I24 hopes?




What I expect:
Final Praetoria iTrial, probably against Hamidon.
Changes/rebalancing to some type of ranged powers, probably snipes.
2-4 new story arcs in existing zones, hopefully 30+
1 blueside zone revamp, mostly in content not architecture. Either IP or Kings
Continuation of SSA 2, though that isn't really tied to the issue schedule
Player suggested costume set and powerset from last pummit, probably not on issue release day.
Second random packs, with a new costume set to go along with them.

Water blast, Bio Armor and Nature Affinity to be released on market between i23 and i24 releases. Hami iTrial might be released around same time, in an i23.5 release.

What I would like, in addition to above:
Power Pool customization
New Power Pools
Powerset Proliferation
Stone Armor tweaks, perhaps together with proliferation ?
Stuff from "All things Art" (preferably mine, of course) getting into the game.
Gravity Blast
Second solo incarnate zone, preferably Shadow Shard
New/improved FX added as customization options to old powersets, notably Dark

I do not suffer from altitis, I enjoy every character of it.



Originally Posted by Zombieluvr View Post
As has been pointed out, that only applies to Nova Praetoria- Cole's "personal" city. Imperial City and Neutropolis are both still intact, as is First Ward (well, as intact as FW ever is), as well as presumably any and all of the other cities of Praetoria that exist that we have never seen, but have heard of at least (such as New Vegas, and there's at least one other one that is named in story arcs but I can't think of the name offhand.)
Shroud City was nuked according to Tyrant's Bio


Of course that was before the Praetorian-Primal War.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Originally Posted by Zombieluvr View Post
As has been pointed out, that only applies to Nova Praetoria- Cole's "personal" city. Imperial City and Neutropolis are both still intact, as is First Ward (well, as intact as FW ever is), as well as presumably any and all of the other cities of Praetoria that exist that we have never seen, but have heard of at least (such as New Vegas, and there's at least one other one that is named in story arcs but I can't think of the name offhand.)


Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Personally, I hope that for I24 we get a loading screen that doesn't belong on the Escher Girls blog.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Are you objecting to Hybrid being a hybrid?
Nope I am objecting that hybrid being inferior to dual and team inspirations.



Originally Posted by <span style="color: GoldenRod; font-weight: bold;">Kangstor</span> View Post
Nope I am objecting that hybrid being inferior to dual and team inspirations.
And can only be earned by doing one trial over and over.

Me? I'm hoping for a *single team* TF level for Incarnate advancement. Not really thrilled with teaming with at least 16 people constantly. I'd like something that my friends in the SG can do.

Still here, even after all this time!



Originally Posted by Futurias View Post
And can only be earned by doing one trial over and over.

Me? I'm hoping for a *single team* TF level for Incarnate advancement. Not really thrilled with teaming with at least 16 people constantly. I'd like something that my friends in the SG can do.
... get more friends in your SG?



I just hope from some new content for lower to mid levels in the form of new story arcs. and mid level taskforces. Heck we prolly wouldn't even need new contacts. Just increase the possible stories given out by currently existing contacts.
Oh and am I the only one who thinks Redside desperately needs some TLC? Give it a new villain specific zone and enemy groups. I think it's only so barren because content gets old fast! When they redid Mercy, the place was packed! It makes no sense to keep building praetorian zones when the lore is leading to it's utter destruction. (...or so it seems)



Originally Posted by Player D View Post
Oh and am I the only one who thinks Redside desperately needs some TLC? Give it a new villain specific zone and enemy groups. I think it's only so barren because content gets old fast! When they redid Mercy, the place was packed!
Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on your viewpoint, the devs came out and said straight-up a while ago that any new content we get will be either co-op, or come in equal measure for red and blue. Anything truly new for villains would have to be accompanied by something equal for heroes. That adds up to a lot of time, money and work. However, as we've seen with the new Penny Yin TF, that apparently doesn't apply to revamped content, so...

Originally Posted by Player D View Post
It makes no sense to keep building praetorian zones when the lore is leading to it's utter destruction. (...or so it seems)
...two words: ARACHNOS INVASION.

Somebody has to take over for Cole, right?

FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
One final happy issue before we have the next few issues of doom, gloom and end of the world content [coming storm].

Well they do have to get all this out before 21st December you know



I have only one request of the Devs in i24.

Something that I see as an oversight; maybe even a bit of laziness.

I will say that some of the art, the environments, the costumes, even some of the newly released powers are the best I have seen for this game. I am astounded. The mecha pieces, even some of the fire and ice, and of course while not new new the Ascension pieces are all awesome.


Sounds. There's nothing I hate more than playing my DP, using an awesome futuristic (or even retro sci-fi) pistol and hearing regular gun shots. I cringe everytime my lightsaber-ish broadsword makes a wholly metalic sound of shearing. Back in the day I had hoped for some changed to Assault Rifle to make the animations less spray and pray when some new models were released that weren't entirely machine gun-esque.

Please devs and art people. You've taken the time to create some of the best art I've seen for this game. I'm just asking that you now tie it together and let it make sense.

