Pet Peeves 2.0!




Woo-hoo! Time to join in on the bandwagon!

1) The 1023 character limit on bios. I've been a roleplayer and a GM since the early 1980s. Give me enough space to give this character justice.

2) Empty Bios. You've chosen to play City of Heroes, not Medal of Honor XXIV: Pvt.Benjamin Got Lost On the Way To The Latrine. Tell us something, unless you're embarrassed that you're playing Wolverine Clone #1067

3) Just Plain Bad Bios. You know the ones I mean: the ones that read like a Freakshow wannabe with ADD and hopped up on industrial stimulants wrote them. Generally, the players in this game should fall into two categories: those who have taken an English (or French, or German) class at some point, and those who are playing with adult supervision anyway. Slow down, and think about what you want to say.

4) Tailor Options In The Trainers. Sorry, still seems like a bad idea. Signature heroes and/or Arachnos personnel have better things to do than order 150 yards of taffeta for Troll Ballerina Dancer, and there are now perfectly good tailors in the starter zones. OK, not Nova Praetoria, but it a perfectly safe jog from the transit station to the tailor in Imperial City, if needed. This will also reduce the crowd of folks standing around Ms.Liberty in frozen immobility. People waiting for a DFB at least move a little.

5) Gratuitous Power Effects Left Running In Support Areas. I'm not complaining about Steamy Mist, or Hasten, or Dispersion Bubble. I'm looking at Footstomp, Psychic Wail, and well, Demons. Please, Demon Summoners, copy and paste into the game this one line:

/macro SIT! "petsay_all <em sit>"

Blessed silence. Thank you.



i have 5 new pet peeves too!

PET PEEVE ONE- catgirls never liked them doesnt turn me on

PET PEEVE TWO- puking guy in pocket D. I ask why??????

PET PEEVE THREE- people who put flaming shields and ice shields on everybody

PET PEEVE FOUR- Rpers who break character to yell at you to stop bugging them

PET PEEVE FIVE- Rps who play girl toons and are guys.....

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



This peeve isn't so much RP, but I suppose it could stretch to it.

Ever since the advent of World of Warcraft, elven ears have gone from looking more like Spock ears to....well....part of a corn husk attached to the side of the head.
I really don't like the "big, stretched ear" look now associated with elves.

Also: spelling and punctuation are a big thing for me. It irritates me to no end to see people not capitalizing, punctuating and just outright misspelling -very simple words-. I can understand typos can usually tell those from misspellings. I'm quite sure this peeve has come up before, and is shared by at least some people that play the game.



Originally Posted by Cien_Fuegos View Post
PET PEEVE FIVE- Rps who play girl toons and are guys.....
Almost as bad as people without super powers playing as super heroes. Am I right?



Originally Posted by TheSlyder View Post
Almost as bad as people without super powers playing as super heroes. Am I right?

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



Originally Posted by Seschat View Post
Woo-hoo! Time to join in on the bandwagon!

1) The 1023 character limit on bios. I've been a roleplayer and a GM since the early 1980s. Give me enough space to give this character justice.
You know what doesn't have a limit

Virtueverse pages.



Originally Posted by mercykilling View Post
Also: spelling and punctuation are a big thing for me. It irritates me to no end to see people not capitalizing, punctuating and just outright misspelling -very simple words-. I can understand typos can usually tell those from misspellings.
I also have a [small] pet peeve about people who can't spell, punctuate, etcetera, but my BIG peeve is with the obsessive-compulsive people who insist on breaking up the flow of conversation/RP/whatever by "fixing" their easily understood typos.

OCD Man: Guy! Long time no see -- how are yuo?
OCD Man: ((*you))
Laid-back Hero: Hey there -- pretty good! How about yourself?
OCD Man: God to hear it!
OCD Man: ((*Good))
<long pause, forced repeat since SOMEONE missed the question>
Laid-back Hero: How've you been? Bustin' up crooks as usual?
OCD Man: Im good, thanks, and yeah! I've been busy in Dak Astoria lately.
OCD Man: ((*I'm))
OCD Man: ((*Dark))
Laid-back Hero: I was going to say something else, but this is just too painful, even for a granite tanker.

Seriously. We get it. You can in fact spell, and are inordinately proud of it, even if you (apparently) can't type to save your life! Good for you! But STOP WITH THE EXCESSIVE PARENTHETICAL FIXES IF THE AVERAGE EIGHT YEAR OLD KID CAN FIGURE OUT WHAT YOU MEANT!

If your cat runs across your keyboard, or if you have some sort of seizure resulting in a string of vowel-less words that appear to be in Welsh, yes, please fix it. On the other hand, most of us can pretty much figure out what you mean by "teh" -- especially if your character's not prone to l33t-speak or irony.

