An incredibly sad day...




I'm not sure how many if you were aware of the situation.. but I'll lay it all out. Death Conqueror, known by "DC" to many of you has been fighting Hogkins Lymphoma for the past two years. He had been having ups and downs, but still there was hope. For the past while I've been talking to him and his mother a lot. Always praying for a miracle.

His mother asked me to tell everyone what is going on. Unfortunately, today DC was taken into hospice. The situation is extreme. They estimate that he has about a week left. I'll be flying there tomorrow to say goodbye. If anyone has any messages they would like me to take, you can PM me here or email me at I'll be happy to deliver them. If anyone wants to send a card or anything, let me know, his mother gave me the address, I can forward it to you.

I'm so sorry to have to make this post, and I don't really know what to say. I'm devastated and sick to my stomach. I wasn't prepared for this at all. Please, those of you who know who you are, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't post in this thread.

~*~Madame Pistacio~*~
Guardian of CHRYSALIS
Victory Limitless- /chanjoin "Victory Limitless"
P.E.R.C. First Chair- P.E.R.C. Site, Victory Over Hamidon
Newest event- The Great Makeover



This is horrible. Give DC my best, MP. I don't even know what else to say.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



I'm having a difficult time finding the words... My eyes are even welling up. DC was and will always be what I think of when I think of a "Tanker". No matter what the task I always knew my personal defeats would decrease once DC was on the team.

So many good times man. My heart feels heavy right now...

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



Tell him to get out of the Hospital and go outside, sit beneath a tree and just enjoy the last of his days. Look, telling him that he's going to get better isn't going to help him, don't give him false hope, and don't lie even if the Nurses or his family say otherwise. There's no reason he should think that staying in that Hospital is going to give him the resolve he's looking for because it won't. I survived cervical cancer with my ovaries being taken out at a very young age, and thought I was going to die week by week. My condition seemed bleak for awhile but I got the best advice from an older woman who was dying of her cancer, she had been fighting so long for so many years even without the modern technology to back her up. Her advice was, '' Life in itself is a mystical thing. It's beautiful, gorgeous, glorious, and even when dark is upbeat. Somewhere a bird is singing, somewhere there is sun shining, and somewhere there are no clouds swarming. Life's best seen when you're dying because you notice everything that you didn't before. '' She was my best friend as I spent most of my childhood inside of a white room, on a bed getting fed through tubes in-between chemo therapy, and radiation treatments - listening to a symphony of tweeks, beeps, and mechanical whirs to compressors. So I know exactly what he's going through in a sense, and even if it is the end for his road it's only this physical life. He's got a lot more to go through on the spiritual side, so just tell him to chillax and smoke a bowl. No troll here. Marijuana, or give him something different. If he is going to die, GOING to die, 100%, then anything he wants let him have it. Just tell him to get out there and do something crazy, do something insane, do what I was told. To get out of the hospital and take on life. In a week, or even two days, you can see a world of things and taste a world away from your norm. Tell him not to die out on some machine with the last noises being sobbing family, friends, children. The last noises he doesn't need to hear are beep beep beep. He should hear the tranquil sound of a river, the wind through the trees, or the rustling bustling noises of people in a mall. Something exciting, maybe the end to a good movie. Whatever the case may be he doesn't need to be stuck in a hospital.

Tell him from someone who they said wouldn't survive, ice cream tastes best while hanging upside down from a tree branch while looking out at a river either at sun up or sun down. I suggest a scoop-in ice cream cone, sticks better.

TO DC - Whoever is going to him, print this, or read or ignore it. But I'm writing it. Don't know why, just feel compelled to. See, mood changes and women. I should of born a guy. Dammit.

