do you want to spend more time in the streets?

Agent White



Originally Posted by Traska View Post
No, I mean specific bounty contacts. They only hand out bounties, and nothing else. So instead of being the annoyance that they are when they break the flow of missions, they're something you can do if you choose, and get good EXP and/or other rewards for completing them.
What about version of Tips/Adamastor's summoning recipe? Like you'd get a Tip/recipe drop that told you thatm, say, a nearby jewelry store was being robbed - going to any jewelry store and activating the Tip/Recipe would spawn a costumed Villain and some hired thugs from the door, kinda like a Halloween ambush.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Traska View Post
I'd like to see a new mission type: bounties. "Defeat 30 Outcasts", "Defeat 10 Hewers", "Defeat 15 Family Lieutenants", that sort of thing.
...don't we already have those? We call 'em "street sweeps".

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



I still,streetsweep sometimes. Just killing time or nostalgia.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
What about version of Tips/Adamastor's summoning recipe? Like you'd get a Tip/recipe drop that told you thatm, say, a nearby jewelry store was being robbed - going to any jewelry store and activating the Tip/Recipe would spawn a costumed Villain and some hired thugs from the door, kinda like a Halloween ambush.
I would like to see street sweeping give you key missions like safeguards.

a chance to find out about a small door mission nearby



Something they could implement (maybe it was suggested) was random occurences of costumed villains (or heroes for redside) in the middle of a crime in the streets.

Keep it AV level, so big teams aren't needed. No announcement. Just reasons to patrol the streets.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
What about version of Tips/Adamastor's summoning recipe? Like you'd get a Tip/recipe drop that told you thatm, say, a nearby jewelry store was being robbed - going to any jewelry store and activating the Tip/Recipe would spawn a costumed Villain and some hired thugs from the door, kinda like a Halloween ambush.
I have always thought that Tips should only be accessible via street sweeping the mission-specific enemy group. I can't understand why fighting Council members can give me a Tip about the Circle.

Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
I would like to see street sweeping give you key missions like safeguards.

a chance to find out about a small door mission nearby
This would be an awesome idea! I wouldn't turn down another way to get Safeguards...or the side missions in them.




I would not mind having more reason to be on the streets. Right now though instance missions are just more efficient.

I wish they had the tech to allow GMs to do some destruction to the city when they appear. That and increase the rewards for defeating them. Not a merit or xp increase, but an inf increase. Because stopping something that is actively causing property damage, and stepping on people is going to make a hero pretty famous.

Accept that inf = popularity, or call it cash. I really wish they had just called it cash.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
What about version of Tips/Adamastor's summoning recipe? Like you'd get a Tip/recipe drop that told you thatm, say, a nearby jewelry store was being robbed - going to any jewelry store and activating the Tip/Recipe would spawn a costumed Villain and some hired thugs from the door, kinda like a Halloween ambush.
Going along those lines: there could be mission/storyarc recipes that required special mission items (Clues!) which you put together at a crafting table to create the mission start. These could be multi-part mysteries, or one-shot encounters. It'd be neat if the "clues" put together from a particular enemy group led to encounters with key NPCs from that group.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



/signed for more Zone Events.

The Rikti Mothership is still the pinnacle of open-access group content with minimal preparation and maximum fulfillment.

Raid Leader of Task Force Vendetta "Steel 70", who defeated the first nine Drop Ships in the Second Rikti War.
70 Heroes, 9 Drop Ships, 7 Minutes. The Aliens never knew what hit them.
Now soloing: GM-Class enemy Adamaster, with a Tanker!



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
Do you want to spend more time in the non-instanced streets of Paragon (or the Rogue Isles)?

The original hazard zones where designed for street sweeping. There is a reason they have nearly all been removed. Street sweeping is is repetitive and boring.

"Public quest" type content is another matter, and certainly something that there could be more of.

I really should do something about this signature.



Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
"Public quest" type content is another matter, and certainly something that there could be more of.
I think that this is kinda the best route to go actually for it.

If it *does* work, you would actually see more players out and about in a zone, instead of being hidden away in their own private instance.

You *DONT* have to take part in it (look at the SC fires for example), but if you do take part, you get stuff in return (and not just XP).

One of the things that bugs me about the game, is that the zones look so devoid of players...

Bring some life back to the zones please... i miss seeing players outside of trips to WW/BM/Universities



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
What about version of Tips/Adamastor's summoning recipe? Like you'd get a Tip/recipe drop that told you thatm, say, a nearby jewelry store was being robbed - going to any jewelry store and activating the Tip/Recipe would spawn a costumed Villain and some hired thugs from the door, kinda like a Halloween ambush.
Well, I'd kind of like a possible alternative to door missions. There are times I would just love to sweep again, but the difference in reward for the two is very steep.

Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
...don't we already have those? We call 'em "street sweeps".
See above. Sweeping is fun, but ultimately of lesser reward.

Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
I would like to see street sweeping give you key missions like safeguards.

a chance to find out about a small door mission nearby
*This* I like.





Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
I would like to see street sweeping give you key missions like safeguards.

a chance to find out about a small door mission nearby
This would be a great idea. Nothing huge, like a 'CoT trying to take over the world again' or 'Clockwork king has kidnapped Yin....Again', but little things that affect the little people.

Such things might be to stop a couple of skulls from burgling a house or clean out a factory of lost squatters.

I dont usually street sweep, but will save people from bag snatchers or being terrorised by gangs. I also do it if i need a little bit of xp to level up. I would like to see more things happening in the world, as I do often just sit about and watch the world go by.

Id like to see more free form events that react to what you do in the game. A prime example of this would be a protest of Galaxy refugees at city hall. They're all riled up and angry over City Halls lack of control over the situation, and have a neutral 'yellow' alignment. If you speak to the protest leader, youll get various options on what to say. Will you attempt to calm the protesters down and assure them that city hall is doing its best (the protestors turn from neutral to ally), earning you a small amount to your hero alignment? Or will you purposly rile them up and cause them to riot (They turn from neutral to hostile) earning you a small amount to your villain alignment and getting to beat up the protestors.

This would offer you a slightly different way of gaining alignment, be more of a hero than fighty-fighty-punch-punch and show that the world is still alive and evolving. Such things are already in the game with the neutral mobs in praetoria and the added talkies in recent issues.

Id aslo like to see (as minor events): Lusca pop up in the rogue islands (shes a sea monster! She should be in the islands!!), Deathsurge in Kings Row, Warrior fights in Talos,
Family gang war in independance, Breakout at the Zig, Coralax attack on FF, Bridge collapse in Skyway, and sudden rift activity in Perigrine (rifts allow random mobs to spawn inc Cimoreans, Rularuu, Spirits, red caps, axis america etc)

Rockshock (Druid Tanker), Medicat (Combat Medic), Dwarf From the North (Ice Mage), Rocket Gal (Energy Blaster), Graveborn (Undead Mastermind), Streeker (Punching Speedster), Op. Sidewinder (Recluse's pet Spider)



I would like to see more outdoor events, but no more phasing, unless it's in a new zone. Reason? it's been stated that phasing breaks invasion/zone events. Atlas park will never be attacked by Rikti or Zombies again. The Nemesis spawning there while Redname!nemesis gloats? Manually spawned by the devs. I mean sure, it's kinda nice that AP and Mercy are safer now, since the lowbies looking for a DFB don't have to worry about 'Suddenly, Rikti, thousands of them!', but expanding that would be a bad idea.

That siad, i'm all for more Zone events, I've never really done any of the praetoria events, but stuff like giant monsters or breakins or whatever could be interesting.

I mean we have the Troll Rave in Skyway...why not a Freakshow Riot in Talos? A prison breakout in Brickstown? A Family Gang War in IP? Actual events with rewards attached to them like badges, emotes or even on the upper end, costume pieces?



To have the game zone come alive, I'd add a few more buildings that are in zone which you can enter. And then use those buildings in real-time safeguard missions. Have a pawn shop that can get held up, a bank that can get robbed, science experiment breaking out, etc.. Then provide temporary powers, boosts, and other lasting tokens as a reward - something besides influence and experience.

Give something more to do in city zones, inside buildings. Make it a living, dynamic city. And lower the penalty for street sweeping.

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




I've always wanted a zone event in Brickstown regarding the Zig. Here's my idea about it:

1. Announcement goes out.
2. Breakout commences. Inmates spawn in the walled area of the Zig, and are invasion coded, so they con at your level. The grounds need to be cleared. Whether this is timed or not, I'm not sure.
3. Once the ground is cleared, the doors to the Zig "open" to an instanced mission similar to the Winter Lord, where multiple players can enter.

Once inside the Zig, I envision an indoor map with several options. Maybe one group needs to get the security system online, while another group has to take down the ringleader of the breakout/riot. Maybe there are guards to be saved. Maybe Arachnos has managed to smuggle Agent Jenkins in to free a Destined One?

What would be really cool is if the coding is similar to the mayhem mission side objectives; such that the objectives are determined randomly from a set amount of possibilities. Thus, it could make each play though a little different than the one before.

