1554 -
I've been informed by Granny Warbucks that she just donated a further sum
of 8 Billion influence to her favorite SG - The Crazy 88's
She also wanted me to send out a fond farewell to the denizens of the Market Forum,
before she retires to peace and quiet, tending her garden at her country manor.
Farewell and Best Wishes,
(aka: Granny Warbucks) -
I hadn't actually intended to post anymore on these forums after my previous post,
but when the Mistress of Mathematics posts, I've always found it worthwhile to read
and pay attention.
Though we've not always been in agreement throughout the years, yours has been
one of the very few voices I've always respected on these forums.
Your analytics have always been thorough, well presented, and frequently very
compelling. I've lost count of the many things I've learned as a result of your
postings, and I sincerely thank you for those insights.
Even in cases where we've disagreed, your opinions always caused me to carefully
consider things in more detail, knowing full well the scrutiny you'd give them.
More surprising (to me, at least) is your great sense of humour in those posts
where you allow your wittiness to shine. In addition to all the great information
you've shared, you've made me laugh (in very good ways) much more than I
ever expected (The Syndicate Bureacracy joke thread is just one example)
and for that, I'm also grateful.
Going forward, I wish you nothing but the best wherever you end up, and you'll
be one of the forum folks that'll I'll always remember respectfully.
Best Wishes,
PS> Your Immortal Game thread is also very intriguing. I'm not sure I'll be able
to attend the event (Wednesdays are busy for me), but I definitely look forward
to hearing about it and reading the remainder of the tale. -
Quote:This.Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyonQuote:
Originally Posted by Ogi
One pretty good bet is that there is no Mod.
Thanks all for providing my "Hermann Goering" moment.
Hermann Goering, one of Germany's highest ranking generals during World War II
was reputed to have said "When I saw the Mustangs over Berlin, I knew that
the war was lost".
Though I've intellectually known the game was lost from the closure notice
and my personal experience with NCsoft's prior antics and game closings...
It was emotionally internalized for me, regarding CoH, right here:
When I saw multiple posts on religion in a game forum that were not (immediately
and appropriately) modded, it was then that I truly knew emotionally that CoH
was lost once and for all.
Clearly there is nothing more of value to be read here and it is time to leave
the cesspool that this once entertaining forum has devolved into.
So, in answer to the OP -- you know, the actual *topic* of the thread, yeah, there's
nothing here worth saving anymore... Movin' On.
Have a good life folks.
So Long,
4 -
1. Looking back, considering everything, which was your favorite archetype in the game?
I've always been a Blaster at heart. My first toon (in Beta) was an Elec/Elec
that also became my main when the game went live, and my first L50 around I-3.
2. In possible contrast, when it comes to your favorite character, what kind was it? List AT and the two main sets.
No contrast for me - My E3 Blaster is still my favorite toon, hands down.
That said, I like my Fire/Nrg and Nrg/Nrg blasters as well. Of characters that might
be contrasts, I also liked Stalkers (various blends) and PB's too. The stalkers I
run have a lot in common with stealthy blasters, and that's pretty much how I
played them. The PBs are a bit of an oddball, but then, I always like Nova, so there's
the blaster link-up there also.
3. What AT did you evolve to enjoy over the years that you initially disliked?
I'd probably have to say an SS/WP Brute or Fire/Ice Tank. Both of them ended
up being way more powerful than I'd ever imagined, and a lot of fun. The Brute
was my first toon that could solo a Pylon with impunity, and the tank could thumb
his nose at Lusca. Initially, I thought both would be pretty tedious. Much to
my surprise, neither was.
4 -
My confession seems paltry compared to some of those I see here...
Nevertheless, for more than a year (in my early Marketing days), one of my toons
used to buy 10-stacks of L35 End Mod recipes from the university crafting table
and sell them for 3-4X that price on the market... Yes, I Be Ebil!
To be totally truthful though, I was always astounded, if not completely flabbergasted,
that it actually worked,but I literally made millions of inf that way...
4 -
Since the numbers I was going to use (4 and 30 - for obvious reasons
were already taken, I guess I'll go with good ole number 1...
Remaining: 20, 29, 32, 38, 40, 48, 59, 60, 61, 62, 65, 81, 85, 86, 91, 94, 96, 100 -
Well, to focus on your points without any nerdrage at all...
Quote:Yes, it does. Despite the fact that the company was legally within their rightsThey put a bunch of people out of jobs, with no notice.That does suck...
to do so (assuming they follow the various laws surrounding it), the way they
went about it was, in my own personal opinion, low-class and unprofessional <shrug>
This also applies to the way they've treated the game and its subscribers as well
(and not for the first time, either).
Quote:...but now people want to force them to put other employees out of work in protest form lost profits? Makes no sense.
To me the 'true colors' of this 'community' have shown through like a beacon now.
of a leap to extend it out as a blanket generalization.
