I24 hopes?




We do know that it has AT LEAST 1 tentacle. (Tyrant's GR bio says he has at least 2. (Probably more) Anything else about him is pure speculation, but I bet he's at least scarier than Primal Hamidon (Seriously, if you think Primal Hamidon is scary, you don't know TRUE fear!)

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



There's going to be a Praetorian Hamidon trial at some point, we know that much. I'd like for it to be the second trial in i23, but if not, I expect it to come in i24, because the devs have said on Coffee Talk that there will be some wrapping up of Praetorian plot threads in i24. That won't be the main point of the issue, but there will be at least some, and that presumably means PraeHami. (We won't be so lucky as to have it deal with the difficulties of reconstruction, as the Syndicate and the Resistance and the PPD fight for control over the capital. But a guy can dream.) Sadly, we know for a fact that it won't be a level 35+ zone in Praetoria. We've asked repeatedly; the devs keep saying no.

Another thing they've said repeatedly on Coffee Talk is that the main thrust of i24 will be the arrival of the Battalion. I'm assuming this means at least one incarnate trial versus Shivans; I'd be surprised if it didn't include at least a short-lived multi-zone invasion event, maybe a semi-permanent one, like the Rikti zone invasions from the Second Rikti War. I cannot say with any honesty that I'm looking forward to that part of i24, i25, and possibly i26; the prospect of yet another basically identical planetary invasion, where all that changes are the uniforms and the powers of the soldiers, fills me with "meh." But that's what we're going to get. The only possible way to excite me about The Coming Storm would be if we wrapped it up early in some dramatic fashion, and then went on to do something other than yet another stupid, boring interplanetary war in i25.

I'd like i24 to include another round of Powerset Proliferation. In particular, I really want tankers and brutes to get Spines before, or at the same time as when, they get Bio Armor, because the one thing I'd want to make with Bio Armor would be a bio/spines tanker. It's probably not going to happen though, because the last time we asked Synapse (or was it War Witch? I'm not sure) about powerset proliferation, the answer we got was "no current plans, not on the timeline."

And presumably there'll be more balance tweaks and bug fixes. Without knowing which ones, I have no idea how excited I'll be about any of them. (Fixing Oil Slick Arrow would make me extraordinarily happy!)

It wouldn't shock me, though, if one side effect of SSA2 will be all the original enemy groups getting buffed to bring them back up to being challenging to current player characters, say, with attack chains more like the ones that the Praetorian NPC factions have. We've had six years' worth of cumulative player buffs; the older mobs are laughable compared to where they used to be. (And they have to sell those new pay-per-hour buffs somehow.) Assuming the last remaining underperforming character classes and powersets get brought up to on-par with the rest of the game, I think I'd actually be fine with this.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Penny should lead the Paretorian people.
I don't think a barely coherent, ultra-powerful psychic who needs time to reintegrate into a nearly doomed world would be my first choice of leader, especially considering how the last ultra-powerful psychic in charge of Praetoria behaved.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



I agree. Provost Marchand has shown himself to be level-headed, smart and most importantly loyal to Praetoria, not Tyrant.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



His biggest problem will be trying to explain why he waited so long before joining the Resistance - the last minute side switchers who turned to the good side only when the dictatorship was collapsing mightn't have as much popularity with the people as the ones who risked their lives to take on the dictatorship at the height of its power.
Plus, as one of the oldest members of the loyalist dictatorship, he'll be guility of a lot of crimes against humanity - he even admits that the "safety" of Praetoria sometimes requires "extreme measures" - so he's fully aware of what the government he served had been up to - and that mightn't go down well with the people he was helping to oppress until very recently.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
His biggest problem will be trying to explain why he waited so long before joining the Resistance - the last minute side switchers who turned to the good side only when the dictatorship was collapsing mightn't have as much popularity with the people as the ones who risked their lives to take on the dictatorship at the height of its power.
Plus, as one of the oldest members of the loyalist dictatorship, he'll be guility of a lot of crimes against humanity - he even admits that the "safety" of Praetoria sometimes requires "extreme measures" - so he's fully aware of what the government he served had been up to - and that mightn't go down well with the people he was helping to oppress until very recently.
The undercover Warden arcs don't paint him in the best light(though certainly not bad) given the fact that he wants you to save copies of ghoul control implant for seers data.
He does agree that the war shouldn't have happened though, even helping to make it happen in Warden undercover arcs.

He would be a believable choice, having run the arcs.



Originally Posted by Blast_Chamber View Post
A new LFG trail based on the Praetorian aftermath... Smashing all the remaining clockwork and warworks. Could call it Disfunctional Automaton Beatdown... Or the DaB trail to keep in the D_B flow of the trail naming as it is.
Dead-Beat Brother?

Dead and Buried?

Dave and Bob?

Dog Eats Bagel?

Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Penny should lead the Paretorian people.
Penny is insane. She thinks a robot is called "Glowball" and lives in an imaginary world. She casually mind-reads people she has barely met.
Not to mention she shows a callous disregard for authority or anyone outside her little playcircle.

Yes yes, Presidential/Politician jokes notwithstanding this would be a terrible, terrible idea.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



New epic archetype.
New zone massive revamp Co-Op Shadow Shard.
New War Witch TF.
Power pool customization.
Origin pools.
Psi melee.
More costume sets.

With cherry on top, for next week, thank you. Hurry up, devs!



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
New epic archetype.
New zone massive revamp Co-Op Shadow Shard.
New War Witch TF.
Power pool customization.
Origin pools.
Psi melee.
More costume sets.

With cherry on top, for next week, thank you. Hurry up, devs!

I certainly would like #1, #2, #4, #5(maybe), #6 and #79about time if it happens).



