It all just seems so...Pointless
You were renting an MMO game. All of them close eventually.
Advantage: Aku.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
I'm in the same boat... i was planning on coming back soon as i got my school money and pruchesing pretty much everything.. now i cant even do that if i still wanted too
How is he a jerk? All these games come to end and, but it is sad that this one was quick and very abrupt. What you can take away from this is knowing you spent 5 years playing a good game with good people.
Not tthe thing to say right now.
Types of Swords
My Portfolio
Remember - you're not building these characters in a game, you're building them in your head. And no one can take those away from you.
I'm on the opposite train of thought as the OP. I intend to get the most out of these last few months of the game as possible.
Blueside: Knight'Hawk, lvl 50, Scrapper
Yellowside: Dark'Falcon (Loyalist), lvl 20, Blaster
That Stinging Sensation #482183
I'm with 2HB.
I thought about this when I came back, actually, a few months ago. If I really wanted to sink the time and money into a game when I knew that, sequel or shutdown, everything I worked for would be gone, every penny spent with nothing to show for it -- in what I thought at the time would be a couple of years, but still.
I came back, obviously. I... can't easily articulate exactly why. I guess the best I can do is just... here, take a look :
...It's never gone. Dim. Washed in regret or melancholy or nostalgia. But not gone.
I have no roots here, not like other people do. I've never really been close with other players; a few, here and there, for one period of time or another. I haven't met any lovers through this game, like others have... or even really been a part of a group in a long time. Although I... I did really want to get back into doing weekly TFs with a regular group, and I don't think that's going to happen now. But there is still something about the memories I've made I will never, ever lose.
And I plan on taking a ton of screenshots.

As long as you have great memories of the fun you had, it should never be referred to as pointless.
As long as you have great memories of the fun you had, it should never be referred to as pointless.
I agree with this. I don't regret a single dime I spent (and I spent quite a few dimes.) I don't regret saving up villain merits for a month to buy my first Gladiator's Armor unique, and I don't regret all the time I spent earning over 20 billion influence for single builds.
I don't regret doing so many Incarnate trials that I got at least 2 t4's in every slot on my main, including a t4 version of every single Destiny.
I don't regret getting every single Field Crafter badge in a single day.
I don't regret all the build revisions I went through, all the hours upon hours I spent min/maxing my characters.
I don't regret the great friends I made, or all the time I spent playing with them. That includes all the time I spent doing TF's I would rather not be doing, just because I got to spend that time with good buddies playing a game we all loved.
I don't regret anything because I had fun doing it. I made new friends and connected with them. I made new characters and connected with them. I spent more time than I can quantify on both.
I love this game. I love my characters. I'm glad that I put the time, work, and effort into everything COH-related that I did. I will never regret a single second of it, and I will never consider ANY of it pointless. Except for any time I spent reading Golden Girl posts.
Because he came off as saying "Get over it."
Not tthe thing to say right now. |
These are games, fictions on a screen. They have no weight, except for those whose livelihoods were made by them. For them, I can understand a sense of mourning. For the rest - be aggrieved, be disappointed, but but do not dwell on the end of what was just a pleasant distraction. Fill your lives with other things. This is how reality works.
If you enjoyed your time in this strange world of heroes, then you have lost nothing that you ever truly possessed.
All I regret is that there was so much left to do. A year is not enough for a game like this.
I definitely regret all the grinding now.
All I regret is that there was so much left to do. A year is not enough for a game like this.
But I will never consider it pointless. Never wasted.
50s: Yumi Eryuha-Arch/Energy, Mirria-Thugs/Dark, Meyami Kitsuna-Claws/SR, Celesta Seusen-SS/Invuln, Lady Mirriella-Illusion/Empathy
Arc 503982 "Dimension Xi Epsilon 22-10" Part one of a multi-part arc.
In some ways I regret investing myself creatively in this game as much as I did - because letting go and trying to find a new creative outlet is damn hard. Maybe we shouldn't have invested ourselves in something we had no personal control over (such as a for-profit biz like this) and instead have aimed for something we would owned lock stock and cape, such as a painting or a work of fiction.
Then again it was nearly 100% all the way up till now, so why regret? But perhaps we should aim to make 'better choices' in the future (I still have trouble seeing this as a bad one).
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."
- Gandalf.
I've been away at LOTRO recently, so that quote came to mind. For myself, there's still too much I haven't seen (especially blueside, gah) so I've rolled a couple of new characters for final levelling trips. Other games can wait.
Nightshade Legree, formerly a thugs/poison MM and my first 50, I've rerolled, as I always wanted to, as a Dual Pistols/Poison Corr. I'll be spending time blueside as well, but when the lights go out I want to finish on redside, with a new 50, and the knowledge that I've seen and done as much as I can... in the time that is given to me.
Five years.
Five freaking years of my life.
I didn't dedicate every fiber of my being to this game. I do have a life beyond CoX. But this game, this community, my characters, they MEAN something to me. I always knew somewhere in the back of my mind that this day would come, but so soon? This game has been such a huge part of my life that I literally feel like someone just died.
Unfortunately, I can't say I didn't see the writing on the wall. I am the one who, for the past few months, has been saying the game is dying after all. But I never wanted to believe it.
Capt. Stormrider, Emerald Dervish, Dr. December, Dollmaster, Max Violence, and the many other creations of mine who will cease to exist on November 30th...I don't care if you think I'm insane for having an emotional bond with a fictional mass of polygons, these characters are a part of me. And I just can't believe I have to just sit by and watch it all disappear.
I don't think I can bring myself to do anything else with this game. I'll probably take screenshots of my characters. Anything else just feels pointless. Five years, and then nothing. Yeah. I'm a little upset.
The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)
Virtue Forever.