What are some critters you think some NPC enemy groups need?




So, having played through the game, in your opinions, what enemies do you think could stand to be added to some existing enemy groups?

For me, I think for one, the Freakshow needs a Pyro-Tank. As the name implies, the guy belts out fire, his cybernetics are half-melted, and instead of a chance to resurrect himself, he instead has a chance to EXPLODE in a HUGE conflagration that hurts everyone around him.

Another thing: Malta needs a sniper. I mean they're an elite black ops group, and they don't have any sort of stealthy, long ranged assassins? I mean I get a lot of heroes are tougher than just being killed by a bullet to the head, but just as many are not so immune. But again. it's ultimately just the concept of how strange it is for a special black ops group to not make use of such a thing.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Females, in general. Female not-She-Hulk trolls that street fight. Female Family wearing dangerous dresses (or even just the usual mook suits) with dual pistols. Goth girl Skulls that darkness control. Warrior amazons emulating Xena: Warrior Princess with staves (wait--that was Gabby, her little sidekick). Tsoo tea house girls that do...uh, what other powers are new-ish and basically unrepresented? Time Control (oh man combined with Ink Men kinetics...owch, my speed!) The list goes on.

It's a subject that the devs don't want to do out of fear of causing a feminist tantrum about promoting violence against women, though, so it's never happening. Not entirely sure how the Hellion's Girlfriend got through.




Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
So, having played through the game, in your opinions, what enemies do you think could stand to be added to some existing enemy groups?

For me, I think for one, the Freakshow needs a Pyro-Tank. As the name implies, the guy belts out fire, his cybernetics are half-melted, and instead of a chance to resurrect himself, he instead has a chance to EXPLODE in a HUGE conflagration that hurts everyone around him.

Another thing: Malta needs a sniper. I mean they're an elite black ops group, and they don't have any sort of stealthy, long ranged assassins? I mean I get a lot of heroes are tougher than just being killed by a bullet to the head, but just as many are not so immune. But again. it's ultimately just the concept of how strange it is for a special black ops group to not make use of such a thing.
...I like both of those, actually. I'm surprised they don't already have Freak Pyros, given what they're like O_o

Nemesis need more human troop-types, and a human Boss class entity or two, like Brigadiers, etc. Or change the Colonel rank to Boss class.
I'm sure I'll think of more later, heh.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



My Lion Tamer > Animal Trainer > Monster Charmer Carnie Ring Mistress used to be unique. She was the only rank in the Carnival of Shadows as any of the above 3 (rather than Dark Ring Mistress, Master Illusionist, etc as titles).

Might as well proliferate the idea and diversify the carnie ranks (EVEN MOAR!!).

-Add in Lts that summon lions (and only lions) and use hellfire whip attacks from demon summoning.

-Add boss rank Ring Mistresses called Monster Charmers who use demon summoning powers + whip and have some kind of other power...either psy attacks or some support set (please not dark!) with the carnie specific trick of Mask of Vitiation.

-Add a boss rank Strongman who uses the new upcoming Primalist AT.

Basically, side-roll the Carnival of Shadows into a Circus as well complete with animal acts and MONSTERS!



The Hellions needs a fire fox... A mystical fox that spits fire and poops imps.
The Skuls need a shadow hound that barks gloom and poops shades.
The Trolls need a roided up SupaDog that barks handclap and poops hurl boulder.
The Rikti need an alien mut that barks time stop and poops rad blasts.

See where I'm going with this... The four legged rig needs more play, cuz it's fast and cheap.

Seriously though, I do like the above suggestions by other posters.


"You sir, have never been in a hammer fight, that much is clear."

*yeah, I quoted myself.



Trolls need some kind of Titan Weapon-wielding members. (Wielding the Concrete Hammer and/or the RR Crossing Sign, of course)

The Family needs Button Man Sluggers (Baseball bat-wielders)

That's all I can think of right now.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Also, the Rogue Arachnos needs Rogue Bane Spiders, since they go all the way to level 54 and Westin Phipps even has an arc that deals with Rogue Bane Spiders.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Devouring Earth could use devoured Lions, panthers, wolves, dogs ect.



The Council need giant robots... that actually DO something.

See, the Council are universally considered one of the weakest, blandesst groups around. But they (and/or 5th Column) are always building giant robots that are never actually finished. If I were in charge, then a Hess Task Force would spawn a giant robot in Striga Isle... and an ITF would spawn a giant robot in the third mission... or maybe after the third mission in Cimemora itself. (Though that would probably lead to a glut of giant robots hanging out on the beach or something). And a redesigned Citadel Task Force could only benefit from a giant robot in Talos.

