Consolidated CoH I21 Information
If Overcharge doesn't look like this:
I will be disappointed.
I hate to be the bringer of bad news... but Willpower sucks!!! you're better off rolling a regen
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^Professional Katana/regen build thread
thx for compiling all of this Ele
a lot of those new AT specific IO sets look extremely awesome
and the changes to the travel pools explain the reason for not having the current 60 month vet reward in the reward token tree
5 additional costume slots will be nice for some poeple, i doubt ill use them much, but more options is a plus
the new powersets also sound extremely awesome too (except maybe for street justice, not too fond of combo system)
i am so freaking stoked for i21 its not even funny lol

I like the wording on "roughly three times a minute", gives a better feeling that just giving a number %.
Also, I noticed the AO (archetype origin?) listing "Control Duration" instead of sleep/immob/hold/etc, I wonder if other enhancements will get this. Would be a boon to trollers/domi's/pretty much everything.
I like the wording on "roughly three times a minute", gives a better feeling that just giving a number %.
Also it doesn't say how much damage >:[ just "minor X damage type."
I hate words, I want numbers!
I hate to be the bringer of bad news... but Willpower sucks!!! you're better off rolling a regen
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^Professional Katana/regen build thread
thx for compiling all of this Ele
~ the new powersets also sound extremely awesome too (except maybe for street justice, not too fond of combo system) i am so freaking stoked for i21 its not even funny lol |
It's not really combos like it was for DB, it's more like... a mix between KM and DB. Every one of your "combo" attacks makes your "finisher" attacks have increased (or additional, not sure yet) secondary effects (hopefully moar damage is a secondary effect for some of them).
So it's more like... every combo power is also like a mini power boost, up to 3 stacks, and BU itself puts you at 3 stacks instantly, so there's still no harm in just doing a BU - finisher - finisher - finisher.
Edit: Not sure why I just double posted. Now I feel like GG.
/e slitwrist
I hate to be the bringer of bad news... but Willpower sucks!!! you're better off rolling a regen
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^Professional Katana/regen build thread
Thanks for all the information Ele. I21 is looking pretty good to me.
@JohnP - Victory
Well I think Staff melee powerset is totally necessary.
I been waiting for that powerset since I started to play the game more than 4 years ago.
Also, anyone can confirm if the City representative sports a new model? If she is still the old, low-res fugly NPC, they better change her.
I cant believe they work hard in upgrade a zone, and they keep those super awful important NPCs like Azuria or City representative,
Same for citizens, they should be replaced for new ones like Praetoria has, the old ones are messing the redesign of Atlas Park.
Ms Liberty could use a redesign, but at least she looks iconic and has our same character model.
Thanks for collecting this under one post, Ele.
Angel is right, Staff Melee is essential to this game. While I may or may not have seen the video in question, I wish they had showed it in combat, as opposed to just demonstrating the moves.
Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."

If staff melee isn't done the way I described years ago, it's not worth doing at all
I've already forgotten about most of you

If staff melee is made with the attacks I have seen in the leaked now private video, is going to be the best melee archetype ever.
Seriously that video shows the best animation ever made in CoH, at least from my point of view.
I NEED that to be real. Is just too awesome and well done to not be real.
the way others described in on the forums was that they seem to have copied exact moves from soul calibur. Which is funny, because most of those moves are legitimate Chinese moves anyway. So the set is extremely realistic.
My point wasn't that we don't *need* the set. I'm saying we don't need the freakin set right now. We're getting *plenty* of melee sets through proliferation and street justice. Having staff melee as well would make all the other ATs hate meleers even more.
I hate to be the bringer of bad news... but Willpower sucks!!! you're better off rolling a regen
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^Professional Katana/regen build thread
Also, I noticed the AO (archetype origin?) listing "Control Duration" instead of sleep/immob/hold/etc, I wonder if other enhancements will get this. Would be a boon to trollers/domi's/pretty much everything.
Remember these IOs are all unique like purples. You can only have 1 entire set.
I hate to be the bringer of bad news... but Willpower sucks!!! you're better off rolling a regen
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^Professional Katana/regen build thread

