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  1. I'm pretty much ready to write off MMOs as a whole. Little pick-up-and-play games like Rusty Hearts, TF2, and League of Legends are what I've been going for. CoX was the only really "meaty" game I wanted, and now that it's gone I don't think I'll be able to get into another game like this. After all, if something this great can fail, then the dime-a-dozen games out there nowadays will fail three times as fast.

    I guess I'm going back to console gaming and/or single-player PC games.
  2. Five years.

    Five freaking years of my life.

    I didn't dedicate every fiber of my being to this game. I do have a life beyond CoX. But this game, this community, my characters, they MEAN something to me. I always knew somewhere in the back of my mind that this day would come, but so soon? This game has been such a huge part of my life that I literally feel like someone just died.

    Unfortunately, I can't say I didn't see the writing on the wall. I am the one who, for the past few months, has been saying the game is dying after all. But I never wanted to believe it.

    Capt. Stormrider, Emerald Dervish, Dr. December, Dollmaster, Max Violence, and the many other creations of mine who will cease to exist on November 30th...I don't care if you think I'm insane for having an emotional bond with a fictional mass of polygons, these characters are a part of me. And I just can't believe I have to just sit by and watch it all disappear.

    I don't think I can bring myself to do anything else with this game. I'll probably take screenshots of my characters. Anything else just feels pointless. Five years, and then nothing. Yeah. I'm a little upset.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Freitag View Post
    That's some interesting speculation there!

    I swear to Christ, Freitag, if you're messing with my mind there will be blood.

    Said blood will probably be mine, on the wall, where my head impacts, but THERE WILL STILL BE BLOOD!
  4. Y'know, the reason I started playing this as opposed to a certain Blizzard-run MMO is because CoX, mechanically, makes you feel like a badass. The rule of thumbe was always that one PC was equal or greater than three even-level enemies, so you always felt that you were 3 times as powerful as the average hoodlum. By contrast, other MMOs make it a chore to fight a single enemy who is LOWER level.

    The point I'm making here is that the writing has finally caught up with the gameplay. Now not only do I get to feel like a badass through my actions, but I get to feel like a badass because people are praising my deeds or living in mortal terror of my wrath. The thing is, CoX is finally becoming a "Power Fantasy" type of game, and that's something I can totally get behind.

    Statesman had to die. It was something that should have happened a long time ago, IMO, because he was a stale character and they couldn't do anything with him. I'm sad to see Sister Psyche gone, but I always did want to see Penny's potential come to fruition. I have no problems with Positron taking the lead, as Matt Miller took it after Jack Emmert left.

    As far as SSA2 goes, I've only played the first arc so far. I like where this is going. As a hero, I felt like this was something I had worked towards, and that I'd gain the Phalanx's respect. I see nothing wrong with letting the player into the fold and treating them as equals, these characters aren't immortal gods or anything they're really no different than us. As a villain, I'm tired of taking orders and I frankly would rather topple Recluse or at least stir him into doing something besides sitting complacently in his tower. The man hasn't been a threat for years, and if the devs would rather cut him down than make him relevant, so be it. All I know is that finally, FINALLY my villains are setting the stage for a scheme where THEY are in charge, something that I've been wanting for ages.
  5. The patron arcs are, IMO, some of the most satisfying arcs ever written. The entire story of a villain who crawled out of the gutters of Mercy Island finally reaching a point where he can take out the most powerful villains in the Rogue Isles. It rewards you for all your hard work up to that point by making you feel like a badass.

    Similarly, I absolutely love the Who Will Die hero arc. I have to confess, I've never felt quite as heroic as when I stood behind a podium and addressed the press. See, for me it's not so much about the action and whatnot, though that is important. For me the core element of this game is wish-fulfillment and power fantasy, where the ultimate reward for you is a feeling of being awesome. The above arcs deliver this perfectly.
  6. My characters are powerful enough that they see no need to waste effort crushing the weak. Why unleash my full fury against a lone PPD Officer when I may need my strength for a greater adversary later? A wise villain knows when to hold back.

    Besides, if I feel the need to atomize a few peons, I can always take a quick trip over to Sharkhead and Ionic Judgment the local Scrapyarder protests.
  7. AkuTenshiiZero

    Pet Peeves 2.0!

    Superpowered tits. I admit, I'm a guy and I have a few female characters. They might have one risque outfit each, and everything else is stylish but tame. On none of said characters do I have the boob slider cranked to the maximum. The bigger the bust, the more I'm envisioning a big hairy dude playing the character. I don't even mind the huge knockers, to be honest, but when your character looks like an amazon smuggling watermelons with some fishing line and two postage stamps, it screams "I'm a man, and a gross one at that".

