Player's Summit
Wondering if someone will do some play-by-play or bulletpoints. I talked a little about it in-game. Now, however, I'm listening to music videos. Here are some highlights from the Keynote:
(these aren't in order)
-Protean went Ki-yi-yi like a coyote. I'm not exactly sure why, karaoke isn't until later.
-Zwill asks us to try to be surprised when Posi announces the new upcoming powersets Water Blast, Nature Affinity, Bile Armor.
-They ask us to be professional about the colors we use with Water Blast. Fat chance, kimosabe.
-New market items, 'amplifiers'. I didn't hear what they're supposed to do which is somewhat ironic.
-3rd & 4th enhancement trays will be available.
-New costume pieces include new tights, Cyberpunk, and the Leather & Chainmail sets. -Cyberpunk has a new duster/trenchcoat that's in the jackets category.
-New Summer Event will be a "Double Feature" where you and your team are in the movies, playing different roles within the movie. The first is "Casino Heist". The roles mentioned were Theif, (?)ifter, Hitter, and Hacker. Think "Ocean's 4". The second is "Time Gladiator". Couldn't hear much about it other than you can get a Ninja Monkey badge.
Filk singer LIVE. Yes, Filk. Arbiter Warrant. Mike Simpson.
3,000,000 Cards from super packs... So they sold 600,000 packs. However they should be looking at the number of unique accounts buying the packs. Now, for those that haven't bought the packs, what plans are they going to put in place for players to get the costumes/etc from the packs?

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
Protean went Ki-yi-yi like a coyote. I'm not exactly sure why, karaoke isn't until later.

@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
-New market items, 'amplifiers'. I didn't hear what they're supposed to do which is somewhat ironic.
-3rd & 4th enhancement trays will be available. |
Amplifiers are already in the Market at least on the Beta server.
I hope they meant 4th and 5th enhancement trays because the "third" one has been around since CoH:Freedom launched.
I've been using my 3rd tray for 6+ months now. *shrugs*
Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
3,000,000 Cards from super packs... So they sold 600,000 packs. However they should be looking at the number of unique accounts buying the packs. Now, for those that haven't bought the packs, what plans are they going to put in place for players to get the costumes/etc from the packs?