I've already forgotten about most of you

Figured it'd be a good idea since there's so much info. (Also, Ryxx is on his honeymoon this week, so when he gets back he's got a lot of reading to do. Figured I'd make it easier on him).
[Blah blah combos] |
Combos: They're like Diablo 2 Assassins.
Dusty Trophies
Thanks for grabbing all this in one concise thread. I was dreading having to sift through that post.
Where are we going and Why am I in this Handbasket?
Apparently, the Chest Emblem tab for costume editing has been organized into multiple types of drop-downs. Which is awesome
I hate to be the bringer of bad news... but Willpower sucks!!! you're better off rolling a regen
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^Professional Katana/regen build thread
New info!:
Time Manipulation / Beam Gun video:
Short tour of new zone on hover board:
Atlas with a new look:
Time manipulation powers based on icons/effect graphics:
Time crawl:
ST slow, adds effects to other powers (so someone said).
Temporal Mending:
AoE heal, plus healing over time (unsure if it's regen or healing... works basically the same, though. healing ticks are more useful when we're at regen cap)
Time's Juncture:
PBAoE tohit/dam debuff (unsure on any other secondary effects)
Temporal Selection:
Looks like movement speed (I saw the green rings), but the icon looks like +damage, so maybe its secondary benefits include a damage bonus, because I didn't see any red tear drops.
Distortion Field:
Drop AoE -rech/slow (plus whatever additional effects)
Time Stop:
ST hold. plus whatever.
The only real generic power in the set.
Looks like mind link, which is freakin perfect. (I did see purple shields and yellow crosshairs, so it's definitely at least +Def/tohit)
Slowed Response:
Looks like melt armor
Definitely -def, unsure if anything else (probably -res addition, there weren't any orange shields in the video)
Chrono Shift:
Some sort of super AM
Will wait for more specific specs.
Beam gun shares MM pulse rifle weapon sets:
cone bang
I hate to be the bringer of bad news... but Willpower sucks!!! you're better off rolling a regen
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^Professional Katana/regen build thread
Thanks Elegost, very informative
"Damn me and my big mouth"
The changes for Street Justice between Stalker and Scrapper/Tanker/Brute versions:
Instead of Assassin's Strike (which looks a bit weird to me, personally... like a dude flexing his muscles for a bit before swinging with a hook. Should look more like FALCON PUUUUNCH! imo), you get a quick knee to the ribs power. Can't remember what it's called... I think Vital Strike or Blow or something? I think it debuffs the enemy for a short time as well.
Build Up is called something else (Combat Awareness or Readiness or something that ends in "ness") and automatically gives you 3 combo points, so you can immediately open with one of the finishers instead of breaking up your attack chain for it. The Stalker version is just regular Build Up, but AS gives you multiple combo points when it lands (giving it a reason to be put it in a regular attack chain, even).
Placate is Confront, of course.
The tier 1, 2, 8 and the knee in the ribs power (t6?) all give one combo point to a max of 3 (or at least that's the highest I could build). The tier 3, tier 9 and maybe the tier 7 (which looks like an AoE from Ele's screenshot... I never got above level 3 while testing it) are all "finishers," which drop your combo points back to zero but add additional side effects and/or damage.
It's my new favorite powerset in the game. It's just fun as hell to play.
... I'm gonna be so pissed if it's not in the store the day i21/CoHF launches.
Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093
well you can be pissed preemptively. We've already been told it won't come until a little later.
Apparently CoT are getting a face lift as well.
I hate to be the bringer of bad news... but Willpower sucks!!! you're better off rolling a regen
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^Professional Katana/regen build thread
well you can be pissed preemptively. We've already been told it won't come until a little later. |

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093
If Overcharge doesn't look like this: I will be disappointed. |
Plus the AoE attack into a Finisher could look like that whirlwind kick. Though having too animations for Finishers (one triggered without procs and the second animation much more visceral under x3) is likely bogus and not going to happen

