teleport needs redone
No, teleport in that game is awful, no need to break ours to work like that. Maybe a 'phasing' travel power as an additional option for those who really want it, since it's not teleport.
The biggest problem with teleport IMO is the long activation. Second biggest is the forced hover (which can be useful when you want it, but annoying when you don't).
If the animation were sped up, and there were a way to break out of the hover -- or disable it altogether by talking to Null the Gull even -- I would be a very happy camper.
i don't know about anyone else, but CoH's teleport is very underwhelming and somewhat difficult to manage. IMO it would be awesome if the Devs could make teleport fuction the way Champion's Online does.
/bind shift+lbutton "powexecname Teleport" |
There are some minor inconveniences. However, I still really like it as a travel power. It is quite stealthy, actually.
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Shift+ leftclick to teleport to the mouse pointer, or at least as close to it as you can get given range limits and obstructions.
Unfortunately, I also accept that making something better is probably beyond the ability of the engiune. Heck, I doubt even a modern MMO could make a Teleport power that wasn't just as akward.
Still, it means that all the concepts I have for characters that can shift dimensions, twist space, open portals, or any other form of Teleportation are pretty much permanently shelved, at least with regards to this game.
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I just see it as a more situational power than flight, jumping or super speed. I don't teleport everywhere, just when I need to. Beast/Ninja run make a decent 'on most of the time' power, with teleport there when I need to go somewhere I can't reach
The forced hover and immobilise kill it for me.
Targetting a spcific point on the floor (say behind an enemy) is tricky, and if you misjudge your landing spot, you have to teleport again (and possibly miss).
Combat Jump helps in that it breaks the immobilise and lets you hover at base speed.
My ideal solution would be that you hover for a couple of seconds, no immobilise at all, and any movement breaks the hover immediately.
What teleport could use is a reduction in end consumption. No travel power should drain your end bar these days.
If you're teleporting in to attack, just hit the key for the power after you start to port. You'll still be hovering, but it looks to me like the attack starts going off, so at least to me, it matters less about the hovering bit.
I think the hover is there because without it, you start falling immediately, and if you've got any sort of lag or shaky connection, you wind up falling out of the sky, potentially taking a bunch of damage and landing on hostile mobs, and they added the hover in to fix that. It would be nice to be able to turn that off, though.
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I agree. Clunky. Needs a rework. When I have characters concepts that would fit TP, I picture things like Fulgore from Killer instinct, a very brief animation that plants you just behind your foe so you catch them off gaurd and can land a can of whup on them.
Really, I know it is "just a travel power" but IMO all the travel powers should have attack tactics that go with them. Flying super punch, TP stealth attacks, super speed/evasive pummeling, super jump surprise ground pounding AOE, you know COMIC BOOK STUFF!!
To me, this is the biggest failing of "travel powers". While the sensation of flight is awsome of itself, its what heroes and villains in the movies and books do while flying or teleporting that makes you say "awsome". Entire comic characters were built around travel powers and attacks or other deeds, done with them.
Imagine this:
You have fly toggled on. This enables a power to use with fly. While fly is active, you can target an enemy and perform a "flying punch" that will launch you at the enemy, fist extended, and do heavy dmg. Recharge: long
You have TP. Target a foe, and a power is enabled. "TP attack" By clicking this power, it will "que up" with a orange circle. Clicking any one of your attack powers will then TP you to the spot directly on the other side of targeted foe, and perform the attack you selected. (yes this is sort of possible now, but the UI is dreadful and difficult to use and the long animation is killer to try to do it in combat) recharge: fast (dmg dealt mostly dependent on your normal attack powers anyway)
These kind of things are possible now with the tech they have, though there would be some effort involved to get it in game.
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I dont think a power that simply turns you invisible and lets you fly at the fastest flight speed is that great.....and thats what champions teleport does.
And dont say it doesnt...because thats exactly what it does....and it also features a hover slow fall if you get hit in combat.
If you want to emulate the champions teleport then simply take flight and invisibility.
Then you can be unable to do anything but heal your self while you are doing it just like champions...but unlike can turn your stuff on and off with out having the long recharge or slowing effect in combat.
Now someone mentioned phase ability...they have that in this game...though it got the nerf bat hardcore....just like the invisibility from the concealment pool did....and again you can combine that with flight.
But anywise Teleport in this game is alot more teleport like then anyother game I can think in you appear at the point you matter if there are barriers in the way or not....although the problem is being able to target the locations sometimes.
And i agree it can be slow..the animation does seam kind of slow......and if you have a slow computer and not a very good graphics card it might be pretty chunky and slow.
That hover was put in becasue alot of players have such low end machines and bad connections that they would fall instantly all the time and hit the ground....thus why the hover part was put in.
Its not the engines fault...just the players with bad computers fault.
To me i dont see the slowness....i also dont see the lag some people complain about when they enter into a room in the game with lots of shelves and things....
For me Teleport will remain the fastest Travel Power in the game.
Only thing that could make it better would be to allow you to move the target reticle through things easier...or maybe make it possible to teleport via the mini-map.
Think the mini-map thing would be the best idea....
Would be real interesting if they implemented the mini-map thing...and made it so the user could spend more energy if they wanted to teleport farther then their range....
so like if they clicked say from one end of steel canyon to the other side they would spend one big chunk of energy to make the jump....but not have to appear anywhere in between.
Of course the energy requirement would be equal to base expenditure multipled by the value of (the distance the player was trying to get to divided by the range of the players power).
Of course this would require a special teleport overlay map invisbile to the player but designed to put the player in specifc for example if the player selected the tram...the overlay map would dictate they would apear inside as oppsed to below or above normaly.
Also would require a special over lay on the mini-map...probably activated with a toggle on the display map...that would put a special sort of colored set of rings around the player designating range the player could determine where they could teleport to and how much energy was required.