Quote:I plan to vote with my dollars and NC won't be getting any, anytime
soon, simply because they do not sell anything that I currently desire
You say you won't give them any money because their products are uninteresting.
For myself, I'm very comfortable saying that NCsoft did not treat me as a customer
in a way I regard as satisfactory. Consequently, I won't do any further business
with them...
Either way, the end result is unchanged -- no money for NCsoft, and if enough
people do that, YOU will have helped contribute to the very effect you deride
others for: "...people want to force them to put other employees out of work..."
So, decry the so-called hostile community any way you like, but the problem
with "high horses" is that they topple easily once the rationalizations are peeled away.
If you think your reason is more laudible than mine, feel free to enjoy your delusions,
just as I'll enjoy mine...
Carry On
4 -
Quote:Yes he is. Here's the link to his Introductory Post on the STO forumsSean "Dr. Aeon" McCann confirmed today he is working on Star Trek Online over at Cryptic, at least according to his Twitter account.
4 -
Quote:I heard from a friend, that knows a guy, who has a sister that dates a guy who knows a girl, that works with a friend who overheard a conversation between two guys, and one said that said his wife's mother spoke with a colleague who may or may not work in an industry that is remotely connected to someone that works for a subsidiary of NCSoft that read an internal corporate email that supposedly, but can't be confirmed, mentions that everyones accounts at CoH will be banned on Nov 30th.
Swear to god.
True Dat. -
Well, let's see.
Got a few things to wrap up in CoH, and I'll be here on sunset day, but lately,
the fun of playing here has been almost completely sucked out by the impending
Unsurprisingly, NCsoft won't see another penny from me again (got caught in the
Tabula Rasa shutdown as well). It's not baseball, so they don't get 3 strikes - they're
done for good in my book... I'm vindictive that way...
I've spent a fair bit of time in D3 since it came out, but the replayability (sp?) just
isn't there for me, and grinding my Monk in Inferno for marginal lewt gets old pretty
I tried CO for a bit, but it simply didn't cut it. After about an hour or so, I was done
with that... I may give 'em another hour just to confirm my first assessment,
but I'm pretty sure it's not gonna fly -- Ugh... I found it fairly hateful.
For the past month I've been flying around STO in my Heavy Cruiser. I'm old enough
to have watched ToS when it was live,trekkie enough that I'm enjoying the
various series and movie references in the game, relaxed enough that the abuses
of canon that are there don't really bother me much.
Free, a nice mix of Freelancer/Battlefield 1942 playstyle, and I can solo without
blind invites or talking to a soul ... with genuine StarTrek ships & lore???
Yep. That one's working for me so far.
As mentioned upthread, their F2P model is barely noticeable, let alone restrictive,
(I may pony up for a couple character slots, but that's about it) and I've been able
to solo to my heart's content. Perfect.
I imagine I'll be touring the galaxy there for the forseeable future.
4 -
Unfortunately, Oct 31 doesn't work for me -- Granny already has a dinner engagement
(the feisty old devil)
She'll be there in spirit though, and will be contributing to the bonfire directly a
little closer to "sunset".
4 -
Quote:I was a huge fan of Freelancer, so I'll probably take a look at your link, oncehttp://www.robertsspaceindustries.com/star-citizen/
Given the recent 'fun' we have had with NC Soft, it occurs to me that some of you are most likely Science Fiction Fans. For those who have played games like Privateer and Freelancer, this game should have a nice warm familiar feeling. It is an MMORPG looking at a pricing model akin to Guild Wars but without publisher. There are some very good points it makes about the model they are using to build this game.
Check the site out, the game information and FAQs, and if this tickles your interest feel free to pledge your support (the putting money where your mouth is) from $10 to $10,000+. If you see me in this game, you may address me as Rear Admiral. Considering the amount of money I have spent on games, this is a drop in the bucket.
Personal points of interest:
*Not only a main public server but private servers are allowed and supported.
*Space Sim
*players actions shape the universe.
*unlike EVE, you can actually pilot your ship.
I get home from work.
That said, Star Trek Online (where I've gone since giving CoH up for dead) is also
a space sim, where you pilot your own ship, and if you're also a fan of Battlefield 1942,
it offers a similar ground combat experience as well.
...and, it's free to play...
Not even considering the "Trekkie appeal", the game you mention will have to
be pretty compelling indeed to beat that (at least, for me - YMMV)
4 -
My namesake hero retired to the Shadow Shard way back in I-4 for a long time,
until being convinced to rejoin the "good fight" as an incarnate.
My first villain's home is/was Bloody Bay, and always would be - as a "professional
assassin" that was his claimed territory, and in his bio, it was essentially awarded
to him based on his penchant for hospitalizing heroes on behalf of Lord Recluse.
