Pet Peeves 2.0!



Posted <-- Old Thread.

The simple thing of this topic is that you share your pet peeves, explain them if they need to, and the likes.

The simple rule is this:

Do not attack others for their peeves, as I will gladly report this thread if we get out of control.

My pet peeves!

* Overused things.

This one is vast because if its overused/overdone, I tend to get peeved. Demons, catgirls, and more. It gets even worse when they do it in a manner that kinda sours the theme/role.

* Dark, brooding characters that believe the world wants them dead and have gone through every possible traumatic event one could come up with.

Self explanatory, right?

* Lore manipulators

Seriously, there is no need to PANCAKE with CoH's lore. There is a lot of room for creativity. Mako did not have a daughter with your character. :| Also, to note: I have not seen this in some time.

* OOC = IC folks.

Little bit of a clarification: By this I do mean those who drag IC into OOC and it usually is a spat. Folks really need to learn their seperation.



My pet peeves are people with pet peeves!



Originally Posted by OldZenMaster View Post
My pet peeves are people with pet peeves!
Hah-hah. Touche.



Hrm. I suppose it's a pet peeve.

I don't much care for the people that simply run in circles around the dance floor in Pocket D. I mean, it's their dime and all...but it's mighty distracting to have a character zoom by -just- inside my camera angle and distance every three to five seconds.



Originally Posted by OldZenMaster View Post
My pet peeves are people with pet peeves!
Thank you! You grabbed the first reply with that just as I did the first thread, lol!
Yay! Seriously... pet peeves are not to be celebrated!

All that said... carry on!!

Oh, also... I felt like most of the peeves listed in the previous threads were more so examples of obviously bad forms of interacting and role-playing. Some, not so much, of course, but most that everyone agreed upon were just common courtesy and sense.
Sort of like listing "People that beat strangers with a baseball bat" as a pet peeve, haha!

Okay,I said my piece... carry on!!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Overly violent people. For example I was in the D the other day and a char I had interacted with once for a very short time many moons ago walks up to me we start talking then he emotes that he is dragging a sack with a guy in it full of jagged metal shavings or something and that he's torturing him... It got to the point where I just stopped paying attention to him and talked to some other people and he then wandered off. I mean people aren't even allowed to hit each other in the D I'm pretty sure ole DJ Zero wouldn't be keen on people dragging around sacks with people in them torturing the heck out of them enough to make the gimp in pulp fiction blush. To make it worse the character with the guy in a bag was a child.

@pax parabellum



People who do bestiality ERP on underage characters.

That's a big peeve of mine.

Really, any sort of ERP on underage characters. That particular brand just came to mind, because I've seen a lot of shopping for it lately.

Love me or hate me, it's still an obsession.



I saw this earlier today:

People who insist on being in-character in Help chat. Help! That's not an RP forum, folks. That's where you need to be straightforward and clear.

FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.



People who insist on trying to shove their opinion down everyone throats, and then absolutely refuse even the possibility that they could be wrong.

"The part of me that is leaving... is going to miss the part of me that is staying..."



Originally Posted by SinisterDirge View Post

Actually, I don't care. Just found it amusing.
So do I

Shows me how incompetent a person is, before I get to know them

So I don't have to get to know them



I'd have to say my pet peeve is the people who immediately tell you you're doing it wrong in an in character conversation.

e.g. you're talking to someone in character and they emote:

/e looks nervously at the woman's hands because they're on fire!

Yeah, I had Hasten activated. I get it.

I've similarly had people complain about my use of emotes in IC speech, which I'd defend since I'm manipulating a character with an immobile face using intonation-free text chat.

I understand fully that we all have different preferences, but saying something like this as a first line of dialog when someone talks to you gives a really bad impression.



people who roleplay immortals and dont know much about history

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



Originally Posted by Cien_Fuegos View Post
people who roleplay immortals and dont know much about history
I've actually seen that happen.
Maybe they are so old they tend to forget?



but they dont say that..if immortal you lived tru it you at least know some things

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



Kinda odd how so many of these peeves are to do with there's a wrong or right way...

For me..lowbies joining high level teams and flat out insisting they are contributing..with their 3 attacks at lvl 8 and no power slots. As they die in seconds to any incoming fire. I still can't decide if them joining the team if the first place makes them as idiotic as actually saying they are helping.



