do you want to spend more time in the streets?
I've been saying this for a long time but the game does need a lot more zone events. Nothing major like an invasion, but small things such as the steel canyon fires or the Praetorian mini events.
You could use the protest event that is in Nova Praetoria and turn the Atlas carpark into some form of this. Have the hellions destroying the cars/area and you have X time to defend the area.
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Much more like the Praetorian zone events and waaay less like the steel canyon fire. Trying to use the extinguisher is waaaay too tedious. So if you don't have ice powers, don't bother.
but yah, zone events can be pretty fun. nice place to stick temps and badges
I'd like to see a new mission type: bounties. "Defeat 30 Outcasts", "Defeat 10 Hewers", "Defeat 15 Family Lieutenants", that sort of thing.
Unless I'm (a) on a team running through missions/a TF, or (b) running through an area filled with greys, I'll often stop and fight stuff anyway. (Or I'll take a young, Nova-using Kheld into Perez and blast stuff.) I wouldn't argue with more stuff like the Praetoria events.
(And as far as the SC fires... I don't consider them a "don't bother" item. The only thing I'd change is making the extinguishers auto-hit. I mean, c'mon, it's a burning apartment building. Unless you're facing away from it, how the heck do you miss?)
1) I'm not fond of the non-instanced areas. The reason being is that it's very difficult to do good storytelling in a non-instanced area simply because it's impossible to control what other players are going to do.
Either you have to make them line up and wait if something important is going to happen; or you have players able to interfere and potentially grief/ruin missions in progress.
2) Outdoor maps - Depends honestly. Small outdoor maps - like Little Roundtop, or the RWZ Vanguard Base map, those I generally like. They're compact so although there's a lot of open space, you don't have to go all over creation to find one thing. Some of the 'city' maps are just block after block of streetsweeping to find one glowie... that gets old fast.
So generally - No on un-instanced areas, a "yes if done correctly" on the outdoor maps.
A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.
Revamping all the old zone events to have invasion mob coding to match any level would be a start.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
I would like more outdoor instanced maps. I don't like open world content, as I prefer to play just with my friends.
I don't mind traveling to and from missions in the open world, but I like to think of my character being a superhero in a world full of superheroes, and that's difficult to do when I'm constantly encountering people like xXN I N J AXx and Nurse Spanksalot, and I'd rather not have to team up with them for zone events. People that like characters like that deserve to play the game the way they like too, but I'd rather play with people who are like-minded with me when it comes to character concept.
Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)
More zone events, plz. It's a shame we never got any with Dark Astoria or Atlas Park/Mercy Island. I'm not talking giant monsters that hand out crappy rewards for the work involved. I mean like Praetoria's awesome zone events that give out cool rewards that make running them worth it.
Also maybe even toss in a contact that hands out repeatable missions in various zones where you kill X amount of group Y in area Z. Make these missions optional, have 'em hand out decent xp, and bam.
And yeah, agreed on the more instanced zone maps. Always love more and varied maps.
I've been street sweeping a lot more in the last several months.
I don't like most of the instanced outdoor maps I've run into.
And I would like events like the SC Fires, Paladin Construction, and Giant Monsters more if they were more worthwhile.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate street sweeping, because I hate killing anything that just respawns as soon as I turn around. If it's just going to respawn 10 seconds or 30 seconds later, what the heck was I even fighting for?
Yes, I know that instances respawn the next time someone loads them. But they don't do it in front of me. As far as my character is concerned, Frostfire's lair is still empty, as far as my character is concerned, Ernest Hest's volcano lair has been destroyed, and so on. You go in and play it later and you're the one who does these things? Fine. You go in and play it later, and I tag along? Fine, we're writing your fanfic, where you're using my character as a background NPC fighting alongside you; I know how it "really" turned out.
But if I street sweep my way around the same block of King's Row over and over again, and when I turn the corner the 4th time the same 3 Skulls are prying up the same sewer access lid or stealing the same purse, it just rubs my nose in the fact that I'm not saving the day, I'm just playing a game. It takes a lot of the fun out of it for me.
No, not really. Part of why I enjoy City of Heroes so much is all the instances. For some reason wide open areas where stuff respawns makes me uncomfortable.
I keep trying out other games, but it's all outdoor outdoor and I'm all nooo noooo.
In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.
I'd like to see a new mission type: bounties. "Defeat 30 Outcasts", "Defeat 10 Hewers", "Defeat 15 Family Lieutenants", that sort of thing.