    Anime Characters. Again, kind of a hypocrite as I am a massive anime geek, but that just makes this worse for me. I don't mind anime-inspired characters. Hell, I have a Kamen Rider, which is more or less the same. But for the love of God learn to name them. It's okay to have a superhero name and still be anime styled. Just please, please, PLEASE don't go to the nearest Japanese-English dictionary and rip something out of there. Rules of thumb: Go to a baby naming site and look up Japanese names, there's plenty of common names with meanings behind them. Then try looking up surnames for Japanese history, many of them are still in use today so it's actually not uncommon to see a Date or Tachibana or something like that. If all else fails, you can use the dictionary for asurname if you know what your doing. Add -no to the end of a word to make your name "X of Y", example Mamoru Hoshino roughly means "Protector of the Stars". A good name for a Kheldian. The lameness of Japanese character names in CoH is physically painful to me, please put some effort into it.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
    WTF are all the other mythological deities doing!?

    We have some Ancient Groman gods, and some oblique reference to Carthaginian (Mot) and Celtic (Croatoa), and a supposed Egyptian-Themed AT that may or may not be in the pipes, but what about Norse, African, Chinese, Japanese, Native American, Meso-American/Olmec, Teutonic stuff? Do they even exist lore-wise?
    Just to point out, we do have Mirror Spirit, who is the incarnation of the Yata no Kagami, while not strictly a deity the mirror is an important part of the Amaterasu legend. It would also be very difficult to cover Norse mythology since Marvel has that whole thing pretty well claimed. Sadly, most of the other cultures you mentioned besides Egyptian are so unknown to the average American that making references to them would be kinda pointless, because nobody would get it. Of course, as a guy who frequently plays a Djinn character, I'd love to see more Arabic stuff.

    Now, back on the topic at hand, what would I like to know more about? Well that's simple: The Coralax. I've been wanting to see more about the Coralax for ages, like a strictly Coralax-based TF/SF and/or (Oh God Please) an underwater zone. There is just a massive storyline behind the Coralax that has been relatively untapped. We've done the Leviathan to death, there's still so much more to cover. Hell, there's an entire aquatic race besides the Coralax that don't even exist in game yet. Coralax. Underwater zone. Get on it.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    Because unlike virtually every other person who has ever played this game, I do not believe KB is the devil, and am instead happy to simply have a good set with awesome bonuses and an amusing graphical proc. I frankly could not give any less of a crap about the KB removal effect, and the KD proc, while amusing, does not really excite me.
  10. My volcano-themed SS/Fire Brute has it slotted on his Foot Stomp. I have yet to see it proc en masse, but I imagine it will be an epic display.
  11. As the title says, about halfway through Time Gladiator my game starts chugging along at like one frame per second. Pretty much unplayable from there until it clears. There is no particular time where it starts or ends, and during Casino Heist everything runs 100% fine. Altering settings does nothing to prevent or fix the issue.

    Never had other problems running anything else in this game, save for the usual MS raid lag, and even then it's not as bad as this. Really wish Paragon Studios would stop expecting people to upgrade their computer every few months to handle their new content.
  12. I would happily spend Paragon Points to get them if Paragon Studios would give me a way to get points without a credit card and without giving vital financial information out on the internet. Some sort of point card, perhaps. You know, like every other micro-transaction based game ever to exist has done.

    Paragon Studios needs to stop applying old-word sales strategies to new-world business models, get with the times, and offer some way for us to get points with cold hard cash.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    And you'd be horribly wrong. Plenty of people play villain-side, and I don't just say this because I do. I play villain-side and I see enough people there daily to know it's not abandoned. People would care because old, hard-fought characters would cease to exist and concepts would cease to make sense if they were moved hero-side. There are, as a point of fact, a good number of people who only play villains.

    I get that you're exaggerating for the sake of an exaggerated point, I get that. But you can't just make these sorts of statements and expect people to not take issue.
    Let me tell you what the average day is like for me logging on to one of my vilains on the Virtue server. I stand there in whatever location I log into, swith to my dedicated LFG tab, and begin the hunt. After about twenty minutes of "LF DFB Blue" and "DFB Forming Blue" I resign to the usual solo grinding. I get bored after not too long because the XP-to-Team-Size ratio is insanely skewed towards teaming and check the LFG again. DFB blue, DFB blue, DFB effing blue. And before you ask, yes I have attempted to start teams. As it turns out, nobody gives a rat's rectum about mid-level paper missions anymore because they're all doing DFB BLUE!