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
Kinda odd how so many of these peeves are to do with there's a wrong or right way...
Considering this is kinda-sorta a roleplaying server, it makes sense that most of the pet peeves are roleplaying related.



Also, the original thread was about Role Playing pet peeves.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




Brooding characters and anthropomorphs are a pretty big part of the superhero/comic genre. I don't mind them at all.

Oh this was meant to be about not liking things? I don't like that you don't like it!



Also also, that's what "pet peeves" are... they're not about whether something is "right" or "wrong" necessarily, they're about what's annoying to you personally.

FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.



Virtue is a great server with so many wonderful players. But i have met a few controlling and manipulative players during roleplay and that is my biggest pet peeve.

respect your fellow players is my motto...until they harass me then i ignore them!

Ex Sorceress, Ice/Storm controller, Story on RP forum
Commie Cat, claw/SR, virtue
Widow Makers, Archery/Energy, Virtue'l story (now Dark Widow)
Dark Widow, Magic MM, Virtue'l story to come.



Personally, and I know I'm in the minority here, I find detailed bios incredibly pet-peevey. I shouldn't know your whole history or what you are about when meeting your toon. Within that, I can't stand 20 questions when being met or meeting other toons. I like to genuinely get to know a character and discover facts or lies about a character. It helps eliminate godmoding in my experience. Xan gives me hell about this ALL the time that I don't research a character I RP with. :P my approach helps me with immersion. It is why I keep Karnal Sin's description an actual DESCRIPTION and if people are curious they can visit my VirtueVerse page which I link but don't paraphrase in my "bio".

Click for Deviant Art Site - Commission List: OPEN



I enjoy recreating my favorite characters in-game, but it really irks me to see people that play as them. There are a number of players who seem to exclusively play as non-original characters. I brought it up to one person who acted like a real jerk about it, and cycled through all of his slots, each of which was a different non-original character. He went on to argue that he has plenty of other, original, characters. I've been playing for months and I've never seen him playing as an original character.

This is a sister-peeve of my first one. You've got a green brute that was borne of gamma radiation? Wow, really original, man. Oh look, a hardened, no-nonsense guy with claws and regeneration. Very nice. How's "Captain Patriot" working out for you? Liking your star shield? Ugh. This game gives you so much opportunity to create! Why aren't you challenging yourselves?!

Michael Jackson dance:
Weird, I know, but it genuinely annoys me to see characters using this dance emote. It's an unnatural looking dance, and it especially doesn't mesh with any character themes. Even worse is when a large group of people are doing it in unison. I'm fine with almost every other dance, but this one looks robotic and ugly, yet it's the most popular. I'm so sick of seeing it.

Summoning around Ms. Liberty:
When you're hanging out around Ms. Liberty, there is no reason for you to be summoning your stupid, ugly, demons or robots. I'm trying to focus on a costume change, or slotting, or a new power, and their snorting, roaring, etc. is so obnoxious! Have some courtesy!

Non-super heroes:
I know there are super heroes that don't wear tights, and I'm fine with that. The thing is though, seeing traditional super heroes is rare in this game. You just see tons of street clothes, demons, angels, furries, etc. It's so refreshing to see characters with more traditional super hero concepts.

Water set just came out. Now every third person is a water character. This isn't a rational complaint since it's a new set, I'm sure they're eager to try it out. I just wish they would put a tiny amount of thought and effort into their water characters.

Large characters:
It's extremely rare to see a huge character that's well made. They're always freakishly proportioned (And not in a stylish way.) and generally ugly. You're better off not making them, or using restraint on that physique slider. I'd rather see a tank that looks more like a normal guy with the physique slider all the way up than a huge character with the physique even half way. It just looks bad. We can't have Hulk and Juggernaut looking characters in the game. The character models just don't allow for it. They're going to have teeny-tiny heads and hands no matter what. It just looks weird.



See, I tried to break the Cliche with my guy.

See, Professor Killswitch was a supervillain, Overlord Killswitch.

He was your typical, eccentric mad scientist who would set traps and monologue.

He gets put into an asylum and I decided...what if the therapy took?

So my guy took his pills, listened to the therapy. Granted he's still a scientist with a 240 IQ and an absent-mind, but he's now a hero, and he's not gloomy about it, yes he feels guilty for his past, but he always has an upbeat demeanor and tries his best to show people he's a hero now since his past was tarnished...

I hope my guy isn't a "pet peeve" <_<