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  1. It has been 8 years since the Terra Volta Respec Trial opened its doors. Where are the /savetray and /loadtray commands that would make respeccing so much less painful? It seems like it should be trivial to implement, you can just dump a text file with the name of each power (or the macro def) as a text file, and then when loading any invalid powers (powers you don't have anymore) are just left blank. I think most people will agree that the worst part about respeccing is rebuilding your trays from the ground up each time.
  2. I think most everybody ended up in the 16-17 range or so. Next week meet in the last zone at the trainer? It seems to work out pretty nice actually. One Prat zone for each of the first three weeks of Isos.

    Also, I apologize for that mission arc. I want to know which dev thought three enormous missions back to back in a chain was a good idea at level 12. We were two levels over the mission by the end. So dumb.

    Good news: Finally unlocked the Forcefield Generator. Only 16 levels to get the second useful power out of /Traps.
  3. CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6600 @ 2.40GHz (2400.02-MHz 686-class CPU)
    Origin = "GenuineIntel" Id = 0x6f6 Family = 6 Model = f Stepping = 6
    Cores per package: 2

    real memory = 2146369536 (2046 MB)

    nvidia0: <GeForce 8800 GTX> on vgapci0

    The motherboard is an eVGA board with an nVidia 680i chipset, pretty much reference IIRC.

    ad0: 57259MB <MAXTOR 6L060J3 A93.0500> at ata0-master UDMA133
    acd0: DVDROM <Pioneer DVD-ROM ATAPIModel DVD-116 0122/E1.22> at ata0-slave UDMA66
    ad4: 194481MB <Maxtor 6Y200M0 YAR51EW0> at ata2-master SATA150
    ad6: 194481MB <Maxtor 6Y200M0 YAR51EW0> at ata3-master SATA150
    ad8: 953869MB <WDC WD1002FAEX-00Z3A0 05.01D05> at ata4-master SATA300
    acd1: DVDR <TSSTcorpCD/DVDW SH-S183L/SB03> at ata6-master SATA150
    da0: <HITACHI HUS103073FL3600 SA19> Fixed Direct Access SCSI-3 device
    da0: 160.000MB/s transfers (80.000MHz DT, offset 80, 16bit)
    da0: Command Queueing Enabled
    da0: 70007MB (143374805 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 8924C)

    Keyboard is a Generation 1 MS Natural keyboard (PS/2)
    ums0: <Logitech USB-PS/2 Optical Mouse, class 0/0, rev 2.00/11.10, addr 2> on uhub0

    NVIDIA(0): NEC FE991SB (CRT-0): 400.0 MHz maximum pixel clock
    NVIDIA(0): Samsung S/M 900NF (CRT-1): 400.0 MHz maximum pixel clock

    hdac0: HDA Codec #0: Realtek ALC885
    pcm0: <HDA Realtek ALC885 PCM #0 Analog> at cad 0 nid 1 on hdac0
    pcm1: <HDA Realtek ALC885 PCM #1 Digital> at cad 0 nid 1 on hdac0

    Speakers are recently upgraded M-Audio AV30 Studiophile replacing the ancient and terribly buzzy Logitechs I had.

    It's an older rig, but I still run pretty much every game that comes out at 1600x1200 and with the quality settings cranked up.
  4. It went pretty well despite the weird map bugs. The only downside of doing Positron again: I spent the time reading the story and was reminded that it doesn't make any damn sense. You would think they might go and fix that when they updated the TF, but nope, it's still the same nonsensical mess of unexplained motivations and railroading the player. At least it ends with a proper AV now.
  5. You know, I was iffy about getting GR before, and this is not helping.
  6. The idea of a global default broadcast channel for forming teams and TFs sounds like a great idea, until you remember that you're on the internet.

    Such a channel would be full of gold farmer spam 24/7, not to mention 4chan kiddie spam and everything else that makes broadcast channels untenable in real life. It would be like Atlas Park Broadcast but worse.
  7. She's not ugly, she's fashon forward. The hottest new thing next year will be side-face. Like all high fashion, it only looks ugly and retarded to you because you're not fierce enough to appreciate it. The designers are always right, it's the public that's wrong.
  8. I would think the easiest way to do it would be to just have "spawn markers" and that every room needs X of them, based on the size of the room.

    Unfortunatly, this would be exploited instantly, as people build jails and fill them with mostly melee critters so they can AoE them to death over and over again.

    That's why we can't have nice things.
  9. Nobody is willing to take over the reins of a large SG and VG?

    AE should have really worked better, but I feel that it's both too restrictive and not restrictive enough at the same time. The teaming is TF like which is always an annoyance for the kinds of fluid teams that seem to work so well in CoH otherwise. But you're so restricted in what you can do and at the same time a lot of the talk about it gets dominated by whatever the farmers are doing.

    I still think Paragon missed the ball when they didn't include a base-editor like system in it to allow people to design custom rooms.

    That said, custom groups are neat and I do like playing AE missions, but it just isn't enough to keep the game fresh for me. I wanted the storyline to move forward, for "The Coming Storm" to finally come, for the Shard to do something, etc... To get fresh TFs every three months (or, every $45, if you think about it that way) that move the story along. Too much stagnation has convinced me to switch to month-to-month billing, and seriously consider stopping that when April rolls around and my 7 month sub finally runs out. This is not a new complaint either. I've been grumbling about the glacial pace of updates for almost 2 years now. I remember way back in the day of single digit issues where you got a comic in the mail and new content was showering down constantly. Those days are gone.