I mean, really, EVERY task force could benefit from some sort of giant robot, but I'd be satisfied with one or two from Citadel and Hess. ^_^

And yes, the Council could benefit from several other things. Mad Scientists with special guns of various sorts, or controller/mez type powers. Female Council. Power armor. Vicious dogs. ANYTHING.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Warriors need higher ranks in bits of armor - helms, breastplates - something shiny to make them stand out and have style

Vahz needs freakish cadavers - ones with 8 legs or 4 legs (or 8 arms that they walk on).

Skulls need guys who actually wield shovels



Originally Posted by Iannis View Post
Tsoo tea house girls that do...uh, what other powers are new-ish and basically unrepresented? Time Control (oh man combined with Ink Men kinetics...owch, my speed!)
There are female Tsoo in the new DA content, there are also Staff Fighting Tsoo in the new DA content.

But maybe we can add some Tsoo female Assassins, inspired by Jade, Kitana and Mileena from Mortal Kombat.


Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Council: Archons who actually use their shields, Darkness Controlling Vampyres, Beam Rifle Marksmen.

5th Column: Reinforcements from Axis America!

Malta: Snipers, Trappers, Beam Riflers, Robotics MMs.

Freaks: More sonic freaks, the aforementioned pyro-freak.

Circle of Thorns: Demon summoners, Necromancers, Time Mages.

Crey: Beam Riflers, Titan Weapon carrying Power Tanks, Psionic Paragon Protectors.

That's just to start.

Current Published Arcs
#1 "Too Drunk to be Alcoholic" Arc #48942
#2 "To Slay Sleeping Dragons" Arc #111486
#3 "Stop Calling Me"



First of all, the CoT need to start using their Hordelings hero-side. If Nerva Spectral Demons are showing up in Paragon City, there's no reason why these Bat'Zul lookalikes shouldn't.

I feel Dr. Vahzilok needs to make a return in the 40s with a brand new cadre of fast running zombies and mutant Resident Evil type monsters. Maybe even as Incarnate content, if his new techniques are powerful enough.

I feel a lot of factions can use tanks that only spawn on outdoor maps, myself. Council, Malta, Vanguard, the 5th Column, the PPD and so forth. Helicopters, too, for that matter.

It's 3 AM so that's all I can think of at the moment.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



CoT Demon Minions added as level 10+ Hellion Bosses
CoT Ghost Lieutenants added as level 10+ Skull Bosses
Nemesis Fake Hero/Villain automoton Bosses
Weapon Platform Freak Tanks, minigun right hand, rocket launcher left hand, bayonette on the rocket launcher
Broadsword/Shield, Titan Weapons/WP and Archery/SS Warrior Bosses
Clockwork Timepieces, a large Clockwork construct with a scrap top hat. Electric Assault/Time Manipulation Boss
Meat Doctors added as level 15+ Vahzilok Bosses
Riktified dogs added to the Lost as lieutenants, the homeless gotta have a friend, right?

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Originally Posted by CBeet View Post
CoT Demon Minions added as level 10+ Hellion Bosses
CoT Ghost Lieutenants added as level 10+ Skull Bosses ...
I think the CoT need all of their lower level options rolled upwards, frankly. I don't see any reason why Life, Madness, Energy, and Ruin Mages drop out when they do; I think they should continue to learn thematic spells and continue to appear. (I'd also tweak the costumes, and maybe the names, to make it explicit that Soul Mages are up-gunned Death Mages.) And while part of me is relieved that Earth Thorn Casters drop out when they do, because they are a pain to fight, it's not like they're unfair; by level 50, I should be fighting all four Thorn Caster minions alongside the various Guides, etc.

I think the PPD have the same problem. It's actually kind of pathetic how much easier they get once the SWAT Equalizers and SWAT Ghosts drop out; it'd be both more realistic, and more challenging, if the level 30+ PPD were added instead of replacing them, and again at level 40+. This gets especially egregious at level 40+, where we're stuck having to explain why every single non-robotic cop in the city that's above level 40 is a Peacebringer, and where in the heck all those Peacebringers are coming from, anyway.

To a lesser extent, I'd like to continue to see Crey guards, medics, scientists, agents, and snipers continue to show up alongside the Crey tanks, too; having late level Crey be nothing but tanks makes AE story-telling hard to do and gives every late Crey mission a boring visual sameness.