    It wasn't like this a few years ago. We had a huge villain population. Yeah, there's some people left but it's not enough. Not compared to the staggering amount of active hero players. I don't know what it's like on other servers but Virtue is so skewed towards heroes nowadays that the Rogue Isles just feel empty. I used to see people running around doing stuff, AFKing at the market, hosting CCs, forming SFs...None of that anymore, not since Going Rogue allowed them to take their favorite archetypes to the other side.
  14. I wouldn't know. Nobody's doing it. This is a new record for apathy to set in, less than 24 hours and already nobody cares about it.
  15. Sadly, I work nights and can only play on off hours when nobody's on. And when I finally have time this weekend, everyone will have run it enough and global apathy will set in like it does with every event/new trial...
  16. Going Rogue, and everything that came with it and everything that has come hence, has been one massive mistake.

    The biggest issue that has been pissing me off lately is the Alignment system. At first, I thought it was a good idea. Then I took the time to think about it and came across the one, game-ruining flaw that the devs were either oblivious too or couldn't be bothered to address:

    There is no reason to play a villain.

    Paragon City is a nicer looking place. Heroes get access to more content. Hero storylines make you feel heroic, whereas villain storylines make you feel like a chump. The Hero population has always been larger due to being the older game. All of this makes playing a hero the obvious choice. What reason is there to play a villain? Personal character lore, something that fewer and fewer people give a rip about these days. ANd frankly, before CoV was added people were already playing "villains". We've come full circle, and now we're back to pre-CoV. I feel like a friggin' squatter, one of the few stubborn a-holes left who refuse to give up on the red side, despite how ridiculously unenjoyable it is when there's nobody to team with. It's infuriating beyond words how far my favorite game has fallen into ruin.

    The Rogue Isles could be deleted from the game tomorrow and I honest to God don't think most of the players would notice, and those that did would most certainly not give a ****.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
    Cool story.

    /e kidneypunch
  18. Taunt is using the wrong sound effect while my character is holding her shield. Instead of the usual Taunt sound, it instead plays the "/e tarzan" scream. Without the shield active, the sound effect is correct. I suspect this is directly linked to the "holding shield" model having different animations. I also suspect the issue is the same for other secondaries, as well as /Shield Brutes.

    Is this known, something new, or is anyone else noticing this?
  19. It's the laugh. That giddy, psychotic, blood-chilling laugh. Of all the people to portray the Joker through history, Mark Hamill has been the only one to truly nail the laugh, and really what else could be more vital to the character?
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Azuwezia View Post
    We are (for the most part) super powered individuals, we should be able to pick up these guys and use whether travel power we want to get them to where they need to be (though whether or not you have their lunch on the back of your costume at the end is an issue....). I figured it could work like a temp power that pops up in that new temp power tray when you are near an NPC escort this could work with: toggle on to carry, toggle off to put down. Of course, carrying someone is likely to weigh you down, so travel speed may be slowed (maybe, not sure about this).
    Just to say, there's a group of perfectly human dudes who do this on a regular basis. They're called firemen. In short: I can totally believe that even the most annoyingly mundane of player-characters can heft another human body over their shoulder if necessary.

    Granted, you wouldn't be able to use this on all escorts: just the non-superpowered/non-fighting ones. For instance...though she doesn't attack, I seriously doubt Ghost Widow in a certain Vigilante morality mission (The End Justifies the Means) would allow you carry her (in fact, I think she would likely kill you for it...then again...how could you carry a ghost to start with?). Certain other NPCs that would fit this wouldn't work either, like Coyote in the Night Ward arcs. So, admittedly this option would be limited in application, but could be used to some flavor to certain escort missions.
    The game already has an unwritten distiction between "Supers" and "Civillians". You might notice that regardless of whether or not they are capable of fighting at the time, most superpowered NPCs can see you (better) through stealth and have much better following ability/speed. They're overall much easier to escort than "Civillain" type NPCs, who get losw easily, are slow, and are the cause of so much rage.

