Might they sell it?
All we can do is speculate and gossip about rumours, so until then hoping for the best but expecting the worst.
NcSoft should just sell Paragon Studios instead of straight up shutting them down. Cryptic was in a similar position until Perfect World purchased them. I'd rather see new owners than this game die.
NcSoft should just sell Paragon Studios instead of straight up shutting them down. Cryptic was in a similar position until Perfect World purchased them. I'd rather see new owners than this game die.
Still, selling a game (or any form to publish it again) is easier then selling a company with its employees. Maybe they can sell the IP, but they cant sell the engine, all NCsoft has to offer is the IP, the company and its community, but they lack the fundamental part.. the game engine.
So the only company who perhaps can buy IP of CoH (and its content) would be PWE, as they are owner of the engine. Even then they would buy the game, but often not the staff behind it, maybe they would re-hire some of the peeps, but face it.. animators are animators, artists are artists, though peeps at Paragon might have been great and awsome, doesnt mean PWE doesnt have sortlike people in their development-department.
But as PWE has CO, offcourse they wouldnt buy up CoH, that would basicly kill off their bought game (cryptic was CO, secondair Atari). So we got in between and got squashed.
PWE didnt had any hero/space MMO when they bought Cryptic, now they have.. they have way less interest in CoH (though i still hope they would buy it..)
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
I dont understand this entire situation. Wouldn't they try to sell it first before doing something like this? So is money the issue? What if someone bought the studio or maybe they could get funding from a Kickstarter drive or something? I may be extremely naive but it just seems like there is something that could be done.
There's a rumor that within an hour of the closure statement, SOE and another un-named publisher both made offers for the game.
Like I said, it's a rumor - but it's not that far-fetched.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
I'm going to be busy working on a business plan to pitch to a major tech company with deep gaming roots. I am waiting on feedback from Zwill and Posi regarding this, i send them a pm here on the forums and a reminder on Twitter.
Basically, we have what they are looking for. A MMO, that has an established loving fan base, a great Dev team and standard setting interaction between those two parties. I am confidant that if the Devs contact me, we can set up a pitch that shows the compnany i am thinking of: What they get, what Paragon Studios were working on, what their return investment is, what Paragon Studios need in order to grow, a loyal fan base that might shift their own gaming war with their #1 competitor.
This company has the money and the balls to buy the game, the studios, reinstate the devs and the crew, and even buy the license for the engine.
All i need, is to get in contact with the Devs, and i am sure we can come up with a great plan, instead of a 'Save us' note.
Dark Energon, Founder of the Freedom Legion SG on Guardian server.
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I'm going to be busy working on a business plan to pitch to a major tech company with deep gaming roots. I am waiting on feedback from Zwill and Posi regarding this, i send them a pm here on the forums and a reminder on Twitter.
Basically, we have what they are looking for. A MMO, that has an established loving fan base, a great Dev team and standard setting interaction between those two parties. I am confidant that if the Devs contact me, we can set up a pitch that shows the compnany i am thinking of: What they get, what Paragon Studios were working on, what their return investment is, what Paragon Studios need in order to grow, a loyal fan base that might shift their own gaming war with their #1 competitor. This company has the money and the balls to buy the game, the studios, reinstate the devs and the crew, and even buy the license for the engine. All i need, is to get in contact with the Devs, and i am sure we can come up with a great plan, instead of a 'Save us' note. |
@Johnstone & @Johnstone 2
All my characters
I'm going to be busy working on a business plan to pitch to a major tech company with deep gaming roots. I am waiting on feedback from Zwill and Posi regarding this, i send them a pm here on the forums and a reminder on Twitter.
Basically, we have what they are looking for. A MMO, that has an established loving fan base, a great Dev team and standard setting interaction between those two parties. I am confidant that if the Devs contact me, we can set up a pitch that shows the compnany i am thinking of: What they get, what Paragon Studios were working on, what their return investment is, what Paragon Studios need in order to grow, a loyal fan base that might shift their own gaming war with their #1 competitor. This company has the money and the balls to buy the game, the studios, reinstate the devs and the crew, and even buy the license for the engine. All i need, is to get in contact with the Devs, and i am sure we can come up with a great plan, instead of a 'Save us' note. |

Given the financials of NCSoft, but not the specifics of CoH, I am wondering if there is any significant chance of them selling CoH/GR to some other company.
CoH being my first and only MMO, and not making a habit of perusing the gamer websites, I've no idea how realistic this idea might be, but I imagine if NCSoft dropped it, it probably wasn't making any money, or not enough.
I suspect I shouldn't hold my breath, but I'm curious as to what some of you think.
"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese