The Global Channel Awareness Initiative
Actually when I was in PERC and we were running a new player sewer night weekly this was one of the big things i would talk about. I was playing for 6-8 months before i knew about the global channels and just teamed with PUG's and my SG.
Now if i run into a new player i inform them of the servers global channels and encourage them to join. Not only does it make it easier to get teams and tf's but it helps the community grow.
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I'd say the proportion of players who are unaware of global channels is closer to 4 in 5 than 1 in 5. Global Channels were just a bad idea. They do nothing but hide veteran players from new players (one of the worst things you can do in MMO design).
By forming and using Global Channels, veteran players are doing a disservice to new players and to the game in general.
Just ask yourself, why aren't those Task Forces formed on channels seen by everyone (Broadcast, Request, etc.) as opposed to channels just those in the know use? There's really no good reason, unless the intention is to cut yourself off from the general player base, and therefor from new players.
Maybe the solution isn't to advertise the existence of Global Channels, but to stop using Global Channels and use the default channels everyone sees by default instead? Unless, as I said, the intention is to cut yourself off? In which case advertising is self-defeating.
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WARNING: I bold names.

Maybe the solution isn't to advertise the existence of Global Channels, but to stop using Global Channels and use the default channels everyone sees by default instead? Unless, as I said, the intention is to cut yourself off? In which case advertising is self-defeating.
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
Maybe the solution isn't to advertise the existence of Global Channels, but to stop using Global Channels and use the default channels everyone sees by default instead?
And thank god for that. I rejoice over my globals every day. If it weren't for them, I probably wouldn't be playing today.
The solution is clear! Invite new players to come along with veteran teams so they can learn!
But how can we do that, without first telling them about the channels?
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I'd say the proportion of players who are unaware of global channels is closer to 4 in 5 than 1 in 5. Global Channels were just a bad idea. They do nothing but hide veteran players from new players (one of the worst things you can do in MMO design).
By forming and using Global Channels, veteran players are doing a disservice to new players and to the game in general. Just ask yourself, why aren't those Task Forces formed on channels seen by everyone (Broadcast, Request, etc.) as opposed to channels just those in the know use? There's really no good reason, unless the intention is to cut yourself off from the general player base, and therefor from new players. Maybe the solution isn't to advertise the existence of Global Channels, but to stop using Global Channels and use the default channels everyone sees by default instead? Unless, as I said, the intention is to cut yourself off? In which case advertising is self-defeating. |
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Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
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Rock, rock on Hamster.
Good job, Dechs.
It always helps to remind ourselves to extend this information to everyone we can.
I'd say the proportion of players who are unaware of global channels is closer to 4 in 5 than 1 in 5. Global Channels were just a bad idea. They do nothing but hide veteran players from new players (one of the worst things you can do in MMO design).
By forming and using Global Channels, veteran players are doing a disservice to new players and to the game in general. Just ask yourself, why aren't those Task Forces formed on channels seen by everyone (Broadcast, Request, etc.) as opposed to channels just those in the know use? There's really no good reason, unless the intention is to cut yourself off from the general player base, and therefor from new players. Maybe the solution isn't to advertise the existence of Global Channels, but to stop using Global Channels and use the default channels everyone sees by default instead? Unless, as I said, the intention is to cut yourself off? In which case advertising is self-defeating. |
However, this isn't really one of those cases. The reason global channels are used is to be able to reach players across all zones. If you broadcast in Talos, players in missions and in other zones (Who might be super happy to join whatever you are starting) will never hear about it.
It would benefit everyone the most if CoH/V would just make Global LFG and such channels as part of the game (We could still add others that servers may feel are missing). The more helpful channels made default, the better for the new player (And for all players).
Without that, however, the responsibility is ours to inform people of the global channels.
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
The idea of a global default broadcast channel for forming teams and TFs sounds like a great idea, until you remember that you're on the internet.
Such a channel would be full of gold farmer spam 24/7, not to mention 4chan kiddie spam and everything else that makes broadcast channels untenable in real life. It would be like Atlas Park Broadcast but worse.
The idea of a global default broadcast channel for forming teams and TFs sounds like a great idea, until you remember that you're on the internet.
