
PvP Bootcamp Mentor
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  1. Vanum


    Ok, now set up and tryin' to find people.

    Steam_id: Vanummli

    Can you believe Vanum was taken... yesh.
  2. Vanum


    Getting set up on steam right now since a lot of people I know use it. Gotta keep in touch after all.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    Yeah, I guess I can't make a Dom with this set... probably going with Plant Control, then. Haven't rolled up a 'troller in a while.
    Just to echo Voo: Not sure how you're gonna do a Dom with NA.

    Edit: OK, I suck at reading comprehension apparently. I missed the CAN'T of that statement up there. Move on, nothing to read here.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    ...And it's made me a better person ever since.
    I require proof of this statement.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
    I don't have the animal pack, so Swan and Bobcat are probably out, but something else should work.
    While not the best poses you can see the pieces in the costume creator and take your screen shots there if you're lacking some of the pieces you want to use. Not having the packs just means you're stuck taking your shots IN the creator instead of somewhere else.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madame Pistacio View Post
    Vanum will be leading the raid on 7/21. Bring your A game!
    I'd rather they brought their V game.
  7. Have had a dark/storm controller waitin' for over 3 months for this run. On my 2nd account though.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madame Pistacio View Post

    Enjoy your day and have a blast!

    Well I'm off work now so it's lookin' up. If only I woulda waited another 2 hours, I woulda ALWAYS had my birthday off.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    Also, may or may not be on this Wednesday myself. Dude needs a serious respec and I cannot wrap my head around anything decent and get what I want out of it.

    Oh and Shamster pulled a major Flux and grinded the last few levels off his on his own.....ya know, instead of teaming with his beloved creation. Now Mental will be compelled to do the same. And the entire fragile foundation comes tumbling down.

    Until the next time.
    Thanks for sharing the fact that Shamster was grinding. I mean, really, that was just the mental picture I needed in my head while eating supper.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madame Pistacio View Post
    LOL I want to +1 this post
    For the record: I made VERY sure when advertising on the channels for Arky that i was NOT leading the hami raid. Duration of Monster Fighting < 5 minutes.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madame Pistacio View Post
    Hami raid on 6/16 will be lead by @Arkyaeon. Monster Hunting will start at 8:45
    Note, she said Arkyaeon, not Vanum. That means we likely won't have to fight monsters for 30-45 minutes so try and show up on time.
  12. Me and I can bring... well quite a few +3 acutally. I'm good with any of 'em but would prefer one with a * next to it.
    • Iveezm - Brute (Elec/Elec)
    • *Zoetic Stone - Tanker (Stone/Dark)
    • Fital - Blaster (Fire/Mental)
    • Arctic Archfiend - Dom (Plant/Ice)
    • *Temporal Delusion - Controller (Ill/Time)
    • Vanum - Def (Dark/Dark)
    • *Viraih - Def (Fire/Cold)
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madame Pistacio View Post
    On the 24th, we have an ultrasound appointment to determine the sex of the baby(well it's actually to check all the other stuff, this is just a bonus)!
    Not gonna do a bet ('cause I'd be wrong) but if you lived near me you could check with my dad on what the baby's gonna be. He is NEVER wrong. He even told a couple they were gonna have a boy when the doctor said they were havin' a girl (or vice versa, can't recall) and HE was right, not the doctor.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
    And why couldn't it have been Bee Bark or There's Always One instead of the stupid liger?
    Yeah, the "There's Always One" would have made them a ton more money than the vanity bet I'd wager.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    Interesting night. I guess that was the abridged version of an Isolator session. Vanum lambasted me mercilessly the entire night and then cried and quit in disgust. He might even have uninstalled the game. He affected the rest of the group so much that the entire other team quit around 10.

    I don't know if we can come back from this.
    Now I didn't blame in entirely on you, only in so far as you were playing electric control which my system (for some unknown reason) doesn't like at all (first noticed it when it actually came out and SHamster and a few other people ran that isos with it). My ISP was partly to blame too and, actually, almost had a heart attack when I called them and they admitted the problem was NOT on my end... so hopefully that means something will get fixed.

