I24 hopes?




So 23 is out, 24 is probably within a month or so of hitting the beta, if not sooner.

What's everyone hoping to see in the next issue? Contentwise, I know there's more than a laundry list of bugs to be fixed.

We know that at least part of the issue will be devoted to wrapping up Praetoria and the aftermath of Cole's empire being gutted.

Personally I'm hoping for some new taskforces and a final Praetorian zone to push goldside to 50. Something to fill the 30-35 gap Redside (and thus another 30-35 TF blueside if they keep doing the 'equal additions or co-op' ideology) and a new Incarnate TF, either something in Dark Astoria or in post-Cole Praetoria. With better rewards than Tin Mage/Apex, a single astral is pretty weak ;p

Also expecting we'll be seeing Nature Affinity and Bio Armor at release.



I am hoping for more non-praetorian mission content in the 30 - 40 level range.
Something a long the lines of the new AP stuff and the two new arcs we got in Steel Canyon.

My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.



My hope is that we get more of a tie in with the battalion in issue 24. Not the full invasion but expanding upon what has been happening within Sirens and Galaxy City and the shivans.

A new LFG trial ala dfb, dib would be most welcomed.

I think we have seen the end of Preatoria though. From the way I read what Prometheus said about Tyrant and the Magi trial it was pretty much clear that we are done with Preatoria and all efforts should be going to focus for the Battalion.



Originally Posted by Montaugh View Post
From the way I read what Prometheus said about Tyrant and the Magi trial it was pretty much clear that we are done with Preatoria and all efforts should be going to focus for the Battalion.
I hope we get to give Prometheus the finger and go after Praetorian Hamidon despite what he says. In fact, from what was said in that producer's letter about i24 focusing on the fallout of Tyrant's defeat, I'll be disappointed if we don't go after Praetorian Hamidon.



A new LFG trail based on the Praetorian aftermath... Smashing all the remaining clockwork and warworks. Could call it Disfunctional Automaton Beatdown... Or the DaB trail to keep in the D_B flow of the trail naming as it is.

"You sir, have never been in a hammer fight, that much is clear."

*yeah, I quoted myself.



I'm hoping we'll get at least one more "revised" Freedom Phalanx task force; I know most people would say Synapse needs it most, but I personally think Citadel's TF could use more than just that one mission over and over and over.

We'll likely be seeing a new incarnate trial (Praetorian Hamidon, hopefully, maybe with a fight against Prometheus early on as he tries to stop us?); Is it too soon to hope for the "companion" to Hybrid to be opened up? I guess it's not. Either way, another method for earning advanced IXP would be really nice. Maybe a new Tin Mage/Apex style incarnate-only task force that grants AIXP?

The ranged powers thing is intriguing; last time we heard a similar statement about dominators, the "love" they got turned out to be what? Dark Control, right? So, love for the AT as a whole, but not for any already-existing doms. Hopefully this will be different; I'm thinking snipes might be getting looked at, now that the changes to stalkers' Assassin's Whatever powers can officially be considered a hit.

FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.



Calvin Scott's story needs some closure too - plus, popular NPCs like Katie Douglas and Praetorian Penny should probably be set up for future use on Primal Earth.
Also, if a lot of people are leaving Praetoria for Primal Earth, then a lot of their villain groups should show up here too, as well as the Resistance and their allies - especially the Carnival of Light, as I'd like to see how Primal Vanessa would respond to the CoL and Desdemona.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



French and german localizations will be back ?

More seriously : I hope I24 will bring premiums more controls on their SG (why they can't pay the rent of the base ?). It would be nice if social functionnalities were encouraged.



I would like to see us save Praetoria from Hamidon, and also maybe know what they plan to do post-Cole. Maybe elect Provost Marchand? (He'd make a good leader wouldn't he?)

Maybe a lead-up to the confrontation with the Battalion.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



well, we are fighting praetorian hami, I want it to end BIG. My preference, though i wouldnt put it as an expectation, would be for there to be something dinosaur-like in the hami areas, he is about turning back the world to its natural state, and dinos were a part of that, and we got our 4 legged rig, so i'm really hoping for some form of dinos, even if they arent fully the same as their natural counterparts. beyond that there will be powers and stuff, not a huge concern for me, maybe the bio armor or natural affinity stuff, my big stake in this is that this is the best excuse for a non city city zone, and im really hoping they swing for the fences. its the end of praetoria's taking the primary place in the game, and its where our characters get to succeed where cole failed, im hoping its played to be a really over the top nature area.

Originally Posted by Doctor Roswell View Post

The ranged powers thing is intriguing; last time we heard a similar statement about dominators, the "love" they got turned out to be what? Dark Control, right? So, love for the AT as a whole, but not for any already-existing doms. Hopefully this will be different; I'm thinking snipes might be getting looked at, now that the changes to stalkers' Assassin's Whatever powers can officially be considered a hit.
dark assualt would have been my guess. the "love" statement was made when they didnt get anything in the last round of powerset proliferation, so the next issue gave them a proliferated set, and a new primary. In context it made sense. that said snipes and also nukes could really use some rejigging. back in the day nuke crashes made sense, these days, i dunno, other power rebalancees have raised the general power level of other at's, so snipes and nukes could probably get a reexamination without tipping the balance of things.



I'd like to see more/updated non-taskforce content for 20-40, cleaned up contacts, fresh tips, as well as a revamp on redside...

... what?!? you asked what I wanted to see, not what might actually happen.

It's 106 miles to Grandville, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing faceless helmets

... Hit it ...



One final happy issue before we have the next few issues of doom, gloom and end of the world content [coming storm].

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Content in the 30-40 range, since 15-30 has gotten *so much* content lately. That, and another round of powerset proliferation.

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!



I'm only hoping for more powerset balance passes.

There have been hints dropped of Masterminds and Blast sets getting looked at Soon(TM). Crossing my fingers that means i24.

@Draeth Darkstar
Virtue [Heroes, Roleplay], Freedom [Villains], Exalted [All Sides, Roleplay]
I24 Proc Chance = (Enhanced Recharge + Activation Time) * (Current PPM * 1.25) / 60*(1 + .75*(.15*Radius - 0.011*Radius*(360-Arc)/30))
Single Target Radius = 0. AoE Non-Cone Arc = 360.



Originally Posted by Montaugh View Post
My hope is that we get more of a tie in with the battalion in issue 24. Not the full invasion but expanding upon what has been happening within Sirens and Galaxy City and the shivans.

A new LFG trial ala dfb, dib would be most welcomed.

I think we have seen the end of Preatoria though. From the way I read what Prometheus said about Tyrant and the Magi trial it was pretty much clear that we are done with Preatoria and all efforts should be going to focus for the Battalion.
This. I think the sewers and DiB need company! They should add at least 2 more of these types of trials in the 15+ range. A bit better writing and new NPC/enemies would also help.

Hopefully we're done with the goatee universe.

I also hope each issue contains some quicker story lines.



I want to play with 47 of my own heroes but I don't think that is happening, =P
I hope there more powers and content from level 10-45. Ooo, and outfits.



More 30-45 Primal content. No earth shattering, multidimensional plots for at least one issue. Just some good old crime stopping/plotting.

Also AE updates.




And I'd like to be able to kick his donkey (or whatever orafice he uses to excrete) without it being locked being gimmicky precursors.

A straight-up bossfight for 48 players.

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



That monster looks cool. Looks kinda like the octopus in IP