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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkSideLeague View Post
    The Paragon Rewards stop after 38 Tokens - the amount of increased salvage/recipe/auction (some of which DID exist prior to the change) will never increase past that.
    I don't think you can say this for certain, although I agree it's probably true.

    However, given that one of the vet rewards is 50% off tailor, and for people who don't have that there are the Day Job 25% discount tokens, and given that at tier 9 of the vet rewards every new character gets 6 free respecs (in addition to the trials and respec recipes that drop in game) and 10 free tailor tokens, I don't think anyone is really hurting for free/cheap respec or tailor options these days.

    As for the the hell much do you want? The amount you get in-game and through existing vet rewards is quite a good amount; the increases you get through the Paragon Market are frankly overkill. I know, because I bought a few of them.

    And of course, let's point out two more things:
    1) You haven't lost anything even if rewards have frozen.
    2) You still get a VIP stipend. If the inventory increases matter that much to you, save your stipend for those. No extra money spent.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkSideLeague View Post
    Uh... we're not getting yearly character slots or increases to salvage/recipe/auction inventory, nor are we getting more free respec/tailor tokens.
    Okay, one: We got a free respec just this past month for the 8th anniversary.

    Two: ...When did we ever get increases to salvage/recipes/auctions as a yearly benefit? Or character slots? I do vaguely recall slots, so I might be wrong on that, but inventory has always only been increased either by in-game badges/Vanguard, which haven't changed, or by veteran rewards, which are now Paragon Rewards and are identical to the old vet rewards but with added functionality.
  3. Yeah, I didn't factor in regen at all, which adds a lot to survivability as well.

    Really, WP and EA are both very strong sets. It's hard to go wrong with either one.
  4. Willpower's resist + def don't overlap very well. It has a small bit of Smashing/Lethal defense, but primarily it's S/L resist plus defense for the rest (and Psi resist/defense in equal amounts).

    I'm at work so I'm not going to crunch a whole lot of numbers, but I can give you a place to start. Softcapped defense gets you 95% mitigation (50% base defense + 45% extra = 5% damage gets through). Resist + defense is better than softcapped defense when it gives you better than 95% mitigation. These combinations all give 95% mitigation:

    45% defense, 0% resist
    40% defense, 50% resist
    30% defense, 75% resist
    25% defense, 80% resist
    0% defense, 90% resist (remember, there's still that hidden 50% defense)

    If you can get better numbers than these, you're doing better than softcapped defense.

    This is why it's popular to use resist sets, by the way. Adding defense is extremely easy, so if you start with a set that lets you reach max resistance, then you don't need a whole lot of defense to surpass softcapped defense.

    But to spare you the number crunching, Willpower by itself does not give quite as much mitigation as softcapped Energy Aura. Willpower with a lot of S/L defense is much, much better than softcapped Energy Aura for most content.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
    I'd go as far to say it being necessary for TW.
    Hasten is nice but never necessary. I don't use it in my TW build and it's still a monster.
  6. Retro sci-fi.

    Not astronaut.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Of course, its going to take a while to make any comparisons to Staff because TW is actually not a joy to level at all. Until you can sustain momentum pretty much constantly, its actually a very staccato set.
    That's going to be a matter of personal opinion and preference, of course. I never leveled any character as fast as my TW Brute for two reasons: It's too much fun to stop playing, and the set felt like I was holding onto the handlebars of an out-of-control motorcycle. I made it a point to hit all the mayhems while leveling, and I had to be super-careful not to overlevel them. And I didn't take Build Momentum until level 47, after I had destroyed any endurance problems.

    I'm enjoying my Dark/Staff Tanker, although progress on Staff is of course slow because Tanker. Damage feels pretty good, too; I've dropped Tankers in the past because they just weren't doing what I felt was reasonable damage, but I'm fairly happy with Staff so far.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dirges View Post
    I wouldn't call TP the expert travel power. Yes it takes more effort to use, but it does not pay more dividends. In missions I find ss or fly better alternatives for the extra control the give.
    1. Why are you using travel powers in missions? Yes, SS gives +stealth, but close quarters also makes it a giant pain in the patella to use. And there aren't many door missions where Fly is more useful than Hover or even Teleport; Teleport is useful both where Fly is useful and where it isn't.

