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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ir0x0r View Post
    "ir0x" "2" " ir0x0r, slow" "(null)"

    a 2?!
    I am also a 2! [Fist Bump]
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    FYI, boxed wine stacks better
    And funnels into the butt better according to local college students...
  3. Toril



    Today I am a sad panda...
  4. Toril

    You're a jerk!

    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    Not seeing how this thread can have a positive outcome...
    Nor do most of our threads here in the land of Victory.
  5. Toril

    You're a jerk!

    Rest assured any moments I come up with probably involved SHamster at some point.
  6. Toril

    Alternate fun

    I would have went there, but didn't want the thread to get moderated to hell and back before it even got viewed.
  7. Toril

    Alternate fun

    So, what is everyone doing for alternate entertainment now that summer is almost upon us? Other games? Outdoor activities? Concerts?

    I've been playing SWTOR in between CoH and hiking lately. Hoping to do most of the TN side of the smokies this year.
  8. Will be there tonight. I think I left my ISO at 41 or 42 figuring thats where it would pick up after the holidays.
  9. Wait, I'm gone away to another game for less than a month and DC died?!?!?


  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Flux_ View Post
    Eh. We can't say that this wasn't expected given your track record. However, have no fear!. Toril is going to stay at your place till you come back. Oh, yes. You'll be back....

    Welcome to Doomopolis™. We hope you enjoy your stay.

    ***Note - You may want to replace the furniture when you get back, given Toril's current state...
    I swear the feces were on the wall when I walked in!
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Flux_ View Post
    Sure dude. No problem. Hell, even the rent has stayed the same.

    Unfortunately, to actually keep your clothes in your room, you will need to do some task a few times to build up clothing credit. Once you get to a certain point, you can actually store clothing in your room. However, you will then need to buy the clothing. You will also get a token for successfully completing the task. Save those tokens, they could be important.

    Don't worry, you'll only have to do this for shirts, shoes, pants, underwear, and hats.

    Once you finish that, we will talk about those tokens and what you will need to do about the various sub sets of apparel. i.e. T-shirts vs dress shirts vs coats, boots vs tennis shoes vs dress shoes, jeans vs slacks vs sweat pants, etc.

    Welcome to Doomopolis™. We hope you enjoy your stay.
    Walks in and sits down naked in Doomopolis™. I will await a donation of clothing! In the meantime I will waive my naughty bits around and generally make a nuisance of myself.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    Only during our Cosplay sessions
    Now I'm disturbed.
  13. Corruptor: Beam / Rad
    Corruptor: Beam / Time
    Controller: Grav / Time
    Controller: Ice / Time
    Corrupter: Beam/Poison

    "Only ATs starting with a C are allowed?"

    This is correct sir!
  14. The DE ones hero side are teh suck if you're set at higher than x2 or x3. 2 crystals is pretty ludicrous.
  15. Toril

    Double XP Tally!

    1 million prestige and roughly 2 billion influ (counting selling Generic IOs for ludicrous prices)
  16. Just spoke with Viv. She says her day definitely sucked. Her and the DeeJay filed for divorce today. She says she misses you all and if anyone wants to get ahold of her they can PM me for her number. She's currently without game access so she can't post.

    Please keep her in your thoughts, she needs happier times than these, thats for sure.

    My day? My day was abnormal as usual.
  17. The Good :

    Leadership for the most part has been awesome on the organized trials.

    The Bad :

    The LFG system seems all but useless for this. I sat for an hour while fiddling around at WW in queue for either of the new trials and nothing. Never once even a false start at a load into one of them. (and I know trials were being run and organized as I could see messages for them in private global chat) For those with globals these trials are findable easy enough, but I can see alot of backlash and frustration coming for those that aren't using the globals. Everyone forms up a max size group manually instead of just using the LFG system. I perfectly understand that as it makes sure you have a competant group, but it is an epic fail for a new grouping system IMHO.
  18. Put me down for all ITF runs on Tuesday.
  19. Alas I will be unable to make it tonight unless it is very late. I know.. I know.. It will be difficult without my mechanized death brigade, but somehow you must persevere and trod on.
  20. Whoa.. We have a new thread, unmolested until now...
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
    Syndicate was giving us a lot of problems, lots of wipes.
    Just one wipe.

    Lots of "everyone dead but me" moments though...
  22. Did a quick search and didn't see anything on this so I figured I would ask and see.

    Has anyone ever tried using Grant invis on a Force Field Generator? If so, did it work?
  23. I made a Bots/Traps MM.

    I know, it had nothing to do with anything I originally spoke of, but thats what I's made.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    Eh, sometimes people deserve a shotgun to the kneecaps.

    I can think of a certain someone after what Shamster pointed out last night.