Such a channel would be full of gold farmer spam 24/7, not to mention 4chan kiddie spam and everything else that makes broadcast channels untenable in real life. It would be like Atlas Park Broadcast but worse. |
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don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
I also put forth that Global Channels are way better than a server-specific common channel, like Daemodand suggests...
I will regularly and fairly consistently server hop if something's going on in one of my global channels that I'm interested in. I have characters on 10 of the 11 servers (technically, I have characters on the 11th too, but it's a wee lowbie). I will go where the fun is being had.
If we stopped using Global Channels en masse, I would not get these notifications. I'd sit on Justice, whining into the ether where Global Channels used to be, when Triumph is having a Rikti throwdown in RWZ. I wouldn't know that because no one would be using global channels to tell other people about it.
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I think I realize what the GCAI needs: Events and Volunteers!
There's only two ways I can think of to really spread awareness of global channels. One way is to spend some time, jumping from zone to zone, sending tells to anyone broadcasting LFT and LFM and even LFSG. But even then, it may not have that large of an impact. I think the best thing to do is to find them when they're young! Spend a day hanging out in Atlas, forming sewer teams or inviting lowbies to come along for some high level missions. Mention the global channels and teach people how to use them while they're having fun. Maybe pick a zone like Steel Canyon or Sharkhead to start a team, then ask the people that join if they know about global channels.
My home server happens to be Virtue, and it's pretty much the only one I play on, so I can't be expected to spread this movement very far on my own.
Anyone willing to be the "designated GCAI leader" for each server? I need volunteers for:
In fact, while I'm at it, since Freedom and Virtue have the largest population, it might help to have a few extra people trying to head up events.
So how about three "deputies" for each?
Who's with me?
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Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
Allow me to begin with an anecdote.
Last night I was street sweeping in Talos to pick up BP masks and Tsoo Sorcerers for the accolade. Having roamed the zone for about an hour, I noticed a recent broadcast of a Manticore TF that was looking for more. I scrolled up my broadcast tab to see that the same broadcast had been made earlier, much nearer to the time I zoned in to Talos. I looked at my global channels and did not see a Manti being mentioned, so I sent a tell to the presumed leader, suggesting that he try the global channel for TFs.
"What's a global channel?"
I proceeded to explain the use and function of global channels, and invited him to join my server's TF channel. Shortly thereafter, the Manti filled and was on its way.
That little interaction got me thinking: How many people don't even know about global channels? One in ten players? One in five? Maybe half the population. How many of those people are decent and fun-loving individuals I'm not teaming with because I announce my TFs in a global channel? And with that, the Global Channel Awareness Initiative was born.
What is the Global Channel Awareness Initiative (GCAI)?
The GCAI is a movement I'm starting with the intention to improve the play experience of every CoH/V player. The premise for this is simple: The more people that know about and use global channels, the better they function for all of us.
How does that help everyone?
Think of it like fishing at a pond. You're the fisherman and the Manticore TF is your bait. The more fish in the pond, the quicker you'll fill up your basket and go home to eat. The difference is you aren't going to kill your teammates, and they actually gain from being "caught." In fact, some days you're the fish, and you're waiting for a good piece of bait to snag. More people on the channel means there will be more fishermen.
In short: More fun will be had by more people.
Why do we have to do something about it?
It's been a while since I've gone through the tutorial and read anything, but I'm not sure the use of global channels is even touched on. Even if it is, the channels themselves are player created and operated, so I believe it falls on us to endorse their use. The tutorial can't be expected hand out the commonly used and current LFG, TF, badge, raid, and chatter channels specific to that server to everyone who passes through.
So, what do you want me to do?
Just tell people about the channels. Tell your friends to tell people about the channels. If you see a TF in broadcast but not in the channel, let the player know that there are currently 271 players in the TF channel, half of them likely waiting for something to do. When you see someone spamming "lvl x AT lft," explain that most mission teams are in missions and won't see those broadcasts, but would see them in the server's global LFG channel. Much like promoting, encouraging the use of global channels will help people enjoy this game on a grand scale. Some of you probably already do what I'm asking, and for that, I thank you.
Recent observations have led me to believe that many people have been joining or coming back to our beloved game. With the coming expansion, I feel this trend will become more prevalent as the days pass. Unfortunately, most of them feel the population is all but non-existent. They wouldn't feel this way if they knew where to look.
Communication is the key, teach them how.
Thanks for reading.
Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.