    2. Teleport, once the effort has been made to utilize it properly (set up the keybind and put a couple slots in it) is the fastest travel power. That's not in question. It is objectively the fastest, by a long shot. The significance of that has been diluted these days with all the changes to zone travel (the train lines merger, Midnighter Club, Ouro, and RWZ), but even now, when most of my characters travel by temp power, SS, or SJ, I definitely feel the slowness when crossing a zone that has no other shortcuts.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    Hmm, it might work like Energy Aura...Energy Cloak was changed too since toggling that power made you perpetually invisible (like...totally aura or anything). Now, you're fully visible after initiating combat but your stealth is still there. What I'm saying is, perhaps you have to start combat and you'll be visible?
    No, as I mentioned in my post, it stays a fuzzball when attacking. And Energy Aura's cloak isn't a 100% alpha the way Cloak of Darkness is, whether in combat or out.

    Originally Posted by CyWolf View Post
    There is an option is the editor to make CoD not turn you into the dust bunny of doom.
    Yes, but the post I responded to was talking about default.
  10. It's easily my favorite melee set. Momentum really doesn't bother me, although I admit in certain areas it gets to be problematic (contributing during the prisoner escape phase in BAF is tough, for example). It's also kind of nice to be running a Staff character and not have to worry about turning on Momentum before I can hit my big AOE attacks, but I still love TW.

    It's possible to eliminate endurance consumption problems entirely, too. Even though my Brute uses Energy Aura, I really never need to hit Energy Drain any more, even after 5 second of Momentum + 10 seconds of Build Momentum. Of course, that level of endurance generation requires all four stat accolades and Brute's Energy Mastery APP, which gives both Superior Conditioning and Physical Perfection.

    The only potential issue with the set is Momentum. You can mitigate the endurance consumption, but Momentum is there to stay. If you can't stand it, it's not the set for you. If you can, it's bloody awesome.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dirges View Post
    Sorry if you have to try this hard, there is something wrong with TP.
    Not necessarily. There's nothing wrong with having an 'expert' power in a group which requires more effort but pays more dividends.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
    When was the last time you used Dark Armor? 'cause it's nowhere NEAR as obscuring as it was. In fact, the effect was kinda hard to see last time I played with it. And I hadn't changed anything from default.
    Ehhh, I can verify that it's a big black fuzzball. I started a Dark/Staff Tanker last night because I just have to see Claws' build in action. Now admittedly, my character costume is nearly pure black, but from what I could see the fuzzball pretty much just replaced my model entirely. Even the staff was hidden.

    It looks kind of cool, though. The staff is invisible but the motion effects aren't, so it looks kind of like the fuzzball itself is lashing out with long strikes.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    but it will still be very solid without them.
    Nominated for understatement of the year. Good GOD. I want to try this now.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    This is what Diablo did, and it's also why I NEVER EVER EVER want to see smart AI ever again. Diablo had an enemy called a Succubus. All these winged women had was one blast - Blood Bolt, I think - that they spammed over and over again. If you tried to approach them, they would run in the opposite direction, and they ran exactly as fast as the player does, meaning they could keep a constant distance between you. As soon as you stopped chasing them, they'd stop running and shoot you. As soon as you tried to move away, they'd chase you and keep shooting as soon as you stopped. The ONLY way I found to kill them was to exploit their AI which only ever ran diametrically away from me, by forcing them to run into a corner where they couldn't back away. That, or take Fireball and sink a crapton of points into Magic.
    There's smart and there's perfect, and perfect is impossible and not fun.

    I assumed (which is not always wise, granted) that Arcana was talking about behavior once the decision to flee had been made. Rather than the enemy fleeing to the far corner of the map then walking back, as they do currently, enemies would flee to an intelligent distance, then continue fighting. That's a different case than the enemy keeping a certain distance away at all times.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
    Maybe you are already doing this but just in case you aren't...