    P.S. How could I have lambasted you mercilessly the entire night when I wasn't even playing for an hour (and spent most of that hour restarting the client anyway)?
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by War_Hammer View Post
    Mental Giant - Mind/Fire Dominator
    JohnP - Shield/Dark Tanker
    War_Hammer - Stone/? Tank
    Vanum - Battle Axe/? Brute
    1 Brute
    1 Dominator
    2 Tanker
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Viking698 View Post
    Went with a Illusion/Time controller myself. Shoud be a intersting combo.
    I did that this run and it IS fun... it's also a spendy build to get perma-PA/Chrono Shift and is majorly end heavy.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vanum View Post
    I may be late tomorrow night. Just got an HDTV this weekend and called to upgrade my satellite receiver on Sunday, well according to the email I got it should be here tomorrow so I'll just HAVE to set that up as soon as it comes and it takes awhile. Will be on ASAP.
    Scratch that, won't be on at all tonight. In fact won't even be turning on my gaming PC (grr) 'cause now I have to run my "new" LED TV back to the store 'cause I already have a few burnt out pixels (few pixels in just four days, how much more will go bad/wrong in the 4-5 years I play on the TV lasting me). If by some miracle I'm home and have everything set up before Isos is done for the night I'll hop on but don't count on it.
  19. I may be late tomorrow night. Just got an HDTV this weekend and called to upgrade my satellite receiver on Sunday, well according to the email I got it should be here tomorrow so I'll just HAVE to set that up as soon as it comes and it takes awhile. Will be on ASAP.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
    Could just Iso to 50 then bring the character blue side.
    Why wait till 50? Go Rogue at 20 and get access to blue side then. Come end of the iso run you can go full blue if you wanted to.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madame Pistacio View Post
    I will be holding a Blitz-Style Hamidon Raid on Tuesday January 17th (8pm est) in memory of Death Conqueror. A Blitz-Style Raid means that we will attack only Hamidon and we will skip the mitos. This is a risky raid, but I know we can do it.

    It would be nice if everyone could wear red and black to this raid (the primary colors of DC's costume). Horns are optional.

    Everyone is welcome to come and celebrate his life. If there are more than 50 people present, please move into the Hive 2, and as soon as the first raid is over, I will run a 2nd in the Hive 2.

    If you are VIP:
    Lore Pets and a Destiny (Rebirth, Clarion, or Ageless) are mandatory
    Warburg Nukes and Shivans are good to have, but optional

    If you are Premium/Ftp:
    A Warburg Nuke and Shivans are mandatory

    Everyone will need two Essence of the Earth which we will get (hopefully) from fighting Monsters before the raid.

    Thank you again for all the support you have shown.

    I can't be there. 1st and 3rd Tuesday nights are always out for me except in July and August.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
    Made it back home last night... after a day that was nice for driving, until it got dark and then it started snowing (after two weeks of abnormally high temps and little precipitation in my part of the Midwest, I might add).

    Grateful that we made it home safely to enjoy a new year, though! Have fun, everyone!
    Tell me about it GP. This winter has been... well Fall instead of winter. We're lookin' at near 60 on Wednesday here and we had at least a foot of snow on the ground by Christmas the past two years. Not that I'm complaining!
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    Right now hard drives are expensive due to a stoppage of production in Thailand because of record breaking flooding. This causes the OEM hard drive market to have excessive shortages and when supply dries up, prices shoot up. It looks to be recovering a bit but it will be a while until hard drive prices come down to August's prices.
    You ain't kiddin'. In may I paid 219.99 for this hard drive, right now it's 299.99, a few weeks ago it was 319.99. Also I agree on gettin' the Sandybridge, since they fixed that SATA port problem (I waited on that fix to build) I havn't had ANY trouble. Well, ok, apparently my hard drive shipped with loose power pins that I didn't notice (they were loose inside) which caused me to warranty the drive but no problems other than that.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    Having to uninstall and reinstall over the directory in C:\program files (x86)\Titan Network\

    Okay something REALLY screwy is going on.

    I uninstalled Mid's, wiped out the directory and reinstalled. It starts up as 1.953. I go to RE-start the app, and it starts up as 1.952.
    I uninstall and wipe the directory. Then I reinstall to a new location. It starts up as 1.953. I go to restart the app, and it starts up as 1.952.

    Weekly Task Force?
    I have the same thing going on. Double check though, in my case it says 1.952 but I do still have Titan Weapons in the list. It's like the client side thinks it's still 1.952 when it's not.
  25. I won't be there tonight. I'm limited in my playability (manufacturing defect became apparent in my gaming rig's HD so I'm waiting on the replacement one now) and my backup rig (read: old gaming rig that's 5+ years old now) can't handle me targeting in a hami raid.

    On the up side I finally figured out the trick to installing the game with the new ncsoft launcher (had it figured out with the old updater for quite awhile).