If you have a laptop, and you are reading this DC, I don't know you. I can't say if you were a great guy, or some **** who stole all the kills. I don't know if you were a problem starter, or one of the popular MMO kids who didn't hang with newbies. I don't know you from the typical joe when I sign into this game. But I do know you're feeling empty, and sad. Regret, anger, and frustration. I felt them too, I honestly did while staring out the window with my fingertips to the glass watching the recovering kids enjoying themselves. Why them? You know? Why do they get to enjoy, but I'm stuck in here under critical at all stages, why am I elevated to '' near death '' and moved to the elder infirmary? Why was I around nothing but the scent of death every single day from when I was 10 - 15. You're wondering the same, why did you have to go through it. Know why? Because you're tough, but look around you guy. Those people who came to you, those who are letting you read this or reading this to you. Yeah. I didn't get that. You lucky pincushion. That's what I called myself, and what the Old Lady who befriended me with two weeks left to go said she called herself. I learned alot from her, like how to give your nurses and doctors hell, even in her last two weeks she was wily. Always starting trouble. You know what though? She didn't worry, she didn't care. She said that beyond her physical life there was something waiting for her, something I didn't either care about or comprehend at that time. She said we all have our beliefs but she knew for a fact, even if it wasn't heaven, there was a whole new adventure waiting for her in less than two weeks. She kept a smile about it, and never worried. I don't know what you believe in, DC, if anything at all, but I know when I go I'm going to walk the path of the Native Indians. Corny huh? I might even wear the skirts and go topless, who knows. I just really want one of those drums. I love those drums, they are so soothing to listen to. You might like it, or then again maybe you like thrashing hardcore metal. Screaming Lords and the like. Who knows. You do. I don't. So you're probably wondering why am I writing to you like this? Why do I even care? I don't know you, right? And the people reading this are thinking, '' Is she mental? '' Doesn't matter what you think, or them, well in a way it does matter what you think now doesn't it? I'm just writing, free writing, no stops for errors. Just typing what I feel because I have been where you are and know what I'd want to see or hear if I were in your shoes. Just someone being real, someone being honest, someone being true. I longed for those type of conversations that never came except from the Elderly, then eventually they moved me down to the stationary wards for critical needs patients. They said I had become cynical and aloof. An oxymoron but hey I don't question their logic, nor their wording. They're doctors after all, not rocket scientists. So, DC, don't really worry about anything from here on out, alright? You fight when you feel like it, and if you know you're not going to make it or have an inkling just do want you want to, cause lets be real here, I knew I wasn't going to make it. Yet here I am writing for you, pretty ironic. Only I don't smell like prunes and strange spices from cooking abominations out of fake utensils the hospital tried to ''home'' up the old lady's room with. I have no idea what she cooked in there but oh gawd did it taste HORRIBLE. Horrible! I lied, ate it and made the most fake *** delicious ''mmmm sure is good!'' face. She knew, but adored it. I should bake you some bad cookies but I don't have any of her hospital recipes... lucky you. I don't really know what to say at this point except man up, get out of that hospital bed. Get out of that room. It smells doesn't it? The plastic on the bed, the grips on the handles, knowing someone else was in there before you. I know the smell. Everything has it. Like a sterilized leather or PVC costume. You might not know of the latter unless you were into some kinks. I'd go into detail about my adventures but I'm sure the one reading this to you is either flushed red by now or you're creating a tent for others out of all the mental images I'm probably hinting at. I have no idea why I keep my fingers running on this keyboard, I keep telling myself you're probably already getting sleepy and need to rest, other side of me is trying to live through you again and remembering what I would of loved out of a letter. For it to just go on and on, anything that didn't have to deal with family's mush and the cushioned talk that the hospital staff loved to give. Sounded so rehearsed. Bet they practice in-front of a mirror every morning, or got it so down pat that they don't realize they sound like robots. Fake empathetic robots. With poodle skirts. I made that last part up if you couldn't tell. I don't know what else I should say except do whatever you feel like, try to get enough strength to see the world a little more, enjoy the outside a bit. Like I said before, DC, this isn't properly thought out and is a jumbled mess of my thoughts that may seem to jump from subject to subject but it's real, and it's from a complete stranger. It may mean nothing to you, but it would of meant everything to me when I was in your position. Keep your chin up, watch some T.V, read some books, and get the heck outside so you're not missing out. Sip some jello under a tree for starters. Good luck, DC.

Stranger, Jennifer-Anne




He was put into hospice not the hospital, it's not exactly the same thing. He was placed there because there was no other choice. He can't currently walk right now, and is fading in and out of reality. Luckily, I did give him some of the advice you mentioned a few months ago. This was extremely sudden. The situation went from bad to omfgbad in about 3 days. I posted because his mom asked me to let people know. And I thought if anyone wanted to say anything, it would be good for them to have the opportunity.

To all,

Emails have been pouring in, thank you, I will bring them all with me. I think he will be happy to see them and his mom will feel good that so many people thought of him.

~*~Madame Pistacio~*~
Guardian of CHRYSALIS
Victory Limitless- /chanjoin "Victory Limitless"
P.E.R.C. First Chair- P.E.R.C. Site, Victory Over Hamidon
Newest event- The Great Makeover



Even though I didn't know him all that well, Please send him and his mom my best wishes.



Originally Posted by Madame Pistacio View Post

He was put into hospice not the hospital, it's not exactly the same thing. He was placed there because there was no other choice. He can't currently walk right now, and is fading in and out of reality. Luckily, I did give him some of the advice you mentioned a few months ago. This was extremely sudden. The situation went from bad to omfgbad in about 3 days. I posted because his mom asked me to let people know. And I thought if anyone wanted to say anything, it would be good for them to have the opportunity.

To all,

Emails have been pouring in, thank you, I will bring them all with me. I think he will be happy to see them and his mom will feel good that so many people thought of him.
Read that to him if you wish. Do me a favor and get DC in a wheel chair when he's awake. Just kinda chill with him and watch a sunset or sunrise, with jello or applesauce. Crazy straws, must have crazy straws. Don't question it.



I don't know DC, but I cannot help but to post here and wish him the best in his last days. I feel pain for him, his Mom and everyone that loved him.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



I'm very sorry to hear it. I chatted with DC a bit back in the heal farm days, and have often wondered why I haven't been seeing him on badge runs.

If he's up for a joke, tell him that I will collect all the badges in his memory, and regardless tell him that he's remembered fondly and that I have always appreciated his help badging in the past.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



This beyond sucks. DC was the reason I rolled my first tank and why I enjoy them on Hami raids. As good as he was a player though, he is even a nicer person who was always great to team with and happily answered all my stupid questions. There are no words....

