1343 -
July 4th weekend of 2004 my husband and a couple of friends tried a new game. I wasn't very interested at the time as they didn't tell me much about it and I was happily playing Everquest.
Wait, back up about 20 years or so.
I discovered comic books at garage sales when I was 12 or 13 living in base housing in the Netherlands. I was a voracious reader, an introvert, and starving for escapsim. The base library only went so far.my eyes were opened. From then on I spent every penny on comic books. Mowing lawns, babysitting, house cleaning, eventually from a part time job at an amusement park. You can see how this game was tailor made for me.
Well, on July 17th my husband showed me the costume creator. I just had to try the game. I loved it. The day I learned to fly was the day I never again logged onto Everquest. We were the Quixotic League on Pinnacle: Captain Kinetix (my husband), Steele Magnolia, Black Horse, Ms Kitty, and Der Richtor.
In November of 2004 I discovered forums. I had never imagined that there were such a thing as game forums, or RP forums, and I kind of went crazy spending a few hours a day writing. I met American Valor on the Whitmoore Apartments RP forum. Things moved along and soon the character of Sgt Pandora entered the forums.
Then there was a falling out on Pinnacle and American Valor invited me to try Liberty. American Valor and Sgt Pandora became partners, not just a member of his SG Sentinels of Liberty, but coleader. A friendship of comic book legend, as Valor says, was born.
The community welcomed me with open arms. Imagine that. I'd never heard of a game community before and I couldn't resist your wacky, channel drama charm. Liberty became home. My server became Liberty. I could write for hours and never finish, nearly 200 of you are on my global friends list.
I have never regretted it.. Not even when I was having a spat or being bitchy, not when Valor and I had our epic misunderstandings and didn't speak for days or weeks at a time, not a single time my husband would look across the computer room at me merrily heroing on Liberty while he was on Pinnacle. Almost eight years later and that's still the same. In time I did play on Pinnacle again but Liberty is my home. My SG is Sentinels of Liberty. And I am proud to call you my friends. My mother wept when I told her about the shut down.
ALOHA, Liberty. Your memories will be with me the rest of my days. I hope I see you again.
ALOHA, American Valor. Your friendship is one of the things I cherish most in my life along with my husband and my family.
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
- Steele
Not signing off, but holding a torch in AP33 -
Sgt Pandora will be here for the last night. That's what heroes do, to the bitter end.
And a guns and glory tf sounds fantastic. I can server transfer my 50 AR/Dev Steele Magnolia or play Gunpowder and Lead my DP here on Liberty. -
Quote:Why quote me? I didn't take his word for it, I made it clear I didn't believe him.The whole thing smells VERY fishy to me the more I think about it. Some people have said WAY WAY worse on these forums and yet they are not banned...where NCSoft can easily link the forum user to the game account....yet they take a chance on banning the wrong person with a FB account?? I think what is more likely is that the banned person did something else; like the credit card charge back for example, and is using this as trying to say NCSoft banned for their words instead of their fraudulent claim to their CC company.
I TRULY hope no one in the SaveCoH camp or otherwise decides to run with this as a "story" based off of ONE person's word. Talk about egg in the face if they do and it ends up he was banned for some completely different reason.... Call me a skeptic but some people way too eager to accept this guy's word when this type of thing has never happened to anyone else.... -
I run the Boycott NCSoft Facebook group and have been very vocal in my efforts. I've not been banned in game. I've gotten Facebook bans (currently on my 2nd temporary ban for harassing NCSoft), but nothing in game. I'd take the rumor with a full shaker of salt.
https://www.facebook.com/groups/517513781597443/ -
Couldn't sell the game? We know there were negotiations and offers.
Damnit. The boycott is still on, people. Join us.
On Facebook:
https://www.facebook.com/groups/517513781597443/ -
What is it that DJ Zero says in Pocket D? All I get is "The roppers and the choppers are UK in the house."
Really, I just have to know before it's over. If it's not ending I still want to know!
Can someone please put this on youtube? I won't be able to watch it live. -
Quote:Server: MalygosMrs. Moo has been threatening for some time to download Warcraft. NCSoft gave her the bullet-proof excuse she needed.
I have very little interest in raiding or large guild building or things of that nature. WoW's character customization is... painful... compared to even Champions Online.
However, they do have a lot of soloable or duoable stuff to explore and a fairly huge tradeskill system. They also seem to be implementing Pokemon in-game.
Yeah, didn't expect that. I'm playing Platinum and White right now and will probably pick up Black2 in a couple weeks. Why not train my WoWemon while I'm at it. They'll even have gym leaders... er... master pet trainers. *sigh* Leafy the combat squirrel is cute, but he's no Gardevoir(m).
Is anyone aware of global channels or hangouts for CoH refugees in the Azeroth universe?
Here's continued hope that NCSoft relents or someone manages to buy them out.
Character: Aphrodaerys
Guild: Eternal Dawn
It's a very small guild. I got in at the start and am an officer. There are only four regular players and my husband and I are two of them.... it could become the COH refugee group if others joined. I'll invite anyone who wants to. Just send me a whisper or game mail to friend you and catch you sometime you're on.
