I don't recall if this was before or after they fixed that. And it would have taken no range at all; we weren't that far under the map. We had to take care that the damage numbers above our heads weren't floating up through the ground above us.
It was a gm, at least twice it was zwillinger, you can go back and look at your combat logs if it was a player you will see the to hit roll on wormhole but as far as we got spread it was a gm for sure.
It never really phased me though since I kept a tper logged off to move us back. -
Quote:Hello everyone and ty for taking the time read this. I am putting together a massive picture day for everyone to show up on their main toons and all meet in a set location at a set time to take a BIG family/friends screenshot. In my eyes this would mean a lot to those of us that have been playing for many years and have made COH our home.
As sad as this all is i would still like to encourage you all in showing your support by being there for the big picture. it would mean the world to me and im sure many others.
So, all i need from you all is to start telling me a schedule that works for you and we can all vote on a place as well. so please, either post on here or simply email me anything. also if you have questions please let me know. Thanks for your time and hope to see you on the BIG PHOTO SHOOT DAY!!!!
I'm down. I will even bring all 5 accounts. -
Lol, my account keeps flipping from VIP to f2p.
I guess I am somewhat lucky I stopped playing a few months ago so I'm not as invested in this game as I used to be. Cox has always been a fun way for me to waste time and forget about the stresses and bs of real life. It's been cool playing with everyone, making friends, cracking up on vent and generally just causing trouble.
There's a lot of people who made the last 5 years memorable and I wouldn't want to insult anyone by forgetting to mention them but thanks guys and girls, it was a blast. -
Clearly you are giving birth to Lord Nemesis. Who will then travel back in time to carry out your evil plans of world domination.
Quote:I might show up.I don't expect a huge crowd but I figure just doing free for all's should be fun for everyone and make things fair for everyone. I will be happy if we get even 4 or 5 people to come out every Friday.
There are a few people on champion I'd like to throw fire at.
Yes, Kara, I'm talking about you. -
Quote:Short Version:I asked this on the Brute forums but the response was....less than enlightening.
So I come to you my fellow Victorians. How the heck do you slot Energy Aura for brutes?
Slot for recharge- for Energize and Energy Drain
Take Maneuvers
Take Weave
Slot Glad Armor +3%
Slot Steadfast +3%
Take Agility Core Paragon
Long Version:
The first thing to consider is that Energy Aura is a typed defensive set with some 'ok' resists.
From the Resist stand point-
You have pretty minor resists-Dampening Field, Energy Protection and Tough fully slotted (equivalent to 3 lvl 50 resist IOs).
S/l- will be around 32.5%
Energy- 26.7%
Negative- 14.9%
Fire/Cold- 0%
Toxic- 14.9%
Psionic- 0%
From the defensive point of view:
Kinetic Shield protects you against- Smash/Lethal and Energy
Power Shield is your -Fire/Cold, Energy and Negative (Negative isn't as strong as the other 3)
Energy Cloak- Gives you some pretty decent Defense to all.
If you were to enhance these three powers to about ~59% (about what 3 generic lvl 50 IOs would give) you would end up with:
22.2% Def to smash/lethal
27.7% Energy
19.2% Negative
25.2% Fire/Cold
5.9% Psionic
If you were to then stack on: Maneuvers, Weave, Steadfast +3% def, Glad Armor +3% def and Agility Core Paragon-
44.9% Smash/Lethal
52.1% Energy
41% Negative
48.8% Fire/Cold
22.9% Psionic
So you can see that even before you start looking to build more typed defense through set bonuses you are capped to essentially 5 of the 7 damage types.
You also will pick up some minor +def from using Energy Drain
It has a fairly quick recharge and even with just some quick slotting you will be able to get its effects to be perma, meaning when in battle you will always have *some* additional def from this power if you spam it whenever its up.
Another way to stack a little more def (but not much) is if you use Fly or super jump to toggle on CJ or Hover when you are in battle then back to SJ, Fly to travel. I actually set up a macro button to toggle between the two powers.
You do have a really nice heal in Energize. At base it gives you a 25% heal plus some nice regen. It also have that really great end reduction effect which helps with what used to be a very end heavy power set.
With some recharge intensive focus you can get energize to be perma as well, which really is great for long drawn out fights or being able to stand in the middle of a huge mob and being able to just keep smashing.
Overload your T9 can be useful or a throw away power. It give +def(all-psi) even though for the most part you are already soft capped to those. It does give a nice +HP which will add a lot to your survivability. If I were to take Overload I would consider getting burnout so you can stack Overload twice and get close to 6 minutes of god-mode before you crash.
