NCSoft - an A+ rating at the Better Business Bureau?




The Better Business Bureau used to rate NCSoft as "B-" but has now upgraded it to "A+". Does anyone have any idea how that happened or what the background story is?



Reason for Rating

BBB rating is based on 16 factors. Get the details about the factors considered.

Factors that raised NCsoft Corporation's rating include:

Length of time business has been operating.
Complaint volume filed with BBB for business of this size.
Response to 179 complaint(s) filed against business.
Resolution of complaint(s) filed against business.
BBB has sufficient background information on this business.



This is really doom.



They probably wouldn't care if they had a terrible rating, being based in Korea and all that.

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Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
The Better Business Bureau used to rate NCSoft as "B-" but has now upgraded it to "A+". Does anyone have any idea how that happened or what the background story is?
No idea whatsover. However, i feel that their rating system is flawed, biased, and there have been occurances in the past where a companies rating has been upgraded due to paying a membership fee.

There have also been cases of where a companies rating has been *downgraded* due to discontinuing their membership fee.

Side note: You are not required to be a member to get a rating.


Also, it isnt affiliated with any government agencies, so there is no actual "standard" for it to stick to, apart from the one that it comes up with.



Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
Yes, those extremely general factors are listed in NCSoft's BBB entry, but they hardly tell the full story, hence asking here.

The subtext of how frequently those ratings are re-examined can wait until we have more information.



Maybe NCSoft changed status with the BBB, and/or became a 'dues-paying Accredited Business'.



The BBB is little more than a membership club to make it's members look better. It was a good place to get info on companies at one point, but no longer. You can pay for a better rating. There is no way a system like that can be called unbiased.

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Originally Posted by DocArcus View Post
The BBB is little more than a membership club to make it's members look better. It was a good place to get info on companies at one point, but no longer. You can pay for a better rating. There is no way a system like that can be called unbiased.
This is true. I can't dig up the info right this second (day jobs suck), but I could swear I've seen articles and/or television segments in which the BBB has gotten in trouble for upping some members' ratings after they paid the BBB off. I've also seen this firsthand on at least one occasions with a company I used to deal with in Alabama.

In fact, that's a major factor in why Angie's List has taken off--they have put it in writing that companies paying them money cannot affect ratings.

As far as I'm concerned, the BBB is more of a scam than anything else. It might have started out as a good organization and in the distant past it might have been more-or-less accurate, but they are considerably less than trustworthy now.

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Originally Posted by KnightOwl View Post
Maybe NCSoft changed status with the BBB, and/or became a 'dues-paying Accredited Business'.

This. Basically BBB ratings are a scam. If a company pays enough they get a high rating no matter what.

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from my own personal experience (non-paying member)..they helped me to resolve a complaint ..and the communications emails between them and me were used in small claims court to my advantage..I have no beef with BBB



As long as the company claims they've made an 'effort' to resolve problems, they get good ratings.

So to go from B to A is simply a matter of pointing to this website and going 'see we told those whiners we tried and are sorry'.

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