They already have missions like that, and they're terrible. Nothing breaks up a team that's steamrolling missions faster than getting a "Defeat 50 Carnies in Peregrine Island" mission. Suddenly everyone says, "Oh, my SG is calling," "I gotta do my homework," "wife aggro," etc., etc.
Running around a huge zone looking for particular mobs is boring, plain and simple, and it can be aggravating when those mobs are in short supply and another team is hunting for them and taking them away from you.
The devs invented new technology to make these missions more palatable with Freedom, and it's just ridiculous. If you do the low-level Habashy arc you get sent to defeat Hellions, and they spawn out of thin air if you stand there after you defeat one. The game is otherwise carefully programmed to explicitly avoid that kind of nonsense, but when you have lots of players doing hunts in the same open zone you have little choice but to use the WoW-type sillyspawn.
There's even a task force whose major component is running around the entire city defeating 10-30 mobs of 12 different groups. The most annoying thing about this is that if certain kinds of zone events start while you're doing this, the mobs you're supposed to hunt don't spawn anymore and you may have to wait half an hour for the zone event to end so you can finish your hunts.
I love soloing in the streets (or duo-ing and/or teaming with like-minded folks).
I especially like to just find spots with higher concentrations of Bosses and take them on. The old AE boss farms reminded me of high-octane, sped-up street sweeping, to be honest.
I also love the instanced aspect of this game.
So, I love both.
I wouldn't want to see the somewhat random and free nature of the outdoor maps and spawns removed and turned into the nasty rapid specific spawning of parts of the new Atlas Park model (I really dislike those aspects of the new early missions. Run there, fight any number of the league of specific named foes - that other people have also been sent to fight - and get jumped by more of them as they respawn quicker than you can leave!! Boooo!!).
I do love me some running around the streets though and finding fitting groups of plus so-and-so levels full of nice juicy, xp-holding bosses and causing trouble in the streets of the city that I know and love so well. That is a lot of fun for me.
Whether it is just a few enemies that I come across on my way to where I am going, a victim crying out for help, or a concentrated effort to run around and find the best fights I can find out there... I love it the way that it is within this game.
That said, I've always wanted to see a small amount of extra content added into the open zones. Even just tip missions are a nice added bit of content that can arise from street-sweeping, but I always imagined something a little more... Actually, the side-missions in Safeguard/Mayhem Missions are exactly what I would love to have in open zones.
That and some more burning buildings and some kitty-cats stuck up in trees!
I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate street sweeping, because I hate killing anything that just respawns as soon as I turn around. If it's just going to respawn 10 seconds or 30 seconds later, what the heck was I even fighting for?
... But if I street sweep my way around the same block of King's Row over and over again, and when I turn the corner the 4th time the same 3 Skulls are prying up the same sewer access lid or stealing the same purse, it just rubs my nose in the fact that I'm not saving the day, I'm just playing a game. It takes a lot of the fun out of it for me. |
If I clear an area, it stays clear for a bit... but when enemies do return, they're not the same exact ones doing the same exact things. And they don't respawn while I'm there (other than the newish Atlas Park areas that introduce new players to how this game does not work anywhere else).
Different gang members may show up in the same places, but... that's the life of crime-fighting!
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
I assume that you're either new to the game, or you're making a facetious suggestion to be humorous
![]() |
While you may not like running around and fighting things on the street, others do and that's not a bad idea at all.
I might pick up those types of missions now and then myself, actually... although, when I streetsweep, I don't tend to look (nor necessarily want to) focus on one particular enemy type...
However, I could entirely see these types of missions giving some people just enough incentive to enjoy running about and fighting enemies out in the streets. So, it could be a good idea. Me, I don't need that incentive, but that's just me.
Bottom line, not just to who I've quoted but to the entire subject matter...
This game houses a lot of variety and a lot of players that have different enjoyments and playstyles. That's why you don't want to see something some people don't like changed into something they would like at the expense of making it something that those who did like it no longer enjoy!
Keep variety, and add more, without taking any away.