The major downside to Energy Aura (in my opinion) is that the taunt aura is your mez protection toggle. So if you want to stealth a map and not aggro npc (who may stack up in doorways, causing your slower team mates to complain) then you have to de-toggle your mez protection. The only issue with that is if your stealth breaks (red crystal) you can be mezzed then be in for a bit of trouble.
I love my Titan/Energy Aura and its pretty awesome being able to run a titan weapon with that much defense non-stop with little to no end issues. -
Quote:Xury is pretty awesome.Didn't realize my phone cut it off, srupid android, but also to Xury who spent loads of time telling me about IO's, sets, the market, and walking through all of it step by step with me even though Kyo's not the brightest bulb.
And lastly Agent Jeb. He didn't really teach me anything but gave me loads of experience using teamwork and patiently let me tp his dead corpse around on my new corruptor when I forgot I wasn't playing a scrapper anymore. Who new red 5th could hit that hard?? -
Thanks all.
It was an interesting birthday to say the least.
I think I got slots this year. -
Quote:I honestly hope you are not speaking for everyone on your team, because this ladder was never about standings it was suppose to be about having fun.Way we see it, standings are borked. We'll let you know in a few days if we're even going to see the tourney through.
Something I haven't been having reading all this crap. If THU wants to have one final match I would log in for that otherwise I'm taking a break. -
lol, just as I post I find the information I was searching for.
Xury posted this a while back so again, I'm sure the list isn't complete but:
Quote:List, here you go:
Ancillary Powers:
(Cold Mastery) Frozen Armor: SmashingElusivity, LethalElusivity, PsionicElusivity, EnergyElusivity, NegativeElusivity +30%
(Force Mastery)Personal Force Field: BaseElusivity +80%
Secondary Power:
(Force Field) Personal Force Field: BaseElusivity +80%
Ancillary Powers:
(Ice Mastery) Frozen Armor: SmashingElusivity, LethalElusivity, PsionicElusivity, EnergyElusivity, NegativeElusivity +30%
(Stone Mastery) Rock Armor: SmashingElusivity, LethalElusivity, ColdElusivity, FireElusivity, PsionicElusivity, EnergyElusivity, NegativeElusivity +30%
Primary Powers:
Personal Force Field: BaseElusivity +80%
Secondary Powers:
(Shield Defense) Deflection: MeleeElusivity, PsionicElusivity +30%
(Shield Defense) Battle Agility: RangedElusivity, AoEElusivity +30%
(Super Reflexes) Focused Fighting: MeleeElusivity +30%
(Super Reflexes) Focused Senses: RangedElusivity, PsionicElusivity +30%
(Super Reflexes) Evasion: AoEElusivity +30%
Primary Powers:
(Ice Armor) Frozen Armor: SmashingElusivity, LethalElusivity +30%
(Ice Armor) Glacial Armor: PsionicElusivity, EnergyElusivity, NegativeElusivity +30%
(Shield Defense) Deflection: MeleeElusivity, PsionicElusivity +30%
(Shield Defense) Battle Agility: RangedElusivity, AoEElusivity +30%
(Stone Armor) Rock Armor: SmashingElusivity, LethalElusivity +30%
(Stone Armor) Crystal Armor: EnergyElusivity, NegativeElusivity +30%
(Stone Armor) Minerals: PsionicElusivity +30%
No Elusivity for Squids. Not Peacebringer or Warshade.
