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I love this idea. Is there a person or P.O. box that we can mail our masks to as to make a large shipment to NCsoft instead of trickles? Maybe a mass shipment from a unified front followed by a steady stream of individual masks/capes from everyone? Basically, hit them with your nuke, then a steady cascade of DoT. Just a thought.
My friend and i ran a pair of Gravity/TA trollers for a stint. They were fun and pretty safe. Never saw another with that combo before.
Take two chainsaws, one in either hand and have them running. Turn the one in your left hand upside down so the engine is "mirrored" of that of the right hand one. Sadly, the teeth are now rotating backwards aswell and will lead the left chainsaw to kick back into your skull upon use. Congrats, your dead.
Symetrical design I agree with, but is not needed here... We got freaking chainswords... It's like complaining to your dad for buying the wrong color of mercedes for you.
Also, i to wanna see these "tank" backpacks. -
Woah, I thought we were talking about Anime in CoX? Both need considerabke ammounts of belief being suspended or what would be the point to engaging the motion of watching/reading/playing either genre?
Girl from space has emmese cosmic power, looks like a cat girl, falls in love with huge dork, saves planet from inter-dimmesional pirates that are blue. I buy all of it.... BECAUSE IT'S A FREAKING MADE UP STORY IN AN ANIMATED SERIES BASED ON A MANGA FOR THE PURE SAKE OF ENTERTAINMENT!
If you have to take everything you read/see/play from the entertainment world and mash it through the "believability" filter then you are slowly sucking the joy out of your life. Listen to stoeies from a 5 year old... They are entertaining and complete unbelievable crap... Accept the story or walk away, don't force reason on entertainment and fantasy. -
Fresh batch of over 1,000 codes added to that previously mentioned thread... Hurry.
If melee is you favorite, then I would try a Dom. It is a nice departure from straight in your face brawling, but has a nice familiar feel due to the secondaries having a good mix of melee attacks in them.
Stone Assault is a great way have "smash on demand" and feels natural coming from a melee player. Paired with Electric control you have a nice bag of tricks to keep your blue bar topped and your smash humming along. Plus, stacking sleep patches and Jolting chaining targets on their backside is just fun.
Branch out, experiment, if after a few levels it isn't gelling... Reroll. Sometimes indecision is liberating. -
They should have emailed each of their costomers 5 codes. Then PM'd each of the forum accounts an additional 5 codes in case the email was missed. They also should have made a few thousand special non-region codes for all the people that tried getting codes here but were using the wrong region. This whole announcing on FB (probably the most restricted social resource market on the net) and then posting 5,000 codes is too limited and exclusive. Even stating that there will be another massive code posting soon is too limited and unfair.
What a slap in the face! -
All this talk about "Anime in CoX" got me thinking... There is a lot of "CoX" in Anime... If you watch a certain style of anime that is.
Get it?
I'll leave now... -
This whole thread making it to 25! Pages IS a....
Slap in the face!
(runs and hides snickering cuz I am uber l33t pwn nubsauce or what have you.) -
Is that engine exhaust puffing off those dual chainswords? Awesome... Day one purchase here.
My name is Blast_Chamber and I approve of this thread.
Awesome stuff FlashToo, keep 'em coming. -
@KingCrazy, you think the hammer on the belt isn't post apocalyptic? Hammers are one of the most useful tools in and out of the construction field. You sir, have not been in a hammer fight, that much is clear.
Quote:TransDuck? Is that name taken? ;PWait, are you talking about cross dressing or an actual TransDuck?
It could just be the nature of the alien technology that gives the armor, not only a Duckish appearance, but the chesty chest and swishy walk. It could even be a suit of alien armor that was fit for a female but some human teenage boy found it after the interstellar delivery company lost it on earth. None the wiser of it's intended feminine owner.
Or, it's a costume that ressemembles a mallard duck. -
Quote:JayBoH, take that video and get the "flock" out of here.
Ok, that was my only duck/fowl joke. -
Quote:I am aware, but the male characters don't have access to the bloomer/puffy shorts nor the Witch boots with those huge feet, thus the male design suffered from not being "duck" enough for my liking. Artist licence wins... Besides, it could be a boy that stuffs his shirt and walks with a swishy gate.Because I'm a dork... That's a female toon. Female mallards actually have very drab coloring. It's the males who sport the famous green head.
Ah, old Donald... Had him too at one point (along with friends)
In Soviet Russia, CoH plays you.
I'll be honest, I'm lost to the concept of this thread. Any further "criticisms" by me constructive or otherwise maybe assumed as: "you're a doody head." Followed by: "i know you are but what am i?" -
Electric/Rad controller... Slow going in early lvls, but once lvl 50 on just SOs it is by far one of the safest characters I have built. So much debuff and control, standing parked in a mob with double stacked sleep patches, choking cloud, debuffing, end sappig, confusing, KDing, stunning everything. I just spam the evil laugh emote constantly as my pets widdle the mob.