I don't want a retro scifi guy with an awesome old school laser pistol that goes BANG! BANG! BANG! This is the time to add sound fx customization. Give me a pew pew pew, heck even just move some sounds around, the radiation blast set has almost all the sounds you could need for a laser gun of any kind. Oh, then there's the MM bots sounds.

Need help? Hire me as a contractor.

I took Gravity for Wormhole and Propel.
Nothing says Lovin' like hitting 'em with an oven. -AddamsFamily



Need I24 in beta and overview on the website. Since yesterday, hurry up!



Originally Posted by Easily_Noobed View Post
I have only one request of the Devs in i24.

Something that I see as an oversight; maybe even a bit of laziness.

I will say that some of the art, the environments, the costumes, even some of the newly released powers are the best I have seen for this game. I am astounded. The mecha pieces, even some of the fire and ice, and of course while not new new the Ascension pieces are all awesome.


Sounds. There's nothing I hate more than playing my DP, using an awesome futuristic (or even retro sci-fi) pistol and hearing regular gun shots. I cringe everytime my lightsaber-ish broadsword makes a wholly metalic sound of shearing. Back in the day I had hoped for some changed to Assault Rifle to make the animations less spray and pray when some new models were released that weren't entirely machine gun-esque.
I think that may be a limitation with how they wedged alternate animations and alternate weapons into the game. They were able to vary the art/animation asset that appears when the action is played, but not the audio element that accompanies it.



i am ready for my Wind Blast now, thank you ^_^

but im hoping for powerset proliferation, filling semi-easy to fill holes and controllers/dominators finally getting sets with customizeable weapons. also, we REALLY need new epic pools to fill in sooo many holes.

new costume pieces that arent lopsided in any way for any body type.

no new zones.

pool customization. new power pools.

the new AT. i guess it's gonna be a Prae EAT? :sigh: hooray. i just hope it's not so blatantly another dang wolf por... wait? what was that? ...oh... nevermind.

which brings me to my last wish: alternate models for controller/dominator pets. ANYTHING to remove that dang wolf from dark control. and maybe give plant trollers a nice razorvine ^_^



I'd like to have more for my L50 main to do that isn't repeatable content.

NOR-RAD - 50 Rad/Rad/Elec Defender - Nikki Stryker - 50 DM/SR/Weap Scrapper - Iron Marauder - 50 Eng/Eng/Pow Blaster
Lion of Might - 50 SS/Inv/Eng Tanker - Darling Nikkee - 50 (+3) StJ/WP/Eng Brute - Ice Giant Kurg - 36 Ice/Storm Controller



I am hoping for 3 thrings. I would settle for one, to bring me back to playing the game for a while.

1. New Powerset concepts: Concepts and dynamics that are new, not just graphics for stuff I've tried a million times already. They have been creative with a few of the powersets and I want more of that.

2. New Game dynamics or better used ones: Why is it that oil slick arrow is the only power that can be part of a 1 -2 combo (with any fire power)? We need better use of stuff like this in the core of the game (the combat engine). Let me try new concepts. How about powers that pull things forwards instead of knocks them back? How about the ability to merge all my mastermind robots into one giant robot or something cool like that?

3. Less focus on Incarnates and massive teaming: Ever since they introduced incarnates I started to lose interest in the game. It is what led me to stop playing after years of doing so. I don't want to engage in massive groups mashing buttons. I don't want to be on a team of two dozen people. Solo or small teams is what I enjoy and I want more content catering to that, and important content too. It bothers me a little that I will never see much of how Praetoria ends because of this.



Originally Posted by Zombieluvr View Post
New Vegas
... Fallout: Praetoria?
Be right back, grabbing my Pipboy costume piece.

Click here to find all the All Things Art Threads!
Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Power Pool customization. I can wait on the other stuff.


Also on Steam



A new APP for Defenders/Corruptors that has +defense toggle.. Preferably Energy based since ice looks terrible.

A looking at of some of the ranged mechanics, such as Nukes and Snipes.

Help Range catch up to the melee power creep.



I want the new powers from the begining of Freedom to the present, (Time, BR, TW, StJ, Dark, Staff, etc) to be added to AE!

Maybe some new animations too for melee? Like Fire melee! You could Grab the alternate animation for breath of fire for range folk and stick it in melee. Just askin for somethin fresh for the people carring older stuff.



Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
I'd like to have more for my L50 main to do that isn't repeatable content.
You know this sentiment kind of bugs me. I WANT more repeatable content. If content isn't repeatable (i.e. Mender Ramiel's arc) then IMHO it's a waste of development resources to make. I can do it once per character and then I have to go back to repeatable content.

Sure in a perfect world the dev team would make content faster than I can play it but in reality that ain't happening so what I want is more repeatable content and more variety in repeatable content. Stories are fun but once I've played them once it's the gameplay that will determine if I re-play them.



Originally Posted by Doctor Roswell View Post
Somebody has to take over for Cole, right?
Isn't that implied to be "Hamidon pounding at the (sonic) gates?"



I'm still waiting for FREEM!



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
She's seen in the Magisterium Trial cutscene.
Thank you!
Did not played Magisterium yet... Cant wait!