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  1. Yeah I figured it was a long shot.

    The Paragon Market option is always viable. I've grabbed all the other NPC transformation powers released so far. Granted, I was just sitting on 'em until recently :P
  2. Hey all.

    I'm looking for a Ring Mistress costume code from PAX 2008. Short of scouring eBay, Craigslist, etc. is there any other way to go about tracking one down?
  3. Hey marketeers

    I know it's a long shot but I'm looking for this code to fulfill a concept I have. If anyone has an unused code lying around that they're willing to negotiate about just PM me.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shizuniza View Post
    Can I still take only the widow defensive powers and still build up enough def and resist without taking weave and tough, or at least not burn through slots on them?
    Provided you've got the resources and build savvy to perma Mind Link, yes. The Night Widow version of the power has a much shorter recharge than its Fortunata counterpart so it's doable. With Mind Link up you can actually manage Incarnate softcap to melee damage. That alone should keep you pretty safe. Throw in Aid Self or Rebirth Destiny and you'll be golden.
  5. Yeah it can be annoying but it's much more manageable than it used to be. Back in those days Light Form was almost certain to get you killed if you hadn't finished off whatever you were fighting by the time its duration ended. Now it's hardly an issue.
  6. Without getting too deep into the verbal gymnastics going on here, I'd like to point out that Zwill's statement neither confirms nor denies that the Primalist AT has been scrapped. He merely says that they're not working on any new ATs. That doesn't mean it might not happen at some point. Only that they're not actually putting it together at this time. Just sayin'...
  7. Definitely Smashing/Lethal. It's the most common damage type in the game. Even attacks that seem like they wouldn't usually have a Smashing/Lethal component.

    On Recharge: You can manage both. You won't be able to softcap but having perma Light Form will increase your survivability exponentially. That combined with about 30% Smashing/Lethal Defense will make you nigh unkillabe provided significant debuffs aren't involved.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
    There are female Tsoo in the new DA content...
    And Banished Pantheon. Hell the Knives/Talons of Vengeance are just about entirely female. But these groups are locked behind the golden VIP gates. I'd love to see more gender diversity in the lower level game.
  9. Look okay to me; though I admit Human only isn't my forte.

    One thing I've found about PBs over the years is that their durability can really be top notch without a huge amount of investment. I bring that up because it looks like you've gone outta your way in a few places to grab Regen and HP bonuses you won't really need. Any build that has perma Light Form can manage just fine with Reform Essence and Essence Boost. If you've got the slots and funds to spare those bonuses are nice extras but they're not what I'd consider necessary.

    EDIT: Also keep in mind that if Hasten isn't perma you can't count on the +Recharge it provides all the time. That caused some weird idiosyncracies in my TriForm perma LF build.
  10. Timeshadow

    I24 hopes?


    Seriously though...a new AT is what I'd most like out of I24. Especially considering some leaked info that's been going around. As far as I know it can't be discussed here on the forums since it was gleaned from the .pigg files but a quick Google search will reveal some very interesting stuff on the drawing board.
  11. Some good feedback here. Thanks to everyone who's taken the time to respond. So far it seems there are three major reasons why people avoid PvP; the radically different mechanics, lack of substantial rewards and player attitudes.

    On mechanics:

    This comes as no surprise. Anyone who's read anything about PvP knows I13 was the point of "doom" for the PvP game at large. In attempting to make balancing PvP easier the Devs essentially created a completely different game by changing the fundamentals of how things work. The backlash is well documented and lamented by the few PvPers who remain.

    So let me ask, do you think changes to make the basic functionality of PvP more in line with the PvE game would make you more likely to give it a go?
    On lack of rewards:

    This is a tricky issue. I fully understand wanting a reason to PvP besides just the competitive element. Personally, I love taking on other people and besting them but you can't expect everyone to share in that particular feeling.

    However, you've gotta be careful with any rewards you implement because if you're not you can quickly unbalance gameplay as a whole. For example, I took a break from CoX a while back to try out another superhero MMO. PvP there was, for the most part, very fun. But the best gear you could use in PvP could only be acquired through high level PvE raids. As a result, anyone who was into the raiding culture could access levels of power that those who had no interest in raids couldn't possibly hope to compete with.