Secondary Powers:
(Energy Armor) Kinetic Shield: SmashingElusivity, LethalElusivity, EnergyElusivity +30%
(Energy Armor) Power Shield: ColdElusivity, FireElusivity, PsionicElusivity, NegativeElusivity +30%
(Energy Armor) Overload: SmashingElusivity, LethalElusivity, ColdElusivity, FireElusivity, PsionicElusivity, EnergyElusivity, NegativeElusivity +20%
(Shield Defense) Deflection: MeleeElusivity, PsionicElusivity +30%
(Shield Defense) Battle Agility: RangedElusivity, AoEElusivity +30%
(Stone Armor) Rock Armor: SmashingElusivity, LethalElusivity +30%
(Stone Armor) Crystal Armor: EnergyElusivity, NegativeElusivity +30%
(Stone Armor) Minerals: PsionicElusivity +30%
(Super Reflexes) Focused Fighting: MeleeElusivity +30%
(Super Reflexes) Focused Senses: RangedElusivity, PsionicElusivity +30%
(Super Reflexes) Evasion: AoEElusivity +30%
Secondary Powers:
(Energy Armor) Kinetic Shield: SmashingElusivity, LethalElusivity, EnergyElusivity +30%
(Energy Armor) Power Shield: ColdElusivity, FireElusivity, PsionicElusivity, NegativeElusivity +30%
(Ninjitsu) Ninja Reflexes: MeleeElusivity +30%
(Ninjitsu) Danger Sense: RangedElusivity, AoEElusivity +30%
(Super Reflexes) Focused Fighting: MeleeElusivity +30%
(Super Reflexes) Focused Senses: RangedElusivity, PsionicElusivity +30%
(Super Reflexes) Evasion: AoEElusivity +30%
Secondary Powers:
(Force Field) Personal Force Field: BaseElusivity +80%
Patron Powers:
(Mace Mastery) Scorpion Shield: SmashingElusivity, LethalElusivity, ColdElusivity, FireElusivity, PsionicElusivity, EnergyElusivity, NegativeElusivity +30%
Patron Powers:
(Mace Mastery) Personal Force Field: BaseElusivity +80%
(Mace Mastery) Scorpion Shield: SmashingElusivity, LethalElusivity, ColdElusivity, FireElusivity, PsionicElusivity, EnergyElusivity, NegativeElusivity +30%
Patron Powers:
(Mace Mastery) Scorpion Shield: SmashingElusivity, LethalElusivity, ColdElusivity, FireElusivity, PsionicElusivity, EnergyElusivity, NegativeElusivity +30%
Arachnos Soldier:
Would you believe None whatsoever?
Arachnos Widdow:
(Teamwork) Foresight: MeleeElusivity, RangedElusivity, AoEElusivity +30%
That's about it. The general rule (With the exception of the Arachnos Widdow and Overload) is primary defense toggles get elusivity. Epic shields that are toggles also get the same. Only the widdow gets elusivity as an auto power. -
Quote:But is the ideal target defense number still 45% in PvP, as it is in PvE? does this mean that PvE defense numbers essentially get halved in a PvP zone?
Interestingly I actually asked this same question almost a year ago and here is what Arcana posted:
As far as your original question about Defense and DR, Arcana also put together some 'cheater' tables to look at which I find really helpful:
Code:Base A B H 10% 8% 9% 9% 15% 11% 14% 13% 20% 13% 18% 16% 25% 15% 21% 19% 30% 16% 24% 22% 35% 17% 28% 24% 40% 18% 30% 26% 45% 18% 33% 28% 50% 19% 35% 30% 60% 19% 40% 32% 70% 20% 43% 34% 80% 20% 46% 35% 90% 20% 48% 37% 100% 20% 50% 37%
B = Scrap/Stalk/Brute/Tank/VEAT
This is what Lucky was saying with your AT being a controller (group A) you can see that it looks like you will plateau at 20% defense.
There is one last component of 'defense' (really more protection) in PvP. Its called Elusivity.
I will be honest, I find it confusing and dont have a strong understanding of it or what powers provide elusivity. According to Paragon Wiki the only powers that use elusivity are:
Focused Fighting - SR
Personal Force Field- FF
I am pretty sure I have heard people state that it is also found with Shield and Energy Aura, and I wouldn't be suprized to see it also in Ninja Reflexes.
Here is a link to the wiki:
Hopefully, someone with a better understanding of elusivity can comment on it.
However, since you are looking at a grav/ff it something to consider when you use PFF. -
Quote:Obs, I really strongly suggest you calm down take a deep breath and chill out. This is level 5 pvp. This isn't a guy beating his wife comparing the two is just ludicrous.Apologies, but your point eludes me. Regardless, have a response.
Here are some issues. In one round of the last match we caught them trying to turn off travel suppression and healing decay. They've previously tried to set maps of their preference without discussion, which isn't allowed. From there, the issue becomes that base accuracy on most attacks is 50%. Up until at least last night only TO enhancements were allowed and somehow almost every attack they had would hit with over 78% after getting hit by the poison tohit debuff. A lot of their attacks have what amounts to around 107-117% accuracy and without debuffs always hit at 95%. Our most accurate person, with attacks 2-3 slotted with accuracy TO's AND AIM ON peaks at an accuracy of around 93%. That's on an attack with an inherently higher accuracy. You could say "Oh, it's good slotting and aim and/or BU," but that doesn't explain why two corr's and a dom without BU or aim have a base accuracy of 95% on almost every attack. It isn't that it wasn't an issue before, it's just that now it's the consensus among members of pretty much every team and I felt like being the one to bring it up on the forums. We can ride our high horses and jibber jabber about all this childish non-confrontational "blah blah, I don't want drama, I want a pony and a rabbit and a rainbow and a bunny" nonsense all day but I'm not going to show the slightest hint of respect for any one of their victories. They're not getting my ATIO's, that offer is retracted because they broke the rules and the proof is so impossible to ignore that I'm not actually sitting here and complaining about it. I'm standing up and saying what every one else is too passive to say.