There are better people in worse shape....



I don't know DC that well, but in all my interactions with him he has come across as both a good player and a good person. Victory has been a better place with him around.




Before I quit in i12, I played with DC all the time (mainly heal farms). He's from my home state. This kills me. I like Lulipop's advice about finding a way to be in happy surroundings in his last hours, and I hope that's possible. I'm incredibly sad he's not going to be there to joke around with anymore. I'm going to miss his truly kind heart. I hope he is not in pain, can think of angels and joyous things, and that you'll have quality time with him when you go to see him. I have no words for my tears, however, so I've written what I can.



Give DC my best wishes, he is a good player/guy and deserves the best.

Heroes: Storm/Psy, Claws/Inuvul, Emp/Elec, Mind/Rad, PB tripple changer, Ill/FF

Villains: Fire/Psy, MA/Ninja, Stone/Stone, Ninjas/Dark, Fortunata Widow, Sonic/Kinetic.

Full list here:



Give DC my best as well, did a lot of Hami raids and some iTrials with him, a great guy/player, what a shame for this to happen.

Struder 50 Regen/Broadsword Scrapper Kathy Blaze 50 Fire/Fire Brute
Raging Blue 50 Ice/Mace Tank Mrs. Killer 50 Regen/Katana Stalker
Frost face 50 Ice/Ice Blaster Raging Bane 50 All Bane
Raging Will 50 WP/SS TankDemonic-Death 50 SS/WP Brute



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
I'm very sorry to hear it. I chatted with DC a bit back in the heal farm days, and have often wondered why I haven't been seeing him on badge runs.

If he's up for a joke, tell him that I will collect all the badges in his memory, and regardless tell him that he's remembered fondly and that I have always appreciated his help badging in the past.
Chad always takes my answers.

I'm so very sorry to hear all this news. DC was one of the best players on Victory, and I owe so many of the badges to him. It just won't feel the same anymore.

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!



My heartfelt best wishes go out to everyone effected by this. x



Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
I don't know DC that well, but in all my interactions with him he has come across as both a good player and a good person. Victory has been a better place with him around.
This sums up my feelings, as somebody who lost my mum to cancer, my best wishes go to all around him.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



Wow. I've known DC for a while and we chatted a few times. Really nice guy! He will definitely be in my thoughts!!!

@MP - If he or his mom need anything. Please let me know!




To be honest, I am crushed right now. I knew his condition had worsened but I wasn't expecting this to happen. I had hoped things would turn around. Even though he has been dealing with cancer, he was always friendly and helpful to all. He is an outstanding player and a wonderful person. For those like me who knew DC, we were blessed. For those that did not, I wish you had, he was a great player and a great guy. I will always remember the good times, as should we all.

MP you have my email. Please wish DC and his family the best for me.



It is so frustrating for me that this is happening to such a nice young guy.

I've known DC in game for at least 6 years. One of only three that I have known that long. He's always been amazing to team with. You just knew, no matter what we were doing, that he knew what to do. He had all the maps pretty much memorized. If you didn't know which way to go, just follow DC. And if you thought you knew but weren't following him, you were going the wrong way!

How many of you have spent time in the shard before jet packs? Most of my characters didn't have flight so I would end up just waiting around for someone to TP me. A few times I'd try to jump through those jets. Sometimes, if I was lucky, I might make it through one, maybe two, before missing and falling and resetting back to the start of the zone. DC, on the other hand, with just super jump, would go across the zone from jet to jet, faster than anyone with flight, like he was born in the zone! The first time I saw him do it, I was absolutely amazed. Who am I kidding? Every time.

He is a wealth of knowledge about the game. Knows all the contacts. All the arcs. He was always down for a TF. No matter which one.

DC is always level headed and good natured. Sure, he'd act like a crotchety old man, but you always knew he was just teasing - well mostly

On a "real life" note, he is also partially responsible for my wife and I being together. I'll be forever grateful to him for that. He is one of only a few people both in and out of game that I know as a true friend. Someone I could trust. Someone who would help me if he could, not for personal gain, but because it's what friends do.



I don't know DC well, barely more than an acquaintance, but he and his family have my best wishes. It sounds as though hospice is the best thing to make his last days the best they can be under these terrible circumstances, and my thoughts and prayers will be with him. Sad news.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



Well this sucks.

DC is an awesome dude and will always be known as one of Victory's finest. He is always down for badging with me and wasn't afraid to be in for the long haul for a badge. Hospice is no joke as I have dealt with it with family members. I hope they make him very comfortable. I will have a few beers in his honor. Cheers to you, DC!



He's one of the first players I met in game, too. (and Madame P)
Always laughing at my jokes even when neither of us thought they were funny.

I tell him he needs Speed Boost to keep up cause all his badges just slow him down.

You are in my prayers and I'm rooting for you, buddy!!!



DC helped get me through algebra when I was having a tough time during college. For that I will always be grateful.

All I can say is tell him to be strong. I don't even know what else to say.