    It's a bit of a reversal but illustrates my point. So what kind of rewards would attract you to PvP without disrupting game balance as a whole?
    As for player attitudes, there's little to be done about it from a development standpoint. It's unfortunate but the idea of beating others at something, especially in an environment of anonymity, is gonna attract some grade A jerks. I fully understand why that would deter people from PvP but doing anything about it is really a matter of community, not design. Perhaps a full time moderation system could help curb the problem. Have the GMs appoint mods who have the power to review and discipline players who violate the harassment policy while engaged in PvP.
  12. Hey fellow forumites

    I recently joined up with Virtue PvP Redux, a group of players that are doing a lot to introduce people to CoX PvP and show 'em the ropes of taking on other people in the Arena and zones. It's led me to wonder why more players don't PvP in the City. As is well known, a lot of the reason PvP is largely neglected by the Devs is because PvPers are a very small percentage of the player base. As a result there's not much in the way of gains for time spent on improvements.

    Personally, I didn't PvP until now because the game mechanics are so radically different from PvE. Without someone to tell you how and why your powers work so differently it can be extremely confusing and often amounts to little more than an exercise in frustration. CoX is the only game I've ever played where there's a completely separate method of operation between the two different content types. It's not just that your powers have different effects. The game itself works differently. Not having the proper resources to figure these sort of things out was a major contributing factor to why I never tried my hand at PvP.

    So, in an effort to better understand why people are adverse to giving PvP a whirl I'd like to get your opinions on the matter. What's keeping you away from this aspect of the game?
  13. Hey everybody

    I'm in the process of retooling my Peacebringer for more damage so I can further focus on taking down Bosses and above both on teams and solo. As part of that process I'm looking at which Incarnate abilities will be most useful for him, particularly Interface.

    I know when the slot was first introduced Reactive was the way to go for the DoT and debuffs. But now I'm eyeing Degenerative since, to my knowledge, nothing resists -MaxHP debuffs. But just how effective are they in the long run? The effect only stacks four times. Will that really make a difference over the course of a long fight?
  14. Yeah they're Arachnos Repairmen. Dunno what they're doing away from Grandville though. Recluse is gonna be upset

    They must've just been put there for show. They're Underling class (Below Minions) and don't have any offensive powers to speak of. All they really do is heal the towers on the Recluse Strike Force. Interestingly, they also have Repair so if you're up against a Bots MM you might have a tough time lol.
  15. This is exactly what I've been looking for.

    I've always wanted to try PvP but didn't get the chance before the I13 debacle. After that I heard nothing but bad things so I stayed away but I'll definitely make it out for this.
  16. All the back and forth aside, there is a difference between good scrapperlock and bad scrapperlock. I've experienced both. I normally play tough characters so it doesn't really bother me if someone goes Leeroy but I can see how it'd annoy those who favor squishies. Anyway, on to the stories:

    My PB, Sunsquall, is my main and he sees a lotta melee combat. Last week I joined a team that was running missions in Founder's Falls. Just as we arrived at the door a Nemesis Invasion started.

    Aside: Nemesis is a horrible group for invasion type content. They're designed to work together in a way that requires tactics (Albeit simple) to take down effectively. That can be pretty difficult to coordinate unless everyone's with the same team/league.
    We were doing okay but after a few minutes the team got bored and decided to head inside. So as to avoid unnecessary casualties all the squishies went in first followed by the others in order of durability. Myself, the Tank and a Scrapper were the last ones outside. As more and more Nemesis teleported in I shifted constantly between human and Nova forms, raining down cosmic energy on the minions and pummeling the bosses with my strikes. I darted in and out of the air, all the while mashing the keys and watching the brass clad soldiers of Nemesis fall with great satisfaction.

    With all the activity I wasn't focused on the chat window so I missed this message:

    Scrapper: Jahnya let's go. Sun's got this.
    Nothing makes me happier than when somebody tells the Tank to leave because they're confident I can handle a swarm of enemies alone

    Now for a case of bad scrapperlock. I'm reminded of an ITF I was on with a particularly well built Brute and a fellow Peacebringer. The three of us were, by far, the sturdiest characters on the team. We could chew up Praefectus, Shadow Cysts and even Minotaurs without the slightest bit of danger to ourselves.

    Unfortunately the rest of the team wasn't so durable and my fellow meleers were too focused on SMASH. The Brute would frequently leap ahead to the next spawn as soon as the bosses were dead, with the other PB right behind him. I followed suit until I noticed our teammates beginning to speak up about how often they were dying. One of them even pointed out that the problem stemmed from some of us running far afield while the others were still engaged. I sent tells to the team leader suggesting that he might want to reign us in but he never replied.