Only paid accounts can join guilds. -
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand. -
I'm heading to WOW for two reasons:
1. It runs well on my machine
2. With 10,000,000 players and a new expansion next week it's not going to go away any time soon.
I will (reluctantly) continue Aion ftp because my best friend just won't let go of it. That's basically just Saturday mornings and they'll never see another dime from me again. If it weren't for my friend I'd already have quit. I gave up character progression as of Aug 31st. From here out I'll just be sucking bandwidth until they close that down as well. I expect that to happen soon.
I might be trying Champions Online to play with a friend from COH as he recommends it. I'm not sure yet, it'll depend if it runs on my machine. -
Let's do it again! I bet our Paragon Studios friends are hungry again. My Paypal stands at the ready.
I wonder how many emails they have received from us now?
I kept it short and sweet. Yes, that was hard for me! This is what I wrote.
Please reconsider your company's decision to cancel the game City of Heroes.
My elderly mother cried when she heard the news. She is 66 years old and is rarely able to leave the house because of her medical condition. From the first time she played, with help, she said it made her feel more alive. She was so happy to be able to share this with my brother and I. She is so excited when she is well enough and able to play. It means so much to her. Please don't take it away from her.
The game's adaptable user interface makes it possible for her to play despite her severe arthritis. We have taught her to play with just the F and 1-0 keys on the keyboard [user interface autofollow and attack tray keys] and how to click on doors to enter instances. She loves the costumes and flying around the city [on autofollow]. No other game UI is so adaptable, so handicap-friendly, no other game can do this for her.
We have been subscribers for eight years and our subscriptions have never lapsed. We have so many happy memories of the time we have spent in Paragon City and made so many new friends. It is not just a game, it is a community, and a family. There is life in it, the staff of Paragon Studios, and us players yet. Don't give up on us. Don't give up on my mother.
Edit: There was so much I could have said. I thought about it all day and decided on this one aspect of my family's City of Heroes experience. A housebound disabled mother who plays City of Heroes and cried when she learned the news. Those of you who know me on Liberty know this is true because many of you have seen her with me and a few of you, including DaisyDiesel and a couple other Sisters, have played with her. -
1. NCSoft to announce that it is not cancelling COH
2. NCSoft to announce that it has sold the COH game to someone else to run.
That's all. -
Thanks, GG. Posting it to my Facebook boycott group and getting it posted to GW2 and NCSoft West pages.
I got a Facebook posting ban for 'spamming' their pages by posting something nasty every day. And I'm PROUD of it. -
Quote:This is how I feel as well. Liberty has been so welcoming, so kind, so funny, and so very family. When Valor got me to come here in Spring 2005 it was like new life breathed into the game for me. I made friends and friends became family. We may never meet face to face but I feel connected with so many of you in ways that real life cannot match. We share the same interests, ideas, jokes, and good times. We gripe and whine and cry to and for one another.When I am home and offline, I feel normal but I am not extraspecial, I am just plain ole me. But when I log onto Paragon onto any monkeytoon of mine and I say hi, I instantly get tons of "hi"s back, I am greeted in broadcast and local by people I don't even know, people are happy to team with me (joke's on them I am just an okay gamer!! teehee), and all this makes me feel (super)special. And for that I can't tell you how much I love Liberty. That is the reason I have never stopped playing even in between the breaks, why I NEVER switched servers (I visited freedom briefly but why....when I already had the best?), and why I love ALL you guys. And now I am crying again. Dammit. I hope you understand what I mean, I think I have a hard time explaining it without sounding stupid.
::Goes to cry some more like a girl::
On the worst days I could always log on and say hi and people would greet me with enthusiasm and warmth. The world can be so cold, in our City it is always balmy breezes and fruity rum drinks on the beach.
I started on Pinnacle with my husband and some of our friends. It was never as good as it has been here. Don't tell my husband I said that, please. -
Thank you for everything, Gel. It has truly been a pleasure knowing and playing with you in this City of Heroes.
The highest compliment I can pay is that you are one of the very few people outside of real life family and friends that I have ever taken my mother to team with. I knew you and the other sisters on the team would take care of her and be kind. I trusted you with my mother and you came through. -
Thank you Sarah, especially for the last line. It should be on a bumper sticker. Or at least a sig.
Edit: There, now it's a sig. -
Quote:Maybe we can arrange an event to do this en masse. I know I'll be promoting it on Liberty to get all my friends in on it.It's harmless, but here's some fun I had this morning and posted info on it in the description if you want to check it out yourself.
DERPITY DERP - sing with me...
Stress relief attempt? maybe -
Quote:Need to add another number for GW2 going live.Let me put this slowly.
1. NCSoft abruptly axes CoH and Paragon Studios
2. Explains decision as "realignment" of "publishing support."
3. Two weeks later, B&S announcement.
So let's see, we passed the appearance, the swimming, and the quacking. It's official, this duck is a duck.
Also, it is revealing that they put more stuff including a brand new powerset on the store three days before their announcement. I know because I bought it. Grrrr. Now I'm intent on playing her through to 50 and incarnate before the end.