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  1. As someone who was also active on and made some good friends from the Tanker forums, I'd also like to say thank you for your efforts to learn about the game and share information about what you learned.

    It was good talking with you in the past about Tankers and the game. Good luck with your games, I'll keep an eye on your website!
  2. That was a great way to see the game off. Thanks so much Arcanaville and everyone else who was involved.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    Seriously? Well crap. I was about to get on thinking that I was going to be early.
    Someone teleported us in! I guess they'll try to teleport anyone in RWZ2 into RWZ1, so come on in!
  4. Darn, my wife and I got on right after work, and the RWZ is already full. We'll keep trying to get in, but if we can't have fun everyone!
  5. Liquid

    Last Dance

    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Except through Dreamspace. I'm a hopeless romantic.
    Yeah. I thought that was poetic.
  6. Liquid

    Last Dance

    Goodbye, Arcanaville, and thank you for your contributions to the community and the game itself. Whenever I really get into a game, I tend to obsessively attempt to learn everything I can about the mechanics of it, and if it weren't for you, I think we wouldn't have known many, many details, and that knowledge enabled you and the community to campaign for many beneficial changes.

    Unfortunately, I won't be able to make your Beta Server event, as my supergroup has already planned a get-together on our home server, Virtue. I will read your stories, however, and hope that any followups will be posted on the Titan Network forums after these boards are gone.

    I also wanted to let you know that, a few years ago, Zombie Man once asked me in-game if I was you, due to some information I shared over a public channel (I don't remember what, but I'd guess it was probably about Taunt mechanics). I hope that isn't too embarrassing for either of you, but I was certainly amused.

    Edit: wait, Wednesday? Maybe I can make it! I assumed it would be Friday.
  7. I guess I'll take your word for that, because I'm really not interested in arguing about it. I just thought maybe there was a misunderstanding there, but clearly I was mistaken.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
    On this point, I don't think you'll find many supporters, either among the anti-NCSoft crowd or the pro-NCSoft crowd, or the much more numerous in-between crowd who know better than to post their thoughts here. Few here are associating City of Heroes with failure.
    I don't think Starsman is talking about anyone here. I think he's talking about everyone else in the world, like the people in the gaming press that all (wrongly) assumed that it was shut down because it wasn't bringing in profit anymore.

    Edit: Hell, he said it in the sentence before the one you quoted. He's talking about the general market.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Black Scorpion View Post
    Technically, if we had done it it would likely have been similar to a respec/second build process but with resetting even more decisions on the part of character creation. 50% of the work would have been in UI at least. Likely it would have been presented a high value MTX to cover the amount of work that would need to go into it, but even then it was likely to be too rare to pay for itself, I imagine. (And the opportunity costs of someone full respeccing instead of making an alt also came up in discussions)

    Design wise, it also wasn't being pushed for because a) it did have a high technical cost, and b) we didn't want to diminish the value of alts. If we had managed to get more of an account wide inventory concept, a lot of the reason to full respec would have gone away, in my opinion, and I tended to push more on that angle because it seemed a closer goal.
    There are a few reasons I'd have liked to see a full AT/Powerset respec:

    First, some characters were made in concept and then kind of shoved into what CoH allowed at that moment. I knew someone with a character that was just supposed to be "tough", but Invulnerability was the only thing that approximated that. Then Willpower came out. She had to delete and recreate the character, losing all her badges (including irreplaceable ones like anniversary badges, SG join dates, and prestige totals). Another long-time player that I knew of, wanted to be a water blaster, and made due with Energy Blast the entire time. I don't even think that player was still around by the time Water Blast came out, but if they were, they'd have had to remake the character, losing 8 years of history to be how they were intended to be in the beginning. I had an Inv/SS Tanker and an SS/Inv Brute that should have been the opposite (the former being more reckless and stronger, the latter being more methodical and tougher), but that wasn't possible until Going Rogue. Once Going Rogue came, I couldn't just rename them and have them switch sides, either, because they didn't share the same origin type. So, it would have been nice to have that option to "fix" characters instead of remaking them and losing everything they had (I still haven't finished getting all the accolades that I had on the remade former Tanker, now Hero Brute).

    Second, if you did it using alternate builds, it would have allowed people to make character concepts that were more versatile than CoH allowed, with no balance impact (since you can only swap at trainers). I knew one player that had a character that was supposed to be a weaponmaster, and she had 3 or 4 different versions of him with a slight name misspelling to represent it. That being said, I'd have preferred this version require you to actually level up that alternate build without losing the original build's level, not instantly have a level 50 whatever/whatever, as I think that would reduce their total play time and allow them to burn their interest out much faster. I don't think I, personally, would have used that, as my concepts are usually pretty narrow, and the Primary/Secondary/Pool/Epic format provided everything I needed.

    Third, some people just don't care about alts, and only want one character. When those people hit the maximum power level, with no more progression, it can be just a matter of time before they lose interest in the game. Being able to take that one character and use it to progress in another build would create a lot of replay value for them. It's not something I'd do, as I'm concept driven, and am not the type to make a "Liquid" character and just give him whatever powers I feel like having at the moment, but I think there's a significant portion of the population that would do that.

