Isolators - 7th Gen., starting 09/16/09




Well, the 6th run of Isolators finished up last night. Next week will be start of the 7th run and will be a return to blue side.

For those unfamiliar with the group, Isolators was started shortly after badges were introduced to the game. This was in the dark, dreary times before global chat, global tells, or even coalition chat. Back then, the only way to find a person from the forums was by chance or pre-arranged meeting.

The Isolators project was started so the people who post here in Victory could actually meet and play together, so that you could have some fun with the people you chat with online. Everyone made a new character for this new group. This is an once a week supergroup that plays every 8 pm Wednesdays.

When the vast majority of the group hits 50, we start a new run of the group, switching between CoH and CoV between runs.

You don't have to be an active forum poster to join, through it's encouraged. At the very least, be a member of the community; run missions, join in advertised task forces, etc.

If you're interested in joining up this run, please feel free to post interest here. Everyone is welcome.

A few notes:
Everyone is not welcome.
This is an once a week sg. If the group ends up at level 20 at the end of the night, please don't show up next week at level 25.
If you're a few levels behind due to playing less, don't sweat it, but try to catch up on your own or with a task force if you can.

Mental, for The List:
Currently have a fire/rad controller made up.

I'll likely be idling this evening for sg invites.

Currently listening to Not the Same Old Blues Crap, Vol. 3 by Fat Possum Records

Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.



count me in hamster. ill be playing a cold/sonic defender. And my wife will be playing a ill/storm troller.



Leaning towards some sort of blaster this go-round. Thinking fire/MM, but eh. Trying to avoid taking another blaster down the blapper road, so avoiding most of the heavy melee secondaries (elec, nrg, fire).

We'll see.

@Death Conqueror

-Goal for 2011: Survive, stay alive, and continue to thrive.



Rolling a TA/A defender. It sounds fun.



DC two of the must have powers from MM are melee (Drain psyche and Psi shockwave). World of Confusion is meh, but nice for slotting up cheap(ish) purples, but also melee.

I am out of slots so I'm debating about buying more or deleting a 50 to reroll something.

IF i16 hits I will roll a elec/sheild scrapper, otherwise ta/something.



I considered a ta/archery defender, then I realized I didn't want to be a gimp.

Currently listening to Al Kooper and Mike Bloomfield's Super Session

Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.



I'm planning on griefing my teams with an Emp/Energy defender.



Good thing I named it Gimpy McGimperson huh?



I'm in. I'll be making an EleM/DA scrapper. If I16 hasn't dropped, I'll role something in the mean time and then re-role after I16.

SI Radio has many DJs and listeners whom hold City of Heroes close to their hearts. We will be supporting many efforts to keep CoH ALIVE!!



I'm in, Sonic/Sonic Defender



Originally Posted by MedievalPower View Post
I'm planning on griefing my teams with an Emp/Energy defender.
But, but... that's why I rolled my Warshade. That and that's the only AT left for me to make red or blue.

Victory PvP Boot Camp 2.0 - Rules Committee Member



I have classes on Wednesdays, so I should always be off on Wednesdays this time.
I'll probably roll something Defendery. Still don't have a TA or Dark. Will probably lean towards dark then. Maybe Dark/Rad? gonna go play with Mids

Dusty Trophies



Myself as well. Will likely be a FF/dark 'fender.

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
I hate to be the bringer of bad news... but Willpower sucks!!! you're better off rolling a regen
^Professional Katana/regen build thread



Well, I guess this is the best time for me to bid my farewell. It is now time for me to focus my attention on a few other things that have been on the back burner for a while. Thank you all for the fun, the fast pace and the toonz. I believe I did three rounds with y'all. Enjoy ISO VII and keep ISOs going until CoX goes kuput! GLHF and CFN

The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT



See ya Pix, we will miss your finger hiccups. GLHF on your other projects.



Awww... Vex! I'll miss your enthusiastic first posts to the Isos thread!

GLHF out there!

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



I'm unsure if I'll join up. 8PM is going to kind of push it for me on Wednesdays due to recurring late meetings, and going to the gym. I'll probably quit Isos even earlier than usual this time (like before it starts)!



Love to give the Isolators a try. What time on Wednesdays will the group meet? If its past 8 PM CST, I can certainly commit.



Count me in, BS/Fire Scrapper!

C'mon now Hamster, no need to send me negative rep comments. We can all be adults here.



Originally Posted by Khaelon View Post
Love to give the Isolators a try. What time on Wednesdays will the group meet? If its past 8 PM CST, I can certainly commit.
Eastern time zone, sorry. Thought I included time zone in the original post.

Currently listening to the Apples in Stereo's the Discovery of a World Inside the Moone

Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.



Love to give the Isolators a try. What time on Wednesdays will the group meet? If its past 8 PM CST, I can certainly commit.
Eastern time zone, sorry. Thought I included time zone in the original post.
But we usually run for ~3 hours and we always get late comers.



Got my electric/electric blaster sitting in Atlas... Just need an invite.

Settled on electric.. I like the look of it. Sapper or not. Any toon in Iso is fun.



Originally Posted by Dawk_Boy View Post
Count me in, BS/Fire Scrapper!

C'mon now Doc Boy, no need to send me negative rep comments. We can all be adults here.

Fix'd for you B from C.



Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
Fix'd for you B from C.

Currently listening to Ayumi Hamasaki's My Story

Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.