You know why you see us sit at our spawn points during matches? Because every once in a while we get sick of this team or that sitting at theirs like a bunch of frightened school girls and having to travel 80-90% of the map just to stomp them. THE AVERAGE TEAM NO LONGER EVEN MEETS US IN THE MIDDLE. They're too afraid. We create ridiculous spreads. And PDFC is afraid of us because even though they've often refused to ever leave their spawn point, we've often gone over to theirs then messed them up despite their use of SO's and likely ATIO's. They didn't push for a forfeit in our match before last because they felt it was fair, they did it because they were afraid that we'd beat them even though they were cheating. They didn't even stick around to face us in sudden death in one match then tried to call it a tie even though Bug clearly stated sudden death counts.
The real issue here is that PDFC tries to break every rule they can find a way to break and people are just letting it slide. Neuronia, I apologize for the harsh comparison but right now you're reminding me of one of those people who tells a battered wife to go to counseling with their physically abusive husband for the fifth time in ten years. Don't condone what's clearly wrong. If this looks like whining to you then challenge them. Have every one on your team make a tab for dmg taken, dealt and tohit rolls. Then do what we did and examine the data. See if you like facing people who are okay with cheating to gain enhancement bonuses that are double to quintuple what you can achieve by following the rules. They didn't always cheat this badly, but as the days rolled by and they DFB'd for more so's it's grown more blatant.
What's really sad is that this is still far from a full list of every time and way they've cheated or tried to.
I actually spoke with bug about this very issue on more than one occassion, and he is fully aware that teamS (notice the s) are using SOs IOs or whatever. Honestly, I don't want to speak for bug but I know when we talked bout designing this event he hoped it would be drama free and just for fun.
I would again strongly suggest that you as well as your team look over your posts and decide if you are not causing the very drama that bug and all of us hoped to avoid.
My suggestion is and has always been if you have an issue with a team or this event pm bug about your concerns or talk to that teams captain. Attempting to trash another team publicly just makes you look like a poor sport and a sore loser.
I get that there is drama between you and this other team but keep it off the forums. -
What server?
I'll be honest, I stopped caring when people stopped wanting to actually fight. I'm not big on wasting my time counting a clock for the hell of it.
Tactics schmactics.
Hiya Gabs!
Sorry I deleted my post because I decided it really didn't do anything but add more drama to an already /e eyeroll situation.
I still say that people need to stop trying so hard and just have fun. Also, we should try to keep the pvp in the arena and off the forums which is why I removed my post. I will send Obs a pm in game about what I had posted. -
Quote:I bought an ipad instead.since freedom came out ive gotten all the enhancement tray increasers, salvage increasers, recipe increasers and auction slot increasers lol
now at lvl 50 base my toons can hold 85 recipes, 175 salvage and have around 50 auction house slots as well as the 30 crafted enhance slots
But seriously I do have 3 enhancement trays on my primary. Redoing builds killed me with deleting ios. -
Quote:And thanks to the money he's forced us to spend in the Paragon Market, he's now sitting on crystal throne in one of his marble mansions, watching teams of Playboy models wash his fleet of gold-plated sports cars in champagne, while his brutal minions herd the weeping player-base from one soul-destorying Incarnate Trial to the next.
You forgot something in your post:
<--- one of these.
Also if you post on the PvP forums, you might get a few more people to help with the build- I think most of the people who used to monitor this thread and assist with info have moved on to other games.
Feel free to hit me up in game if you want to talk about the build or have questions about pvp things. -
Couple of things, just quickly glancing over the build you put together:
You really won't have perma Dull Pain- because your recharge will get DR'd in PvP. So you won't have perma Hasten and you will be a bit from perma Dull pain.
So before I edited my post- I had mentioned KB protection. I have to admit I haven't played a regen in so long that I didn't even look or notice that resilience gave 1000% Kb resist. I'm glad someone caught that, so here is an updated build.
Foot Stomp is great for PvE, but has minmal useage in PvP, I'd consider dropping it for a more useful power.
As far as epics- Sharks are great on stalkers, because they do ranged critical damage, they are decent on scrappers. However on brutes they really aren't worth the power pick. Most PvP brutes go with either Soul for Darkest Night (if you are dueling a lot or just want to debuff someone), or Mace Mastery for Web Envelope and focused Accuracy.