    Shift+ leftclick to teleport to the mouse pointer, or at least as close to it as you can get given range limits and obstructions.
    This is what makes Teleport amazing. I just wish it didn't have to be a non-obvious solution, but instead baked into the power.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
    But even if no one had ever switched, people would still have the complaint, because villain population has always been low. So they'd still have the same complaint, and they'd be stuck with the thing they don't like, rather than switching and solving their own problem.

    You're blaming the victims, here.
    Exactly so. See, TheDeepBlue:
    Originally Posted by TheDeepBlue View Post
    Again, this thread addresses only one of them, one which should have no business existing in the first place.
    You're forgetting that even if everyone who made this complaint genuinely did stay redside, that legion of other problems you're not addressing would prevent redside from really living again. I'm pretty sure redside is never going to be able to hit critical mass, where there's enough people playing that newcomers stay instead of leaving because it's too quiet, because there's plenty of other reasons to leave than 'it's too quiet'.

    And frankly, I don't play to immerse myself in the content. I play to hang out with friends. And my friends are all blueside. I leveled my current main through redside because it was easier to get most of the stat accolades that way, and I felt the disconnection. I was very much relieved when I finished doing everything I needed to redside and could swap back to blue. What am I going to do, try to convince an entire SG who are happy where they are that they should go redside instead, just because I might want to stay there but it's too quiet? That's pretty selfish.

    I actually quite like redside. I think of Sharkhead Isle as home. But I'm not going to play there extensively when all the people I want to play with are blueside because they don't like red for all those other reasons you're choosing not to castigate people for.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Combat View Post
    I was willing to put up with the silly 95% chance to tohit cap, because I have to deal with it on my other powers anyway.
    It's not like you have a choice in the matter other than not playing City of Heroes.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tetsuko_NA View Post
    And a good way of determining this would have been to have done just that.
    Had that happened, none of us - including the Devs - would be wondering. We'd know.
    ...Sorry, what?

    You do realize that I'm comparing selling the Super Packs with exclusives to the hypothetical situation of selling Super Packs without exclusives, right? And that, as such, these two situations are mutually exclusive? And that, as such, if one happens the other must necessarily be a hypothetical? And that, as such, if Super Packs were sold without exclusives, we would not in fact KNOW because then we wouldn't have the data for Super Packs with exclusives.

    In short, while we would know Packs sold 200,000 and EO sold 200,000, we would not then know that Packs with EO would sell for 600,000.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    but I actually like having those IN the actual trays so I can see when they're recharged.
    I'm with you that I'd prefer to see the powers charging. I stick all the powers I access with a two-key popmenu in a floating tray. That way I can see them charging, but I don't have to worry about being able to access that tray, whether by binds or by mouse.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    IMy guess is they'd have sold well minus the costume bits, or with something else substituted for the costume bits, but the devs anticipated that they'd sell much better WITH them.
    In fact, synergy is a very real possibility. Had Super Packs had nothing exclusive, they might have only sold 200,000 packs and 200,000 EO sets.

    I can't say how probable this would have been, only that it's a possibility.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
    I suspect however, that my threads are noticeable and interesting. They get a lot of responses and stay visible due to that.
    They're noticeable because you make a flipping lot of them.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Rather than bind it to a key I think I will add it to my custom popmenu
    SPEAKING OF game features people probably never knew existed:

    The magic of Popmenus. If you put in the effort to make them, they make gameplay wonderful.

    I have one on my Traps Mastermind to access most of the Traps powers. So slick.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by seebs View Post
    This does not fit with how I understand statistics to work.
    It's not a normal distribution. The costume pieces are significantly weighted so that they appear early. It's entirely possible for a player to not receive the whole set after 20 packs, but the chance of that happening is extremely low.
  24. Bosstone

    Player's Summit

    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    Road Warrior was definitely more of a post-apocalyptic Leone western in tone...and the less said about Beyond Blunderdome the better.
    I'll never get beyond Thunderdome.