What do you think of Titan Weapons?
It's a great set. Too great by most standards, though it pairs best with sets that help your endurance since it pays for its damage in that way. None of the archetypes with access to it suffer in any unique way with TW so you might as well play the one you prefer.
I don't like titan weapons. Beyond the fact that it's too good, the momentum mechanic is annoying and the animations are certainly punchy but they just seem incongruous to the rest of the game to me. If constantly worrying about misses breaking up your flow doesn't bother you you'll probably have no problem with it whatsoever. For me, finishing a spawn was always a little painful because I'd see a few seconds of momentum go to waste and know that for the next spawn it was back to slow-feeling animations for at least the first attack. The funny part is that the set isn't even all that slow out of momentum, they just did a great job of making it feel terrifically ponderous.
Titan Weapons is astonishingly powerful. It is also astonishingly endurance-hungry, so pair it with a secondary like /Elec or /WP that can help with that, or at least slot a lot of cost reduction. Some people find the Momentum mechanic annoying, so YMMV. Personally, I love it, TW is probably my favorite set ever.
Counter to the previous couple of posts: If you end up liking it enough, pair it with your favorite def/res set. The endurance can easily be made up for end game purposes via set bonuses, Agility, Cardiac and Ageless.
I know you were asking a general question about the performance of the set, to which I'll answer: It gives Super Strength a run for it's money, and that says enough imo... But it's also important to consider that it's a very endurance intensive set. However, I'm terrified of issues like this spreading a false PO on the forums and ultimately spreading in-game, that you HAVE to pair TW with a set that is forgiving on end in this case.
If you like the set enough to play it to the end game, you'd be best pairing it with a secondary that will be effective for your purposes, and cover the end usage through the various routes I suggested in my first paragraph. If you don't end up liking the set enough to play it to lvl 50, you clearly don't like it that much anyways so I don't see the point in giving advice about it.
My TW brute is 41 and I agree with the tone of the thread. End hungry, powerful, and the momentum effect may make you hate it.
Weapon draw is especially painful when you don't have momentum, but the build up power 'Build Momentum' draws your weapon, so I find it nice to jack up the recharge and save that for when I use secondary set powers that put my weapon away, so I can pull it back out, build up, and be attacking with momentum again all at once.
Can't deny it's ultimately very powerful, but I stopped using it. The momentum mechanic was becoming far, far too tedious for me. It was a slight irritation to be taking so damn long to get attacks moving, a slight irritation that built up relentlessly until my eye started to twitch and I rolled up a God damn Warmace instead. Was also pretty annoying in teams as well....I'll just atta-oh they killed it. Then I'll attack this ins-oh they killed it. Then I shall attack THI-OH COME ON!
*shrug* Ended up not entirely agreeing with me.
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Titan Weapons is astonishingly powerful. It is also astonishingly endurance-hungry, so pair it with a secondary like /Elec or /WP that can help with that, or at least slot a lot of cost reduction. Some people find the Momentum mechanic annoying, so YMMV. Personally, I love it, TW is probably my favorite set ever.
Just some things to add about TW:
Having a secondary with a damage aura really helps. If you're looking at an enemy with just a sliver of hp left and you don't have momentum it really sucks to spend time taking it out.
If you're going making a scrapper, make sure to pick a secondary with a taunt aura, TW performs best when everything is neatly clumped up for AoEing. (This means WP or Invul (shield is invalid))
Avoid secondaries with alot of redraw, like regen or fire. Though the latter can still perform quite well just due to the massive dmg potential of the combo.
I love my TW/WP brute. I'm not the greatest fan o' the Momentum mechanic as it stands, and I had a different idea in mind when it was first mentioned, but it works for what it needs to do.
I basically envisioned it along the lines o' Brute Fury and that the more you build up, the faster your attack animations are up to a peak amount. I imagine that it would've taken far too long to develop if this was the case, so it's understandable that we have what we have.
All in all, it's very much one o' my favorite characters to play currently. But as mentioned previously, get somethin' on the side that gives you either more endurance, or endurance discount to offset the beefy attack costs. Otherwise you might end up hatin' life and suckin' wind at the same time before faceplantin'.
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Thanks for all of the thoughts.
I ended up making a TW/WP brute, with one of the fire/ice weapons. Love being to remake my mino character from a GURPS game years ago.
It's interesting running - I definitely think that I will like it as I get more attacks.
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It's a massively heavy hitting set, but it's not for everyone. It does give an amazing feeling of SMASH, and just feel strong. Lot of AoEs, lot of knockdowns, and when Momentum is up you can probably throw out a half dozen massive attacks in five seconds.
I love my titan/elec brute.
But it has it's costs. The Momentum mechanic is something you learn to keep an eye on, as it sucks when you mistime an attack and get some very ponderous attack. Also, it devours end like your blue bar is made of delicious Girl Scout cookies. Even with electric armor and Power Sink, I'm finding myself seriously looking at switching my Alpha from Resilient to Cardiac just because I'm having to hit Power Sink at least once every mob, and that's with it recharging every 18 seconds. It's actually cutting into my attacks, and kind of annoying.
You also have to be careful when teaming. The big slow attacks can make you fall behind sometimes if you time it wrong. You learn to use that Build Momentum power a lot as an opener.