I made a rough build- it still lacks enough KB to keep you from everything, but it should for most of what you would run into.
The +max HP is up from 138.8% 2079 to 155.6% 2332.96
I figured since there isn't a lot of team PvP at the moment I would make you more of a duelish type of build so for the epic I went with Soul Mastery.
This by far is not a fiteKlub kind of build were you would stand still and spam fast attacks with high proc damage but it should work for running around in a zone immobing a target with Soul Tentacles then KO blowing them to death.
Villain Plan by Mids' Villain Designer 1.954
Click this DataLink to open the build!
Code:| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1513;718;1436;HEX;| |78DA6594DB4E1A6110C7BF85452BA288A0A0220A82A0E002B157ADB1270FC548A22| |53DA43784EA276E4A16026B537B6E9FA0314D7BD7AA6D6F7BD9A47D993E816D5FA0| |A1C3CE5F256103F9CDCECE79BFD9FCE325D7B7D5D75784D27BA3526A348AD7EB7BA| |674E44B657DCB2EE8EAA6FFA8A52CE665454AADB05793F562C1AC4BA36CEEE2D192| |DC9146436AB764591AB25E32F5AAE1C919BB92AC4CED54706E54AB15AD509372DB6| |589EBB254D38DB2C7BAC9198FF486FE40AFE8E6BEFBF4F1B6AC3776F59A7FB9A66F| |699CAB50DDAB14F3A58629EBFB01AA6E86FE6145E06AAAE2880A77A922F499198E3| |2E712E014F3898FCC2DBFA6432C93E055852D07AE32D5DBC471E226B3ABC07CEA83| |2BE553821CAF6B9C7921044E309D93CC67E463E77C36FB079B103E7A76C074BD674| |ED1B81D1C57715C26A876E102630ABF8D56BDDD871CB3FF9839B0C03603498A9355| |C5207A1DCCF1BD9F1C7B10B707F17CE073AAAB17717BD1CB307A19462F01F412402| |FD92499F7AB629A6AEA43DCBE87DC43B0C27C4171DDE8D7BDA8587EC14BCCD00233| |4EF058936C2A9E564C9A79187C49FE5EF617DE14E7EBA33E8658A70EB58400D9AF7| |14D53FF84C5D40ADEF32AD34D3E7EAE51F8E11321DD08EA1E412F71F015E51DC33C| |C6308F28E611C53CA298471CF348C337D23A1E5C9F32FE15E7F00BD343392738AE7| |D02754CA2D6C99B608EE925DB08FA8C7CC4D9F8041E32E347CCD963E61BAA3B86F8| |31C49F4E73BCE97930C36CED76023D26E6F88CCC686016CC3067D3608A7D7FB9844| |8B2AF2DF99D73A77E803F99DB64AAC1467BCBBB947E071E3077C826039BCC22E7C8| |5E03AF324F9CB4673803CA1CCFF8CFB9CEA684EDD63EF6AF714CDF1DDECFDFED7E0| |9F6FBDBEE87FD1BC5FE8D62FF82EAD977847E7489D90E4DA64393EDD0CC77682E76| |6856D4B3EF4F73FD5CA645B559F56EA867DF18A1581E3D03F405614D73D369D95AF| |2DD36F95E9B7CBF4DFE0FFFE2D4C1| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
Just wanted to give Kara some props for setting this up/hosting/and offering some of the prizes for this event.
I attempted to do so on a private channel only to be told to take it to tells. I don't think I've ever been in a channel where a mod who advertises an event would get bent out shape by someone saying thanks. -
Quote:Suspending your beliefs/knowledge is sometime the only way to enjoy fantasy/sci fi. It is called fiction for a reason.And as I implied before whenever I think of the general idea of "let's have a wall that'll -permanently- keep the bad things out" I just think of how well that worked in real life with things like the Maginot Line.
I'm sorry if my historical knowledge tends to make me "disbelieve" the implied effectiveness of an 8,000(!) year old wall no matter what the circumstances are fantasy or otherwise.
When I hear my brother in law talk about the questionable physics in star trek, I pretty much /e eyeroll.
Or to put it another way just because that blonde standing on stage isn't 100% natural doesn't mean I can't enjoy watching her. -
Interesting idea. I like the idea of interactive environments.
To take it one step further, if we could get the devs to code ....let's say AP with a sg's colors/emblem ona building for being the top prestige holder, I think we would have a great inf sink, and fulmens and the crazy 88s would weep tears of joy.