    In the end I went to Dwarf form and tanked until I felt the squishies were out of danger. Then it was right back to punching things in the face
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Expeditor View Post
    Have random 'rogues gallery' bosses running out of a bank with a sack of loot, have villains smashing up a small area, mayhem mission style, have 2 bosses from different factions having a covert meeting under a bridge - it might not be possible to tell a whole story with a single open world event but you could drop hints of bigger goings on. Hell, if you defeat certain spawns (e.g. a named boss/elite boss), or mobs in a certain area, have the possibility of a specific themed tip mission dropping that continues the story in an instance - kind of like when you broke up a mugging the victim would run back to you to delivery some bonus influence, have something extra for breaking up whatever a group is up to.
    This right here. Safeguard/Mayhem missions are a great model for how zones can be dynamic. Having dynamic events going on simultaneously in several locations throughout a zone would really help the place feel alive. You don't need full blown story arcs for these things. Leave all the really involved stuff in instances. Street crime and small schemes are exactly what you'd expect to see from villains just hanging around. Nobody plots to take over the world on a street corner (Except the Lost of course ).

    But if you really wanna draw players into open events there need to be consequences for participating or not. Don't bother to stop the Outcasts from robbing some stores? Maybe prices go up slightly on Enhancements for a little bit because of short supply. Conversely, if you and your fellow heroes do get involved and succeed the merchants are so grateful they provide a temporary discount on their merchandise. That kinda thing makes an event feel real and important. It makes players more inclined to get involved than some XP or a badge ever will (It also avoids the use of the somewhat unpredictable phasing tech).

    Of course the consequences shouldn't be game breaking in any way. Rewarding or punishing players too much forces them into doing things and that's almost never good. But that balancing would be up to the Devs.
  18. Hey all you Controllers out there. I've got a concept in my head that uses Mind/Time but I'm a complete newb when it comes to Controllers. I usually play heavy damage dealing ATs. I just don't have any fun unless I'm making things die (Did that sound too sadistic?)

    So I come to the Controller boards to find out if this combo is capable of putting a respectable dent in enemy health bars. Any insight would be great.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by android33 View Post
    i know some you have your opinions about champions online's TP, but it's the best teleport power i've come across so far. i'd rather have the "fly and disappear" feel than having to click and misjudge all the time, with limited control. i liked how on CO how i could TP above, behind, away from enemies for a surprise attack like Night Crawler.
    I get where you're coming from. The freedom of CO's teleport is great. Problem is it's way too easy to abuse. Moreso because you can activate powers prior to teleporting and then use them instantly as soon as you reappear. It's hella fun but it's also cheap.

    I'm one of those players who uses TP primarily when I need to travel long distances through open space (AKA zones). That's when it really shines. In tighter spaces the instantaneous movement and relative lack of fine control can be a hindrance. That being said, I wouldn't change it.
  20. Dig's right. Unenhanced TP is pretty rough on the blue bar but with a few IOs it's not a problem at all.

    I still use Plasma's two EndRedux, two Range set up. With that you'll be more than capable of beating your teammates to the mission door. Factor in universal travel sets and you can get similar results for fewer slots.
  21. Heya everyone

    I'm a long time player (Started in 2008) and I've hopped servers a few times over the years. Virtue's always intrigued me. High server load the vast majority of the time and plenty of RP? How could I resist?

    So now that I've got my full stable of characters on the server I'm looking to mingle but I'm not sure which global channels are most active. I'm also in the market for a great SG. Any recommendations on either point would be really helpful. Thanks in advance and I'll see ya in the city
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    You want to read The MFing Peacebringer guide.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by doomrider View Post
    *must, fight, urge to go..... tri-form* ugh...
    Give in to your desires. You'll become far more powerful than you can imagine...
  24. Hmmm...very interesting build you've got there Redlynne. I like how you managed to perma Light Form, get a solid chunk of Defense and slot the forms well enough to be useful in everyday play.

    I'm very tempted to respec now.
  25. Hey Diggaroo. Glad you're coming over to the TriForm PB side (MUAHAHAHA!!!). I'd like to think my guide had something to do with it

    Originally Posted by Diggaroo View Post
    Unlike the Warshade, my PB doesn't NEED to switch between forms as often to keep "fueling" (Dechs Kaison) himself and his forms. All he needs is to active Inner Light and Light Form and go at it, switching between forms as needed to heal/recover from crashes. So this got me thinking heavily upon how to play my now Triform PB.
    This here is exactly how you should think about using the forms. On a PB they're nice extras to have as opposed to major parts of what you do. Personally, I think that's great. It gives you a lotta leeway to play however you feel like at the time instead of forcing you to think about what form you should be in to maintain maximum efficiency at all times.

    On Light Form, I found that I really disliked using it all the time. I've got it perma'd but I prefer to use Shining Shield and Twilight Shield the majority of the time and save Light Form for times when the shields really can't keep up. Just my personal style.