(I think I've ranted about this before, but the many of the worst offenders obviously missed it. Thus, "Rant: Part II." )

Edit: I forgot to mention the people who try to fix their typos AND JUST MAKE IT WORSE!

OCD Man: Im good, thanks, and yeah! I've been busy in Dak Astoria lately.
OCD Man: ((*I'mn)
OCD Man: ((*In)
OCD MAN: ((GAH!!!!!!!!!!))
OCD Man: ((*I'm))
OCD Man: <proceeds to misspell "Dark" eleventeen times with varying results>

/e headdesk

"But it wasn't anything some purples and oranges and lots of screaming in fear couldn't handle." -- Werner

30 level 50's: 12 scrappers, 7 other random melee types, 11 blaster/blapper/support squishies, two accounts, and a TON of altitis since 4/28/04



Originally Posted by SinisterDirge View Post

Actually, I don't care. Just found it amusing.
Hilarious! And not surprising!



Originally Posted by Steel_Vengence View Post
Overly violent people. For example I was in the D the other day and a char I had interacted with once for a very short time many moons ago walks up to me we start talking then he emotes that he is dragging a sack with a guy in it full of jagged metal shavings or something and that he's torturing him... It got to the point where I just stopped paying attention to him and talked to some other people and he then wandered off. I mean people aren't even allowed to hit each other in the D I'm pretty sure ole DJ Zero wouldn't be keen on people dragging around sacks with people in them torturing the heck out of them enough to make the gimp in pulp fiction blush. To make it worse the character with the guy in a bag was a child.
I know who you are talking about, and I avoid them at all cost on all characters. They're violent to the point of distraction, and I've roleplayed graphic interrogation torture before.

as for my pet peeves? I've posted in the last thread but they are still mostly the same.

People that roleplay certain concepts or genders but can't actually pull it off.

Male or female pilots playing a different gender that in itself? Doesn't bother me at all..but like the guy that plays as a woman but freaks out OOC if a Male Character makes a pass at them.Yes I can plainly see you are a male player, you put it in your bio..but guess what? It's roleplaying and my character can't know things like that.



People that ignore your RP because they do not know you. New Blood is good cliques are bad.

Godmoding. No your soccer ball does not auto hit my head. No you can not kill that poor girl's dog, how ever you can attempt or try!

People that worry to much about ERP and feel the need to express it at every opportunity.

People that worry to much what someone is..Catgirls, Futa, Obama Clones or even vampire futa demon catgirl cyborg Obama clone ( though granted the last even pushes my considerable tolerances!)

Spell/grammar Nazis. Look i get it, but accept that good RPers could also be dyslexic, handicapped, etc

I could go on but bottom line is my Pet peeve is.. people that refuse to show any kind of empathy for others.

Except this one, Tiny characters maybe it is some kind of CoH tradition I am unaware of but what is with all the tiny characters! I am female, my Characters are all female and range from 5'2 to 5'9 and some folks just make me feel GIANT!



I hate peeps that tell I shood learn to spell English,
Tha "english" spelling is lost via tha abbreviation of most words.

...formin a sLam trial pst fo inv...

Soo formin suppose to have a g, what tha hell is a sLam, what does pst, fo has a r at tha end, inv is not invincible...stupid waste of time tells.

Spellin don't need to be exact all tha time.. And those tells that come thru tellin me I need to learn English cause they cant work out what's typed... Obviously they ain't that bright to be tellin peeps how to spell when they can't read



I take back my Number five....



Originally Posted by Eldorado View Post
I also have a [small] pet peeve about people who can't spell, punctuate, etcetera, but my BIG peeve is with the obsessive-compulsive people who insist on breaking up the flow of conversation/RP/whatever by "fixing" their easily understood typos.
I'll admit that I often do that one. However, that's part of how I get to be better, by making myself correct things when I spot my mistakes. I am sorry if it annoys some people, but correcting the mistake now makes it less likely that I'll repeat that mistake the next time.

It doesn't bother me too much when other people make the occasional mistake, but it bugs me when I do.

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn



Originally Posted by Alpha-Six View Post
I take back my Number five....
Just for that i am making all my characters under 5 ft and walking past you all month =)

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



Originally Posted by Rabid_M View Post
Originally Posted by Eldorado View Post
I also have a [small] pet peeve about people who can't spell, punctuate, etcetera, but my BIG peeve is with the obsessive-compulsive people who insist on breaking up the flow of conversation/RP/whatever by "fixing" their easily understood typos.
I'll admit that I often do that one. However, that's part of how I get to be better, by making myself correct things when I spot my mistakes. I am sorry if it annoys some people, but correcting the mistake now makes it less likely that I'll repeat that mistake the next time.

It doesn't bother me too much when other people make the occasional mistake, but it bugs me when I do.
First off, don't be so hard on yourself -- that just leads to high blood pressure and other problems down the road. Assuming we're talking about typos (not misspellings) EVERYBODY makes typos by accident! Some just make more than others, and some catch them before hitting "enter."