@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
My girlfriend's response to "the black knights' under armor" costume set: "Why would I want to wear someone else's underwear?"
They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!
If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville
Reveal: Freebie Fridays in the market, where something free will be available each week if you log in and claim it.
They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!
If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville
These are all my notes on the Keynote Speech:
Pummit Keynote
They're posting player surveys after the summit to help the devs make decisions on future direction
Zwill measures the caffiene in the room with the loudness of the yays at the start.
Zwill introduces speakers for keynote: Ross "Giant Monster" Borden (VP), Studio General Manager Brian "Crosscheck" Clayton (big Sharks fan, apparently), Protean, War Witch, Positron
There are Reveals coming at the summit and fun panels. Zwil talks about the success of the Design a Costume Set Workshop. He shows off the Retro Sci-Fi set (which I can't see).
Zwill talks schedule, accidently labels "Paragon Market Panel" "Paragon Marketing Panel." Apparently will have spreadsheets and graphs!
One of the panels is "Make Your Case for Zone Revamp." Also Design a Costume and Design a Power Set panels.
Can't see the Studio Update speech because of stupid Ustream ad spam. Sad pandas.
Okay, didn't miss much. Crosscheck gives general upbeat speach. "We've made great strides, especially in the last few years." *takes a shot* Talks about the art team and praises the leader of the art team and design team, their new tech director. It's a general backpatting speech bosses make.
Implemented a new policy: if you've been on the team 10 years, you get to become producer.
Freedom Update from Giant Monster - Ross Borden is a behind the scenes guy who's been there 7 years. Since they were prepping for CoV. Talks about HeroClix.
Talks about Paragon Rewards Program.
So much reverb! Someone messed up the audio settings.
Shows off the Mecha armor costume set for the T9 reward coming with i23.
The giant beam laser sword.
Super Packs - "Really really interesting." "We saw that you guys have a few concerns." "We learned a lot from you guys." - they made quite a bit of money off them - they sold over 3 million cards (600,000 packs). So they're moving to the next Super-Pack 2: Rogues and Vigilantes.
They'll talk more about those at the Paragon Market Panel.
"Preview" of a mystery costume set. Looks like a space pirate.
Just a goofy silhouette.
Nate (Second Measure) is working on a new exciting project. They won't tell us.
War Witch: Every time I do one of these, Matt throws me under the bus. He's like the little brother I never wanted.
War Witch talks about Issue 23.
Hybrid Slot for Incarnates: Boosts core abilities or shore up weaker areas.
New Magisteream Trial to confront Tyrant.
Ad eats her speech on that, but in the trial Nova Praetoria gets all shot up.
Leather Armor and Chainmail Armor - both underarmor for the Black Knights. Free to us! (for VIPs)
TUNNEL System - transit system to get around from Praetorian zones, Paragon, Rogue Isles.
Pandora's Box - new sig arc coming with Issue 23. The first half of it anyways.
Protean talks about Night Ward.
Night Ward is continuation of the Praetoria story, starts up right where First Ward ends.
First thing you do: rescue Katie Douglas, and carries you over into the shadow realm between the world of the living and the dead.
Night Ward is kind of a byproduct of the universe trying to figure out what to do with the Apparitions.
Paths of light and dark.
A more magical zone, with spirit lanterns and stuff.
Ideas, thoughts, dreams blur over into there. It's also where the Praetorian Midnighters were hiding, who relocated their mansion there thinking they'd be safe.
Animus Arcana enemy group - living spells and objects.
Drudges - actual denizens of the netherworld. They dig up the souls of the dead and carry them over to the other side... where ever that is.
Some of them dress as bobby cops.
Black Knights - who come to Night Ward to persue a particular evil soul, and they govern the Eternal Prison.
Talons of Vengeance have also arrived, persistant devils they are.
Conctacts: Katie Douglas reappears, also living spells, a talking coyote with a very annoying sound (coyotes are annoying), rogue Black Knights.
Positron's speech is titled "Soon(tm)".
Talks about other upcoming stuff!
Power Sets!
Zwil: I want you guys to pretend to act surprised, or Something Awful might happen.
No animations yet, so just descriptions.
Power Sets: Nature Affinity! Put stacks of Bloom on Allies that boosts your Healing. Heal Over Time and Debuff set.
Bio Armor. New defense set! New damage absorbtion mechanic. Probably broken in some ways, so they're gonna be testing that one for a while.
Water Blast! Yay! Posi: I trust you will professional about the colors you use (or use appropriate names, please!).
Upcoming Market Items. Amlifiers, more enhancement trays.
Very early stuff, still in concept art.
Cyberpunk! Concept art, with robot arm and new DUSTER COAT.
Cool robot arm.
New Tights! Tights, patterns, textures. More bases for costumes and stuff. Showed some concept ideas for stuff they're playing with.
New Annual Event!
Summer Blockbuster Double Feature! So "you can be in the movies in City of Heroes."
Two new movies. Two parter.
Time Gladiator and Casino Heist.
Built brand new theater lobby map.
Contest winners: Acsension, others. Missed by ad!
Casino Heist. You and your three companions take on a different role in the story. Hitter, Hacker, Grifter and Thief. You perform the heist in the movie.
Brand new casino map!
Thief steals stuff from the boss's office, Hitter takes out generator, Grifter distracts staff, Hacker installs outdated OS with wrong date. Laser grid!
Time Gladiator! Colleseum map! Fight enemies from across space and time! Minotaur and Handmaidens!
Ninja intermission! Kill enough rikti monkeys, get Ninja Monkey badge!
Two mecha robots. WIP.
Fight the God Champion Himself if you do well enough!
Devs: Majority of players want us to return to Primal Earth, put a bow on Praetoria. So they're refocusing more on Primal stuff.
Q about Absorbtion. Devs: It's like temporary HP over your regular HP
Q on Praetoria in Ouro. Devs: Turns out there's some stick spots in coding the GR content into Ouro. Working on it, no promises.
Q on asymetrical shoulder armor. When will we be seeing that. Devs: Mecha has some.
Q: When will we get a cat vanity pet. Devs: Stay tooned.
Q: Why not release the sig arcs in Beta before release? Devs: With Pandora's Box, will be. Few little bugs they're hammering out, but they're releasing Episode One on Beta in the next couple weeks.
Q: About mid-level TF's, like Warrior's TF. Devs: "I'd love to. I just need War Witch to point the gun at me and tell me to do it." Zwil: "And that's what we call passing the buck."
Q: Porting CoH to Android. Devs: *drag up their chief engineer* Engineer: No.
Q: Why is Recluse dead in every single universe but Primal Earth? Devs: He's an interesting character... and writing several Recluses would make my head explode. Hard enough writing multiple Statesmen. ... but he's dead.
Q: About getting new stuff into AE and stuff lagging behind. Devs: Not been a priority in the short term. Tried to add new maps and enemies. Regarding powersets, they kind of fell behind. They try to lag it one issue behind. New villain groups in i23, new power sets are generally going in in i24.
You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age
Feeling a lil bleh about this Plumitt---no new news or really in depth info on anything.
Watched entire morning on ustream; feeling quite underwhelmed.
I23= New trial, Hybrid, some costumes, but no new power sets.
I24=Powers and some base love
Will watch the Powers panel and see if anything interesting is revealed. No mention of Sorcery Power Pool, Psi Melee, or "Feral" AT yet. They did discuss Water Blast, Nature Affinity, and Symbiotic Armor, but no details given on them.
Wish I was there so I could ask some hard questions.
Why didn't we get ALL of the CoT costume items?
Are we going to get access to the Black Knight Armor items?
Things like that.
Types of Swords
My Portfolio
Global name: @k26dp
It's a long weekend. I'm sure that stuff will be asked, but they don't need to get grilled at the keynote.
I am not sure those questions will get asked or answered. Not everyone feels they are as important as I do. :/
Types of Swords
My Portfolio
I dunno why Positron is SO worried about water blast colors.
Now off to reserve my new character name: Watersports.
Possibly if that name is taken, i'll try Golden Girl....oh wait, that's taken. Golden Showers!!!
Mr. True Shot.
Level 53: Arrows/Devices/Munitions Blaster
....and hopeless Science-Natzi.
I thought it was quite interesting that Superpacks are the number 1 seller in the market, ahead of any power set or costume pack.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Types of Swords
My Portfolio
Types of Swords
My Portfolio
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.
I wonder if power pool customization will come up at any point. That would have been good for key note.
Types of Swords
My Portfolio
I hope people had fun at game night, and even more fun tomorrow at the Player's Summit.
*/em Shake Fist* I'll be there next time!
*goes to corner and cries*
Dark Energon, Founder of the Freedom Legion SG on Guardian server.
(SG founded on 12-08-'09, Top100: 08-17-'10, Top50: 12-23-'10, Top25: 12-11-'11)
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