None of my other characters have given it much thought, though several of them
have zones they favor or spend the bulk of their time in...
But those two consider the Shard and Bloody Bay respectively, as "home".
PS> As for me personally? I'd like to turn the "Matrix Room" (under PI) into
my own little studio appartment -
Some very intriguing ideas here....
I really like where SteelClaw's ideas were going, but it raises a bunch of technical
issues that would need to be solved wrt replicating community server instances
based on the Team Leader's localized world -- you'd really need an efficient
way to track alterations to the base geography that would lend itself to rapid
transmission across the network.
Obviously, all of the "possible" alterings would be rendered into the content
itself, so that the tracking process simply sees/sends a bunch of flags denoting
which exact alterations apply.
Very intriguing.
4 -
Quote:Not to rain on your parade, but seriously - GL with that.Just because a standalone was never in the cards does not mean it cannot become one....
Assuming for a moment that the current game IP was available, just getting
that to run as-is, right now, would be a Large Task - completely ignoring
IP legalities.
If NC flat out gave the code to us it would still be a Big Job.
Changing that code to run as a standalone (ie. no need for instance servers, map
servers, most client/server communication, login authentication, server shards) is,
quite simply put - astronomically hard.
It would probably be easier to write a standalone game from scratch than it would
be to convert the existing code-base to a standalone game. The design approaches
are radically different, if not mutually exclusive in several areas.
But this is the interwebs, so don't let practical realities inform your judgement
4 -
Quote:Actually, that would have been my preference in 2004.This is not a "Plan Z" or any other plan to save the game. It's just something I'm curious about.
If City of Heroes was re-worked into a Freedom Force or Skyrim or KOTOR-style of single-player game (possibly with a multi-player option,but again like a standard RPG, not a MMORPG) would you buy it?
For me personally, the answer would be a resounding yes. Especially if it had modding tools built-in (which seems to be more and more the norm rather than the exception). Downloadable content? Yeah, I'd probably be into that too.
I've always been primarily a solo player (with an occasional RL friend or two
dropping by to play co-operatively now and then, on my home network), and the
MMO business model never appealed to me all that much.
So, yep - I'd definitely be on-board with a standalone CoH game.
Of course, the simple fact IS that it's an MMO, so the question is a bit of a moot
point - a standalone was never in the cards.
Given that, it's my hope that NCsoft can be persuaded to part with the franchise
in such a way that it can still be played and enjoyed rather than ending up in
the bit bucket...
4 -
I was in AP8, but got there a little bit late, so I'm not in Ironik's pics
I *did* enjoy Ascendant doing his 1-sided phone conversation schtick tho
4 -
I fully expect Granny to put in an appearance.
4 -
added -- Phoenix, AZ
(where 106 is just a typical day, anywhere between April and November)
4 -
I'll send a note off to Granny Warbucks. I'm sure she'd love to attend.
Of course, knowing her as I do, I'm sure her comment on the Costumes will be
"You dears go ahead. Indulge and enjoy yourselves. I'll be quite content just watching
all the people and seeing all the pageantry. ".
4 -
Hey Bill,
I don't think we ever played together (not too surprising as I'm primarily a soloist),
but we've certainly commented in several of the same threads, and even talked
PB's a time or two, so you're definitely familiar to me and I've enjoyed reading
your posts over the years.
Very Best Wishes to You and Yours. I Hope we DO see you again somewhere, somewhen.
4 -
As for dupin' rares, I guess my initial thoughts would run along this line.
First, let the export code try to save as much as it can, and hash tag it...
You can never have too much data if there's a risk of never having it available
That said, at *import* time into whatever passes for CoH-Reincarnated,
What your character has slotted in the export build, you get...
What you have in inventory, and in influence - Bye Bye (maybe some across the board
initial allotment(s) for imported chars would be fine).
But, let's put it in perspective people. Come Dec. 1, you have exactly bupkiss....
No Game, No Toons, No Shinies, No inf... Bupkiss...
If (and it's an astronomically Huge "if" imho), they can actually pull the tech,
the IP, the server/client code together to actually have a playable game, I for one
would be pretty damned thankful for that... If they can import my long-time
toons into it as well, I'd be ecstatic.
If I have to make my 50B-100B inf back at that point, and re-stock my inventories,
shucky darn... At least I'd be doing it on my favorite (resurrected) toons...
I can totally live with that.
The fact, that some folks would even consider taking advantage in such a situation,
sorry - Zero Respect For Them... That is just wrong on so many levels I don't
even want to contemplate that.
Just my $0.04
4 -
Depending on the timing, I'm certain that Random Anomaly (L50 PB) will be happy
to share some solidarity with fellow Khelds, before heading for deep space to search
for a new home.
(I hear Alpha Centauri is nice, or perhaps Barnard's Star has a habitable planet or two...)