    The worst part: They released a paid expansion that would have been perfect for my most played main and I couldn't be bothered to buy it because I've put maybe 10 hours into the game in the past two months.
  10. Honestly, a year ago this would not have been a question. Hamster would have gotten the bases without question. We were both co-founders after all. However, he's basically in the same boat I am. You can only play the same TFs or missions so many times before you just can't stand them anymore. Without new content I'd rather be playing Mass Effect 2 or one of the dozens of games I bought over the Steam holiday sale.
  11. Over the past few months I've been playing City of Heroes less and less. 5 years is a good run, but the glacial pace of updates (not to mention the paltry content of said updates) for the past couple of years has sucked the wind from my sails. However, I don't want to just let the supergroups and bases fall into disrepair and neglect. Therefore I am looking for motivated base maintainers to take over the superleader positions on the Fist of Justice and Shadows of Victory. Send me a PM if you are interested in taking over the responsibility.

    I'll be looking for people who want to maintain a sensible but large supergroup, with an easy to access base with all of the trimmings. I'll also need a commitment that if they ever plan to leave the game, that they will pass the torch onto another player instead of just canceling their account quietly one day and never coming back. The Fist of Justice was formed when that exact thing happened in my previous SG, and I don't want to see it happen again.

    Note that any requests will be discussed internally first, so don't be surprised if it takes me a few days to get back to you.
  12. Kong_Fuu

    Worst Mobs Ever.

    Originally Posted by Iannis View Post
    That's why I take the Ghost Slaying Axe as my vet reward instead of sands of mu. And tend to avoid CoT at low levels blueside.
    The Ghost Slaying Axe has one massive flaw though: If you're fighting those damn ghosts, they're debuffing your to-hit like crazy, and since the GSA has no innate to-hit buffs, it usually misses. This goes double if you're trying to kill one of those damned Spectral Lts and it has Chill of the Night up with it's 30% to-hit debuff.
  13. Put me down as a tenative, depending on when the baby decides to show up. What I'll be running is still TBD.
  14. FX can get stuck in midair like that when you activate them against a target that dies and does not leave a body like Ghosts. Basically, the animation code doesn't know where to send the blast becuse the entity it was using as the other end of the "string" disappeared and the result is the effect just hangs around in midair until it times out. The Nem staff has the same problem.

    It's a problem with a lot of powers, but it's mostly noticable on ones that have longish animation times and slow FX that give the target plenty of opportunity to die before the animation finishes.
  15. Screenshots never look as good as they do on the screen for some reason. This one is a bit dark, but hopefully you can use it.

    I was trying to make a photobooth in the base before the meeting started, but ran out of time before I was happy with it. I may go back and revisit it and see what I can do.

  16. Also, there are some level 20 IOs in the base bins. Feel free to use them.
  17. Kong_Fuu

    Comments on I16

    On the other hand, I've never heard anybody use the word "enjoy" with "Positron's TF" before, so maybe this isn't so bad.
  18. I remember the first Isos run, it was the only time I had ever seen a boss level Contaminated.

    Now with the O-Zone mission almost everybody has seen them.
  19. Team Kong did attempt to sweep a bit in Perez after hitting level 4, but I think fighting +3s with no slots in your powers is probably not the best idea. It wasn't completely terrible, but I was a couple of tabs behind team Hamster when we joined up.
  20. Level 15 seemed like a good stopping place for the night. I almost feel bad for those low level story arcs now, they really don't have a chance. By the time you've done the radio missions and the safeguard, you're just about to outlevel anybody you pick up.

    I remember the first Isos. We struggled our way through the Hollows and the rediculous troll missions for what seemed like forever. Now we outlevel the whole zone before finishing off the preliminaries.
  21. Hmm, apparently I'm not on the list.

    I rolled an Ill/Sonic Troller for this Isos run.
  22. The very first thing I'm doing when I16 drops is respec my MA/SR scrapper from Conserve Power (hate it, it sucks) to Physical Perfection.

    If my calculations are correct then for the first time since the character was level 2 he won't have an endo problem. I might even be able to stop saving up for the Miracle unique.
  23. Kong_Fuu


    I used a first generation (G2) iPhone that's jailbroken and unlocked so I can use it on T-Mobile. It was a replacement for my old Blackberry 7100t. Probably the best feature of the phone is the App store. It has already saved my butt a couple of times when I fined some need for some functionality that didn't come with the phone (like a chess timer), and discover that there is an app for that.

    The web browser is very well designed as well.

    To be fair though, I think most mobile phones have absolutely terrible interfaces. The iPhone is one of the few phones where the interface doesn't get terribly bogged down or cluttered as you add functions as well. RIM does a decent job as well, but it's aimed pretty squarely at business users.
  24. Kong_Fuu

    so CO is out

    Originally Posted by NIGHT_RUNNER View Post
    What's CO?

    And why did they even bother to create it, as CoX exists?
    For that matter, why have people bothered making First Person Shooters, I mean Wolfenstein is in 3D now.
  25. As expected this was nuts. It was like running a mobile Hamidon Raid at times, especially with the huge ambushes dropping the draw distance so low that Reichsman kept running out of LOS. OTOH, we blew through Reichsman without even really having to bother with the ambushes. After he was dead the bots were able to stack up an absolutely absurd number of burn missiles on the packed up ambushes. There were times with noticable Hamidon lag though.

    Managed to maintain a framerate between 5 and 12 for most of the TF though. It was pretty weird zoning out in to Grandville and being relieved at how much your framerate jumps up.

    The strangest thing was that apparently if you get too many MMs together (or maybe it was just the bots?) the sound will start crapping out regularly.

    The hardest part was the level 53 Numina. She is a pretty tough customer.