and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate street sweeping, because I hate killing anything that just respawns as soon as I turn around. If it's just going to respawn 10 seconds or 30 seconds later, what the heck was I even fighting for?
It certainly would be nice for the game world to feel a little more alive with people flying/running/bounding through the streets.
Actually I was thinking that they meant bounty missions that we could pick up from something like a bounty contact or the radio/newspaper or something. While you may not like running around and fighting things on the street, others do and that's not a bad idea at all. |
The only way that system would work [imo] is if a bounty system came up for a named boss that would spawn within the open world. For example "Outcast Leader Brick has been spotted on Cherry Hills, requesting all available heroes to assist in his capture".
Of course the NPC would have to have the invasion/GM code so he is at least a challenge to all levels, but that would be something i could get behind.
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Sadly with a bounty system like that, the rewards would have to be next to nothing as it would take a matter of minutes to mass kill X npcs?
The only way that system would work [imo] is if a bounty system came up for a named boss that would spawn within the open world. For example "Outcast Leader Brick has been spotted on Cherry Hills, requesting all available heroes to assist in his capture". Of course the NPC would have to have the invasion/GM code so he is at least a challenge to all levels, but that would be something i could get behind. |
It'd have to work as the Radio/Paper missions do (so only in certain zones of appropriate levels). And it'd have to work only within that zone (so, you couldn't run to a lower level zone and make an easy time of it... and you couldn't run a mission with those foes to reap in rewards for both missions at once).
It'd really just be a command-centric incentive for people to do a bit of street-sweeping type fighting.
Maybe add in a tiny amount of bonus xp over straight street-sweeping, but not much.
I see it more as flavor... which, as silly as we could say it is, can serve as inspiration and incentive for people to do something they may not otherwise do.
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
My hope for this is that we'll see more phasing tech. It was utilized a little bit in the AP revamp. Once you've cleared the area and completed the story arc, you'll no longer see Hellions rampaging there. That and more outdoor objectives like those used in Nova Praetoria.
It certainly would be nice for the game world to feel a little more alive with people flying/running/bounding through the streets. |

and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
I really enjoy the occasional street-sweeping as a change from instanced missions. Unlike an instanced mission you can push yourself moment to moment, take on the odd +4 or +5 boss while mostly facing +2s. So I'd prefer not to use invasion style code that makes everything +1.
Plus Im in favour of more open-world interaction with other players.
Some sort of meta-game around this would be cool.
We already have defeat badges and some street sweeping required to trigger giant monsters (eg Deathsurge). More of this type of thing would be cool, or bounty missions as suggested.
I don't see how it takes away the things you like. You can still go street sweep. The phasing isn't clearing every area in the zone. On the other hand, it is adding things that I like while not diminishing what you enjoy doing. In your own words it keeps variety without taking it away.

Still, the phasing tech has other odd problems of its own that I know I saw Posi quoted as mentioning it messes things up.
The whole greying in and out of teammates and such (and disappearing enemies and things along the borders) really diminishes the quality of the virtual world experience... but I do understand and agree that the aspect of cleaning up the neighborhood is pretty friggin neat!

and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
Personally, I'd like to be able to occupy/reclaim sections of the city like in that one PVP zone only sans the PVP.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
I assume that you're either new to the game, or you're making a facetious suggestion to be humorous
![]() They already have missions like that, and they're terrible. Nothing breaks up a team that's steamrolling missions faster than getting a "Defeat 50 Carnies in Peregrine Island" mission. Suddenly everyone says, "Oh, my SG is calling," "I gotta do my homework," "wife aggro," etc., etc. Running around a huge zone looking for particular mobs is boring, plain and simple, and it can be aggravating when those mobs are in short supply and another team is hunting for them and taking them away from you. The devs invented new technology to make these missions more palatable with Freedom, and it's just ridiculous. If you do the low-level Habashy arc you get sent to defeat Hellions, and they spawn out of thin air if you stand there after you defeat one. The game is otherwise carefully programmed to explicitly avoid that kind of nonsense, but when you have lots of players doing hunts in the same open zone you have little choice but to use the WoW-type sillyspawn. There's even a task force whose major component is running around the entire city defeating 10-30 mobs of 12 different groups. The most annoying thing about this is that if certain kinds of zone events start while you're doing this, the mobs you're supposed to hunt don't spawn anymore and you may have to wait half an hour for the zone event to end so you can finish your hunts. |
There was a time (before my time) when street sweeping was popular.
Then it was all door missions.
Then door missions started to include outdoor areas, which added much needed variety and just allowed for telling more stories.
In the game you really only spend time in the non-instance for short periods between missions. Zones can look empty when there are a bunch of people doing missions in it. So they aren't really in the zone.
This question is tricksy because it combines to different ideas.
Do you want to spend more time in the non-instanced streets of Paragon (or the Rogue Isles)?
and do you want to spend more time in outdoor but instanced maps?
I really wish there was more to the non-instanced world. There is so much of it and there is no reason to see most of it except to explore.
I am less fond of outdoor maps. I like them soloing, but in teams they don't work as well. Enemies scatter. Players scatter. There is usually little actual variety in terrain because it is so open. You see trees and cars but they don't really affect the fight the way hallways and doors do.