683 -
I'm going to be busy working on a business plan to pitch to a major tech company with deep gaming roots. I am waiting on feedback from Zwill and Posi regarding this, i send them a pm here on the forums and a reminder on Twitter.
Basically, we have what they are looking for. A MMO, that has an established loving fan base, a great Dev team and standard setting interaction between those two parties. I am confidant that if the Devs contact me, we can set up a pitch that shows the compnany i am thinking of: What they get, what Paragon Studios were working on, what their return investment is, what Paragon Studios need in order to grow, a loyal fan base that might shift their own gaming war with their #1 competitor.
This company has the money and the balls to buy the game, the studios, reinstate the devs and the crew, and even buy the license for the engine.
All i need, is to get in contact with the Devs, and i am sure we can come up with a great plan, instead of a 'Save us' note. -
I joined this great game little over 3 years ago. It was there for me in good times, and through bad times. It was the one thing in my life that always stayed positive no matter how bad things were in real life. The place where i know i could go and meet my friends. I am sad that they are shutting my home down, i am sad i will not be able to just hang out with my friends. Thank you for the good times, the many great memories. I will miss you all.
Dark Energon aka Nephila -
Mayb an account unlock when you unlocked it on 1 toon?
It would be nice to have this, but a slap in the face to people who spend countless of hours and Inf to get the bench on 1 or more toons. At least with having to unlock it on 1 toon you still have to do something for it, instead of simply buying it with Points
(However, the Devs have slapped people in the face before with granting things like this.) -
2nd looks solid, have fun with it.
When i'm on my Crab, i always get put on the North East door, so that less can be on North path, and most on the South choke points. This is also a good vatage point for me to spot starys from North and from South heading east, see it as a last line. If there is an escaped prisoner, i can say "East Clear", or "Heading East". However, one time with a 12 man BAF, i wanted to duo the North path, so i took my door, my buddy misunderstood and helped on South, i ended up taking out the North path solo, with no escaped prisoners.
(Ps: i know smaller leagues will spawn less escapes, but i think it was still a nice feat. I know to stick to one door when we have a full league.)
Summer Blockbuster Event.
This means my VEAT will be a Sniper's wet dream.. My dual Tactics grant 24% ToHit, so right off the bat, just standing next to me, they will have no interrupt time on Snipe powers. :::
I would still like to see Premium players to be able to pay base rent.
I know several people who dropped to Premium, even if only for a few months or what not. It is absurd that when someone made an SG years ago, just because he is Premium, that he/she is not able to pay rent, even when that person is the leader.
At least make it so that the Red Star/Leader is always able to pay the rent and lift any restrictions. -
Quote:Will this affect VEATs too?
Short Range Attacks:
- Short range attacks, i.e. 40ft attacks like Blaze, etc, are having their range extended to 80ft, the same as other attacks in the set.
- This change also effects Corruptor, Defender and Dominator sets (And I assume PPPs, if they have any such attacks)
I know my Crab is mixed, ranged/melee, so it would be nice to see my ranged attacks increased in range too. -
Download Mids from Titan Network. http://www.cohtitan.com/
This is how most people are able to see a toon's stats before they even make the toon on live. -
Best show on TV atm, imo.
Went to the set on the 1st day of production for season 5, and was amazed how much these guys love their fans. Even after a 14 hour day, most, esp Charlie, took a lot of time just signing stuff and talking to the 3 fans at the gate when they left the studio.
I myself got some great footage of Jax, Chibs, Bobby and Happy on bikes, Juice and Clay in the van leaving TM. -
I'd like the top two posts please, with whipped cream and a cherry on top.
-Hybrid Support Core T4 states 12% boosts but only gives 6%.
*A 6% boost is about the same as the Leadership pools, so not a real 'high' buff as people state it is/should be.
-Hybrid Assault Radial T4 only gives a quarter of the damage output from that power instead of the 'double hit'.
*Double hit in my opinion means it should have a chance to do twice as mucg damage, or hit twice giving the same amount of damage. 78dam vs a 340 dealing damage isn't double.
-Hybrid Melee Core's T4 regen doesn't stack as stated with more enemies around.
*The regen stayed the same and actually even lowered a few times while testing this out.
-Hybrid has an exploit which lets me run it as a toggle, with full buffs, for no end cost.... at will.
*Found this out on Friday afternoon running a MsLTF, i already reported it.
And yes, i tested all these on Live on the same toon, my Crab Spider named Nephila.
Place me on the list of people disappointed in this new Incarnate ability. -
So.. Talos has: The new 'Tunnel', Train station, Ferry, TP to Imp City Underground AND a base portal, and most of these have access to pretty much the same zones...... >.<
Wasn't it easier to take advantage of the new Hacked Telepad, and add Praetorian, FW, NW, Shadow Shard, Red and Blue zones to all bases?
If you are not allowed to go to a specific zone, just give them the same pop up that RWZ had back in the day when it was level restricted.
Isn't more obvious to make BASES the central transportation hub instead of 3 to 6 different ways in one zone? -
i'm in the slow process of subbing my lvl50 reg and some set I/O's for lvl35+5 versions on my Crab Spider Nephila. Basically all non Purple, PvP and Proc's will be changed to the lvl35+5 version.