Electric/Stone/Soul and Dark/Stone/Soul dom. Both excellent control sets, combined with the brutal smash of stone... Brutes are jealous of my Seismic Smash numbers. -
Quote:Ok, now it seems you are spinning your wheels here. Skeletor is a pretty basic and identifiable look. All the different incarnations of him beyond his appearance in the cartoon from the 80s are subject to one knowing about them. Meaning: if I was a He-Man fan and have knowledge of all the forms of the characters then I maybe the player to avoid when trotting your "Skulz" character past in game. Now, since the bio and name are different then Skeletor, you may get a pass. Like I said earlier, it's all arbitrary.This is part of my problem indeed SlickRiptide. I have a pretty big fascination for skulls. I do have a 32nd dark/dark corruptor who has been abandoned for 3 years, Black robes/skull/hood, but definitely not a Skeletor clone. This one however I want to be more brutey. That goes straight to Skeletor's neighborhood. The real problem (and I have lamented this in other threads) is the complete lack of a skeletal body. Since I am stuck with a regular human body with a skull head all of it starts to look like Skeletor after awhile. I was going to robotic it all out, and a quick internet search revealed one of the incarnations of Skeletor was indeed cybernetic.
The name i have "Skulz" is a tribute to CoH history, the backstory I have is based on a D&D campaign that was alive 15-20 years ago, and I am willing to make a LOT of changes to the final outfit. But it all sort of looks like Skeletor because of the hood. (There are costume/clipping reasons why I am currently fixated on having a hood) For one thing the hood solves the problem of overtly defining how the skull is attached to the regular looking body. Another reason is I am actually using the Death Head Goggle and Mandible and without the hood they dont look quite right. Less is definitely more with them.
If you make a character based on an existing character you run the risk of a generic. Plain and simple. -
Quote:^ThisHonestly, what you can get away with is subjective, it all depends on the player reporting said "tribute" character, because they are the ones notifying the GMs. It is then the GMs discretion as to whether the character is generic-worthy and they tend to err on the side of caution.
Typically, if a costume is close enough that I actually look at their bio as well, then their costume alone is worth a petition.
There is no magic formula in doing or attempting to what you are describing. 50%, 75%, 90% of original is arbitrary. I have seen 100% reproductions of TM'd and copyrighted characters from Asian cinema (obscure Anime mostly) running around Paragon and the Rogue Isles over the years. I have seen blatant rips of western POP culture,"tribute" toons, "homages", and satirical conceptuals. All never being generic'd. However, you make that one character, obscure or blatant, that happens to catch the eye of someone knowing... Well, consider it petitioned and generic'd.
TLDR: do whatever you want in making a costume, copy any exsisting character, just don't cry foul when it's generic'd. -
The "base" the "statue" is standing on is the podium from the supergroup base editor. The aura on the "statue" is a power aura... Possibly from invulnerability or temp invulnerability cuz I think that character is a blaster type from previous images featuring him.
Having 4 characters present and one angry at the statue suggests a possible 4 person team (duh). -
Any changes to the physique of the character model (the base Male, Female, Huge rig) will require a different rig and tweaking of all existing costume pieces to conform to those new player rigs. Exception (possible exception) would be a "hunchback-esq" character. That could be accomplished with a "stance" or series of "stances" similar to how Cryptic's other super hero MMO did stances. Making a "potbelly" or super blobby (fat) character requires new rigs, something the devs have poo-poo'd.
@Chyll, what you suggest is similar to how Cryptic did multi layered costuming in their other Super Hero MMO. basically you could do almost exactly what you describe. With CoX, that's just not workable... the character creation and possible game code itself would have to be rewritten from ground up.
With this thread I am trying to show examples of costume options that "could be" with the existing character rigs, patterns, bits, and observations on how the devs are themselves using these assets. Pondering the "why not" is my way of litterally asking an open field question towards: the devs, players, and myself. Thought exercise as it is really. -
Quote:Yes, the "collar" is there for all the "robotic" arms... including the Fire & Ice variants (they have just been hidden better). I used the "tech" robotic arm collar for the above examples. As far as how the metallic arms look from the back, well, like the metallic arms in the Tech robotic arms collar... I guess...yep, call them alternate arms rather than robotic and throw in monstrous and more (or less) muscular options to all body types. it has been requested several times and i have signed each time. not sure if there would be any issue with joining them, my memory is hazy but if i recall, all robotic arms have a kind of attachment circle that might not be doable with organic arms...but it would make a lot of requests a lot easier, especially the ever present one for more muscular women.
how do those metallic arms look from the back?
*I have updated the OP*