Needing help with the Khelds




So I have pushed and torns and fought my way up, and I have thourghly decided that I love the Khelds, I do, I like the idea behind them, but the problem is that I dislike the time involved in switching forms, and I hate the crappy crabby...

Soooo.... I am searching for help with builds, I want to do both a peacebringer and warshade in human only form. I would like to keep the fighting pool, and hasten in both the warshade and the peacebringer, and the warshade would need combat jumping and super jump as a travel power (as I still don't have the hang of teleport as a travel power).

Anyone willing to help me with this?

Thanks in advance,

"when i can savagely beat sheep while issuing ultimatums and torturing people, then i may go back into it" -vara nocturne
Not enough Evil...
I take it back NC SOFT is enough evil for anyone...



If the time switching forms is the problem, well, that's going away next issue...

Also, have you tried making a teleport bind? With that it's pretty straightforward. (Not that inclined to take it on any other characters, but hey, it's a free travel power.)




Originally Posted by Morganite View Post
If the time switching forms is the problem, well, that's going away next issue...

Also, have you tried making a teleport bind? With that it's pretty straightforward. (Not that inclined to take it on any other characters, but hey, it's a free travel power.)

What i dislike most about TP as a travelpower is the endcost combined with the range. Most of the time I run out of endurance half way to the point where i wanna go. (Or if the mission is in IP, about 1/5 of the way).
And while TP is supposed to be the fastest travelpower, the other travelpowers have the benefit that you can just keep them toggled on, most of them don't cost more than your normal end gain.
With unenhanced shadow step you can travel 8 "hops" at the most before you run out of endurance, which is .8mi and costs 13.5 seconds.

When traveling I don't want to feel like the obese guy, running to the donutshop to get his sugarkick, only having to stop and catch his breath every 2 steps. I want to feel like the alien superhero who can teleport vast distances in the blink of an eye.

@Treibhireas on Defiant, Exalted and Freedom



Teleport's endurance cost is non-existant at level 50 and IO'd out. I even keep super speed, shadow cloak, and combat jumping on while teleporting to be invisibile as well.

If you have problems with the slow animation times, I recommend going human form until issue 23. Once 23 is out, shapeshifting will be instant.

Templar of Truth Level 50+++ Triform Peacebringer - Server Freedom
Templar of Judgement Level 50+++ Triform Warshade - Server Freedom
Gaze into the Abyss... OR ...Walk in the Light
And you thought eight Kheldians were awesome...



Dig's right. Unenhanced TP is pretty rough on the blue bar but with a few IOs it's not a problem at all.

I still use Plasma's two EndRedux, two Range set up. With that you'll be more than capable of beating your teammates to the mission door. Factor in universal travel sets and you can get similar results for fewer slots.

Wanna play a Peacebringer? Don't believe the hype. Check out my guide and get the real truth:
PEACEBRINGERS SUCK!!! (Now fully up to date for i21+ )



I have 3 BOTZ in my Shadow Step as well as quite a bit of recovery bonuses. The end cost isn't terrible but after a while it can be a bit steep. Good thing the first thing I usually do when I get where I'm going is use Eclipse anyways.