I noticed that the % is a little higher using lvl35+5 vs lvl50. Also, since they are level 35, they still work when i exemplar to level 32 if i need to. -
I remember these booster packs for about the same type of $ back in the day, only change... these do not include the emotes, CC Emotes or temp/travel powers.
Like the Origin pack for example:
The pack was for 4 capes and 4 Auras. But right now, the capes are 400PP and the Aura's are separate, so 4 capes for the same amount of PP as say the Steam Punk pack, which has over 40 items in it.
I understand they are trying to make a buck, and new players do not know the difference, but long time veterans and even people like me who joined in 2009 do know the difference. This is one of the reasons i do not like this new Market setup.
Yes, i understand they are making more profit and therefor churning out more content, however, i just do not like the nickle and dimming aspect they are using. -
My VEAT uses the Arachnos T4 Lore, but has the WarWorks T4 too cause Arachnos wasn't added yet at that time. I am thinking about adding Cimeroans too, for solo TF/SF's. With just the Arachnos Lore i can shut down a door in BAF, i was even able to solo the North path on a smaller league without any issues.
1st i look for what fits my toons theme, and as a back up, i try to compliment my toon. 3rd option is always the heavy hitters.
My VEAT doesn't have a 3rd Lore set yet, cause he has 16 other T4 powers already. -
We on Guardian run Lambda and BAF on a daily basis. Depending on the crowd we do Keyes too. MoM, TPN, DD and UG are ran less, but still at least once, twice or more times a week, it all depends on the crowd and what people want.
We normally start running trials at about 4pm till..well.. when most people are gone.
We form in DA, since that way we can see what level shift people are. -
We on Guardian run several Trails on a daily basis.
Guardian Incarnates, level 51 are also channels made when the Incarnate system came out.. and mostly dead now.
Quote:You win the interwebs!You mean you don't know!
Its there for the arrogant elitists to lock themselves away on so the rest of us don't need to /ignore them
More seriously:
If all events were done on Exalted only then how would any new player know what they are missing. Holding events on the regular servers mean that free/premium players can see the extras that we pay for and that may bring in new subscriptions.
You may figure out which statement obliterated all other statements -
I for one am glad that they are starting to server hop, i asked for it each and every Dev held CC.
The reason Exalted is a bad place to hold it, is in my opinion, simple.
Not every VIP wants to be there, i for one never even selected that server.
The other reason, so that the Free and Premium players see that the Devs treat us all as equal.
Now i hear people say: "I'm better than a Premium or Free, because i am a VIP." Keep this in mind... as a Free or Premium player you will not get the same perks the game has to offer as VIPs do, think Incarnate content, free monthly Reward Token, free 400-550 Paragon Points per month and more.
The Dev held CC should be open to the entire community, not divide it.
Also the 'perks' of playing on a VIP server are for many the same, to not deal with new players. I for one love to talk, help and team with new players, teach them the game, the background and history of the game.
Imagine when you 1st started playing, how would you feel if people didn't wanted to team up with you, talk to you, help you or give you advice, just because you didn't have a single Veteran Badge?
Now imagine the thoughts of Free and Premium players, joining an event hosted by the Devs, something not many, if any, games do. They'll get the feeling that the Devs care, not just care about the VIPs. And if you think the CC should only be for paying players, note that there are Premium players who spend more on the game per month than several VIPs do/can.
Thank you Devs, for server hopping, spreading the love around!
I'll be there! -
Quote:I must say that this was one hell of an event.
We were at it for some time but there was never a dull moment as both teams had to keep on the move to stop the other team from gaining the upper hand. There were some close calls, upsets and Booyah momnets. But through it all, everyone had fun.
Also nice to see that players who switched servers to join FNFN had a great time. Here's hoping we'll keep the nice folks around for a while. -
Quote:Actually, when i made my 1st toon in the summer of '09, i made an Electric/Energy Blaster, i tried many combinations of energy and electric, and for some reason energon came in my mind, i couldn't for the life remember where it came from. Since my toon was very dark skinned, covered in his bio, and energon was unavailable, i named it Dark Energon. weeks later Power customization came out and i made my powers dark red and black. It took months before someone told me about the energon reff from TF. By that time my toon was 50, my 1st 50, made his own SG and i just could not bare to change my toon name or global handle. There were many times i was contemplating changing my global handle to my strongest toon, a toon i played for well over a year and a half straight, the toon everyone knew me on, but i just couldn't. DE is my glob handle, my forum name, my 1st 50, the creator and leader of my SG. If none of these were in place, i would have changed my global name years ago.Finally, I think everyone has missed that your global @dark energon, is a reference to power cubes in the Transformer universe.
Go report yourself dude.
PS: I have seen global names such as Mr. Energon, toons named Energon X, and even Energon. -
*CoQuote:I'll prob delete it in a few days, i never had an archery toon, so just wanted to try it out. I am surprised that that name was available tho.
And no, he doesn't look like Hawk-Eye, nor, if i keep him, will be close to his bio. I just wish we had like a sniper rifle powerset, i'd deff keep the name for that.
I only have a limited supply of toon slots, so i'd like to test a few powersets, see how they work.
The test toons are the 1st to go when i make a solid toon i know i'd like to play.