And the developers could even use the reasoning that the teleport on the mini-maps doesnt always work becasue the player doesnt have a sense reference of the destinations to be alowed to teleport character cant teleport on a hidden map area becasue they dont know if they will teleport into a wall or not. They could also reduce the ranges for player on inside mission maps for the same reasoning...again the player doesnt know if they will teleport into a wall or person.
But again...this would require a specialized overlay code being made specifcaly for actualy would be fairly easy in most places.....but...
And here is the big but....they would have difficulty in places like most danger zones(parez park for example) and some of the more dense area over area maps.
Ok..>_>...yah sounds like I might know something about how something like this might work.....I think i built too many 3d levels for some other games.
But suffice to say it would be alot of work to implement it everywhere in the game...and it would most likely take a week for a single person to get the base design overlays for the main city points done for one city map.....and thats just for the exit points....with some maps taking a heck alot longer.
The latest shadow path thing for example....
I am hoping they might do some interviews with the designers who worked on they can tell you about the time it took to get that stuff done...and that actualy is less time consuming then what i proposed....
But what i proposed would keep the power working the same way...but would simply add a differing way to use it.
i know some you have your opinions about champions online's TP, but it's the best teleport power i've come across so far. i'd rather have the "fly and disappear" feel than having to click and misjudge all the time, with limited control. i liked how on CO how i could TP above, behind, away from enemies for a surprise attack like Night Crawler.
and for the record, not everyone uses the mouse/keyboard. i use a controller mainly, with an exception to location powers and menu functions. so the teleport power is even more annoying for players like myself.
regardless, this travel power needs looked at rather its the champion online's way or not
i know some you have your opinions about champions online's TP, but it's the best teleport power i've come across so far. i'd rather have the "fly and disappear" feel than having to click and misjudge all the time, with limited control. i liked how on CO how i could TP above, behind, away from enemies for a surprise attack like Night Crawler.
I'm one of those players who uses TP primarily when I need to travel long distances through open space (AKA zones). That's when it really shines. In tighter spaces the instantaneous movement and relative lack of fine control can be a hindrance. That being said, I wouldn't change it.
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What teleport could use is a reduction in end consumption. No travel power should drain your end bar these days.
This. Thisthisthisthis.
Well, the animation time gets me too. But Teleport's endurance cost is very What The Heck.
I do wish we could execute any Costume Change emote as our custom Teleport animation (and just let longer animations be interuptible, since I believe all costume changes are anyway).
The end cost is horrible, but I can deal it. What I can't stand I'd how clunky it feels. The animation time, immobilize, forced hover, all of it just feels terrible.
Imagine how lame Nightcrawler would be if he was using CoH teleport. I almost wish the new power added to Teleport pool was a Combat Teleport with lower range, instant cast, no crippling side effects.
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While I'd love an option to remove the hover aspect and I think Combat Teleport is a great idea, I'd have to say that I don't want to see our teleport radically redone, especially to something like what CO has.
The op brings up a good point about people playing with unusual input devices, however - I can't imagine using teleport without the bind, so any QoL change that allowed easier mapping of that functionality (which right now is tied to the way the game executes the reticle on the left mouse button) would be fantastic.
That might well involve an overhaul of the binds/macro system rather than the teleport power - which might be the better way to go for a number of reasons above and beyond issues some people have with this travel power.

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I find it amusing that the Leaping pool basically got a combat Teleport while the Teleport pool got the anywhere Tram.
I'd love to see a short recharge, quick activating, short range TP... perhaps with a chance to stun in an 8 feet radius.
I think the hover is there because without it, you start falling immediately, and if you've got any sort of lag or shaky connection, you wind up falling out of the sky, potentially taking a bunch of damage and landing on hostile mobs, and they added the hover in to fix that. It would be nice to be able to turn that off, though.
The entire Teleportation pool, like most pools, needs work. First of all, there is no reason to pick this pool outside of concept. All other travel power pools offer powers that improve your toon's performance, with Speed offering a semi-staple power and a ridiculously improved version of Stealth, which can even be turned into an invisibility power. That's ridiculous.
Stealth should lose the -speed, all Teleportation powers should get reduced end costs and cast times. I also like the idea of Teleport offering two different powers, the normal version and a combat version.
With the new travel power on its way, unless some changes are made, there won't be a single reason to pick the Teleportation pool.
They need to re-work all the old pools/epics and then go back to making new shinys.
No, teleport in that game is awful, no need to break ours to work like that. Maybe a 'phasing' travel power as an additional option for those who really want it, since it's not teleport.
The biggest problem with teleport IMO is the long activation. Second biggest is the forced hover (which can be useful when you want it, but annoying when you don't). If the animation were sped up, and there were a way to break out of the hover -- or disable it altogether by talking to Null the Gull even -- I would be a very happy camper. |
/bind mousechord "powexectoggleoff ninja run$$powexectoggleoff beast run$$powexectoggleoff sprint$$powexectoggleoff super speed$$powexectoggleon hover$$powexecname teleport"
-Saves endurance (shuts off toggles that make you go faster on the ground - feel free to add any others you might be using besides those listed above)
-Turns on Hover to keep from going into free-fall (okay, you need hover to actually do this. I like taking Hover+Teleport, though)
-Clicking both left and right mouse buttons simultaneously, then left clicking takes you to where you've left clicked
-It's a one-handed bind! Saves your other hand to be free to drink coffee, activate powers, or control movement via wasd
-Replaces the mousechord to move, but does so with a superior form of movement!
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i don't know about anyone else, but CoH's teleport is very underwhelming and somewhat difficult to manage. IMO it would be awesome if the Devs could make teleport fuction the way Champion's Online does.