That said, I still do enjoy street sweeps, and usually will participate in zone events if I am in that zone. The exception? I've avoided Nemesis events except on my badgers. Multiple stacks of Vengeance is not fun to fight against.

I find your lack of signature disturbing.



Originally Posted by Traska View Post
See above. Sweeping is fun, but ultimately of lesser reward.
That's a matter of opinion. The "fun" part, that is. Has nothing to do with the reward for me. Fun is the reward.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



I've started doing a lot more street sweeping lately, but I'm not sure if it's just because I don't want to do the content or if it's just because sometimes just running in a straight line and clobbering everything in your path is just fun.

(I don't really play for the rewards, so that has pretty much no impact on what I play at any given moment.)

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Heh, if I wanna street sweep for fun, I'll take one of my 50s into AP and start AOEing everything in sight.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Sorry, I took you as meaning to change all/most of outdoor maps into working that way!

Still, the phasing tech has other odd problems of its own that I know I saw Posi quoted as mentioning it messes things up.
The whole greying in and out of teammates and such (and disappearing enemies and things along the borders) really diminishes the quality of the virtual world experience... but I do understand and agree that the aspect of cleaning up the neighborhood is pretty friggin neat!
The phase tech is interesting and it does have some nice potential to show how our success or failure alters the world around us, but yeah... there are some issues. Even in the limited amount it's used in Praetoria I've experienced contacts phasing out of existence before I've completed their lists of tasks.

I'd love to see it smoothed out and utilized more, but unfortunately it probably wouldn't be worth the payout.



I want less time spent in the streets. I dislike any hunt X mission, and would be absolutely mortified if they added "hunt <specific critter X>" missions as was suggested early in this thread. I prefer instanced missions in pretty much every way.

I do not enjoy street sweeping, because spawn sizes and levels are not controllable the way mission settings are. Once upon a time, the reason I swept the streets was because we couldn't find consistently large spawns or over-level critters in our missions - street sweeping was the only place some of us could seriously challenge our characters. That's long since changed, and now missions are far better at offering controlled difficulty than street sweeping ever was.

More zone events of various sorts are fine with me, and I don't consider them at all similar to street sweeping. Such events are typically something you can join or not, and tend not to relate to your progress through any arc or mission. (I would consider any mission or arc requiring you to participate in a zone event anathema.)

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Heh. I just thought of an idea for a Praetorian Event for I24. Random (Praetorian) Zone Devouring Earth invasions using the mechanics of the Rikti/Zombie/Nemesis invasions.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
That's a matter of opinion. The "fun" part, that is. Has nothing to do with the reward for me. Fun is the reward.
For me, leveling is fun. Unlocking further abilities with my character, seeing them grow. Street sweeping is also fun. I like a little randomness now and then. (Not idiocy, like the Nemesis event, just a little randomness.) Plus, sometimes I don't have a long time to play and I just want to kill ten minutes. A door mission resets when you log out, a "kill X" mission does not.

Also, if a bounty officer were in place for "kill X" missions, you might see less of them in other mission arcs. Everyone wins.



I like to street sweep when I'm solo. In part it's because I have fond memories of certain areas of every zone and figuring out the best places to hunt in the issue 0 days before missions gave anything like decent XP, but also in part because being on patrol is something that super-heroes do.

I like to drive-by buff when I'm on a toon capable of doing so. Heck, I'll at least fire off my mystic fortune no matter which toon I'm playing. I like the random interaction with other players outside of a team. I'll even take my /Kin or /Cold or /Emp and find high traffic areas like the Black Market in CaD or the Portal Corporation courtyard and just buff for the fun of it. Every once in a while, I even manage to save somebody from defeat that way.

I'd love to see more incentives to stay out in the public areas of the game, especially in underutilized zones like Brickstown, IP or Boomtown.

I sort of like the "bounty" idea. Perhaps it could be implemented with an XP or inf incentive? "Your police scanner squawks: Be advised that S0n1c800|\/| is rampaging in Mera Heights with a large group of Freakshow. Until he is apprehended, consider him and his crew public enemy #1!" Let the named guy spawn as a zone-appropriate, high hit-points EB and offer, say, 50% extra XP or Inf for defeats from the EB's faction until he's brought to justice.
Basically we'd get something like a non-instanced safeguard mission with a reasonably tough opponent and more of a sense that the non-instanced zones are living worlds.

Things I hate: Anime. PvP. Lying MMO Developers. Outleveling content. Manga. ED. Comic Store Employees. Anime.