    The other problem with it is that obviously you wouldn't really be able to fight while carrying someone, so you'd have to put the person down again (or you can just run by the mobs if that's an option). In team situations this wouldn't be as bad, since you'll have your teammates to protect you (provided they are not jerks of course). Of course, some arcs you don't have to worry about fighting anyone (Such as the one mission in Bad People, Good Intentions, where you have to lead the guy out of a burning building.), but there's very few of those (I think the one I linked may be the only one like it, actually).
    While we're on the subject of the (extremely awesome) temp power system, how about just adding a small attack while carrying? Call it "Fend Off", a sort of boot-to-the-chest attack that knocks the target down, just enough to keep a troublesome enemy at bay while you carry your NPC to safety.

    Now, there are three possible of issues I can think off right off. One, is that pure Heroes naturally wouldn't be as likely to cart civilians around like a sack of flour, unless said civilian is hurt or otherwise incapacitated. Vigilantes I don’t see having as much of a problem with it (“I don’t care about your dignity! I am getting you out of here right now!”). Villains/Rogues, definitely wouldn't bat an eye at it: heck if you are kidnapping someone, why wouldn’t you sling them over your shoulder?
    Honestly, I think that's a little too nit-picky, and anyone who complains I would write off as being too whiny. We're talking about a major QoL change right here, complaining would just be sad.

    The other is possible griefing potential in team situations (like some jerk picking up the NPC and deliberately ‘not’ running for the exit). Restrict the option to leader only perhaps?
    Nothing stops people from AFKing with an NPC linked to them now, and people don't do it because it would get them kicked in a heartbeat. They'd just need to make sure that a teammate who gets kicked will drop the NPC automatically.

    Teleporting. It don’t work on friendly NPCs no matter what type they are, currently. Unless there was some way to code it so that the NPC was considered a ‘part’ of the teleporting PC while carrying. Other than that, I don’t know.
    Teleportation should work on NPCs already. This has aggravated me for years. If nothing else, this should be changed. Every other mobile entity, protection/resistance notwithstanding, can be teleported via Teleport Foe or Recall Friend. I never understood why they couldn't make NPCs viable targets.
  21. Personally, I've never understood why Hellions never get fire demons in their ranks, or at least Damned who have become physically corrupted by their continued use of demonic powers. The addition of the Girlfriends from Hell was nice, though.

    With the addition of Beast Mastery, some Carny Lion Tamers would be nice, and would help break up the currently very annoying two boss types. Splice it a bit with Demon Summoning to give them fiery whips for extra awesome.

    Also. Goldbrickers. King Midas. I want to fight him. That is all.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    I think what he meant by that was, if heroes did something bad for once maybe now they get how villains feel doing good all the time. Doesn't fit the character, breaks immersion and enjoyment.
    That is exactly what I meant. I'm one of those people who loves to get into the a truly evil role. Every time I get the opportunity to make the citizens of Paragon City flee in abject terror for their pitiful, virtual lives, it pleases me. My characters are thieves, murderers, and megalomaniacs, just like any good comic book bad guy.

    So why. Why on God's green earth am I putting so much effort into not only saving my world but saving someone else's. Praetoria can burn for all I care, Tyrant and Hamidon can settle their own issues over who gets it because I sure as hell don't want it. I an only justify myself with the "Save the world so I can conquer it later" excuse so many times before I have to trade in my blackened cowl for a pristine white cape.

    And before anyone says it, and I know you will, "You don't have to do Incarnate content!" Bull***t. First off, what self-respecting villain is going to pass up more power? Secondly, yes I do. At least for now, because there is no other option to get Hybrid. I admit, DA is thus far proving to be at least better. I still got to remove a pair of old thorns in my side (Kadabra Kill and Sigil), and I don't know where the story will take me from here but at least it's better.

    Of course this is all reminding me of how poorly Shadow Shard was handled. Why do Heroes get exclusive access to it? It would have been the perfect way to introduce a non-cooperative zone, with Heroes and Villains working towards two seperate but similar goals: Heroes to take down Rulaaru for the good of mankind, Villains to harness his power for themselves. You know, like Darrin Wade finally did. I still haven't done the Villain version of SSA1, so I don't know how it goes, but if the Hero version is any indication I'm guessing it's saving the world...Because Recluse said so.

    Long story short: Co-op is infuriating because it ignores the villain side of the equation and shoehorns us into a heroic role. I take some small satisfaction in seeing someone complain about how co-op is being unfair to heroes. Even if it doesn't solve the problem, I'm still an a**hole.
  23. Oh no, something we did might be slightly un-heroic. I'll just have to console myself by robbing banks and rearranging the organs of PPD officers.

    Maybe now you know what it's felt like for villains all these years playing "co-op" content that was obviously written for heroes.