    Anyway, it's cool that you even considered it. Thanks for the response!
  10. Thanks so much for all your work on the game, Black Scorpion. I wish we could have seen everything that you had in store for it.

    Edit: I see you mentioned the possibility of powerset/AT respecs. Was that actually planned/in the works? Can you say how would it have worked?
  11. For me it's the sound effects. When I used to play PnP superhero games, I loved electricity powers. But when I first made an Electric Blaster in CoH, I was underwhelmed by how the powers looked like static electricity instead of lightning bolts, and went "bzzt" instead of "BOOOM".

    If the Electric Blast powerset had Lightning Storm's attack sounds and VFX, I'd be all over that.

    As for Electric Armor and Electric Melee, I had level 1 characters with those that I hadn't gotten to yet, and now won't be able to get to in time.
  12. I loved this news post from Penny Arcade back in 2004:

    I am often asked if a person should play World of Warcraft or City of Heroes, and it’s always interesting to me that it comes down to those two, like those are the only two things on the menu. It’s never should I play, you know, Tabula Rasa or Asheron’s Call 2. It’s also interesting to me that months before release, World of Warcraft is so potent even as a concept that it can cause people to fast on the entire genre rather than sully their palette.

    The short term answer is that you should play City of ******* Heroes. I mean, if you’ve already got this question in your mind, and you see all your friends on there immolating ne’er-do-wells, don’t wait another second. Lean your head back, and tip the entire hors d’oeuvre tray directly into your mouth. You can cross this World of Warcraft bridge when you come to it. Don’t forget, of course, that you can get a taste of WoW early provided you are a Night Elf - but that’s neither here nor there. City of Heroes is great. It’s a young, ebullient design that delivers the amusement payload of a Massively Multiplayer game while discarding much of the insulting busywork. And if you don’t like it, well, I guess that answers your question. If you do like it, chances are good that Blizzard’s entry in the Massive genre isn’t going anyplace.

    The trouble with trying to compare these two games is that even though both are played on large multiplayer servers which support thousands of players, that’s virtually the only thing they have in common. Time was when you could expect certain things out of this space, gameplay wise. City of Heroes is really more like Diablo in that you largely just whack guys with abilities drawn from discrete skill trees, and since many of the missions you go on take place in instanced dungeons, the entire game experience usually just comes down to you and your crew - even on a server with fifteen-hundred other people. So, in your mind, put it at the far right end of the scale. On the far left, put the classic, long-running games we associate with the medium. Those games have a certain amount of self-flagellation - onerous death penalties, punishing levels which require double the experience, that sort of thing. City of Heroes doesn’t have that kind of thing, but if it did, you wouldn’t whip your own back with a knotted rope or a barbed whip. You’d would whip it with a sweet, soft strand of red licorice - a Super Rope. You’d probably like it.

    World of Warcraft is a good deal more traditional than that. This is because they are trying to make a genuine genre contender that is a lot of fun in its own right, wears off some of the more egregious offenses of Massive RPGs, but still lets refugees from other games go through this self-whipping motion that they have come to expect, and even demand. If you were attracted to City because it sloughs off the fantasy trappings for a modern metropolis, you might find that you don’t need anything from World of Warcraft. It’s awesome, don’t get me wrong. I played it for several hours yesterday, and the day before, and the day before. But where World of Warcraft says, “Here, let me show you a better way,” City of Heroes says, “You know what? **** Dragons.” Those two distilled manifestos might be just what you need to pick your poison.
    Yeah. **** Dragons, indeed.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    Thanks for posting the photos. I re-read the whole post again because you are brimming with positive energy and I needed a pick-me-up; it did, indeed, pick me up. Congrats again.
    Glad I could help. It's hard not to be positive after how much my life has changed.

    Originally Posted by Dz131 View Post
    Do you dress up as your characters when you get it on?
    Whoa! No. No, we do not.

    Hmm, perhaps that was what Positron was thinking when he gave the reaction he did to her dressing up like my character, though.

    (We got a really good laugh from your post, by the way. )

    Originally Posted by CatMan View Post
    Congrats to you both on the marriage.

    heh, I forgot we were in the same group for the scavenger hunt at Hero Con, I see me there in the glasses.
    Cool! Sorry we didn't win that, but we had lots of fun, right? Thanks for joining our PUG.

    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    Oh Gods, I'm in the picture with the HeroCon 2009 trivia group. *winces*
    Aww, I think that's a great picture!
  14. Happy Anniversary, Samuraiko! It looks like you have a good set of rules there, I've been given similar advice.

    Here's to 10 more years!
  15. Thanks for your work, Black Pebble! It's great to see players become developers, and it happened so often at this studio. I think that has a lot to do with why it's so great. Your passion shows in your work.

