808 -
I'm curious whether or not Emperor Cole actually wore the Statesman costume in his own reality.
We hired a PR guy to blow some smoke up your collective butts, because that's how much we care. If this was not an easy decision to make, we wouldn't be able to suddenly fire everyone on a random Friday. In the end, keeping the game is not a way to make the most amount of money with the least amount of effort, so it is useless. We are not in the business of making art, after all.
Publish everything on Beta onto Live. Because why not. :/
Quote:Quasar, Klaw, and Songbird make me kinda doubt it.The one that comes to mind for me is some kind of hard light construct set. I dunno if DC has a trademark on the concept,
Also, "SUPER HERO" is a trademark co-owned by DC comics and Marvel comics. Given that we have a superhero MMO, I don't think that's necessarily a hurdle. -
So did the Dark Watcher's arc ever happen, or what. :P
Quote:Yes, you could always get the Freakshow boss as a drop, it's just that Freakshow boss was the first ever costume code that allowed you to have the power permanently. Exclusive ones didn't come till later.
Last time I saw Belladona Vetrano, I had just delivered her to Praetor Sinclair, presumably in chains, and he remarked that there was a lot of torturing in store for her. She seems pretty blase about that whole thing.
First run: someone used quills.
Second run, GL disconnected and couldn't get back in. Successful run.
Third run: someone once again used quills. -
I can help with my electric/kin controller. @Sadyschick
Sign me up for one of those "non debuff" spots, please.
@Sadyschick, Energy/Energy Brute
I don't know if I an make it exactly on time, but I hope to be there before you click the green button. -
Sign me up!
@Sadyschick lvl 50+3 Energy/Energy Brute. -
Quote:God wears a beret. Everyone knows that.Honestly, I think it was just the right amount.
The whole "For God and Country" aspect to his character really stood out and made the character more believable than any sort of antics or awkwardness of modern technology could have.
His response to Thor and Loki being "basically gods" did an amazing job of portraying this. -