well you can be pissed preemptively. We've already been told it won't come until a little later.
Uhhh, where do they say that about STJ? I thought what they said was it'll be available in the store from the get go but you wont have enough PP until the second month to afford it where as you can spend money up front to purchase the power.
Since there has been so much information pouring through the forums over the last few days, I figured it'd be a good idea to make a place to have all of the actual hard information so we don't have to sift through 50 pages of GG making stupid comments about random trash that has no purpose.
Anyway, thread is for pics, red-name quotes, official statements, or anything else that's actually accurate concerning the updates in i21.
That does not mean you can start arguing over prices and hating/loving the new hybrid model >:[ that's what caused the primary thread to get so freakin large in the first place.
From what I've found so far screenshot wise (note the new UI for power selection. This also goes for all character creation and tailor sessions):
Beam Rifle powers:
You will have to purchase Beam Rifle using PPoints if you want it.
Time Manipulation Powers:
Time manipulation is a free set. Everyone gets it.
Street Justice Powers (stalker version, still nothing on the other 3 melee ATs):
Street Justice is like Beam Rifle. You have to buy it if you want it (Titan weapons will be the same I do believe)
Two screenshots, a Beam rifle shot and the t9 for Street Justice. Also notice the weird looking building in the Uppercut screenshot:
A Shot of the new Atlas, with the purchasable costume slots, and as Ms. Liberty being a tailor now.
New AT Specific IOs. They set their level to your current level (like purples, only better). They have magical set bonuses, awesome enhancement values, and awesome (or average) procs. (Unfortunately, we don't have all the sets yet, and we don't know how we're getting them. Just that they exist).
Note: Many of the IO sets we currently have are being used in these shots as well. Some of which (decimation for example) don't actually go to level 50, but they are in these screenshots. We're not sure if that's part of a new system (hopefully something more simple, like all IOs level up with you, like the AT specific ones), or if it's a byproduct over overusing the enhancement levlers (which do work on IOs up to some unspecified point), or if it's just Dev hacks that put things like that into their beta. No actual info so far.
Here's a video that I haven't watched yet:
Sounds important.
I think this link is just a clip from the above video, not sure as I haven't watched both yet
This is the new inside of City Hall. I'm pretty sure that's Jack Wolfe in the background. Also, some new looking contact over by the SG base table. He actually looks kind of like Positron... but I can't really tell.
This is just outside of Atlas himself, you can see some of the remodeling on the sides.
Mercy only received minor face lifts, if any. The story itself has been reworked on both sides (not so many freakin snakes redside, now), and you actually start out in Mercy itself, not in Fort ArachnosOwnsThisIsleYo.
Both sides also have new story arcs that can act as sort of a long-term (19ish level) tutorial for newish players to help them get a better understanding of how the game works. Or something.
It was discussed briefly on UStream.
They are turning our typical "Sewer runs" into a freakin low level trial, totally accessible through a LFG que (which is awesome). The trial rewards are fairly groovy as well. Definitely worth running a few times
There "was" a video put on the forums last night that had Staff Melee, claiming to be legitimate from beta. The video has long been deleted, and any remnants of it on these forums have been wiped from teh interblagz.
I personally don't think it was legit, but whatever. We have plenty of new stuff without a hush-hush melee set that we probably don't need at the moment.
There will be expanded powers in pool power sets, and you will be able to choose a travel power at level 4, rather than 14. lvl 20 pool powers will still require that you have 2 prerequisites, however, so if you want weave or invoke panic, you'll still have to take the trash powers too.
Hover Base = 24.2
Hover + L50 Fly IO = 28.7
Hover + L50 Fly IO x3 = 34.8
Run Base + Swift w/ L50 Run IO: 33.6 mph
Run Base + Swift w/ L50 Run IO + Sprint Base: 35.8 mph
Run Base + Swift w/ L50 Run IO + Sprint Base + L50 Run IO = 38.8
Hoverboard = 38.01
Jump Base + Hurdle w/ L50 Jump IO = 39.7
Fly Base = 70.7, but capped at 58.6
Afterburner = 71.34 mph
SuperSpeed Base + Swift w/ L50 Run IO = 71.6
SuperSpeed w/ L50 Run IO + Swift w/ L50 Run IO = 92.5 (Speed Cap)
Afterburn is like quantum flight-ish. Mag X only affecting self, fly superfast - you don't detoggle or anything. Also adds about 14% defense.
This is about all I have concerning the travel powers:
Flight gets Afterburners. You cannot use any other powers while it is active.
Super Jump gets a leap attack that will probably work like shield charge.
Teleportation gets long distance teleport, but I only got to level 4 so I don't know how it works.
Super Speed gets Burnout, which instantly recharges all powers, but costs 48.5 end, reduces max end by 25% and has a 30 minute base recharge.
(The only other thing mentioned that seemed important was the ability to take aid self without aid other/stimulant. If that's true, yay).
Reward tokens are the replacements for Veterancy. Paragon Points are our Store Currency. They are not the freakin same thing
The most expensive thing in the store (currently known, with current beta prices) is 10 more enhancement slots. That's not slots for powers, that's enhancements slots in your tray. As in, you can hold 20 enhancements at any time now. Awesome for respeccing.
Oh, also it's account wide. So it's worth the (currently 1600 points).
That's pretty much everything I've gone through so far. There were some tree diagrams of the Player Tiers and stuff related to the PPs and Tokens... but I don't remember where I saw them, and I'm tired. So, feel free to post any other information you happened upon, or if you're Fista (or anyone else that went), feel free to give us MOAR INFO NAO.
^Professional Katana/regen build thread