Second, re. "how I get to be better, by making myself correct things when I spot my mistakes" -- if you're trying to teach yourself [and your errant fingers] to spell the word right, that's fine and admirable. If you're trying to teach your errant fingers to not accidentally twitch a couple millimeters left or right by "muscle memory," though, maybe you could try it in a different channel? Or try something like Mavis Beacon et al and save yourself the monthly fee. We didn't [don't?] have to listen to your singing, musical instrument and/or foreign language lessons, so why subject us to your typing lessons?

"But it wasn't anything some purples and oranges and lots of screaming in fear couldn't handle." -- Werner

30 level 50's: 12 scrappers, 7 other random melee types, 11 blaster/blapper/support squishies, two accounts, and a TON of altitis since 4/28/04



I consider myself fairly easygoing, but there's one pet peeve that graves on my nerves when I see it:

Using characters as strawmen to insult political or religious views. I can appreciate roleplaying a character that has specific beliefs - That's part of the character and not used with some message in mind. But when a character is created to satirize someone else's beliefs it crosses the line into activism, and that's just uncomfortable to be around. If you want to make a difference in something that you see as wrong in the world, go rally your local political office and channel that energy into real change - Please don't subject those of us in the game to political warfare.

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




I've also considered myself to be pretty easygoing as far as roleplaying goes, but there's one thing that bothers me to no end:

People who use canon characters as a huge part of their background. You are not Lord Recluse's secret lover. You're not Statesman's long-lost daughter. I could honestly go on and on with this. If every Sue and Mary that claimed to be one of these guys was true, there'd be a lot of tabloid scandals and giant family trees that nobody wants to catalog.

Aside from that, there's also the usual godmodding and powerplaying, but I think most of us have those on our lists.

And going slightly off-topic, I admit that I'm one of those obsessive people who corrects their own typos... often a bit too much. T///T I'll try to tone that down unless somehow I manage to type a word that totally changes the meaning of the sentence or something. (For instance, I was RPing with one of my friends last night, and he accidentally typed "water" instead of "waiter." It was quite funny. xD)



Paladin and Alicia both pretty much covered mine. I also consider myself a relaxed and easy going person ( lol three in a row ), But besides that I would say being a grammar nazi...there might be more but thats all i can think of



People who don't capitalize their character names. Especially those "adjectiveNoun" names that have been going around. What's up with those?



Originally Posted by Zandock View Post
People who don't capitalize their character names. Especially those "adjectiveNoun" names that have been going around. What's up with those?
But especially the really good names that are all messed up. Hey look, it's the guy that got sUPerMeGaaWesomE mAn!

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




Originally Posted by Alicia Jewel View Post
People who use canon characters as a huge part of their background. You are not Lord Recluse's secret lover. You're not Statesman's long-lost daughter. I could honestly go on and on with this. If every Sue and Mary that claimed to be one of these guys was true, there'd be a lot of tabloid scandals and giant family trees that nobody wants to catalog.
I used GMs/canon characters as part of Karnal Sin's background (not origin) and story, but that's because I actually RPed with them in game were legit parts of my story. BOOYA! :P *tips hat to now gone Ghost Widow + Co.*

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Originally Posted by Zandock View Post
People who don't capitalize their character names. Especially those "adjectiveNoun" names that have been going around. What's up with those?
A lot of the ones I've seen are part of some "Homestuck" inspired group but I could be wrong. One of my global friends does have a few of them, though.



Superpowered tits. I admit, I'm a guy and I have a few female characters. They might have one risque outfit each, and everything else is stylish but tame. On none of said characters do I have the boob slider cranked to the maximum. The bigger the bust, the more I'm envisioning a big hairy dude playing the character. I don't even mind the huge knockers, to be honest, but when your character looks like an amazon smuggling watermelons with some fishing line and two postage stamps, it screams "I'm a man, and a gross one at that".

Anime Characters. Again, kind of a hypocrite as I am a massive anime geek, but that just makes this worse for me. I don't mind anime-inspired characters. Hell, I have a Kamen Rider, which is more or less the same. But for the love of God learn to name them. It's okay to have a superhero name and still be anime styled. Just please, please, PLEASE don't go to the nearest Japanese-English dictionary and rip something out of there. Rules of thumb: Go to a baby naming site and look up Japanese names, there's plenty of common names with meanings behind them. Then try looking up surnames for Japanese history, many of them are still in use today so it's actually not uncommon to see a Date or Tachibana or something like that. If all else fails, you can use the dictionary for asurname if you know what your doing. Add -no to the end of a word to make your name "X of Y", example Mamoru Hoshino roughly means "Protector of the Stars". A good name for a Kheldian. The lameness of Japanese character names in CoH is physically painful to me, please put some effort into it.

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.