  16. You lucky *******! Congrats on getting a job at Paragon, and thanks for your work on the game we all love.
  17. Liquid

    Not Goodbye

    Thanks for sticking around and helping keep the lights on, TheNet! Let's hope something miraculous happens and the lights stay on!
  18. Liquid


    Thanks for your work on CoH, Viridian. QA can be rough, but it's very, very important. I'm glad you were able to move up into a designer position. I hope you are doing well, and are able to continue to do design work on a game you love.

  19. Liquid

    Thank you.

    Thanks for holding down the fort in these final days, Hit Streak. I really appreciated the coffee talk you held on Wednesday, it helped a lot.

    This game means a great deal to my wife and I, and we really appreciate your efforts.

    Thanks again,

  20. Thanks for your work with the community, Freitag. Without people like you, I don't think our feelings about Paragon and City of Heroes would be the same.

    Good luck,

  21. Hi Tunnel Rat!

    I'm sorry I'm replying to this so late. It was great meeting you and your husband at the Comic Con 2011 Meet and Greet, and the Player Summit! (I posted a picture from the former of you and my then-fiancee, now-wife in this thread if you want to see it!) Thanks so much for taking the time to talk to us, we really enjoyed it, and will always remember it.

    Also, thanks so much for everything you and Honey Badger have done for the game. So many things we've wished for in the VFX area have come true in the last couple of years.

    I hope you both have wonderful things happen to you in the future,

  22. Hi Protean,

    I want you to know that I was honored to have my trivia contest entry scored by you in 2009, even if I totally blew it when we got up in front of everyone for the final showdown.

    Thanks for keeping the CoH lore alive, and for doing your best to expand it. I really enjoyed Praetoria (even if I do wish it had been 40-50 content with Primal characters going undercover as Praetorians), and loved seeing my choices impact my characters' futures.

    Thanks for the ambushes, too. I love 'em, as long as they don't involve Sappers or the Ladies of the Infinite Caltrops.

    I hope you continue to do well in the future, wherever you wind up.

  23. Hi Dr. Aeon,

    Thanks so much for everything you've contributed to the game. Lots of the content I've loved in recent years has turned out to be your doing (like the 5th mission in Dark Astoria). I've been reading your blog, and it's been fantastic. Please keep it up! Maybe one of these days I'll make an account on one of the allowed systems and make some comments on your articles.

    I apologize if I've seemed overly harsh in my criticism of the lore/stories in the last few years. I absolutely love this game and the lore, and so I'm pretty passionate about it when I find something disappointing. Please know that I respect you a great deal, and man, do I wish you could have continued on the work you've been showing us and telling us about. There's some great stuff in there.

    It was nice meeting you at HeroCon 2009, even if it was an awkward run-in in the bathroom. I wish you the best of luck in the future (the best would be CoH being miraculously saved and you getting your old job back, but if that doesn't happen, then I still wish you the second best, whatever that might be).

    Sorry I haven't responded to this until now, I've been busy getting married and playing CoH while I still can.

  24. I'm sorry it took me so long to reply to this thread, War Witch. I learned about the announcement on the day of my wedding (to Fatare, aka Iris, whom I met in game, and met in person for the first time at HeroCon 2008) from one of my groomsmen, who is in the game industry, and we've been busy since.

    It was really nice meeting you at the interview I had in 2008, and thanks for sitting next to me in that panel in HeroCon, when I was all by myself. I still think your story of moving from Office Manager to Designer to Lead Designer to Producer is one of the coolest "working up the ladder" stories I've heard.

    Thanks so much for everything that you've put into this game. It means a great deal to me, both as a way to spend my time, a source of social interaction with interesting people and a way to make great friends, and as the reason I was able to meet my wonderful wife.

    I wish you the best in the future,

  25. I'm sorry it took me so long to reply to the goodbye threads from Paragon Studios. I learned about the announcement on the day of my wedding (to Fatare, aka Iris, whom I met in game, and met in person for the first time at HeroCon 2008) from one of my groomsmen, who is in the game industry. We then immediately went on our honeymoon, and I haven't had the time to reply properly until now.

    Thank you for this game, Matt. Thank you for all the work you've put into it. Thank you for taking it over when it needed a new Design Lead, and thank you for making the decisions you've made that kept it going strong (even if I disagreed with some of them, I know I loved most of them). I want to list a series of things I believe you to be responsible for, but I may end up making a mistake and thanking you for something you didn't do. I'm pretty sure you pushed for Power Proliferation, Flashback, Side Switching, and Super Sidekicking, so I think I can safely thank you for those, and I know I can thank you for the badge system as a whole.

    Thank you for the opportunity you gave me in 2008, which I totally blew, but have a funny story about as a result (I detailed it in my wedding announcement/goodbye to Paragon and CoH thread, if you want to read it). Thank you for HeroCon, without which, I would probably not be married to my wife. Thank you for taking the time to talk to me and other CoH players at various cons and events.

    Thank you for City of Heroes, the best make-your-own superhero game ever made, and that probably ever will be made in my lifetime.