Still, it's a fun set. It's got a solid meaty feel to it, and you can downright juggle enemies with all the knockdown and knockup you've got to play with, and it's awesome at shredding big hordes or big slugging matches with AVs. Everything I mentioned here are quirks of the set and have to be considered tactically, but I don't really see as drawbacks. Titan Weapons is probably my favorite melee set since Dual Blades.
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Can't deny it's ultimately very powerful, but I stopped using it. The momentum mechanic was becoming far, far too tedious for me. It was a slight irritation to be taking so damn long to get attacks moving, a slight irritation that built up relentlessly until my eye started to twitch and I rolled up a God damn Warmace instead. Was also pretty annoying in teams as well....I'll just atta-oh they killed it. Then I'll attack this ins-oh they killed it. Then I shall attack THI-OH COME ON!
*shrug* Ended up not entirely agreeing with me. |
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It's easily my favorite melee set. Momentum really doesn't bother me, although I admit in certain areas it gets to be problematic (contributing during the prisoner escape phase in BAF is tough, for example). It's also kind of nice to be running a Staff character and not have to worry about turning on Momentum before I can hit my big AOE attacks, but I still love TW.
It's possible to eliminate endurance consumption problems entirely, too. Even though my Brute uses Energy Aura, I really never need to hit Energy Drain any more, even after 5 second of Momentum + 10 seconds of Build Momentum. Of course, that level of endurance generation requires all four stat accolades and Brute's Energy Mastery APP, which gives both Superior Conditioning and Physical Perfection.
The only potential issue with the set is Momentum. You can mitigate the endurance consumption, but Momentum is there to stay. If you can't stand it, it's not the set for you. If you can, it's bloody awesome.
De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.
This. I abandoned my TW character at 22. I loathe momentum.
Like others have said, I *know* how dangerous a TW character can be at high levels (FCM's TW scrapper, Principle, is an absolute force of nature-), but it just wasn't the set for me. I like a more continual attack chain that allows one animation to flow well with the next... think Dual Blade (my favorite), Broadsword or Kin Melee... TW was more or less the opposite of that. So much so that I found it unplayable.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
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The only potential issue with the set is Momentum. You can mitigate the endurance consumption, but Momentum is there to stay. If you can't stand it, it's not the set for you. If you can, it's bloody awesome. |
If it didn't have momentum, it wouldn't be able to have all that stuff. If it had a toned down version, it'd have to have toned down powers. Basically, you'd have to come up with some other type of detrimental effect or drawback besides just endurance to make the set even *somewhat* balanced (frankly, the set is in the Overpowered territory, IMO).
Having higher recharge can be easily countered (see Granite Armor + IOs), lower base accuracy can be countered, yeah, there's not much else you can do to keep what it has and not be unfair.
So to those that can't stand momentum, I'm curious what alternative would work for you? To me, I *LUV* give and take like momentum, gaining advantages but disadvantages along with them. I don't even try to compensate for the extra endurance on my TW/WP scrapper...he runs out of endurance because the sword is frikken heavy...but he'll get it back really fast if you give him a second to stop swinging. Momentum itself gives the set a feel of being heavier and it truly makes the set enjoyable for me because of it. I often get antsy because I want to lvl the character more but I'm was waiting for the next part in Praetoria to do so. I guess I don't have to keep putting him aside and waiting then...
But yeah, momentum is a deal-with-it or hate it type of thing. I'd say it's easier to deal with if you understand all the extras you get for dealing with it. You truly do get a lot for that little roadblock.

I had some trouble in the early levels with my TW/Elec brute. I was finding Momentum to be too annoying. However I decided to push a bit further on, because I figured that momentum would be less impacting once you have more recharge and a better attack chain. At lower levels momentum is annoying because any pause in attacks is a larger loss then other sets, at least any pause in the momentum period. Now that he's getting a bit better slotted and more global recharge it's not as bad. I expect once I get him into the upper 30s and he's finally got everyone moderately slotted, it should work out fine.
You can tell Titan Weapons was a Dev Requested power set.
That is all.
Just started a TW/EA so BAF won't be relevant for a while, but I expect I'll play the prisoner escape phase the way I play it on my StJ/SR main.
That is: pop Lore just before the prisoners spawn, actively point the pets at incoming prisoners, and engage lieutenants myself. On that toon I use drones but most picks should work fine.
This. I abandoned my TW character at 22. I loathe momentum.
I see people over and over again saying they give up on their TW characters anywhere between 10-30, which is fair in the sense that it can be annoying over those levels, but if you're not getting TW to at least 33, you're not giving the set a fair chance.

TW is overpowered but boring, and this post is basically a lazy rehashing of what PleaseRecycle already said.
I strongly dislike "balance by inconvenience" in video games, but to be fair to the devs I suspect it's more the powerset *wasn't* balanced at all...
TW is a great set but but sometimes the momentum mechanic can get annoying, such as on the prisoner phase on BAF.
I had stopped playing mines in the thirties but I just started playing it again and got it to 50.
I took a few months off, so my current knowledge isn't the best, and my SearchFu stinks.
What is the general impression of Titan Weapons? Best for a Brute? Any particular secondaries to pair with it?