I hope there's something I like. Really, after i23, I don't think there's much reason to raise my hopes any higher than that. If i24 can manage even one feature that really excites me, it'll be an improvement.



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
New epic archetype.
New zone massive revamp Co-Op Shadow Shard.
New War Witch TF.
Power pool customization.
Origin pools.
Psi melee.
More costume sets.

With cherry on top, for next week, thank you. Hurry up, devs!
I want 3, and the last 3 you list. :P I love powers, and outfits.



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
Really, after i23, I don't think there's much reason to raise my hopes any higher than that.
As an ex-loyalist, I23 must have been pretty hard for you

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by T_Immortalus View Post
The undercover Warden arcs don't paint him in the best light(though certainly not bad) given the fact that he wants you to save copies of ghoul control implant for seers data.
He does agree that the war shouldn't have happened though, even helping to make it happen in Warden undercover arcs.

He would be a believable choice, having run the arcs.
But he also seemed totally unconcerned about the way the dictatorship was working - the reason he tried to go behind Tyrant's back was that he didn't want any of his IDF troops to be killed in the war - there wasn't even a hint anywhere in his text that he thought that the mass-murder, slavery, torture and brain-washing going on inside Praetoria was bad and should be stopped.
As one of the longest-serving members of the loyalist dictatorship, he'd have seen all the crimes committed by it - but didn't seem to care until the lives of the soldiers under his command were going to be under risk in a real war.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
More 30-45 Primal content. No earth shattering, multidimensional plots for at least one issue. Just some good old crime stopping/plotting.

Also AE updates.
My vote goes here, too.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
But he also seemed totally unconcerned about the way the dictatorship was working - the reason he tried to go behind Tyrant's back was that he didn't want any of his IDF troops to be killed in the war - there wasn't even a hint anywhere in his text that he thought that the mass-murder, slavery, torture and brain-washing going on inside Praetoria was bad and should be stopped.
As one of the longest-serving members of the loyalist dictatorship, he'd have seen all the crimes committed by it - but didn't seem to care until the lives of the soldiers under his command were going to be under risk in a real war.
No, it's pretty clear that he is actually unaware of a lot of what's going on.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
My vote goes here, too.
The IP revamp might suit those lower level crime-fighting wishes

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
No, it's pretty clear that he is actually unaware of a lot of what's going on.
You mean even when his bio says:

"Marchand's main goal is to ensure the peace and prosperity of Praetoria and is willing to get his hands dirty to do so."
And he himself says to the players:

"The one thing I seek, above all else, is the safety of Praetoria. Sometimes that means rather... extreme measures."
So not only is he aware of what's going on, he's also taking part in it.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The IP revamp might suit those lower level crime-fighting wishes
Here's hoping.

I haven't seen anything yet, so I'm not sure if they're going "IP under seige from alien/extradimensional invaders" or the good ol' pulp crime that IP's dockside seems perfect for.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
As an ex-loyalist, I23 must have been pretty hard for you
Eh, the worst part of the Magisterium was how boring it was. I expected the fight with Tyrant to a be a bit more epic than a poorly-explained anticlimax battle. And yet, it was still probably the high point of the Issue in terms of new features.



A new Judgement that fits with the Super Strength theme.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
I24 hopes?
1. More jetpacks.
2. New power pools.
3. Kings Row revamp.
4. New level 30-35 strikeforce.

Global name: @k26dp



Power Pool Customizations is the top of my list.

I *hope* that a Kings Row revamp is in there as part of a dedicated effort to clean up the legacy arcs from the ground up (from lower to higher levels) rather than some randomly chosen zone to revamp. Let logic and not sentimentality prevail here.

Don't forget that some new powersets we may have heard about <looks around furtively> are probably not tied to an Issue, but are part of the schedule of Paragon Market releases.

More proliferations, even if some ATs don't get anything *new* simply because their sets have already been completely proliferated. Let's hope the Devs don't react to the whining about inequality when that happens and simply proceed as logic demands.

I look forward to the Praetorian Hami Raid.

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I think that, within the realms of possiblity, that well only get a couple of good things -

Minor QoL tweeks and bug fixes
War Witch reintroduced and a new TF (possibly featuring Lusca in order to tie in with Water Blast)
Water Blast and minor blaster tweeks
New incarnate trial to finish off the Praetorian arc
The start of the IP revamp (I say the start because its a damn big zone!)
Lvl 20 - 30 content in New IP.

Rockshock (Druid Tanker), Medicat (Combat Medic), Dwarf From the North (Ice Mage), Rocket Gal (Energy Blaster), Graveborn (Undead Mastermind), Streeker (Punching Speedster), Op. Sidewinder (Recluse's pet Spider)



Praetorian Hamidon iTrial;
Classic Praetoria lvl range extended to 1-40, now accessible by Primals;
First Ward lvl range extended to 20-50;
Night Ward lvl range extended to 30-50;
New Praetorian incarnate zone;
Twinshot new arcs at lvls 20, 25, 30;
Dr. Graves new arcs at lvls 20, 25, 30;
Praetorian Epic Archetypes (PEATs);
Kheldians & Soldiers of Arachnos get access to Galaxy City tutorial;
Arachnos Widows get access to the missing female hairs in their costume;
Sniper blasts & crashing nukes revamped;
More Power Proliferation (Force Fields added to Corruptors, Ice Melee added to Stalkers);
More Power Customization (Power Pools, Mastermind Pets);

In the meantime (SSA) - Manticore goes rogue, Scirocco dies tragically in a cutscene, the Mu break free of Arachnos, Warwitch joins the Freedom Phalanx, Hero 1 is restored, Penny gets kidnapped a bunch of times, the sidechick gets into a fight with the rest of the kiddy brigade, guess who's back!