In general, add, don't replace, please. Once I get to level 30, it gets silly and boring that every spawn is basically identical with the next spawn, because they only have 2 or 3 minion types and 2 or so lieutenant types and 2 or so boss types to choose from when they randomly spawn.



Originally Posted by Organica View Post
I mean, really, EVERY task force could benefit from some sort of giant robot
I have "giant robot" beat. I was thinking about a Nemesis task force idea during the Nemesis invasion events. The culmination of the task force would have you going to a distant island and fighting through the Nemesis army to a large structure on the ground being assembled by Nemesis. And when you reach it you have to go into it and try to shut down its computers. But when you do, you discover that you have only gotten the secondary cores, and the primary is still intact.

And then the entire structure lifts up off the ground like a giant steampunk Arachnos Flier with the team in it in a cutscene, and then the game respawns the Nemesis assault carrier just offshore of Peregrine Island and begins dropping Nemesis armies onto PI while the team tries to bring down the carrier and defeat the spawned enemies, calling for help from whatever players were out there. Sort of like a combination Synapse (spawning Babbage in Skyway), LGTF (which triggers a Rikti invasion event), Mothership raid (but a bit smaller), and an extra heaping scoop of kick-***. And the invasions would scale based on the number of players that decided to help, just like the Nemesis invasion event.

I'd write this task force for free if I could.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
There are female Tsoo in the new DA content...
And Banished Pantheon. Hell the Knives/Talons of Vengeance are just about entirely female. But these groups are locked behind the golden VIP gates. I'd love to see more gender diversity in the lower level game.

Wanna play a Peacebringer? Don't believe the hype. Check out my guide and get the real truth:
PEACEBRINGERS SUCK!!! (Now fully up to date for i21+ )



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I have "giant robot" beat. I was thinking about a Nemesis task force idea during the Nemesis invasion events. The culmination of the task force would have you going to a distant island and fighting through the Nemesis army to a large structure on the ground being assembled by Nemesis. And when you reach it you have to go into it and try to shut down its computers. But when you do, you discover that you have only gotten the secondary cores, and the primary is still intact.

And then the entire structure lifts up off the ground like a giant steampunk Arachnos Flier with the team in it in a cutscene, and then the game respawns the Nemesis assault carrier just offshore of Peregrine Island and begins dropping Nemesis armies onto PI while the team tries to bring down the carrier and defeat the spawned enemies, calling for help from whatever players were out there. Sort of like a combination Synapse (spawning Babbage in Skyway), LGTF (which triggers a Rikti invasion event), Mothership raid (but a bit smaller), and an extra heaping scoop of kick-***. And the invasions would scale based on the number of players that decided to help, just like the Nemesis invasion event.

I'd write this task force for free if I could.
Okay, this would get my vote.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



This is not an idea for a new enemy within a group, but a revamp of an existing enemy. Can we please re-roll all Lost Swordsmen as Titan Weapons?

your = Belonging to you.
you're = Contraction meaning "You are."
Ur = The name of an ancient Mesopotamian city.
ur = This is not a word.



Originally Posted by Organica View Post
Sadly, that much awesome would probably break the game.

...but I'm willing to risk it.
Me too, especially as the Seed of the Hamidon suggests the risk is minimal. I don't see any reason why the Seed can't be hollow and have Nemesis defending it and beaming down invasion groups and be like, yellow and have whirring gears and have engines we can blow up and have it go crashing into Paragon City like kaboom! crash! bshhh, screech, kerblam! and then all these Nemesis come pouring out on fire and then it splits open at the top and a giant Nemesis mole-tank shoots out flanked by EB class Warhulks and Lord Nemesis is riding the mole tank with a zero-recharge nemesis staff going baboosh! baboosh! baboosh! in all directions...

Well, they can always upgrade the servers.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



I'd like to echo a lot of the things I've seen in this topic, but if I took a moment to mention all of them...that'd be a lot of echos. I see many, many cool ideas. One I haven't noticed, though, and that I'd certainly like to see, albeit rarely, would be the occasional Super among Malta's ranks. Given that they're all about subjugating those with super-powers into mandatory service, either with threats, bribes, brainwashing, what have you, one would think that there would be more than just two super-powered types showing up among their ranks from time to time.

I tried to do an arc based around this, even, back when AE first hit, though it came off as a bit too much of a "fight my custom bosses" arc, so I scrapped it.